Kaspersky update utility linux установка

Kaspersky update utility linux установка

Support for Business Products

Kaspersky Update Utility 4.0 for Linux

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced: Adaptive security of your company
Extended technical support (MSA): High‑priority incident processing

How to use Kaspersky Update Utility 4.0 for Linux

Before running Kaspersky Update Utility for Linux install additional library packages Qt 5.8 or later and ia32-libs (for 64-bit) and follow the recommendations for deployment and startup from this article.

  1. Download the archive with the tool and extract the files to any folder, for example, to /home/user:
    • for Linux (x86) — kuu4.1.0.474_i686-linux_en.tar.gz;
    • for Linux (x64) — kuu4.1.0.474_x86_64_en.tar.gz;
    • for Linux (arm64) — kuu4.1.0.474_i686-linux_en.tar.gz;
  2. Run uu-gui.sh.
  3. Carefully read through the End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy. If you agree with the terms and conditions, select the corresponding checkboxes and click Accept.

License agreement and Privacy policy window

  1. Carefully read the Kaspersky Security Network Statement. If you agree with the terms and conditions, select the corresponding checkbox and click Accept.

The KSN Statement

The main window of Kaspersky Update Utility

  1. Find the group of applications and select the versions of the Kaspersky applications that you would like to update. Click OK.

The download settings window in Kaspersky Update Utility

The main window of Kaspersky Update Utility.

The download settings window in Kaspersky Update Utility.

The main window in Kaspersky Update Utility.

Updates for selected applications will be downloaded to the folder you have specified. Update the applications using the downloaded files. See the guide below.

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How to use the downloaded files to update Kaspersky applications

In your Kaspersky application, change the update source to the folder with the updates you have downloaded with Kaspersky Update Utility. To update the applications without internet connection, share the updates folder through the local network or copy it to a removable drive.

How to update Kaspersky applications through the local network

  1. Give network access to the Updates folder.
  2. In the settings of your Kaspersky application, specify the shared Updates folder as an update source.

How to update Kaspersky applications using a removable media

  1. Copy the Updates folder to the removable drive.
  2. Insert the removable drive into the computer on which the update is required.
  3. In the settings of your Kaspersky application, specify the Updates folder on the removable drive as an update source.


Kaspersky update utility linux установка

Поддержка продуктов для бизнеса

Kaspersky Update Utility 4.0 для Linux

Kaspersky Endpoint Security для бизнеса Расширенный — Адаптивная защита вашей компании
Расширенная техническая поддержка (MSA) — Приоритетная обработка инцидентов

Как работать с утилитой Kaspersky Update Utility 4.0 для Linux

Перед началом работы с Kaspersky Update Utility для Linux установите дополнительные пакеты библиотек Qt 5.8 и выше и ia32-libs (для 64 бит) и воспользуйтесь рекомендациями по развертыванию и запуску из статьи.

Чтобы начать работу с утилитой:

  1. Скачайте и распакуйте архив с утилитой в любой каталог, например в /home/user:
    • для Linux (x86) — kuu4.1.0.474_i686-linux_ru.tar.gz;
    • для Linux (x64) — Build — kuu4.1.0.474_x86_64_ru.tar.gz;
    • для Linux (arm64) — kuu4.1.0.474_aarch64_ru.tar.gz;
  2. Запустите файл uu-gui.sh.
  3. Внимательно прочитайте Лицензионное соглашение и Политику конфиденциальности «Лаборатории Касперского». Если вы согласны со всеми пунктами, установите соответствующие флажки и нажмите Принять.

Принятие Лицензионного соглашения и Политики конфиденциальности в Kaspersky Update Utility

  1. Внимательно прочитайте Положение об использовании Kaspersky Security Network. Если вы согласны со всеми пунктами, установите флажок Я принимаю условия использования Kaspersky Security Network и нажмите Принять.

Принятие Положения о KSN в Kaspersky Update Utility

Переход к списку программ в Kaspersky Update Utility

  1. Выберите группу программ и установите флажки напротив версий программ, которые вы хотите обновить. Нажмите OK.

Выбор обновлений в Kaspersky Update Utility

Переход к настройкам в Kaspersky Update Utility

  1. Перейдите в раздел Загрузка и укажите папку для загрузки обновлений. Нажмите OK.

Выбор папки для загрузки обновлений в Kaspersky Update Utility

Запуск загрузки обновлений в Kaspersky Update Utility

Обновления для выбранных программ будут загружены. Инструкция по обновлению программ ниже.

Как обновить программы «Лаборатории Касперского» с помощью загруженных файлов

Программы «Лаборатории Касперского» будут использовать для обновления папку, которую вы указали в настройках. Вы можете открыть к ней общий доступ или скопировать ее на съемный носитель.

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Как обновить программы в локальной сети без подключения к интернету

  1. Откройте сетевой доступ к папке Updates.
  2. В настройках программы «Лаборатории Касперского» укажите в качестве источника обновления папку Updates.

Как локально обновить программу с помощью съемного носителя

  1. Cкопируйте папку Updates на съемный носитель.
  2. Подключите его к компьютеру.
  3. В настройках программы «Лаборатории Касперского» укажите в качестве источника обновления папку Updates на съемном носителе.


Kaspersky update utility linux установка

Support for Business Products

Kaspersky Update Utility 4.0 for Linux

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced: Adaptive security of your company
Extended technical support (MSA): High‑priority incident processing

How to use Kaspersky Update Utility 4.0 for Linux

Before running Kaspersky Update Utility for Linux install additional library packages Qt 5.8 or later and ia32-libs (for 64-bit) and follow the recommendations for deployment and startup from this article.

  1. Download the archive with the tool and extract the files to any folder, for example, to /home/user:
    • for Linux (x86) — kuu4.1.0.474_i686-linux_en.tar.gz;
    • for Linux (x64) — kuu4.1.0.474_x86_64_en.tar.gz;
    • for Linux (arm64) — kuu4.1.0.474_i686-linux_en.tar.gz;
  2. Run uu-gui.sh.
  3. Carefully read through the End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy. If you agree with the terms and conditions, select the corresponding checkboxes and click Accept.

License agreement and Privacy policy window

  1. Carefully read the Kaspersky Security Network Statement. If you agree with the terms and conditions, select the corresponding checkbox and click Accept.

The KSN Statement

The main window of Kaspersky Update Utility

  1. Find the group of applications and select the versions of the Kaspersky applications that you would like to update. Click OK.

The download settings window in Kaspersky Update Utility

The main window of Kaspersky Update Utility.

The download settings window in Kaspersky Update Utility.

The main window in Kaspersky Update Utility.

Updates for selected applications will be downloaded to the folder you have specified. Update the applications using the downloaded files. See the guide below.

How to use the downloaded files to update Kaspersky applications

In your Kaspersky application, change the update source to the folder with the updates you have downloaded with Kaspersky Update Utility. To update the applications without internet connection, share the updates folder through the local network or copy it to a removable drive.

How to update Kaspersky applications through the local network

  1. Give network access to the Updates folder.
  2. In the settings of your Kaspersky application, specify the shared Updates folder as an update source.

How to update Kaspersky applications using a removable media

  1. Copy the Updates folder to the removable drive.
  2. Insert the removable drive into the computer on which the update is required.
  3. In the settings of your Kaspersky application, specify the Updates folder on the removable drive as an update source.
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Kaspersky update utility linux установка

Support for Business Products

Kaspersky Update Utility 4.0

How to use Kaspersky Update Utility 4.0 for Linux

Before running Kaspersky Update Utility for Linux install additional library packages Qt 5.8 or later and ia32-libs (for 64-bit) and follow the recommendations for deployment and startup from this article.

  1. Download the archive with the tool and extract the files to any folder, for example, to /home/user:
    • for Linux (x86) — kuu4.1.0.474_i686-linux_en.tar.gz;
    • for Linux (x64) — kuu4.1.0.474_x86_64_en.tar.gz;
    • for Linux (arm64) — kuu4.1.0.474_i686-linux_en.tar.gz;
  2. Run uu-gui.sh.
  3. Carefully read through the End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy. If you agree with the terms and conditions, select the corresponding checkboxes and click Accept.

License agreement and Privacy policy window

  1. Carefully read the Kaspersky Security Network Statement. If you agree with the terms and conditions, select the corresponding checkbox and click Accept.

The KSN Statement

The main window of Kaspersky Update Utility

  1. Find the group of applications and select the versions of the Kaspersky applications that you would like to update. Click OK.

The download settings window in Kaspersky Update Utility

The main window of Kaspersky Update Utility.

The download settings window in Kaspersky Update Utility.

The main window in Kaspersky Update Utility.

Updates for selected applications will be downloaded to the folder you have specified. Update the applications using the downloaded files. See the guide below.

How to use the downloaded files to update Kaspersky applications

In your Kaspersky application, change the update source to the folder with the updates you have downloaded with Kaspersky Update Utility. To update the applications without internet connection, share the updates folder through the local network or copy it to a removable drive.

How to update Kaspersky applications through the local network

  1. Give network access to the Updates folder.
  2. In the settings of your Kaspersky application, specify the shared Updates folder as an update source.

How to update Kaspersky applications using a removable media

  1. Copy the Updates folder to the removable drive.
  2. Insert the removable drive into the computer on which the update is required.
  3. In the settings of your Kaspersky application, specify the Updates folder on the removable drive as an update source.


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