widdowquinn / kali_osx_persistence_wifi.md
I used a 64 bit .iso image, downloaded via HTTP. I downloaded the amd64 weekly version, as the pool linux headers (needed below for installation of wireless drivers) were ahead of the stable release kernel.
Download the SHA256SUMS and SHA256SUMS.gpg files from the same location.
Check the hash
Check that the hashes were not tampered with. First, get the Kali GPG public key, and verify the fingerprint:
$ wget -q -O - https://www.kali.org/archive-key.asc | gpg --import $ gpg --fingerprint 7D8D0BF6 pub rsa4096 2012-03-05 [SC] [expires: 2018-02-02] 44C6 513A 8E4F B3D3 0875 F758 ED44 4FF0 7D8D 0BF6 uid [ unknown] Kali Linux Repository devel@kali.org> sub rsa4096 2012-03-05 [E] [expires: 2018-02-02] $ gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.gpg SHA256SUMS gpg: Signature made Sun 12 Nov 03:47:29 2017 GMT gpg: using RSA key 44C6513A8E4FB3D30875F758ED444FF07D8D0BF6 gpg: Good signature from "Kali Linux Repository " [unknown]
Compare the SHA256 hash with that reported in SHASUMS :
$ cat SHA256SUMS 16123b76a6d4fc3ed72aef508bee9542462f2d1d5376acd1fcc3369ad337a505 kali-linux-2017-W46-amd64.iso $ shasum -a 256 kali-linux-2017-W46-amd64.iso 16123b76a6d4fc3ed72aef508bee9542462f2d1d5376acd1fcc3369ad337a505 kali-linux-2017-W46-amd64.iso
Create the USB disk
Identify your external USB with diskutil — the disk ID ( disk2 , disk3 etc is represented as below):
If necessary, prep the external USB with diskutil to get a single partition:
$ diskutil eraseDisk FAT32 KALI /dev/DISK>
Unmount the volume in DIsk Utility, or at the command-line:
$ diskutil unmountDisk /dev/DISK>
Then use dd to make a bootable image on the USB:
$ sudo dd if=path to downloaded .iso> of=/dev/DISK> bs=1m
Boot into Kali Linux
- Restart the Mac
- Hold down the Option key when you hear the chime
- Select EFI as the startup disk
- Select Kali Linux (persistence)
Create a new persistent partition
- Start gparted from the terminal
- Select the USB disk
- Select the Unallocated partition
- Create a new partition (by default this will fill the free space on the USB)
- Partition -> New
- Create as: Primary Partition
- File system: ext3
- Label: persistence
- Edit -> Apply All Operations
- Confirm this action
Combine the new partition with Kali Linux, persistently
Create a mount point for the persistence particion, and mount it
$ mkdir -p /mnt/my_usb $ mount DISK> /mnt/my_usb
Create a partition.conf file. This will enable the persistent storage on USB startup
$ echo "/ union" > /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf $ umount DISK>
Check the persistent partition
- Restart the Mac
- Hold down the Option key when you hear the chime
- Select EFI as the startup disk
- Select Kali Linux (persistence)
- At the terminal:
- df -h will bring up a list of mounted drives. There should be a mountpoint /lib/live/mount/persistence/ pointing to your new persistent partition
- ls -ltrh /lib/live/mount/persistence/ should show four entries: lost+found , persistence.conf , rw , and work . The rw directory is a persistent link to / .
Update the OS
Update the installer and acquire the appropriate linux headers
$ apt-get update $ apt-get install linux-image-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') $ apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,')
Install kernel headers
These need to be obtained separately:
$ wget http://http.kali.org/kali/pool/main/l/linux/linux-kbuild-VERSION>_amd64.deb $ wget http://http.kali.org/kali/pool/main/l/linux/linux-headers-VERSION>-common_VERSION>_amd64.deb $ wget http://http.kali.org/kali/pool/main/l/linux/linux-headers-VERSION>-amd64_VERSION>_amd64.deb $ dpkg -i linux-kbuild-VERSION>_amd64.deb $ dpkg -i linux-headers-VERSION>-common_VERSION>_amd64.deb $ dpkg -i linux-headers-VERSION>-amd64_VERSION>_amd64.deb
Install the Broadcom drivers
apt-get install broadcom-sta-dkms
Enable and disable modules
$ modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma $ modprobe wl
Enable network-manager
nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
Set the value of managed to true ,
What does [color=red]|[/color] and [color=red]>[/color]mean? I know [color=red]<[/color][color=red]>[/color] means to replace with your own input. Also I can’t create another partition in gparted. It won’t let me partition>>new.
Select the Unallocated partition , i boot kaili and exec command gparted i can ‘t find unallocated partition.
If anyone needs to do this without an ethernet cable (as I did), I have instructions to do just that here: https://gist.github.com/flowchartsman/994f545b4db4fb91ae6b8f4b77e54dff
I also can not find unallocated partition.
Yes, no «unallocated partition».
No one on the internet seems to be capable of explaining in simple terms how to prep a USB drive partitions (on Mac) to solve this problem.
Very frustrating.I also can not find unallocated partition.
To everyone having the issue of not finding the ‘unallocated’ space of their USB, the solution that worked for me is the following:
- instead of gparted, open disk
- choose the drive you’re working on
- you will find there the free space: hit + and make it a partition. You can make it an .ext4, you’ll change it in a second
- format and make it an .ext3 partition with the proper label: run mkfs.ext3 -L persistence /dev/yourdiskname then run e2label /dev/yourdiskname persistence
- from here, you can start again following the tutorial (from paragraph Combine the new partition with Kali Linux, persistently), one of the best i’ve found online
Hope it helps, it worked for me.
Kali Linux Mac Usb Persistence — Working
I have found another way —
If you follow the instructions from beginning to end you will have a 100% working live usb persistence.
Make sure you follow steps- Download Kali Linux iso
- Format Usb to FAT32
- Open Disk Utility — Locate and select usb
Make 2 Partitions or more as per your need
1st Partition — Name Kali ( Format FAT32 Size 4GB )
2nd Partition — Name persistence ( Format FAT32 — it fills up quickly when you update and upgrade Kali so i usually have 8GB or more)
Once done - Install Unetbootin for Mac ( its Free ) google it
- Open
- Choose Diskimage
Click . ( three dots — open — locate kali iso )
Select Kali iso ( if already downloaded )
Make sure Type is Selected as Usb Drive
Select Partition to install Kali on Usb ( Kali partition for me )
Click ok
Once finished click exit. - Restart Mac and hold option key on start-up
Select EFI Boot - Select Live System Persistence
- Open Gparted
- Select Device ( Usb )
- U will see all usb Partitions and Select persistence
- Right click On persistence and select Unmount
- Again Right click on persistence and select delete
- Apply pending opration
- Once finish it will automatically named
Unallocated - Again Select and Right click and Select New
- Create as Primary Partition
File System — ext4
Label — persistence - Apply Pending Operations
Once done - Exit gparted
- Now open terminal
- type following
fdisk -l ( To see disks/Volumes )
mkdir -p /mnt/myusb
mount (persistence partion name) /mnt/myusb/
for me it was — mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt/myusb/
echo «/ union» > /mnt/myusb/persistence.conf
umount disk ( For me umount /dev/sdb3 )
open persistence partition from Files and open file persistence.conf
if it contains text / union (you should be good).
reboot to kali live persistence again
After reboot it should be working.
Just want to thank Garrysui for the the steps above.
Worked out perfectly!
One little tip so others dont make the same little mistake I made — at the end of the steps where you have to unmount the disk, pay close attention to the syntax, the command is «umount» (I kept typing unmount and couldn’t figure out why the heck it wasn’t working). Total linux rookie mistake.i have the a working persistent USB now with kali linux except i can not get it to recognize the laptop keyboard, track pad, wifi card ext and im having to use external plug in devises for everything. Any help would be great ?
Keybase proof
- I am ghani6155 on github.
- I am ghani6155 (https://keybase.io/ghani6155) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASCJz9AJ-iozjU6Ol21gBpVHHDgfdbdE4TDPVAZcF-MA8wo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
< "body": < "key": < "eldest_kid": "012089cfd009fa2a338d4e8e976d600695471c381f75b744e130cf54065c17e300f30a", "host": "keybase.io", "kid": "012089cfd009fa2a338d4e8e976d600695471c381f75b744e130cf54065c17e300f30a", "uid": "553032745215e849ef977191b3423819", "username": "ghani6155" >, "merkle_root": < "ctime": 1568485415, "hash": "abd22bc555beac00714cb6a0b0fd3d67cc8df449ba1a724ea8962abfead8a1217dc9aa650aa685bed4ab1e1465f01db92a3e4b40bd0ef1334a0b130128729999", "hash_meta": "4b44f489d8803cd75f5429bdc5c3211a56f16e4ff866ef5f24a73e530af04df7", "seqno": 7341160 >, "service": < "entropy": "d7a5IIdDWHPRV7ZtrM2rqi/m", "name": "github", "username": "ghani6155" >, "type": "web_service_binding", "version": 2 >, "client": < "name": "keybase.io go client", "version": "4.4.2" >, "ctime": 1568485458, "expire_in": 504576000, "prev": "28e72aaabc47eb64aa53ec475a9d658cd256543ec0a4dbb46c295fac79885f76", "seqno": 8, "tag": "signature" >
And finally, I am proving ownership of the github account by posting this as a gist.
How to Install MacBook Air Wifi Driver on Kali
GNU/Linux Kali MacBook Air Wi-fi Driver Installation Guide
Hi! The linked Post shows you How to Install MacBook Air Wireless Wifi/Bluetooth Driver in Kali GNU/Linux Desktop.
And MacBook Airs are equipped of the Broadcom Wi-fi Cards.
So the linked Guide describe Step-by-step How to Install Broadcom Wireless Driver on Kali Linux.
1. Launching Terminal
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