Kali linux shell script

How to execute shell script on Kali Linux startup?

I need to execute a shell script on a Kali Linux startup. I am using 2016.1 version of Kali Linux. i tried many things like rc.local , init.d , X11 and GDM3 config etc. but I couldn’t get it work. This is the shell script that I want to execute:

#!/bin/bash xrandr --newmode 1366x768 85.500 1366 1494 1624 1798 768 770 776 795 +hsync -vsync xrandr --addmode VGA-0 1366x768 xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1366x768 

Is the file executable? Can you run it from an interactive shell? What did you try wth your different approaches (which files did you edit how)?

can you place the script in /etc/profile.d/ ? Any script in that directory should run when you log in. Or maybe put it in /etc/bashrc ?

3 Answers 3

You can add an item in ~/.config/autostart ,

e.g Open ~/.config/autostart/myscript.desktop , and paste the following contents

[Desktop Entry] Name=MyScript GenericName=A descriptive name Comment=Some description about your script Exec=/path/to/my/script.sh Terminal=false Type=Application X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true 

And make sure the script is executable.

@reboot :EXAMPLE: @reboot macchanger -r eth0 (I got this from a video so im giving credit where credit is due) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcVE6rQ9_FU 04:38:57

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I see you’re attempting to force a custom resolution in your monitor in every boot.

I have not used Kali Linux myself, but I’m willing to guess you could add the commands to an .xprofile file in your home directory, as most display managers would run the content of the file when initializing.

If you don’t have this file in your home directory, just create it, paste your commands in it, save it and reboot. You can see more about this in this article from the ArchWiki.

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hacking by kali linux

It is the easiest and funniest task how to create and run shell script in linux.
It gives lots of handful tools to us.

The shell script file can be transferred from one computer to another very easily.
By using it, we can store our code upto the time we want.

Let’s start with an example

      create shell file to display all text files on Desktop.
      Open any text editor say, leafpad then write the code.
      Code is:
    • for i in *.txt
    • do
    • echo $i
    • done

    how to create and run shell script in linux

    • Open up the terminal,and write command root@kali:~# cd /Desktop
    • root@kali:~/Desktop# chmod u=x shell_script.sh
      It gives permission to the shell script to be executable by users.
    • root@kali:~/Desktop# ./shell_script
      ./ is used before the name of shell script to run it
    • Mine output is : iaminfinity.txt
    • create the file with extension .sh
    • then give the file permission to get executed by the user
      chmod u=x any_file.sh
    • then run the file by ./any_file.sh


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