Клонировать sd карту linux

How to clone MicroSD Card Linux boot drive?

I have a Lubuntu installation booting from a MicroSD card. I want to clone the bootable MicroSD card so that I can restore it to another card if it fails at some stage in the future. Will the command below create a bootable image which I can restore to a new SD card in the future?

sudo dd if=/dev/rdisk3 of=SD.img bs=1m 

2 Answers 2

If the card is /dev/rdisk3 then yes, it will.

Just don’t do it from under the said Lubuntu. Cloning mounted filesystem is a bad idea, unless it’s mounted read-only.

To restore from the image, invoke something like sudo dd if=SD.img of=/dev/rdisk3 . Again, don’t do it when the card filesystem is mounted.

In general you almost always need a second Linux to easily clone the first.

«If the card is /dev/rdisk3 . « — Presumably you are stipulating that the OP needs to copy from the whole SDcard rather than a partition?

If this is the fdisk output for the MicroSD card, presumably the command should be:

sudo dd if=/dev/sde of=SD.img bs=1m 
Disk /dev/sde: 14.9 GiB, 15931539456 bytes, 31116288 sectors Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disklabel type: dos Disk identifier: 0x437cca03 Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type /dev/sde1 * 2048 23060479 23058432 11G 83 Linux /dev/sde2 23062526 31115263 8052738 3.9G 5 Extended /dev/sde5 23062528 31115263 8052736 3.9G 82 Linux swap / Solaris 


Клонирование SD-карты.

Господа, а чем консольным можно клонировать SD-карточку?

Если обобщить sd-card до блочного устройства, то ответ легко найти. Но, конечно, Secure Digital — это нечто большее.

Может лучше файлы скопировать? Чтоб не тратить ресурсы на свободное место. + дефрагментация

Достаточно перед клонированием пройтись zerofree, тогда образ будет нормально сжиматься. А что до лишней работы — компьютер железный, пусть трудится.

Тут вопрос в клонировании, а не в сжатии. Если ты копируешь нули с одной карты на другую (а ещё лучше если там мусор) — впустую тратишь ресурсы. zerofree в добавок будет расходывать ресурсы исходной карты. там же нет discard

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Добрый вечер. Надо изменить CID SD карты автомобильной GPS навигации. Дайте ссылку на программу Chorus SD/MMC

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20$ По всем вопросам в личку.

Гуглю уже неделю, нахожу только скриншоты программы…

чем консольным можно клонировать SD-карточку?

Весь список вываливать, чтоле?

значит не понял понимаешь… думаю тот регистрант за звонкую монету тебе поможет // если ты за неделю не нашёл приложение, то лучше тебе не искать личку на этом форуме… поверь мне на слово… обратной дороги уже не будет-т-т

CID SD Chorus GPS навигация автомобиль программа загруз*

неделя времени? // мне бы кто дал неделю времени, эх-х мечты-мечты

… в итоге тебя прибило к ЛОРу

хм-м, либо ты толстый и зелёный, либо тебе не поможет ничего, кроме звонкой монеты… заплати тем кто шарит в интернет-раскопках

. Если ты копируешь нули с одной карты на другую (а ещё лучше если там мусор) — впустую тратишь ресурсы. zerofree в добавок будет расходывать ресурсы исходной карты. там же нет discard

Это можно решить так, сначала с помощью менеджера разделов максимально уменьшить размер раздела на клонируемой карте, потом снять копию, потом записать на новую карту и расширить его обратно.

он ждал твоего совета все эти долгих, суматошных 9 месяцев (интересно, как быстро твой адресат вспомнит о чем был тред 🙂


How to clone SD cards on Linux

You can activate several devices by flashing and cloning your sd card. This article explains how to clone your SD card on linux.

Note: You will need to undertake a couple of steps beforehand. Take a look at our tutorial.

  1. Insert the SD card into your PC, through a USB or a built-in card reader.
  2. Open Terminal and enter the following command:

This will list all drivers on your system.

  • Search in this list for the drive name of the inserted SD card.
    In our example it is: sdd.
  • If you want to write the backup to a backup drive instead of the system drive, you have to first mount this drive.
    In our example it is: sdb1.
  • Create a mount point:

    sudo mount -t auto /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1
    sudo dd if=/dev/sdd of=/mnt/sdb1/emteriaBackup'date +%d%m%y'.img


  • Insert the new SD card into your PC.
  • Before you restore the image, it is important to make sure that the SD card’s partitions are unmounted. To verify this, open the Terminal, and execute the following command:
    sudo dd if=/mnt/sdb1/emteriaBackup'date +%d%m%y'.img of=/dev/sdd


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    SD card cloning using the dd command

    I am trying to clone an SD card which may contain a number of partitions, some of which Ubuntu cannot recognize. Generally, I want to clone the whole volume, not only some partition. So, I mount the SD card and see something like this in the Log viewer:

    kernel: [ 262.025221] sdc: sdc1 sdc2 alex@u120432:~$ ls /dev/sdc* /dev/sdc /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdc2 
    dd if=/dev/sdc of=sdimage.img bs=4M 

    File sdimage.img, 7.9 GB (7,944,011,776 bytes) is created (SD card is 8 GB). Now I mount another SD card and execute:

    dd if=sdimage.img of=/dev/sdc bs=4M 

    The problem is that the second dd command hangs on some stage, and never succeeds. After this, I cannot reboot or shut down computer, and I need just to switch power off. Is this the correct approach? Maybe there is another way to clone an SD card? OS: Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), 32 bit.

    If I remember correctly: mount -o loop sdimage.img /path/to/mount. Then check to see if you can browse img file correctly.

    @MilanTodorovic: I tried sudo mount -o sdimage.img /dev/mydisk and got: mount: can’t find /dev/mydisk in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab Possibly I need to create some dev entry before. Can you post this as answer with some details? Thanks.

    you should not be using dd on mounted devices. unmount all the partitions first, then your command should work.

    5 Answers 5

    Insert the original SD card and check the name of the device (usually mmcblkX or sdcX ):

    Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type /dev/mmcblk0p1 * 2048 2099199 2097152 1G c W95 FAT32 (LBA) /dev/mmcblk0p2 2099200 31116287 29017088 13.9G 83 Linux 

    In my case the SD card is /dev/mmcblk0 (the *p1 and *p2 are the partitions).

    Now you have to unmount the device:

    Now to create an image of the device:

    sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=~/sd-card-copy.img bs=1M status=progress 

    Once it’s finished, insert the empty SD card. If the device is different (USB or other type of SD card reader) verify its name and be sure to unmount it:

    sudo fdisk -l sudo umount /dev/mmcblk0 

    Write the image to the device:

    sudo dd if=~/sd-card-copy.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M status=progress 

    The write operation is much slower than before.

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    when copying big amounts of data you should set a bigger than default blocksize, otherwise you may have to wait very long. sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=~/sd-card-copy.img bs=4M

    One thing that is really annoying of the dd command is that there is no output by default. You can change that by adding status=progress at the end of your command Therefore it would become: sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/media/data/sd-card-copy.img status=progress

    Note: in my case the name of the device was sdc , not sdcX like written in this answer because sdcX was used for the partitions, for example partitions were named sdc1 and sdc2 . At least this answer helped me to make the dd command work by using /dev/sdc instead of /dev/sdc1 .

    You should not be using dd on mounted devices. unmount all the partitions first, then your command should work.

    I am using dd tool to clone usb sticks with multiple partitions, here is my command:

    sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sdc bs=4096 conv=notrunc,noerror 

    notrunc — do not truncate the output file
    noerror — continue after read errors

    dd is fine, but I prefer cat /dev/sdc/ > ~/backup.iso If you want to put it on an SD card again, just run cat ~/backup.iso > /dev/sdc

    Here are the steps which worked for me on Ubuntu to restore the image file ( ~/raspberrypi2.img in my case) back to a new SD card (inspired heavily by Alon’s reply above):

    1. Insert the micro SD card via the card reader.
    2. Open the Disks app.
    3. Quick format the whole card (not a specific partition).
    4. Close Disks.
    5. Open terminal and execute:

    Relevant output (which showed there were no partitions due to the quick format of the whole card):

    Disk /dev/sdb: 7.4 GiB, 7948206080 bytes, 15523840 sectors Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disklabel type: dos Disk identifier: 0x6957f2f2 
    sudo dd if=~/raspberrypi2.img of=/dev/sdb 

    This step takes a few good minutes (even on USB3). Make sure to not interrupt it by any operation which will invoke mounting (opening the Files or Disks apps).

    Thanks for everyone’s answers.


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