Kali linux update all packages

When should you update Kali?

If you have a default installation of Kali, you should be checking for updates every few weeks. If you need a new version of a tool, or hear about a security update, that may speed up the timetable. However, a good practice is that you ensure all tools work before an engagement and during that engagement you should not update. As Kali is a rolling release, once in a while issues will sneak into rolling and may break a tool that is needed.

If you are using last-snapshot, you will not receive updates until we release the next version of Kali for that year. For this reason, it is a good idea to follow the Kali Twitter, or check the Kali website every few months. Kali has a release four times a year, and follows a loose quarterly schedule.

How to update Kali?

To update Kali, first ensure that /etc/apt/sources.list is properly populated:

[email protected]:~$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list # See https://www.kali.org/docs/general-use/kali-linux-sources-list-repositories/ deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free non-free-firmware # Additional line for source packages # deb-src http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free non-free-firmware [email protected]:~$ 

After that we can run the following commands which will upgrade us to the latest Kali version:

[email protected]:~$ sudo apt update [email protected]:~$ [email protected]:~$ sudo apt full-upgrade -y [email protected]:~$ 

Updated on: 2023-Mar-06
Author: gamb1t


How to Update Kali Linux Packages

Kali Linux is a rolling-release Linux distribution. The term “rolling release” means that the software packages of Kali Linux are kept as updated as possible. To get the most updated software packages on Kali Linux, you need to update Kali Linux more frequently than the Linux distributions like Ubuntu/Debian or Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

In this article, we will show you how to update the Kali Linux packages to the latest version.

Topic of Contents:

Opening a Terminal Program in Kali Linux

To open a Terminal app in Kali Linux, click on the Terminal icon from the top-left menu bar of Kali Linux as marked in the following screenshot:

A Terminal app should be opened.

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Updating the Kali Linux Package Repository Cache

To update the Kali Linux package repository cache, run the following command:

Graphical user interface Description automatically generated with medium confidence

The Kali Linux package repository cache should be updated.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

Updating the Kali Linux Packages

To update all the Kali Linux packages to the latest version, run the following command:

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with medium confidence

To confirm the update, press Y and then press .

Graphical user interface, text Description automatically generated

The updates are being downloaded from the internet. This takes a while to complete.

Text Description automatically generated

The updates are being installed on Kali Linux. It takes a while to complete.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Kali Linux should be updated.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Restarting the Kali Linux Machine

For the changes to take effect, restart your Kali Linux machine with the following command:

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with medium confidence


We showed you how to update Kali Linux to the latest version. Since Kali Linux is a rolling-release distro, you should keep your Kali Linux updated to get the latest software versions and security patches.

About the author

Shahriar Shovon

Freelancer & Linux System Administrator. Also loves Web API development with Node.js and JavaScript. I was born in Bangladesh. I am currently studying Electronics and Communication Engineering at Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), one of the demanding public engineering universities of Bangladesh.


How to Update Your Kali Linux System

This article provides a short guide on how to update your Kali Linux system. Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution that comes with many unique and streamlined utilities aimed at making pen-testing more accurate, quick, and easy. On the surface, Kali is just like any other OS: it plays audio and text files, supports every software that Windows and macOS supports, and you can even. access the internet with it. Unlike the other operating systems, Kali has a large set of tried and tested pre-installed applications, making it more than a simple OS.

Kali was released in 2013 as essentially a complete rebranding of BackTrack Linux with a GNOME interface. The developers trimmed all the fat off of BackTrack by removing its subpar utilities and updating the ones that were acclaimed in the whitehat community.

The Kali OS includes over 600 tools in total, is completely free, and has an open-source Git tree publically available. Kali Linux is so well-known among cybersecurity professionals that its name has practically become synonymous with pen-testing.


  • Single-board systems like Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black
  • Beagle Board computers
  • Samsung’s ARM Chromebook
  • And many other platforms

Updating Kali Linux

The following sections will show you a step-by-step process for updating your Kali Linux system.

1. Configure Kali Linux Repositories

First, look for the Kali repositories, as you must first adjust them before updating. Double-check that your sources.list file at/etc/apt/sources.list has all the relevant Kali repositories, which include the following:

b https://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib

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deb-sources https://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib

Be sure to use only the official Kali repositories, as using external unofficial repositories can jeopardize the system security of the host. Using repositories other than those that have been officially released by the Kali team can harm your system.

2. Start Update

You will first need to update the package indices list before you can update the Kali Linux system. To do so, enter the following syntax into the command terminal:

Then, check for the updates that have been released by entering the following command:

Enter the following command to individually update each package:

Or, enter the command below to update all packages simultaneously:

Wait for the updates to download and install completely. This will take some time; how much time depends upon your system specs.

The updates have finished installing, but we are not done just yet!

3. Update Held-Back Packages

It could be that you have not actually updated all the packages, as not all of them are listed. This issue is likely due to package dependency issues or could have some other issue associated with it.

Nonetheless, you can check whether there are any shortcomings in the updates you have downloaded by entering the following command in the terminal:

The procedure to download the held-back packages is the same as that used for downloading the listed packages. Enter the following command to individually download each package:

Or, you can enter the command below to download all of the packages at once:

4. Uninstall Obsolete Packages

To remove any outdated packages on your system, use the following command:


In short, to optimally upgrade your Kali system, all you need to do is just configure the repositories and install updates with the “ $ sudo apt upgrade command.” It is as simple as that.

Remember to be mindful when you are using third-party repositories. This could potentially break your Kali system, in which case you would have to install Kali all over again. Also, be sure to free up some HDD space by deleting any outdated packages.

About the author

Younis Said

I am a freelancing software project developer, a software engineering graduate and a content writer. I love working with Linux and open-source software.


How to Update Kali Linux

Kali Linux is known as one of the best operating systems for penetration testing. It is a Debian-derived Linux distribution with a large community of users.

The OS has a rolling release model with new releases coming out approximately four times a year. Make sure to check for updates and upgrades regularly. Doing so improves the overall security and speeds up system performance.

In this article, you will learn how to update Kali Linux.

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How to update Kali Linux.

  • A system running Kali Linux (it is best to install Kali as a VM)
  • Access to a terminal window/command line (Ctrl+Alt+T)
  • A user account with sudo or root privileges

How to Update Kali Linux?

Kali uses the Debian Package management system, which allows you to update and upgrade using the apt or apt-get command. Follow the steps outlined below to update and upgrade Kali.

Step 1: Check the Source List Files

When downloading updates using the APT package manager, ensure the system is connecting to the correct remote repository. Configuration files /etc/apt/source.list and /etc/apt/source.list.d/ contain URLs from which Kali installs packages and applications.

Open the configuration files to check the source:

The output should display the URL deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free as in the image below.

Display the source list files for Kali Linux.

The same applies for files inside /etc/apt/source.list.d/.

Step 2: Update Package Manager

Before installing the latest software, you need to update the package repository to ensure you are downloading the newest versions. Run the following command to get the latest package lists:

Update Kali Linux package manager.

Note: Kali had a default root user on versions up to 2020.1. Since more and more users started running Kali as their day-to-day operating system, they decided to move to the traditional security model of having a non-root user. The default password for the root user is toor. If you are not logged in as the root, make sure to add the Linux sudo command prefix.

Step 3: Upgrade the System

Now you can run the upgrade, which installs the latest packages and patches for Kali Linux. There are three commands you can use to upgrade Kali:

There are slight differences between them:

  • The apt upgrade command downloads and updates packages without deleting anything previously installed on your Kali Linux system.
  • The apt full-upgrade command downloads and updates packages. However, it also removes already installed packages if needed.
  • The apt dist-upgrade command does the same as a regular upgrade while intelligently handling changing dependencies, removing obsolete packages, and adding new ones.

Once you decide how to upgrade, type in the command and press Enter. The system will ask you to confirm the installation — type yes or y and press Enter to do so.

Note: Instead of running each command separately, you can update Kali Linux using a single command: apt update && apt upgrade .

Step 4: Remove Unnecessary Packages

Remove obsolete packages left after the upgrade to free up disk space by running the command:

It is best to check for new updates every couple of weeks if running a default installation. After reading this article, you should know how to update and upgrade your Kali Linux system using the commands listed above.


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