Killing floor on linux

Killing floor on linux

23 янв. 2013 в 17:10

Has anyone tried playing Killing Floor on Linux?

I’ve given it a go a few times and I always have the same problem — the floors don’t render properly at all. Not only that, but there are a few graphical glitches, like the Stalkers being visible despite me *not* supposed to see them from a far distance.

I’m just curious about anyone else’s experience. I’m on Linux Mint with a NVidia Geforce GTX 460 card.

EDIT: I’m a plonker and so I forgot to mention my NVidia Driver version, it’s 304.51

23 янв. 2013 в 18:42

Well, this is random lol, I’ve got the same card on Linux Mint.

You may want to try to update your Nvidia drivers, that’s pretty old by now. I’m running the 313.19 beta drivers, although there’s a 313.18 I believe out.

I can play Killing Floor great so far

23 янв. 2013 в 18:59

I hear that the Linux version (As well as their’s servers if you join them) have invisible walls.

But this is a beta for steam so i dont expect it being «good» on day 1.

27 фев. 2013 в 2:09

Hye. I have the same problem : the floos don’t render, it’s white on few maps. Go on my steam’s pics if you see that. I have NVidia GT430 and driver experimental version -310.
But even so, it’s very funny to play 😀

27 фев. 2013 в 10:02

Sorry I haven’t updated this in a while! Well I gave it a go today and it seemed to be a bit more better than the last time I played. However, I was playing on the Mountain Pass map, so I don’t know if the problem occurs on that map.

Have you both tried copying and pasting «sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade» into the terminal yet? That would upgrade your whole OS, and maybe that will help with things.

To be honest though, I’m not entirely convinced the problem is solved. I’ll have another go tonight on Biotics Lab to see if the problem persists (it’s Biotics Labs where I get the most floor rendering problems). Best of luck to the both of you.

4 мар. 2013 в 11:40

OK, I eventually got round to trying it again today and the floor is still see-through. I’ve got NVidia driver version 310.14. I would’ve thought Tripwire would have sorted this by now.

6 мар. 2013 в 11:12

9 мар. 2013 в 16:37

10 мар. 2013 в 7:18

I am running Linux on a ASUS A53SV-EH71 which has a Nvidia GT 540M 1 GB. This card has Optimus, So I am using bumblebee on Lubuntu 12.10 x64, at a resolution on 1280×720. I do have vsync enabled and I believe that it stays well within the range of 30-60 FPS, never goes below. I find the game totally playable with these settings. Anything not mentioned is disabled. I have not tried settings higher than this. I have tried also a few maps online and solo and it seems the one thing that causes a major difference in FPS is how many enemies are in view

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Render Device: OpenGL
Color Depth: 32-bit
Widescreen: Yes
Texture Detail: High
Character Detail: High
World Detail: High
Scope Detail: Textured
Physics Detail: High
Dynamic Mesh LOD: High
Decal Stay High
Decals: Yes
Dynamic Lighting: Yes
Weather Effects: Yes

Edit: Also wanted to add that I am not experiencing graphical glitches like many have stated above, everything looks pretty good.

10 мар. 2013 в 15:29

Horrible performance and glitches everywhere. GTX 670 even. It looks like the ported and dumped the game with no care to bother fixing it. Don’t bother with it on Linux, they didn’t.

If Vavle doesn’t take the time to start cracking down on devs doing this, their Linux effort will be a waste of time. 3d Party developers make up the bulk of titles on steam, they need to ride them to get these games up to at LEAST the same performance as windows or to not bothering with porting them and wasting both our time and money. I can understand if this takes a few patches, but this game is a perfect example of how not to do it.

11 мар. 2013 в 4:35

Its more a problem of nvidias driver than the of their port. I have many problems with nvidia too, but tried it with intel os drivers and everything goes well. So dont blame tripwire or icculus, they did a good job and as far as I know they are already working on the issues with nvidia.

11 мар. 2013 в 7:29

Overall, if anyone actually has gripes about performance with some games, I mean come on, this is ground breaking stuff happening, the Steam client launched just last month! Think about it; How many years has Linux not seen wide support from Game Development companies? Valve is paving the way here where big business tries to keep alternative methods out (Microsoft, Apple, Sony) especially. Nvidia in the past has been a pretty big jerk with related to Linux support but I think their eyes are opening wider.

It all comes down to money and statistics. Statistically, how many people are actually using linux and how much money are they gonna make out of making linux builds? All anyone can do to move the industry forward properly, is to try and stick to buying crossplatform games and give an educated chance towards learning and using Linux as a desktop replacement. Windows has failed for years on so many levels and everyone knows it.

13 мар. 2013 в 16:12

I had a hard time understanding your reply but from what I understood, don’t think I am disagreeing with you, I just think everyone needs to wait see what happens and give it a little more time. It’s too early to jump the gun and point fingers.

I to agree, when I buy something it should work entirely as advertised out of the box. But in this day and age, especially with computer related technology it isn’t always the case. For example: look at the hardware failure rates of Launch 360 and PS3’s, or the functionality removal Sony took with their firmware updates. Completely atrocious. Or even for that matter, versions of Windows that were released too early in the development process that were not entirely ready out of the box and required updates.

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However in the situation with Killing Floor, about an hour ago I installed it on my Windows 7 x64 partition and yes there’s a pretty big performance increase, as well a big difference in sound quality. My main surprise was the variation in sound, being able to hear exactly where the shrieks of an enemy was coming from, which I cannot determine on my linux install.

I’ve seen some screenshots from other Steam users and from what it does look like, this lack of performance seems to be mostly driver related. I ran the KF build using my nvidia drivers and on linux, my bumblebee and intel drivers. On the Linux install, bumblebee and intel seems about the same, maybe my intel performance is just bit better, yeah that’s pretty pathetic.

I wouldn’t call this Killing Floor build terrible. It runs pretty stable and for that matter on my end, and it is playable in my eyes.

The only other fair comparison I could do is look more indepth into the performance difference with say, Counter-Strike Source on Windows and Linux. and if my memory serves me correct, The windows build is running at a fairly better rate too.

So that comes down to two different development companies and still a relatively similar difference in performance. I chalk it up as drivers.

Edit: After I posted this message, I did some searching I haven’t done since the open beta steam client release. Turns out something else was released for my graphics card

when I run the command «vblank_mode=0 primusrun steam steam://rungameid/1250» I get much better performance than optirun. I am now getting 50-60 FPS with the settings i have linked here

It very rarely dips down to 40 FPS range, for split seconds, in really intense moments. So I have to say so far, with some experimentation, this is chalking up to be a Driver issue. This isn’t Steams fault nor Tripwire’s. It more than likely is coming down to User Error and GFX Vendor’s support for drivers. I am very pleased with my frame rates now and am going to start seeing how much of a performance boost i get now when playing Counter-Strike Source. I hope my posts save someone some hassle.

Edit #2: I found a solution to my surround sound problem. I think this is something that Tripwire could fix though and has been brought to their attention.


Killing floor on linux

4 мар. 2021 в 14:02

Yes, runs out the box.
Game has native support. But it’s poorly portet, awful performance with a lot of bugs.
Most servers run with any mutators, without handling cache files your perks are not leveling and you are not able to gain achievements.
Old ut2004 engine is very cpu hungry, and by the bad native port extrem shi’ty performance. Closed maps run fine with 90fps (locked at multiplayer by default), open maps drops your fps to ~30 or lower.
Preferable is running KF with Proton.
In this guide there should be everything you should known.

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4 мар. 2021 в 14:14

Most servers run with any mutators, without handling cache files your perks are not leveling and you are not able to gain achievements.

4 мар. 2021 в 14:36

You have the basic game.
Community of KF provided a lot great mutators which improved the gameplay.
Let it be visuals, like showing damage/zed kills, a little «window» plops up if a teammate is writing text msg, expanded scoreboard. Or new expanded mapvoting, new weapons etc.
Tripwire whitelisted once these mutators. For Windows-Users this files get downloaded if joining a server which are running these files and get cached,. The Game reads the hashvalue of cached files, all fine.
For the native port on Linux the mutators get downloaded and cached but the checkroutine of the whitelisting-system was not revised to read the files to the different folderstructure of the native port.
So your client will be handled like using a greylisted mutators. By joining server you have access to your leveled perks, they increase during gameplay but after mapchange/leaving server your stats will be reset to the value which was before.

4 мар. 2021 в 15:33

Whoa, so all the more reason to switch to Proton then? Although i guess you could always download the mutators yourself, or move the cached ones to the System dir manually. So is there actually any benefit in using the native port?

4 мар. 2021 в 16:11

alright my next question is will it run at at least 20 fps if you only have four gigs of ram (and yes i know my computers a toaster)

4 мар. 2021 в 16:18

Most reason to switch to Proton is the performance.
With decent hardware on native you reach on crappy maps ~30 fps, with proton and opengl-rendering stable with highest settings 90fps. (Flamethrower still a mess for fps)
For the mutators and perkprogression/achievements:
Yep all muts can the downloaded beforehand, but lots of links for original files are broken.
So in guide manual method to handle files, or let script do it, or download full package of whitelisted mutators. (For the package — only .u-files contained without any .int, ini, ucl’s; muts can’t be selected for solo-mode, just to value the whitelisting)
Meanwhile there’s no reason anymore to use the native port. Used the native port from 2014 to end of 2020, its playable but the performance so bad, special on open maps.
~2016 used to use Wine but was very unstable and was running over 3rd party, so not that comfortable, didn’t touched anymore.
But now with the implementation of proton within steam it’s very easy and comfy to handle.
Pro of Wine and Proton, same filestructure like windows -> no perkprogressionfix needed.

4 мар. 2021 в 16:30


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