Как запустить gnome linux

Как запустить рабочий стол GNOME из командной строки в Debian

грамм НОМ, аббревиатура от Среда сетевой объектной модели GNU , представляет собой графический пользовательский интерфейс и набор настольных приложений для пользователей ОС Linux. Он направлен на то, чтобы сделать ОС Linux простой в использовании ОС для непрограммистов. С GNOME вы можете настроить интерфейс так, чтобы он выглядел как Windows или macOS. GNOME — это бесплатная и непатентованная среда рабочего стола для всех основных дистрибутивов Linux, включая Fedora Linux, Debian, Убунту , Enterprise Linux, Red Hat, SUSE и другие.

С другой стороны, псевдоним командной строки cmd, CLI, приглашение, консоль или Терминал относится к текстовому пользовательскому интерфейсу (UI), используемому для просмотра, управления, обработки, запуска программ и управления файлами компоновки при взаимодействии с компьютером. Это очень похоже на Windows Explorer или Finder в macOS, но без графического интерфейса.

ГНОМ стала самой эффективной, надежной и стабильной из всех доступных сред рабочего стола для Linux, сохранив при этом свои удобные для пользователя функции. GNOME начинался как бесплатная и открытая настольная альтернатива проприетарным опциям, таким как KDE в то время, и с тех пор он становится все сильнее.

В этой статье мы проведем вас через необходимые шаги для запуска рабочего стола GNOME из командной строки в Debian, в частности версия 11 «В яблочко». Итак, приступим.

Запуск среды рабочего стола GNOME из командной строки

Перед запуском убедитесь, что на вашем компьютере настроена среда рабочего стола GNOME. Если на вашем компьютере не установлена ​​среда рабочего стола, вы можете использовать следующую команду, чтобы настроить ее на своем устройстве:

судо задачи установить рабочий стол gnome-рабочий стол

установить среду рабочего стола gnome

Теперь, когда среда настроена, для ее запуска необходимо использовать команду Гном Диспетчер отображения (gdm), который помогает выполнить команду. По сравнению с обычным окном X по умолчанию xdm, gdm может напрямую настраивать параметры среды рабочего стола из графического представления, а xdm должен редактировать несколько параметров xdm.

Чтобы запустить среду рабочего стола Gnome или, скорее, закрыть ее, вы можете использовать следующую команду, и, кстати, она протестирована в среде Gnome 3:

Команда запуска:

запустить среду гнома

Команда остановки:

Чтобы остановить или остановить среду рабочего стола, выполните следующую команду:

sudo /etc/init.d/gdm3 остановить

остановить среду гнома

Команда перезапуска:

Чтобы перезагрузить среда рабочего стола , выполните следующую команду:

sudo /etc/init.d/gdm3 перезапустить

перезапустить среду гнома

Последние мысли

И вот как вы запускаете, останавливаете и перезапускаете Среда рабочего стола GNOME с помощью командной строки в Debian. Мы надеемся, что эта статья оказалась полезной. Продолжайте следить за FossLinux для получения дополнительных руководств.


How to start GNOME desktop from command line in Debian

gnome desktop application drawer

G NOME, an acronym for the GNU Network Object Model Environment, is a graphical user interface and set of computer desktop apps for Linux OS users. It is aimed at making Linux OS an easy-to-use OS for non-programmers. With GNOME, you can set the interface to look like Windows or macOS. GNOME is a free and non-proprietary desktop environment for all the major Linux distros, including Fedora Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, Enterprise Linux, Red Hat, SUSE, and others.

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On the other hand, a command-line alias cmd, CLI, prompt, console, or terminal refers to a text-based user interface (UI) utilized in viewing, manipulating, handling, running programs, and managing comp files as interacting with the computer. It is much like Windows Explorer or Finder on the macOS but without the graphical interface.

GNOME has emerged as the most efficient, reliable, and stable of all the available desktop environments for Linux while retaining its user-friendliness features. GNOME began as a free and open desktop alternative to proprietary options like KDE at the time, and it has been going strong ever since.

In this article, we will guide you through the required steps to start a GNOME desktop from the command line on Debian, specifically version 11 “Bullseye.” So, let us get underway.

Starting the GNOME desktop environment from the command line

Ensure you have a GNOME desktop environment setup on your machine before starting it up. In case you don’t have the desktop environment installed on your machine, then you can use the following command to set it up on your device:

install gnome desktop environment

install gnome desktop environment

Now that the environment is set up, to start it, you need to use the Gnome Display Manager(gdm) that aids execute the command. Compared with the general default X window xdm, gdm can directly adjust the settings of the desktop environment from the graphical introduction, and xdm has to edit several xdm settings

To start the Gnome desktop environment or rather close it, you can utilize the following command, and by the way, this is tested in the Gnome 3 environment:

Start command:

start gnome environment

Stop command:

To put the desktop environment to a stop/halt, run the following command:

stop gnome environment

Restart command:

To reboot the desktop environment, run the following command:

sudo /etc/init.d/gdm3 restart

restart gnome environment

restart gnome environment

Final thoughts

And that’s how you start, stop, and restart the GNOME desktop environment using the command line on Debian. We hope this article came in handy. Keep following FossLinux for more guides.


How to Install GNOME Desktop in Ubuntu 22.04 or 20.04

Featured Image - How to Install GNOME Desktop Environment in Ubuntu 20.0422.04

GNOME is a popular desktop environment for Linux, and it is the default desktop environment for many Linux distributions. It is a desktop environment that is designed to be customizable and user-friendly for all types of users.

It is the default desktop environment for many of the popular Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, RockyLinux, RHEL, Pop!_OS, ZorinOS, and others.

GNOME stands for GNU Network Object Modeling Environment, and is a free and open-source desktop environment. It is developed by the GNOME Project, which is a community of developers and designers.

Some of GNOME’s most appealing features include:

  • It supports a wide range of applications. One of the reasons for GNOME being the default desktop environment for most major Linux distros is that it provides most functionality and compatibility with existing software.
  • It has a consistent, attractive, and intuitive interface
  • There is a large collection of themes and extensions available. Most of these themes and extensions are developed by the community. You can find most of them curated on gnome-look.org
  • It offers better accessibility, than most desktop environments, for people with disabilities.
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A disadvantage of GNOME is that it is not as lightweight as other desktop environments and its higher memory usage, which can be difficult to run on low-end hardware.

“Higher memory usage” and “low-end hardware” are relative terms, depending on who you ask. To give you an idea, on a 4GB VMware virtual machine, I’m running Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop. The only app I’m running is System Monitor, and RAM usage is at 1.3GB.

In this tutorial we will install the GNOME desktop environment on a Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04 machine. We’ll install 4 variants – Ubuntu GNOME Desktop Full/Minimal, as well as Vanilla GNOME Desktop Full/Minimal. To find out more about GNOME you can check out the official website at gnome.org.

Table of Contents

Update and Upgrade Package Index

Make sure your packages are up to date. Sometimes you may get some errors when trying to install your desktop environment, when you’re trying to install it on a fresh server, for example.

To do this run the following command to update the system’s package index and upgrade your packages.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Install GNOME Desktop Environment on Ubuntu

There are a few ways to install GNOME and there are a few variations of it. There are minimal installs, which exclude

Install Ubuntu GNOME Desktop (ubuntu-gnome-desktop package)

Ubuntu GNOME Desktop is a full GNOME desktop environment based on Ubuntu. It is designed to be simple and easy to use for new users, while still being useful for experts.

It comes with installed applications that are the ones most often used on a desktop system, such as Firefox for web browsing, LibreOffice for office applications, Rhythmbox for music, and GIMP for image editing, etc.

On a fresh Ubuntu server install, it will take about ~2.5GB space.

To install it run the following command:

sudo apt install ubuntu-gnome-desktop

Reboot the machine after the install is finished.

This is how it looks on a fresh install:

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Install Ubuntu GNOME Desktop Minimal (ubuntu-desktop-minimal package)

Ubuntu GNOME Desktop Minimal is a flavor of Ubuntu GNOME that is smaller and lighter than the full Ubuntu GNOME Desktop. It uses a slimmed-down software selection. The purpose of this flavor is to provide a smaller, lighter system to those users who have older hardware or who want a more minimal system.

On a fresh Ubuntu server install, it will take about ~800MB space.

To install it run the following command:

sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop-minimal

Reboot the machine after the install is finished.

This is how it looks like on a fresh install:

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Install Vanilla GNOME Desktop (vanilla-gnome-desktop package)

Vanilla means that it is the original version of something, without any additions or modifications. In the case of GNOME, this would refer to the official GNOME desktop environment that is released by the GNOME Project.

Vanilla GNOME Desktop is the official GNOME desktop environment that is not packaged with any additional software or modifications. It is the purest form of the GNOME desktop environment that is available.

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Vanilla GNOME vs Ubuntu GNOME

The difference between Vanilla GNOME and Ubuntu GNOME is that Ubuntu GNOME is an official flavor of Ubuntu, while Vanilla GNOME is not. Ubuntu GNOME is a fork of the GNOME project that is designed to be integrated with the Ubuntu operating system.

Some noticeable differences between them are that Vanilla GNOME doesn’t have the side dock/panel like the Ubuntu GNOME flavor, and some of the aesthetics are different, such as the Ubuntu branding, there are different fonts, icon sets, etc. There are other minor differences as well.

On a fresh Ubuntu server install, it will take about ~2.5GB space.

sudo apt install vanilla-gnome-desktop

Reboot the machine after the install is finished.

This is how it looks on a fresh install:

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Install Vanilla GNOME Desktop Minimal (gnome-session package)

In the same manner of Ubuntu GNOME Desktop Minimal, Vanilla GNOME Desktop Minimal is a bare-minimum version of the full Vanilla GNOME Desktop that comes installed with the core applications.

It is perfect for people who want to have a lean and clean system with a small memory footprint, or who want to install additional software themselves and do not want any bloat. The goal of this release is to provide a frugal, lean and usable front end for everyday use.

On a fresh Ubuntu server install, it will take about ~2.6GB space.

To install it run the following command, which will install GNOME as well as the GNOME terminal:

sudo apt install gnome-session gnome-terminal

Reboot the machine after the install is finished.

This is how it looks on a fresh install:

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Install Ubuntu GNOME Desktop using Tasksel

Tasksel is a Debian/Ubuntu tool that installs multiple related packages as a cohesive unit. It is useful for installing a specific desktop environment, such as GNOME, XFCE, LXDE, KDE, and so on.

It makes it easier to install various desktop environments and some other software.

Install Tasksel

Install Ubuntu GNOME Desktop

To install Ubuntu GNOME Desktop using tasksel run:

Next you’ll be presented with an interactive screen from which you can select the software you want to install from the configurations available in tasksel. Select GNOME by navigating with your cursor into its corresponding checkbox, press SPACE , then TAB to switch to the OK/Cancel buttons, and press ENTER to OK.

When running tasksel on Ubuntu 22.04, as of the time of writing, it currently seems to offer packages corresponding to Debian, instead of Ubuntu. If you use it on a fresh install, you’ll notice the default wallpaper is that of Debian 11 instead of Ubuntu 22.04.

With Ubuntu 20.04 it works just fine, however.

word image 154 tasksel install ubuntu desktop 20 04

Next, wait for the progress screen to finish. When it’s done you’ll get back to the terminal, and you can reboot the machine.

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In this tutorial we covered how to install both Vanilla and Ubuntu GNOME Desktop environments, as well as their minimal versions.

If you have any questions or feedback feel free to leave a comment and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.


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