Kali linux ubuntu or debian

Kali Linux Debian или Ubuntu?

Kali Linux — это производный от Debian дистрибутив Linux, разработанный для цифровой криминалистики и тестирования на проникновение.

Kali Linux — это то же самое, что и Ubuntu?

Ubuntu — это операционная система на основе Linux, принадлежащая к семейству Debian Linux. … Kali Linux — это операционная система с открытым исходным кодом на основе Linux, которая находится в свободном доступе для использования. Он принадлежит к семейству Debian Linux. Его разработала компания «Offensive Security».

Kali Linux — Debian или Linux?

Дистрибутив Kali Linux основан на тестировании Debian. Поэтому большинство пакетов Kali импортируются как есть из репозиториев Debian.

Какая версия Debian является Kali Linux?

Он основан на стабильной версии Debian (в настоящее время 10 / buster), но с гораздо более современным ядром Linux (в настоящее время 5.9 в Kali, по сравнению с 4.19 в стабильной версии Debian и 5.10 при тестировании Debian.). Kali Linux 2020.4 с рабочим столом Xfce.

Можно ли взломать Ubuntu?

Это одна из лучших ОС для хакеров. Базовые и сетевые хакерские команды в Ubuntu очень ценны для хакеров Linux. Уязвимости — это слабые места, которые можно использовать для компрометации системы. Хорошая безопасность может помочь защитить систему от взлома злоумышленником.

Почему хакеры используют Linux?

Linux — чрезвычайно популярная операционная система для хакеров. На это есть две основные причины. Во-первых, исходный код Linux находится в свободном доступе, потому что это операционная система с открытым исходным кодом. … Злоумышленники используют инструменты взлома Linux для эксплуатации уязвимостей в приложениях, программном обеспечении и сетях Linux.

Подходит ли Kali Linux для новичков?

Ничто на веб-сайте проекта не предполагает , что это хороший дистрибутив для новичков или, фактически, для кого-либо, кроме исследователей безопасности. Фактически, сайт Kali специально предупреждает людей о своей природе. … Kali Linux хорош в том, что делает: выступает в качестве платформы для современных утилит безопасности.

Kali Linux является незаконным?

Kali Linux — это операционная система, такая же, как и любая другая операционная система, такая как Windows, но разница в том, что Kali используется для взлома и тестирования на проникновение, а ОС Windows используется для общих целей. … Если вы используете Kali Linux в качестве хакера в белой шляпе, это законно, и использование в качестве хакера в черной шляпе незаконно.

Дебиан быстр?

Стандартная установка Debian действительно крошечная и быстрая. Однако вы можете изменить некоторые настройки, чтобы ускорить работу. Gentoo оптимизирует все, Debian строит для середины пути. Я запустил оба на одном оборудовании.

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Какая установка лучше всего подходит для Kali Linux?

Наиболее предпочтительные из них:

  • Установка Kali Linux путем создания загрузочного USB-накопителя Kali (linux).
  • Установка Kali Linux на жесткий диск.
  • Использование программного обеспечения виртуализации, такого как VMware или VirtualBox.
  • Двойная загрузка Kali Linux с операционной системой.


Kali Linux vs Ubuntu

Kali Linux vs Ubuntu

Kali Linux is basically a Linux distribution based on Debian. Its main motivation is advanced Penetration testing along with Security Auditing. This consists of numerous tools that are meant to protect and ensure information safety. Ubuntu is a Debian based Linux distribution. It is an open-source distribution. Considered as a suitable Linux based distribution for beginners, Ubuntu is sponsored by Canonical Ltd. The main target of this operating system was personal Computers. However, it can also be used on servers.

Web development, programming languages, Software testing & others


Ubuntu’s primary version includes a GNOME or GNU Network Object Model Environment. GNOME is basically a GUI (Graphical User Interface) and a set of desktop applications in Linux. GNOME makes Ubuntu user-friendly and efficient. There are many variants of Ubuntu apart from the regular distribution. These variants are Ubuntu Server Edition, Edubuntu, for homeschooling and educational institutions, Ubuntu Studio for applications related to multimedia, Kubuntu that employs Kool Desktop environment (KDE), JeOS, basically a lightweight version of Ubuntu for virtual applications, and Xubuntu that is specially designed for computer systems with a constrained or limited processing power. Ubuntu basically consists of everything that is needed for school, organizations, enterprise or home. Ubuntu Software Centre has pre-installed applications, such as office suits, e-mail, browsers, media apps, and thousands of other games. Ubuntu is available for download free of cost.

Kali Linux

Kali Linux was released as a rebuild of BackTrack Linux on 13 th March 2013. It was developed under the full standards of Debian development. It contains about 600 penetration testing tools. Many tools that were that didn’t work properly in BackTrack were removed from Kali Linux. The main functions of Kali Linux are Penetration testing along with Reverse engineering and Forensics. Kali Linux was developed, maintained and funded by Offensive security. Offensive Security, for your information, is one of the prominent information security training company. It deals with information security. Kali Linux is a Git free open source.

Head To Head Comparison Between Kali Linux and Ubuntu (Infographics)

Below is the top 8 difference between Kali Linux vs Ubuntu

Kali Linux vs Ubuntu Infographics

Key differences between Kali Linux and Ubuntu

Both are popular choices in the market; let us discuss some of the major difference:

  • Kali Linux is a specialized distribution that includes a few designed purposes, including penetration and forensics testing.
  • Ubuntu is basically a server and desktop distribution that also includes a lot of purposes.
  • There are several similarities between Kali Linux vs Ubuntu as they both are based on Debian.
  • Kali Linux is originated from BackTrack that is directly based on Ubuntu.
  • Likewise, Kali Linux, Ubuntu is also based on Debian.
  • The focus of Kali Linux vs Ubuntu is very different from each other in terms of purposes and characteristics.
  • The main difference between Kali Linux and Ubuntu is their target audience that is influenced by the nature of Kali Linux vs Ubuntu applications.
  • Ubuntu doesn’t target any particular kind of audience apart from normal computer users.
  • Kali Linux, on the other hand, is specially formulated for information security purposes. So, most of its work is related to security and penetration testing apps.
  • As we know that Ubuntu is designed for general computer users, its interface is more user-friendly, and it has an appearance that is less techy.
  • Kali Linux features more than 600 penetration tools that are pre-installed along with living boot capability.
  • Kali Linux can be called as an ideal platform for vulnerability testing.
  • Ubuntu consists of tools like a word processor, games, graphics program, email, calendar, etc.
  • Ubuntu also has administrative tools such as command-line greats and bash. Apart from this, it consists of standard Gnu toolkits for maintenance of the system, security and networking services.
  • Kali Linux has some restrictions due to the fact that its GUI is limited and constrained for purposes related to security.
  • Ubuntu offers a choice of GUI interfaces that includes KDE and GNOME.
  • Kali works in a great way if you have a lot of command-line work as it is a window manager with a lot of screen type features.
  • Kali Linux is preferred more for secure servers for security professional’s workstations.
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Kali Linux vs Ubuntu Comparison Table

The primary Comparisons are discussed below:


It was produced by Offensive Security and Mati Aharoni of Offensive Security through some changes of BackTrack, their past information security testing Linux conveyance in light of Knoppix. Raphaël Hertzog, one of the core engineers, went along with them as a Debian expert to develop Kali Linux. Kali Linux is available for HP Chromebook, BeagleBone Black, CubieBoard, CuBox, CuBox-I, EfikaMX, Odroid U2, Odroid XU, raspberry pi, Odroid XU3, Utility Pro, Samsung Chromebook, SS808, and Galaxy Note 10.1. Ubuntu is at present supported by Canonical Ltd. On 8 July 2005, Mark Shuttleworth and Canonical reported the production of the Ubuntu Foundation and gave underlying financing of US$10 million.

The motivation behind the establishment is to guarantee the help and advancement for every single future adaptation of Ubuntu. Stamp Shuttleworth portrays the establishment objective to guarantee the coherence of the Ubuntu venture. Ubuntu partitions most software into four areas to reflect contrasts in permitting and the level of available support. The free software incorporates software that has met the Ubuntu licensing requirements that generally relate to the Debian Free Software Guidelines. Special cases, be that as it may, incorporate firmware, in the Main classification, on the grounds that albeit some firmware isn’t permitted to be altered, their dispersion is still allowed. Non-free software is generally unsupported; however, a few special cases are made for imperative non-free software. The upheld non-free software incorporates device drivers that can be utilized to run Ubuntu on some hardware, for example, binary-only graphics card drivers.

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Recommended Article

This has been a guide to the top differences between Kali Linux vs Ubuntu. Here we also discuss the key differences with infographics and comparison table. You may also have a look at the following articles.

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Is Kali Linux based on Ubuntu? [closed]

This question was closed because it is not about an official Ubuntu flavor. It is not currently accepting answers.

This is not about an official Ubuntu flavor. Questions about other Linux distributions can be asked on Unix & Linux, those about Windows on Super User, those about Apple products on Ask Different and generic programming questions on Stack Overflow.

I remember reading in another thread (Is Backtrack is derivative of Ubuntu?) that Kali Linux is based on Debian. Can someone clarify?

I was clear about the Child/Inheritor situation of Ubuntu and Kali from Debian. But the answer given in another thread confused me.

As your question is not specifically about Ubuntu it’s off topic here you could ask on the Unix & Linux stack exchange site or in Unix, Linux and OS Chat on the Ubuntu Forums.

3 Answers 3

Kali Linux is based on Debian. Ubuntu is also based on Debian.

Not, it is not. It is based on Debian.

Kali Linux is a Debian-derived Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration testing.

The only thing related with Backtrack is that the authors of Backtrack has participated on this project too.

From the creators of BackTrack comes Kali Linux

It’s not clear what you’re asking, here.

Ubuntu is based on Debian. Anything based upon Ubuntu is therefore also based on Debian.

Kali is definitely a Debian-based distribution (which is the term used to describe any child/inheritor distribution of Debian, including Ubuntu which is based directly off Debian, and Mint, which is based off Ubuntu and therefore on Debian)

Kali may be based upon Ubuntu.


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