Kali linux vmware no internet

Kali linux vmware no internet

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Looking for a little help.

I have workstation 16 pro on a kali linux host. I have windows 7,8.1,XP, and 10 as VMs. None of the VMs have internet.

I have tried bridge and nat. Restarted the VMs and Host.

On the host I have ran vmware-network —status

It shows NAT and DHCP as not enabled and not started.

I try running vmware-network —start and Nat and DHCP fail to start.

I collected the log and sent a support for help but was told kali isn’t supported. If there is any information I can provide, I would appreciate any assistance.


VMware Kali Linux пропал интернет в ВМ

На основной машине стоит Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, на гостевой — Kali Linux. Гостевые дополнения, или же VMware Tools установлены. Беспроводной Интернет реальной машины распознавался в виртуальной как подключение по Ethernet. До определённого момента всё работало замечательно, с Интернетом на реальной машине всё в порядке, но на ВМ пропал, будто его и не было 🙁 Пробовала менять в настройках подключение NAT на Bridge, не помогло. Даже пингнуть ничего не могу. Вывод команды ifconfig:

lo: flags=73 mtu 65536 inet netmask inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10 loop txqueuelen 1000 (Local Loopback) RX packets 16 bytes 960 (960.0 B) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 16 bytes 960 (960.0 B) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
eth0: flags=4098 mtu 1500 ether 2a:14:1c:b7:85:14 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet) RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0

Содержание файла /etc/network/interfaces:

 This file describes the network interfaces available on your system # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5). source /etc/network/interfaces.d/* # The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback

Ethernet интерфейса и в помине нет. Каюсь заранее, уровень моих знаний мягко говоря, начальный, прошу камнями не кидаться. Подскажите, кто-нибудь, как поднять сеть? И на всякий случай заранее скажу: виртуальной машиной пользуюсь, т.к. мне просто так удобнее. Про LiveUSB слышала, пользоваться пока не собираюсь.

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No Internet in Kali Linux in VMware® Workstation 16 Pro

There are not any networks in my Kali Linux instance. Reconnecting USB wifi, restarting Vmware, restarting network service do not fix anything. Is there any thing I can do to connect back to the Internet ? Wifi adapter (I plugged my wifi adapter and it defenitely disconnected from host) can not be recognised in Kali Linux although it is connected.
No ethernet connection recognised.
Network settings in instance, I have tried Bridged and NAT options, both of them does not work. https://pasteboard.co/S19dANfE0ROo.png

Please clarify your specific problem or provide additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it’s currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you’re asking.

1 Answer 1

(1) Network settings in instance, I have tried Bridged and NAT options, both of them does not work.

(2) Wifi adapter can not be recognized in Kali Linux although it is connected.

Two different issues here.

I have Kali 2021.4 running in VMware V16.2.1

For issue (1) the connection in the Kali Machine should be Ethernet. Kali, Settings, Advanced Network Configuration and select Ethernet. That is how Bridged and NAT Networking work.

See the screen shot of my working Kali configuration.

Kali Network Configuration

Issue (2) is different. If you want Wireless in your Kali machine from a USB Wireless card, make sure the USB Wireless card is not used for Host Wireless, but is plugged in.

Go to the Kali Machine. Go to the the VMware menu, VM, Removable Devices and select the USB card.

Now see if there are Wireless Drivers in Kali for the USB card and install them.

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So the NAT connection in Kali is Ethernet (uses the Host internet connection) and the USB Wireless in Kali is an additional connection.

Once working, switch from Ethernet to Wireless in Kali.


Troubleshooting Kali VMware Virtual Machine No Internet Connection

This Tip shows you How to Solve Kali VMware Virtual Machine No Internet Connection.

And this Solution has been Tested on a several VMware Fusion/Workstation Linux Virtual Machines.

Troubleshooting Kali VMware Virtual Machine No Internet Connection

1. Setting up Network Interface

2. Launching Terminal

Troubleshooting Kali VMware Virtual Machine No Internet Connection - Open Terminal


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Kali linux vmware no internet

Dedicated to Kali Linux, a complete re-build of BackTrack Linux, adhering completely to Debian development standards with an all-new infrastructure that has been put in place.

Kali on VMware 12 — No Internet Connection [Yes, I’ve edited all /etc/network/interfaces files as per usual and tried bridged connections]

I’ve read every Reddit thread on the subject along with several other forums. I’ve also watched several Youtube videos.

Everyone says «edit interfaces file» or «edit this .conf file» or «change connection from NAT to bridged (I used a bridged connection for a short while, but then that shut down too.

Well, I’ve tried all of that with no success. My router was letting me use Kali last night, but then I tried a script I got out of a book. The whole point of the script was to change my Metasploitable ip address and hide it in the subnet. I took the script from an introduction to exploits with Kali.

I know it’s not malicious (one: because I reviewed the small script and two: because the book is highly reputable). I ensured my script was setup to change my ip address to a random ip under my subnet. But still, once I ran the exploit both Kali and my other OS — metasploitable have ceased functioning over the internet.

The script ran only on my local Metaspoitable OS which is extra weird. So, since then, I’ve been hitting my Kali with every network configuration possible. I don’t want to reinstall because I’m a stupid twat and I also appreciate finding solutions so I can fix these problems if they ever occur again.

The script was something like this:

#!/bin/bash echo «setting up machine» ifconfig eth0 down ifconfig eth0 192.168.18.$((($RANDOM %254) + 1)) up /etc/init.d/ssh start /etc/init.d/apache2 start etc/init.d/atftpd start echo «Machine setup»

As you can see, all it does it open up some services to make the machine vulnerable and it sets the IP address to somethign random between 1 and 255. So, why did this script mess up VMware so it can’t connect my machines over NAT anymore? And then bridge failed? Did something else happen? Furthermore, what could make my OS’s incapable of resetting their networks. I’ve reset all network services and rebooted several times.


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