Kerio connect for linux

Installing Kerio Connect on Debian 8/9

Learn how to install Kerio Connect on Debian 8/9 (amd64).

  1. On Linux Debian 8/9, disable exim4 MTA using the following command: sudo apt-get remove exim4-base .
  2. Install the required system packages using the following command: sudo apt-get install locales-all libsensors4 sysstat .
  3. Download the deb installation package from the Kerio Connect web site and install Kerio Connect using the following command: sudo dpkg -i kerio-connect-9.0.x-xxxx-linux-xxxx.deb .

Do not forget to replace x-xxx and xxxx with appropriate version numbers.

  1. Optionally, replace sendmail with the binary from Kerio Connect using the following command: sudo mv /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail-old sudo cp /opt/kerio/mailserver/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail sudo cp /opt/kerio/mailserver/lib* /lib/
  1. Open Kerio Connect Administration using https://servername:4040/admin .

Kerio Connect users can authenticate against PAM with the /etc/pam.d/kerio-connect PAM module.

Starting and stopping the server

  • To start Kerio Connect : sudo service kerio-connect start
  • To stop Kerio Connect : sudo service kerio-connect stop
  • Installation
    • Installing Kerio Connect
    • Performing initial configuration
    • Installing Kerio Connect on Debian 7
    • Installing Kerio Connect on Debian 8/9
    • Installing Kerio Connect on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
    • Installing Kerio Connect on OS X 10.10 and newer
    • Registering Kerio Connect
    • How do I apply renewals or add-ons?
    • Switching from 32-bit installation to 64-bit
    • Switching from 64-bit installation to 32-bit
    • Uninstalling Kerio Connect


    Installing Kerio Connect

    Kerio Connect is available as a standard installation package for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux RPM and Linux Debian.

    Kerio Connect can also be downloaded as a virtual appliance for VMware products. VMware Virtual Appliance Pre-configured Kerio Connect virtual machine image for VMware. is a software appliance edition pre-installed on a virtual host for VMware. The virtual appliance is distributed as OVF and VMX. For more information refer to Kerio Connect VMware Virtual Appliance.


    Refer to the product pages to know the prerequisites before installation. Once everything is set up, you can start with the installation process as explained below:

    1. Download the Kerio Connect installation file.
    2. Run the installer. Kerio Connect must be installed under the user with administration rights to the system.
    3. Follow the steps in the installation wizard.
    4. Click Finish to complete the installation. Kerio Connect engine starts (immediately or after restart) and runs as a service.

    The Kerio Connect installation process is logged in a special file ( kerio-connect.setup.log ) located in the folder %TEMP% .

    Mac OS X

    Refer to the product pages to learn about the prerequisites before installation. Once everything is set up, you can start with the installation process as explained below:

    1. Download the Kerio Connect installation file.
    2. Run the installer. Kerio Connect must be installed under the user with administration rights to the system.
    3. Follow the steps in the installation wizard. Kerio Connect is installed in the /usr/local/kerio/mailserver folder.
    4. Click Finish to complete the installation. Kerio Connect engine starts upon the computer system start-up and runs as a service.
    5. Perform the initial configuration before you start using Kerio Connect . For more information refer to Performing initial configuration in Kerio Connect.

    Kerio Connect engine

    To run or restart the service, go to System Preferences > Other > Kerio Connect Monitor.

    You can also stop, start or restart Kerio Connect through Terminal or a SSH Secure Socket Shell — A network protocol that provides administrators with a secure way to access a remote machines. client with the following commands with root access:

    • Stopping Kerio Connect engine: sudo /usr/local/kerio/mailserver/KerioMailServer stop
    • Running Kerio Connect engine: sudo /usr/local/kerio/mailserver/KerioMailServer start
    • Restarting Kerio Connect engine: sudo /usr/local/kerio/mailserver/KerioMailServer restart

    Do not delete the Kerio Connect installation package. It includes Kerio Connect Uninstaller.

    Linux RPM

    Refer to the product pages to learn about the prerequisites before installation. Once everything is set up, you can start with the installation process as explained below:

    1. Download the Kerio Connect installation file.
    2. Run the installer. Kerio Connect must be installed under the user with root rights.For installations, Kerio Connect uses the RPM application. All functions are available except the option of changing the Kerio Connect location.
    3. Follow the steps in the installation wizard. Kerio Connect is installed in the /opt/kerio/mailserver folder.
    4. Click Finish to complete the installation.
    5. Perform the initial configuration before you start using Kerio Connect . For more information refer to Performing initial configuration in Kerio Connect.

    New installation

    Start the installation using this command:

    Example: # rpm -i kerio-connect-8.0.0-6333.linux.rpm

    If problems with package dependencies occur and you cannot install Kerio Connect , download and install the compat-libstdc++ package.

    We recommend you read the LINUX-README file carefully, immediately after installation (located in the installation directory in the folder doc ).

    Kerio Connect engine

    The script that provides automatic startup of the daemon (the Kerio Connect engine) on reboot of the operating system is located in /etc/init.d folder.

    Use this script to start or stop the daemon manually. Kerio Connect must be run under the user root .

    • Stopping Kerio Connect engine: /etc/init.d/kerio-connect stop
    • Running Kerio Connect engine: /etc/init.d/kerio-connect start
    • Restarting Kerio Connect engine: /etc/init.d/kerio-connect restart

    If your distribution has systemd available, use these commands:

    • Stopping Kerio Connect engine: systemctl stop kerio-connect.service
    • Running Kerio Connect engine: systemctl start kerio-connect.service

    Linux DEB

    For system requirements go to the product pages.

    1. Download the Kerio Connect installation file.
    2. Run the installer. Kerio Connect must be installed under the user with root rights.
    3. Follow the steps in the installation wizard. Kerio Connect gets installed in the /opt/kerio/mailserver folder.
    4. Click Finish to complete the installation.
    5. Perform the initial configuration before you start using Kerio Connect . For more information refer to Performing initial configuration in Kerio Connect.

    New installation

    Start the installation using this command:

    Example: # dpkg -i kerio-connect-8.0.0-1270.linux.i386.deb

    If problems with package dependencies occur and you cannot install Kerio Connect , download and install the compat-libstdc++ package. We recommend you read the DEBIAN-README (located in the installation directory in folder doc ) file carefully and immediately after installation.

    Kerio Connect engine

    The script that provides automatic start-up of the daemon ( Kerio Connect engine) on system reboot is located in /etc/init.d folder.

    Alternatively, use the following commands to start or stop the daemon manually. To run these commands, Kerio Connect must be run by a root user

    • Stopping Kerio Connect engine: sudo service kerio-connect stop
    • Running Kerio Connect engine: sudo service kerio-connect start
    • Restarting Kerio Connect engine: sudo service kerio-connect restart

    When installing on Debian with a graphical user interface, open the installation package with the gdebi . To do this, right-click the file and click Open with.


    Installing Kerio Connect on Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS

    Learn how to install Kerio Connect 8.3 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server (amd64).

    1. On Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS, install the necessary libraries using the following command: sudo apt-get install sysstat
    2. Generate system locales for different language in Kerio Connect client using the following command: sudo locale-gen *.UTF-8
    3. Download the deb installation package from the Kerio Connect web site and install Kerio Connect using the following command: dpkg -i kerio-connect-8.3.0-xxxx-linux-amd64.deb

    Do not forget to replace xxxx with appropriate version number.

    1. In your browser, open the Kerio Connect administration https://servername:4040/admin and perform the initial configuration. For more information refer to Performing initial configuration in Kerio Connect.
    1. Optionally replace sendmail with the binary from Kerio Connect : sudo mv /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail-old sudo cp /opt/kerio/mailserver/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail sudo cp /opt/kerio/mailserver/libkt* /lib/

    Kerio Connect users can authenticate against PAM with the /etc/pam.d/kerio-connect PAM module.

    • Installation
      • Installing Kerio Connect
      • Performing initial configuration
      • Installing Kerio Connect on Debian 7
      • Installing Kerio Connect on Debian 8/9
      • Installing Kerio Connect on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
      • Installing Kerio Connect on OS X 10.10 and newer
      • Registering Kerio Connect
      • How do I apply renewals or add-ons?
      • Switching from 32-bit installation to 64-bit
      • Switching from 64-bit installation to 32-bit
      • Uninstalling Kerio Connect


      Настройка клиента VPN от Kerio на Linux Ubuntu

      Обновлено и опубликовано

      Опубликовано: 05.03.2020

      Установка Kerio VPN Client

      Переходим на страницу загрузки Kerio Control и копируем ссылку на соответствующую версию клиента:

      Копируем ссылку на Kerio VPN Client для Linux

      * со стороны Kerio есть клиенты для Linux только для Debian/Ubuntu 32-bit или 64-bit.

      Используя скопированную ссылку, загружаем клиент на Linux:

      * в данном примере нами была скопирована 64-х битная версия клиента.

      Устанавливаем необходимые для работы VPN-клиента компоненты:

      apt-get install debconf openssl

      И устанавливаем сам клиент:

      dpkg -i kerio-control-vpnclient-linux-amd64.deb

      Система в процессе установки сразу предложит диалоговые окна для настройки. В первом окне вводим адрес нашего сервера (Kerio VPN Server):

      Вводим адрес сервера Kerio VPN

      * для примера мы введи адрес внутренней сети, но чаще, будет необходимость в использовании внешнего адреса для сервера.

      Разрешаем автоматически определить отпечаток для сертификата сервера:

      Разрешить автоматически определить отпечаток сертификата

      После определения отпечатка, он будет выведен на экран, а нам нужно будет его принять:

      Принимаем отпечаток сертификата

      Вводим имя пользователя для авторизации в сети VPN:

      Вводим имя пользователя

      Вводим пароль для пользователя:

      Вводим пароль

      Система завершит установку.

      Разрешим автозапуск сервиса и стартанем его:

      systemctl enable kerio-kvc

      Настройка Kerio VPN Client

      Настройку клиента мы выполнили в момент установки. Но если нам необходимо изменить конфигурацию или мы ошиблись, то изменения можно внести командой:

      Пример содержимого конфига:

      * где — адрес нашего сервера; user — пользователь; XOR:390c0f266713026d782c — пароль в виде хэша; 8E:F0:D9:9A:A5:74:0F:AE:F3:E8:40:9E:D0:F0:B8:3B — отпечаток сертификата.

      После изменений вводим команду:

      systemctl restart kerio-kvc

      Ошибка при соединении

      Ошибки, которые возникают при установке соединения можно увидеть в лог-файле error.log:

      tail -f /var/log/kerio-kvc/error.log

      Детализацию лога можно увидеть командой:

      tail -f /var/log/kerio-kvc/debug.log

      В некоторых случаях помогает установка более ранней версии клиента. Список файлов для установки можно найти на сайте ryadel (на странице мы найдем клиенты разных версий для систем Linux и Windows). Переустановка выполняется командой:

      dpkg -i kerio-control-vpnclient-8.6.0-3673-linux-amd64.deb

      * данной командой мы установим kerio vpn client версии 8.6.

      Установка на CentOS

      На сайте разработчика можно найти только deb-пакеты, которые работают в системах на базе Debian. Чтобы выполнить конвертирование данного пакета под систему RPM, устанавливаем alien:

      Теперь можно конвертировать пакет deb в rpm:

      alien —to-rpm kerio-control-vpnclient-linux-amd64.deb

      rpm -Uvh kerio-control-vpnclient-*.rpm


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