Kali linux network manager restart

How to Restart Network Manager in Kali: Troubleshooting Guide

Learn how to troubleshoot network issues in Kali Linux by restarting network services, NetworkManager, and network interfaces. Follow our step-by-step guide to resolve common issues with DNS, DHCP, and IP addresses.

  • Restarting Network Services
  • Restarting NetworkManager
  • Network manager is not running Kali Linux
  • Restarting Network Interfaces
  • Disabling NetworkManager
  • Troubleshooting NetworkManager
  • Additional code samples for restarting network manager in Kali
  • Conclusion
  • How do I restart NetworkManager?
  • How do I start NetworkManager in Kali Linux?
  • How to stop NetworkManager in kali linux?
  • What is the command to restart network service in Linux?

Kali Linux is a popular distribution for security testing and ethical hacking. However, it is not immune to network issues, especially after using wireless in monitor mode. Restarting the network manager is a common troubleshooting step required to resolve network issues. In this article, we will discuss the commands and options available to restart the network manager in Kali Linux.

Restarting Network Services

The first step in troubleshooting network issues in Kali Linux is to restart network services. This can be done using the following commands:

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart 
sudo service networking restart 

Restarting network services can resolve issues with DNS, DHCP, and IP addresses. However, it may not resolve issues with network manager.

Restarting NetworkManager

To restart NetworkManager, use the following commands:

sudo service NetworkManager restart 
sudo NetworkManager reset 

Restarting NetworkManager can resolve issues with wireless and wired connections. However, it is important to note that NetworkManager may not be installed on all Linux distributions.

Network manager is not running Kali Linux

network manager is not running kali Linux || simple steps to solve the issuesAircrack-ng suite Duration: 3:45

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Restarting Network Interfaces

Another troubleshooting step to resolve network issues in Kali Linux is to restart network interfaces. This can be done using the following commands:

nmcli networking off nmcli networking on 
systemctl restart NetworkManager 

Restarting network interfaces can resolve issues with network manager and wireless connections. However, network interfaces may need to be reconfigured after restarting network manager.

Disabling NetworkManager

In some cases, it may be necessary to disable NetworkManager to resolve network issues. This can be done using the following commands:

systemctl stop NetworkManager systemctl disable NetworkManager 

Disabling NetworkManager can help resolve issues with network manager and wireless connections. However, it is important to note that disabling NetworkManager may impact other network services.

Troubleshooting NetworkManager

If the above steps fail to resolve network issues in Kali Linux, it may be necessary to troubleshoot NetworkManager. The official documentation and community support can provide helpful resources for troubleshooting NetworkManager.

Common issues with network manager include conflicts with other network services and issues with wireless in monitor mode. Restarting network services, network manager, and network interfaces can often resolve issues with network manager.

Additional code samples for restarting network manager in Kali

In Shell case in point, restart network service kali code example

Methode 1 : sudo service networking restart sudo service network-manager restartMethode 2 : ifdown eth0 ifup eth0ip a show eth0

In Shell as proof, how to restart network manager in kali code example

sudo NetworkManager reset apt-get update apt-get upgrade


In conclusion, restarting the network manager is a common troubleshooting step in Kali Linux. Use the commands listed to restart network services, NetworkManager, and network interfaces. If the issue persists, refer to the official documentation or seek support from the community for troubleshooting NetworkManager. By understanding the commands and options available, you can resolve network issues in Kali Linux with ease.


Kali Linux Network Manager Is Not Running: How to Fix It

If you are a Kali Linux user and have ever encountered the error message “Network Manager is not running” when attempting to connect to a network, then you know how frustrating this issue can be. In this article, we will discuss what causes this error and how to fix it.

Understanding the Issue

The Network Manager is a program that manages network connections on a Linux system. It is responsible for detecting and configuring network interfaces, managing wireless networks, and connecting to the internet. When the Network Manager is not running, you cannot connect to any networks, wired or wireless.

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Common Causes of the Problem

Several factors can cause the Network Manager to stop running. Some of the most common causes include:

  1. Outdated Network Manager: If you are using an older version of Kali Linux, it may have an outdated Network Manager that is no longer supported.
  2. Conflicting Network Services: If there are other network services running on your system, such as dhclient or wpa_supplicant, they may conflict with the Network Manager.
  3. Corrupted Packages: Sometimes, packages that are required for the Network Manager to function properly can become corrupted, leading to the error message.

How to Fix the Issue?

Now that you know what causes the problem, let’s look at how to fix it.

Method 1: Restart the Network Manager Service

The first thing you should try is to restart the Network Manager service. To do this, open a terminal and type the following command:

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service

This command will restart the Network Manager service and should fix the issue if it was caused by a temporary glitch.

Method 2: Check for Conflicting Services

If restarting the Network Manager service did not work, you should check if there are any conflicting network services running on your system. To do this, open a terminal and type the following command:

sudo systemctl list-units --type=service | grep network

This command will show you a list of network-related services running on your system. If you see any services other than “NetworkManager.service,” you should stop them by typing the following command:

Replace with the name of the service, you want to stop. Once you have stopped all conflicting services, restart the Network Manager service using the command from Method 1.

Method 3: Reinstall the Network Manager

If neither of the above methods works, you may need to reinstall the Network Manager. To do this, open a terminal and type the following command:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall network-manager

This command will reinstall the Network Manager and any packages that it depends on.


In this article, we have discussed the “Network Manager is not running” error on Kali Linux and how to fix it. By following the methods outlined above, you should be able to resolve the issue and connect to your desired network. Remember to always keep your system up-to-date and to use caution when modifying system files.


Fix Wired Network interface in Kali linux

Unmanaged devices means Network Manager doesn’t handle those network devices.

So this is what you see in GUI

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How to fix Wired Network interface is Unmanaged error in Debian or Kali Linux - 1 - blackMORE Ops

An roor@alexandria# ifconfig -a show you this:

This occurs when two conditions are met:

The file roor@alexandria# /etc/network/interfaces contains anything about the interface, even:

allow-hotplug eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp

And roor@alexandria# /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf contains:

plugins=ifupdown,keyfile [ifupdown] managed=false

How to fix Wired Network interface is Unmanaged error in Debian or Kali Linux - 4 - blackMORE Ops

Enabling Interface Management

If you want Network Manager to handle interfaces that are enabled in

roor@alexandria# /etc/network/interfaces

Set managed=true in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf . So this file looks like:

[main] plugins=ifupdown,keyfile [ifupdown] managed=true

How to fix Wired Network interface is Unmanaged error in Debian or Kali Linux - 15 - blackMORE Ops

Restart Network Manager

Issue the following command to restart network-manager.

roor@alexandria# service network-manager restart

Now Network Manager should come up with a connected interface. For wired, eth0 with DHCP will show you something like the following image:

How to fix Wired Network interface is Unmanaged error in Debian or Kali Linux - 8 - blackMORE Ops

Just to wrap it up, lets do another roor@alexandria# ifconifg -a from command line


How To Start, Stop, Restart Networking On Linux?

I have changed my network configuration and want to restart to make changes effective. Or there are some problems with my network and I think restarting it will solve my problems. Here we will look at how to restart networking service in various network distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CentOS.

Get Status Of Network Service

We will get status of network with the following command.

Debian, Ubuntu, Kali

For deb based distributions we will use init.d system. We will provide status option to the networking script.

$ /etc/init.d/networking status

Get Status Of Network

As we cab see that networking service is active from given date. Its PID is 897 .

Fedora, CentOS

For distributions like CentOS, RedHat, Fedora we will use systemctl command. We will provide the options status and network which is the networking service.

Get Status Of Network

Stop Network Service

We can stop network like below. Bu keep in mind for remote connection it can be create problems with ssh

Ubuntu, Debian, Kali

We will use stop option with networking command in order to stop network services in Ubuntu, Debian, Kali, Mint etc.

$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop

Stop Network Service


We will use systemctl again with stop option which will stop network services. We also require root privileges that will beget with sudo command.

$ sudo systemctl stop network

Start Network

We can start network like below.

Ubuntu, Debian, Kali

We will provide start option in order to start network services in deb based distributions.

$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking start


We will use start network option in order to start network services in rpm based distributions.

$ sudo systemctl start network

Restart Network

Now we can restart our network or network services.

Ubuntu, Debian, Kali

$ /etc/init.d/networking restart


$ systemctl restart network


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