Kali linux this kernel requires

Kali linux this kernel requires

am Karim from Morocco am so happy to post my problem here in this Forum

look am having a problem i downloaded kali-linux-1.0.3-i386.iso
i tried to make a virtual machine & run kali but an error pop up telling me that

This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU:
Unable to boot — please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU.
i already have BT5R3 installed & never face this problem of CPU .

am usign HP compaq 6910p ‘2 proccesurs Ram: 2G’

but is not usefull for me .

any ways Thnx guys for listing
best regards

Does your CPU have PAE ? If it does not building a custom ISO might solve your issue: http://docs.kali.org/live-build/live-build-a-custom-kali-iso

The error you are getting means that your CPU does not support PAE extensions which is a a feature which allows a 32bit CPU to address more than 4GB of memory address space. As suggested by sickness you can try to build a custom ISO.

thnx guys for helping so i should do this in livebuild

Building Kali Linux for older i386 architecture

apt-get install git live-build cdebootstrap kali-archive-keyring
git clone git://git.kali.org/live-build-config.git
cd live-build-config
sed -i ‘s/686-pae/486/g’ auto/config
lb clean
lb config —architecture i386
lb build

but i don’t have livebuild (apt-get install live-build) or i should do this in BT5 or ubunto .. distros that already built on debian to make my customize distro

. problem that my HDD has lost die more than week ..so am working form LIVE CD BT5 & i don’t have enough memory to do this op ..can any one do this for me

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if there any way to install just tools of KALI in ubunto or backtrack 🙂

i solved the problem 🙂 i downloaded debian whezzly is pretty cool & fat distro i installed livebuild .. i think i will add some stuff to my costumize distro 😎 Best regads Guys


How to fix This kernal requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU. Unable to boot error

I am using Virtualbox(Oracle) Host — Win10(64bit) Guest — Kali Linux(64bit iso) My PC doesn’t support virtualization. I have turned off Enable VT-x for the virtual machine in System tab(settings) I am not getting the option to scroll for a 64-bit os type in Settings>General The error — This kernal requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU. Unable to boot — please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU. If anybody know how to fix this error please help! as I can’t run kali in some other way other than by virtual means.

1 Answer 1

VirtualBox requires hardware virtualisation when running 64-bit guests, so if your PC doesn’t support hardware virtualisation, you won’t be able to run 64-bit Kali as a guest.

The 32-bit edition should however work fine; if you download one of the 32-bit ISOs you should be able to boot it.

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This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU but only detected on i686 CPU при установке Kali

Не могу установить kali на виртуалку — this kernel requires an x86-64 CPU but only detected on i686 CPU.

This kernel requires the following features not present on the cpu pae
This kernel requires the following features not present on the cpu pae. -> при установке вибивает.

При загрузке выдает: unknown cpu detected. BIOS update is reguired to unleash its full power
Господа помогите.При загрузке выдает unknown cpu detected. BIOS update is reguired to unleash its.

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511-CPU fan not detected
Доброго времени суток! Такая проблема: При загрузке компьютера появляется сообщение: "511-CPU.

511 CPU Fan not Detected
Компьютер начал сильно гудеть и отключился, включаю.. Вылезла ошибка "511 CPU Fan not Detected".

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Не понимаете. Какой разрядности у Вас дистрибутив Кали? Какой разрядности создана виртуальная машина? Какую разрядность виртуализации допускает Ваш процессор?

Marinero, на виртуалке почему-то только 32. Ставил сначала 64 кали,выдавало эту ошибку. Поставил кали 32 — та же ошибка.А с последним пунктом — хз. Как узнать?

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Marinero, amd a10 4655 — мой проц

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Marinero, под виртуалкой вы имели в виду какую я систему выбрал? — debian 32,т.к нету 64.

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Marinero, короче,теперь ошибка this kernel requires the following features not present on the cpu. Что ещё за функции?

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Marinero, что с этим делать?

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Marinero, включил какую-то штуку — pae — что я сделал? Вроде,не выдаёт этой ошибки

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Marinero, хотя,ничего и не происходит. Просто тёмный экран в virtual box.

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Сообщение было отмечено NewNoob как решение


Андрей1224, хз. Щас погуглю,что это такое.

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Андрей1224, спасибо.

Добавлено через 3 минуты
Андрей1224, ещё дебильный вопрос — разница между виртуалкой и обычной ос функциональная есть? 2 почему дос ставился без виртуализации 3) Как сделать,чтоб мышь работала только в пределах окна виртуалки(не знаю,как загуглить это) 5) К сделать обратное к 3 после того,как я сделаю 3.

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Андрей1224, теперь прервалась установка на 50%

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Marinero, можете сказать,в чём может быть проблема?


Solve | Unable to boot 2021 : Kernel requires a x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU | VirtualBox

Unable to boot

Many times when you install an operating system in your virtual box, most people get an error – Unable to boot.

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Today we are going to talk about the topic why this problem comes, how do you solve it step-by-step.

Unable to boot | ISSUE FIX

This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detects an i686 CPU, unable to boot

Unable to boot – please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU

Step-by-Step|How to Solve Unable to boot in Virtual Box

When you select the version in the settings option of your virtual box, then you will not get the option of 64bit Debian.

Because of this, when the virtual box does not know the option according to your download operating system, then this error comes.

Step : 1 – Shut Down Your Computer.

Step : 2 – Then Turn On Your Computer and go Into Bios Option by press the bios key.

Step : 3 – Find the Virtualization Technology Option.

Step : 4 – Enable the Virtualization Option.

Step : 5 – Save and Exit.

Step : 6 – Turn on your Computer on your Operating System.

Step : 7 – Open Your Virtual Box and goto the setting.

Step : 8 – Then Select Version Option.

Step : 9 – When Your click on the Version Option then you can see many versions List.

Step : 10 – If you install Kali Linux then select Debian Option.

Step : 11 – Then Select your x64bit Kali Linux image.

Step : 12 – Now you can start your Virtual Operating System.

Finally!! Now you can see that Unable the boot error has been removed from your virtual machine.

Now you can easily use any operating system on your virtual box.

You can share this post with your friends so that your friends never have such a problem.

If you interface any problem in similar Kali Linux or any operating system, then you can tell me in the comment box.

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Pawan Chauhan

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