Jetbrains toolbox remove linux


jetbrains-toolbox Install, Update and Remove Guide on Arch Linux (Manjaro/RebornOS)

According to jetbrains-toolbox ‘s profile, it’s «Manage all your JetBrains Projects and Tools». To get this package ( jetbrains-toolbox ) from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux, Manjaro, EndeavourOS, Anarchy, Artix and RebornOS is rather simple. This tutorial will be covering how to install/update/remove the package with either the default package manager pacman or an AUR helper like yay .

Table of Contents

Two common methods are used to install jetbrains-toolbox from AUR. pacman is the choice for you if you’re an experienced Linux user and have the knowledge of how packages are built. Otherwise, yay is an acceptable alternative to install packages without the hassle of reviewing PKGBUILD and build packages with makepkg yourself.

Install with pacman (Default Package Manager) link

sudo pacman -S --needed git && git clone && cd jetbrains-toolbox && makepkg -si
  1. Install git if needed (not installed before).
  2. clone the package’s git repository from upstream URL.
  3. cd into the directory of the repository.
  4. Use makepkg to build the package. Also, it will automatically be installed with pacman afterwards.
yay -S jetbrains-toolbox

Updating AUR packages is pretty much the same as installing them. All you have to do is pull it from AUR then re-build it. Nonetheless, it is still a good practice to upgrade your whole system first with sudo pacman -Syu before updating any packages to avoid dependency issues, since Arch is a rolling-release Linux distro.

Update with pacman (Default Package Manager) link

git pull && makepkg -si
  1. pull from the package’s git repository.
  2. Build the package with makepkg , then update it with pacman .

Compared to installing and updating packages, removing is the most uncomplicated of these three,just choose whether to keep the dependencies that no longer required by other packages and the configuration files used by the package.

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Uninstall with pacman (Default Package Manager) link

sudo pacman -R jetbrains-toolbox
sudo pacman -Rs jetbrains-toolbox
sudo pacman -Rns jetbrains-toolbox
yay -R jetbrains-toolbox
yay -Rs jetbrains-toolbox
yay -Rns jetbrains-toolbox

Learn more details about how to install AUR packages on Arch Linux, please refer to Two Ways to Install Packages from AUR written by NoCache.

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«A stream server that does most of what people really want from a social network» is the maintainer’s profile of To install from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux and Arch-based Linux distributions (e.g. Manjaro, EndeavourOS, ArcoLinux, Artix) is comparatively easy. This guide will show you step-by-step how to install, update and uninstall the package with either the default package manager pacman or an AUR helper like yay.

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How to Install JetBrains ToolBox in Ubuntu 22.04

JetBrains developed their own tool that allows installing and and continual updating for all their products. If something goes wrong, you can always roll back the product version. This tool is JetBrains Toolbox. It is free. Also it can manage your licenses. You can enter a license in the tool and it will automatically detect what products are supported.

In this article I will explain how to install JetBrains Toolbox in Ubuntu 22.04 and how to use it for installing JetBrains products.

Installing JetBrains Toolbox in Ubuntu 22.04

Step 1. Download Archive

First of all you should download an installer from the official site. Just open the page and click on the Download button:

Step 2. Extract Archive

The archive will appear in the ~/Downloads directory. You can extract its content using Nautilus, just click Extract Here in the contextual menu:

Or you can open the ~/Downloads directory in a command line and run the command below:

tar xvpzf ./jetbrains-toolbox-1.23.1849.tar.gz

Step 3. Run Installer

After this, you can run the installer executable in Nautilus or using this command:


That’s it. JetBrains Toolbox installed. Now you may want to configure it and install a few applications.

How to Use JetBrains Toolbox in Ubuntu

1. Configuration

Click on the hexagon at the top right corner and open the Settings item. You can change the theme, log in to your JetBrains account, and disable launch this application on system startup here.

If you want to save disk space, expand the Tools section and turn off Keep previous versions of tools to enable Instant rollback.

Also, you can change the tools installation path in the Tools install location field. All settings will be saved automatically.

2. Installing applications

If you want to install an application, find it in the applications list and click the Install button. For example Intellij IDEA Community Edition:

You should wait until the installation process is finished. Then you will able to run an application by clicking on the application itself:

You will also see other JetBrains tools that were installed in your system, but they don’t managed by Toolbox. All installed and managed applications will receive updates.

3. Install Older Version of Application

If you want to downgrade the application version, you can open the contextual menu for the application and click Other Versions:

Here you can find all available versions. Chose one of them and click Install:

Wait until installation finishes and run the application.

4. Remove application

If you want to delete an application, open the contextual menu on it and click on the Uninstall button:

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Then confirm uninstalling:

5. Manage Projects

JetBrains Toolbox has a list of projects from all installed tools. You can find them on the Projects tab. You can open any of them:

How to remove JetBrains ToolBox

If you want to remove JetBrains ToolBox from Ubuntu 22.04 you should run a few commands in the terminal. The tool does not have any uninstaller, so we should do it manually. First, quit the application. Click on the Toolbox icon in the system panel then click Quit Toolbox:

Then remove JetBrains ToolBox files using these commands:

rm ~/.config/autostart/jetbrains-toolbox.desktop rm ~/.local/share/applications/jetbrains-toolbox.desktop rm -Rf ~/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox

Also, you can delete the entire ~/.local/share/JetBrains directory if you want to delete all applications installed by the JetBrains Toolbox.

Wrapping Up

In this article I have explained how to install JetBrains Toolbox in Ubuntu 22.04 and how to use it. It is a very useful tool that allows you to install, update, and remove JetBrains tools.

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Uninstall IntelliJ IDEA

The proper way to remove IntelliJ IDEA depends on the method you used to install it.

Uninstall using the Toolbox App

If you installed IntelliJ IDEA using the Toolbox App, do the following:

Uninstall IntelliJ IDEA using the Toolbox App

  • Open the Toolbox App, click the settings icon for the necessary instance, and select Uninstall .

Uninstall a standalone instance

If you are running a standalone IntelliJ IDEA instance, the default IDE directories are preserved when you remove your instance in case you want to keep your settings for later or to use them with another instance, another version, or another IDE. You can remove those directories if you are sure you won’t need them.

  1. Open the Apps & Features section in the Windows Settings dialog, select the IntelliJ IDEA app and click Uninstall . Depending on your version of Windows, the procedure for uninstalling programs may be different. You can also manually run Uninstall.exe in the installation directory under /bin .
  2. Remove the following directories: Syntax %APPDATA%\JetBrains\%LOCALAPPDATA%\JetBrains\Example C:\Users\JohnS\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2023.1 C:\Users\JohnS\AppData\Local\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2023.1
  1. Delete the IntelliJ IDEA application in the Applications directory.
  2. Remove the following directories: Syntax ~/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/~/Library/Caches/JetBrains/Example ~/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2023.1 ~/Library/Caches/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2023.1
  1. Delete the installation directory.
  2. Remove the following directories: Syntax ~/.config/JetBrains/~/.cache/JetBrains/~/.local/share/JetBrains/Example ~/.config/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2023.1 ~/.cache/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2023.1 ~/.local/share/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2023.1

The default location of the IDE directories has changed starting from IntelliJ IDEA version 2020.1. If you had a previous version, new installations will import configuration from the old directories. For information about the location of the default directories in previous IDE versions, see the corresponding help version, for example:

Uninstall silently on Windows

You can run the uninstaller with the /S switch as an administrator. The uninstaller is located in the installation directory under bin .

Run cmd (Windows Command Prompt) as administrator, change to the IntelliJ IDEA installation directory, and run the following:

Uninstall the snap package on Linux

If you installed IntelliJ IDEA as a snap package, use the following command to remove it:


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