Kali linux which debian

Kali linux which debian

A branch is an alternative version of some software, in this case of the Kali OS. Kali Linux has multiple branches which allows for users to decide how up-to-date their packages will be. Kali Linux is similar to Debian in many regards, one of which is the use of branches.

You may have multiple branches enabled at once. However, switching branches may introduce problems, as packages may be at different versions, and unavailable or unstable in certain cases.

Please see the network sources page for how to switch branches. For an example of how to use multiple branches, please see our NVIDIA GPU Drivers guide.

Kali Branches

First are the main branches, which are the most frequently used, and the most stable. These are often seen as “safe”.

  • kali-rolling is the main default branch that most should be using. It is being continuously updated, as it pulls from kali-dev after ensuring questionable packages are stable and combining them with packages from kali-rolling-only . From time to time, a package bug may slip into here, due to bugs in debian-testing .
  • kali-last-snapshot is a branch of Kali that can be used if users want a more standard feeling of software control. For every new release, we freeze the code and merge kali-rolling into kali-last-snapshot , at which point users will get all of the updates between versioned releases (i.e. 2020.3 -> 2020.4). This often is more stable, as packages are not updated (until the next release as it’s a “Point Release”) and go thought our release testing. This is the “safest” option.

Each of these branches provide a complete distribution of the Kali OS. You should be using either one or the other, but there’s no point having both enabled at the same time.

Next are the partial branches, which are meant to be used in addition to the the kali-rolling branch. They usually provide more recent versions of the packages that are found in kali-rolling, and at time they might even provide additional packages. These branches can’t be used alone, as they don’t contain a complete distribution of Kali.

Note that the casual user will likely not need those branches, except in very special cases. The partial branches are:

  • kali-experimental is a staging area for work-in-progress packages.
  • kali-bleeding-edge contains packages that are automatically updated from the upstream git repositories. This branch has the potential to be very unstable.
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  • kali-dev is the development version of Kali Linux. It is created by combining three other branches: kali-dev-only , kali-debian-picks and debian-testing . Its mainly used for merging Debian’s updates with the changes maintained by Kali Linux.
  • kali-dev-only is the development distribution with Kali-specific packages. This branch is auto-merged into kali-dev .
  • kali-rolling-only is a repository for packages that need to quickly reach kali-rolling .

Branches Used to Assist With Other Branches

  • kali-debian-picks contains packages cherry-picked from debian-experimental and debian-unstable . It is auto-merged into kali-dev .
  • debian-testing is a mirror of Debian’s testing distribution. This is used to build kali-dev .
  • debian-experimental and debian-unstable are partial mirrors for specific packages that we want to cherry-pick.


Below is a diagram showing the relationship between the branches:

 debian-unstable -> debian-testing -> kali-dev -> kali-rolling -> kali-last-snapshot | | ^ ^ ^ | v v | | | | ---------------------------------> kali-debian-picks -| | | ----> kali-bleeding-edge | | ^ kali-experimental -> kali-dev-only -----------------------------| | | | Upstream kali-rolling-only --------------------------------------------------------| 

Debian’s Relation

Stable is the “safe” Debian branch. Around every two months, it is updated with a “Point Release”, which is often just security updates. Packages don’t generally get a version upgrade during this time, due to potential incompatibility and thus instability. This is the Debian equivalent of kali-last-snapshot.

Testing is the closest thing there is to a Debian “rolling” distribution, where “rolling” means that as soon as a package update is available, it’s pushed out. Kali has used this branch as a starter for kali-rolling since January 2016.

Unstable is just after Debian’s package development happens. The packages have been created, but not fully tested. Kali doesn’t have an equivalent, as it is a rolling distribution.

For more information about how Kali relates to Debian, please see our policy page on the matter.

The kali-rolling Repository

Contrary to kali-dev, kali-rolling is expected to be of better quality because it’s managed by a tool that ensures installability of all the package it contains. That tool picks updated packages from kali-dev and copies them to kali-rolling only when they have been verified to be installable. Note however that those checks do not include any functional testing. It might still contain broken software due to other problems that are not covered by the package dependencies. Kali Rolling is the primary repository that most users should be using. They can also report any issue they have with Kali specific packages on bugs.kali.org. Make sure to select the “kali-dev” version in “Product version”.

Kali Rolling users are expected to have the following entry in their /etc/apt/sources.list:

The kali-dev Repository

WARNING: While kali-dev is publicly accessible to everybody on all Kali mirrors, this distribution should not be used by end-users as it will regularly break.

This repository is actually Debian’s Testing distribution with all the kali-specific packages (available in the kali-dev-only repository) force-injected. Kali packages take precedence over the Debian packages. Sometimes when Testing changes, some Kali packages must be updated and this will not happen immediately. During this time, kali-dev is likely to be broken. This repository is where Kali developers push updated packages and is the basis used to create kali-rolling.

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kali linux 2020.4 debian version

The Kali Linux distribution is based on Debian Testing. Therefore, most of the Kali packages are imported, as-is, from the Debian repositories.

How do I check my Kali version?

The lsb_release -a command shows the release version, description, and operating system codename. This is the simplest way to quickly find what version of Kali you’re running.

What is the current version of Kali Linux?

Kali Linux

Initial release 13 March 2013
Latest release 2021.1 / 24 February 2021
Repository pkg.kali.org
Update method APT (several front-ends available)
Support status

What is the difference between Kali Linux and Debian?

Kali is based on Debian, but includes, some forked packages which aren’t in Debian. packages combinations from multiple Debian repositories, which is non-standard behaviour. packages which aren’t (currently) in any Debian repositories.

Is Kali Linux illegal?

Originally Answered: If we install Kali Linux is illegal or legal? its totally legal , as the KALI official website i.e. Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Linux Distribution only provides you the iso file for free and its totaly safe. . Kali Linux is a open source operating system so it is completely legal.

Why Kali Linux is named Kali?

The name Kali Linux, stems from the Hindu religion. The name Kali comes from kāla, which means black, time, death, lord of death, Shiva. Since Shiva is called Kāla—the eternal time—Kālī, his consort, also means “Time” or “Death” (as in time has come). Hence, Kāli is the Goddess of Time and Change.

What version is my Linux?

The command “uname -r” shows the version of the Linux kernel that you’re currently using. You’ll now see which Linux kernel you’re using. In the above example, the Linux kernel is 5.4. 0-26.

How do I completely update Kali Linux?

Start Kali Linux and open a terminal. Step Two: Type apt-get update && apt-get upgrade (without quotes) in the terminal and hit Enter. Kali will now check it’s webservers for updates.

Which is the latest version of Linux?

The Linux kernel 5.7 is finally here as the latest stable version of kernel for Unix-like operating systems. The new kernel comes with many significant updates and new features. In this tutorial you will find 12 prominent new features of Linux kernel 5.7, as well as how to upgrade to the latest kernel.

How do I update my Kali 2020 to 2021?

  1. First Make sure in the repository you have the File “Rolling Release.”
  2. Enter this command: “$ sudo apt update.”
  3. Enter this Kali Linux Command to update “$ sudo apt upgrade” If asked press Y to continue.
  4. Congrats! The entire kali Linux OS has been Updated.

Which version is best in Kali Linux?

Well the answer is ‘It depends’. In current circumstance Kali Linux have non-root user by default in their latest 2020 versions. This doesn’t have much difference then 2019.4 version. 2019.4 was introduced with default xfce desktop environment.

Which language is used in Kali Linux?

Learn network penetration testing, ethical hacking using the amazing programming language, Python along with Kali Linux.

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Kali linux which debian

The Kali Linux distribution is based on Debian Testing. Therefore, most of the Kali packages are imported, as-is, from the Debian repositories. In some cases, newer packages may be imported from Debian Unstable or Debian Experimental, either to improve user experience, or to incorporate needed bug fixes.

Forked Packages

In order to implement some of Kali’s unique features, we had to fork some packages. The Kali development team strives to keep such packages to a minimum by improving the upstream packages whenever possible, either by integrating the feature directly, or by adding the required hooks so that it’s straightforward to enable the desired features without further modifying the upstream packages themselves.

Each package forked by Kali is maintained in a Git repository with a “debian” branch so that updating a forked package can be easily done with a simple git merge debian in its master branch.

Additional Packages

Beyond this, Kali incorporates many additional packages which are specific to the penetration testing and security auditing field. The majority of these packages constitute “free software” according to Debian’s Free Software Guidelines. Kali intends to contribute those packages back to Debian and to maintain them directly within Debian.

To facilitate this, Kali packaging strives to comply with the Debian Policy and follow the best practices in use in Debian.

Updated on: 2023-Mar-06
Author: g0tmi1k


What version of Debian is my Kali Linux based on?

The Kali Linux distribution is based on Debian Wheezy.

But, as noted, Kali 2.0’s new 4.0 kernel is based on Debian Jessie.

From your results of uname -a , you have Kali Linux 2.0 with a kernel version of 4.0.0 , hence your kali is based on Debian Jessie.

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Unix & Linux: What version of Debian is my Kali Linux based on? (3 Solutions!!)

Young Kim

Updated on September 18, 2022


I am trying to download Virtualbox on my Kali Linux and I would like know which Debian my Kali Linux is based off of. I’m not finding uname -a or cat /etc/*-release useful in this pursuit. I’m trying to install a version of Oracle’s VirtualBox which only ships for specific Debian releases. Which one should I use?


No problem. You can follow the links provided on this page for more information. In particular, you can look at kali linux 2.0 released for Kali 2.0, which is what you have.


As per the updated question, this only reveals the Kali version, and not which Debian release it’s based on.


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