«Mastering Kali Linux for Advanced Penetration Testing» book takes a practical approach and follows genuine methods. This will help us to increase the security of our network system.
This book is very good for even cybersecurity students. Complete beginners may get a little bit trouble understanding this book.
Kali Linux — An Ethical Hacker’s Cookbook is a great choice for absolute newcomers in this field this book covers from installing Kali Linux. This book is written by Himanshu Sharma.
The language of this book is very beginner friendly. Who ever wants to explore the world of cybersecurity with Kali Linux can consider this book. This book also covers installing Kali Linux on Raspberry Pi & Nethunter.
This book is written by Ric Massier. This book covers Kali’s expansive security capabilities and helps you identify the tools we need to conduct a wide range of security tests and penetration tests. We’ll also explore the vulnerabilities that make those tests necessary.
This book is available on Amazon and Google Books.
This book basically covers how we can perform penetration testing on Networks using Kali Linux. We’ll learn the basics of wireless technologies, wireless routing and encryption, how to sniff wireless packets and discover hidden networks and also how to capture and crack WPA-2 keys.
This book is available on Amazon. Oh yeah, both kindle and paperback edition.
This book is written on Kali Linux 2019.2 version so we can see lots of new tools included in recent updates. By the end of this book, we’ll be able to use Kali Linux to detect vulnerabilities and secure our system by applying penetration testing techniques of varying complexity. This is written by Glen D. Singh.
This book is available on Amazon . OH, yes, yes, in both editions (Kindle and Paperback). Also this book is available in Google books.
«Hacking with Kali Linux», this book is written by Peter Bradley. This book is targeted for those who haven’t any idea what Kali Linux is. This book contains the basics of cybersecurity and Kali Linux.
This book is available on Amazon. It is available in three formats. Yes, Kindle, Paperback and Audible audio format. The best thing is this book is available free with Audible Trial.
This book is written by Cameron Buchanan and this book especially focuses on CTF (Capture The Flag). CTF is a play for ethical hackers where hackers try to hack a system and find the hidden flag inside it.
This book is available on Amazon. Yes in both editions (Paperback & Kindle).
The full title of this book is «Linux Basics for Hackers: Getting Started with Networking, Scripting, and Security in Kali». This book is written by OccupyTheWeb.
This practical, tutorial-style book uses the Kali Linux distribution to teach Linux basics with a focus on how hackers would use them. Topics include Linux command line basics, filesystems, networking, BASH basics, package management, logging, and the Linux kernel & drivers.
This book is also available in Amazon. In both Paperback and Kindle version.
We always believe that Metasploit is one the most powerful tools in the Kali Linux system. Having a good knowledge in Metasploit is very crucial for every penetration tester. We can get the Metasploit knowledge from this book, written by Nipun Jaswal.
This book is available on Amazon. Ohhh, Yes(Not again), in both formats Kindle and Paperback.
Reading books and gaining theoretical knowledge will not make us a good penetration tester or ethical hacker. We must learn new attack techniques day by day. But our basics should be clear.
If we don’t know the theory parts and use some tools to do our jobs then we will be a script kiddie.
But why from books?The Internet has more knowledge freely available. But on the internet the knowledge is spread everywhere we need to search a lot to find them. In the book everything is under one cover.
In our website we have covered lots of Kali Linux tutorials for beginners with screenshots. Our tutorials are also genuine, please have a look on them.
Note: The mentioned books pirated copy might be available on the internet. But downloading a pirated copy will be illegal. So please buy an original copy. We are not making money from the Amazon links, these links are not affiliate links.
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