Kali linux installation fail

Why Kali Linux installation step failed?

There can be a wide variety of reasons for a Kali Linux installation to fail. This could include issues such as a corrupt or incomplete ISO download, not enough disk space on the target machine, etc. The most convenient way is usually to start a web server on the machine undergoing the installation.

How do I fix the grub PC package failed to install into target?

You need to mount the file system of your install on /mnt and then chroot the directory so you can interact with it. After that, try running the reinstall. Adding Debian repos to your Kali OS is a sure way to break your installation. Tried this fix but another problem appeared when installing grub.

Where should I install grub bootloader Kali Linux?

You can either install grub in the EFI partition(/dev/nvme0n1p2) of your SSD(/dev/nvme0n1 or in the EFI partition(/dev/sda3) of your hard drive(/dev/sda).

How do I fix installation error in Kali Linux?

  1. First, to determine the block ID of USB drive, use the “blkid” command without quotes.
  2. Now type “ls cdrom” command without quotes.
  3. Type “mkdir cdrom” command.
  4. Type “mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 cdrom” command.
  5. If above command is successful, you can verify the contents of cdrom directory using “ls cdrom” command.

How do I fix a Linux installation error?

Many ChromeOS users confirmed they could fix many Linux-related errors simply by turning off the “Crostini Use DLC” flag….Disable the “Crostini Use DLC” Flag

  1. Locate Crostini Use DLC.
  2. Disable this Chrome flag using the drop-down menu.
  3. Restart your laptop. Check if you can install Linux on your Chromebook.

Is it necessary to install grub?

The UEFI firmware (“BIOS”) can load the kernel, and the kernel can set itself up in memory and start running. The firmware also contains a boot manager, but you can install an alternative simple boot manager like systemd-boot. In short: there is simply no need for GRUB on a modern system.

How do I manually install GRUB bootloader?

  1. Boot the machine using a Live CD.
  2. Open a terminal.
  3. Find out the name of the internal disk by using fdisk to look up the device’s size.
  4. Install GRUB boot loader onto the proper disk (the example below assumes it is /dev/sda ): sudo grub-install –recheck –no-floppy –root-directory=/ /dev/sda.
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How install GDM in Kali Linux?

Part 1: Installing Gnome (gdm3) on Kali Linux. Step 1: Checking present configuration. Step 3: “Configuring gdm3” prompt pops up while installing gnome, select “ok” and press enter. Select “gdm3” as “Default display manager” in next prompt. Step 4: After completion of the installation reboot the system.

Why won’t my Chromebook install Linux?

If you experience issues with Linux or Linux apps, try the following steps: Restart your Chromebook. Check that your virtual machine is up-to-date. Open the Terminal app , and then run this command: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.

Can you install Linux on a Chromebook without developer mode?

Google’s Crostini lets you run GNU/Linux apps on Chromebooks without enabling developer mode.


An installation step failed. You can try to run the failing item again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else

I’m having an issue installing Kali in VirtualBox from the iso. I’ve followed these instructions, but I’m getting an error:

An installation step failed. You can try to run the failing item again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else. The failing step is: Select and install software.

This type of question has been asked by others, but all the solutions seem to be increasing disk space, which I’ve done. I’m using VB 6.1.6 r137129 (Qt5.6.2) and the latest Kali I think I’m installing a rather minimal setup. I’ve set up what should be plenty of RAM and hard drive space: Setup: https://i.stack.imgur.com/k6Vz6.png https://i.stack.imgur.com/qGXYv.png Installing: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Orj5C.png Error occurs during the middle of the «select and install software» process: https://i.stack.imgur.com/FKHIh.png

Welcome to U&L, please check our guidelines, as a rule we don’t usually post images, uploads and links are preferred. If you want a «hassle free» Kali VM install then it may be worth taking a look here and just grabbing a ‘pret-a-porter’ vm image than struggling with the install.

2 Answers 2

It seems that this is a relatively new error since most threads I fould on this topic are only a few months old, and I didn’t find any answers while searching.

I tried to increase the disk space all the way to 60 GB, give the VMware 2 cores and 4 GB or RAM, but it didn’t help. So it does not seem to be a resource problem but a bug with something.

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I found only one way arount it: to install the pre-built VMware version of Kali from kali/downloads. Unpack dhe ZIP file and run the VM with the file you downloaded; you will instantly go straight to the login/password prompt (which is kali ) and have access to the Kali linux tools.

The cons are that it is not a full version of Kali Linux, meaning I ran into a lot of missing important pentesting tools; even simple tools like armitage were not there.

You also will not have full root access to the VM, so if you type e.g. ifconfig it will show you «Unknown command», so make sure you use sudo for those commands (or become root with sudo su ). That way, you can also install the missing tools you need.

Another problem is that it doesn’t seem to have any means to save your progress, which means its useless; every work you do will be erased moment you shut it down (which sucks . )


An installation step failed! Kali Linux 2016.2 64 Bit

If I click continue then after a while the error reappears. I tried a lot of time to install but failed everytime.

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M430 @2.27GHz Ram: 8.00 GB Graphics: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 OS: Windows 7 Home Premium, 64-bit 6.1.7601, Service Pack 1

Version: 12.1.0 build-3272444 (64Bit)

VMware Image version is 2016.1 but current Kali Linux version is 2016.2 and I also found that people are having similar problem with their physical computer also.

Yeah! I know it, but why I can’t able to install it in VMware that makes me mad, I’m geek so I’ve to figure out the problem with the help of other! not only me I searched over internet and there’s a lot of people facing same kind of problem while installing Kali Linux either in VM or Physical Machine! I need to figure out this kali linux installation problem because I thought after I install it to VMware then I would install it to my system! But I’m failing install it to VMware. Thanks

Kali is a rolling distro which based on debian testing, so it is always in beta phase. Fill a bugreport at kali site, then be patient. It is the normal behavior a beta system. If you have power+time, feel free to fix it then share the patch. Kali is not a stable distribution, you have to deal with it. Minor and major bugs are totally normal and not your fault.

3 Answers 3

I had the same problem, and I have fixed it by increasing the space for the hard drive. By default you have 8 GB, increase it to 30 GB or more. And continue with the installation.

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A quick solution might be specifying file system usage, meaning is that using a single container not a seperated for /usr, /var, /tmp ..

Installation failed on trying to use separated partitions, but as suggested using single partition succeeded.

I faced exactly the same predicament as your’s and extensive search on internet did not yield any straight-forward answer.

My host OS level(Windows 7), VMWare version and Kali linux version & settings for Kali install attempt are similar to yours with the exception — that I did chose separate partition for /home, /var & /temp — I chose varying disk capacity size which you chose as 30G

While trying repeatedly to install with differing settings I noticed following pattern: — for 8G disk capacity setting the install step failed after approx. 20% completion — for 20G disk capacity setting the install step failed after approx. 40% completion — for 40G disk capacity setting the install step failed after approx. 80% completion

Finally the install step succeeded with 60G disk capacity value. So try increasing your disk capacity and give it a shot!


Kali linux installation fail

There can be a wide variety of reasons for a Kali Linux installation to fail. This could include issues such as a corrupt or incomplete ISO download, not enough disk space on the target machine, etc. The following article will give you some pointers on what to look for when your Kali Linux installation has failed. The following is an example of the dreaded “Red Screen”, indicating the installation encountered a problem.

Hitting the continue button should take you to the Debian installer main menu. From that main menu, browse to the “save debug logs”:

Going into the debug logs, you are presented with several ways of transferring the installation log files away from the failed installation. The most convenient way is usually to start a web server on the machine undergoing the installation.

Once you choose this option, a web server is started from which you are able to download or view several installation log files.

Look over the logs files for anything irregular, or any error messages which look like they might be the cause of your failed installation. In this case, the target machine did not have enough disk space to install Kali Linux, as was seen towards the end of the syslinux log file

Updated on: 2023-Mar-06
Author: g0tmi1k


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