Консольный браузер linux w3m


w3m is a pager/text-based WWW browser. You can browse local documents and/or documents on the WWW using a terminal emulator.


If you specify filenames/URLs on command line, these documents are displayed. If you specify nothing, w3m reads a document from standard input and display it. If no filename and/or URLs are specified and standard input is tty, w3m terminates without displaying anything.

Options are as follows: + Move to the specified line. -t width Specify tab width. Default is 8. -r When displaying text/plain document, prohibit emphasis using backspace. If you don’t specify this option, «A^H_» is interpreted as underlined character and «A^HA» as a bold character. -l number Specify line number preserved internally when reading text/plain document fron standard input. Default is 10000. -s Display documents with Shift_JIS code. -e Display documents with EUC_JP code. -j Display documents with ISO-2022-JP code. -T type Specify document type. Without this option, document type is determined from extension of a file. If the determination fails, the document is regarded as text/plain.

Read HTML document from standard input and display it

cat hoge.html | w3m -T text/html

-m Display document with Internet message mode. With this option, w3m determines document type from header information. It is useful when reading E-mail or NetNews messages. -v visual startup mode. -B Show the bookmark. -bookmark file Specify bookmark file. -M Monochrome display mode. -F Automatically render frame. -S Squeeze blank lines. -X Upon exit, do not display preserved screen. -W Toggle wrap search mode. -o option=value Specify option. The option names and values are same as that appears in ~/.w3m/config. -cookie Process cookies. -no-cookie Don’t process cookies. -pauth username:password Set username and password for (basic) proxy authentication. -num Show linenumber. -dump Read document specified by URL and dump formatted text into standard output. The width of the document become 80. This width can be overridden with -cols option. -cols width Specify document width. Used with -dump option. -ppc count Specify the number of pixels per character (default 8.0). Larger values will make tables narrower. -dump_source Read document specified by URL and dump the source. -dump_head Read document specified by URL and dump headers. -dump_both Read document specified by URL and dump headers and the source. -dump_extra Read document specified by URL and dump extra informations, headers and the source. -post file use POST method with file content. -header string insert string as a header. -no-proxy Don’t use proxy server. -no-graph Don’t use graphic character to draw frames. -no-mouse Don’t activate mouse. -config file specify config file.

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Document color

Key binding

Here’s the original key-binding table. If you are using Lynx-like key bindings, see the Lynx-like key binding.

Page/Cursor motion

SPC,C-vForward page b,ESC vBackward page l,C-fCursor right h,C-bCursor left j,C-nCursor down k,C-pCursor up JRoll up one line KRoll down one line ^,C-aGo to the beginning of line $,C-eGo to the end of line wGo to next word WGo to previous word >Shift screen right Go to the last line ESC gGo to specified line ZMove to the center line zMove to the center column TABMove to next hyperlink C-u,ESC TABMove to previous hyperlink [Move to the first hyperlink ]Move to the last hyperlink

RETFollow hyperlink a, ESC RETSave link to file uPeek link URL iPeek image URL IView inline image ESC ISave inline image to file :Mark URL-like strings as anchors ESC :Mark Message-ID-like strings as news anchors cPeek current URL =Display information about current document C-gShow current line number C-hView history of URL FRender frame MBrowse current document using external browser (use 2M and 3M to invoke second and third browser) ESC MBrowse link using external browser (use 2ESC M and 3ESC M to invoke second and third browser)

File/Stream operation

Buffer operation

BBack to the previous buffer vView HTML source sSelect buffer EEdit buffer source C-lRedraw screen RReload buffer SSave buffer ESC sSave source ESC eEdit buffer image

Buffer selection mode

k, C-pSelect previous buffer j, C-nSelect next buffer DDelect current buffer RETGo to the selected buffer

Bookmark operation

Mark operation


!Execute shell command HHelp (load this file) oSet option C-kShow cookie jar C-cStop C-zSuspend qQuit (with confirmation, if you like) QQuit without confirmation

Line-edit mode

C-fMove cursor forward C-bMove cursor backward C-hDelete previous character C-dDelete current character C-kKill everything after cursor C-uKill everything before cursor C-aMove to the top of line C-eMove to the bottom of line C-pFetch the previous string from the history list C-nFetch the next string from the history list TAB,SPCComplete filename RETURNAccept

Lynx-like key binding

If you have chosen `Lynx-like key binding’ at the compile time, you can use the following key binding.

Page/Cursor motion

SPC,C-v,+Forward page b,ESC v,-Previous page lCursor right hCursor left jCursor down kCursor up JRoll up one line KRoll down one line ^Go to the beginning of line $Go to the end of line >Shift screen right

RET, C-f, Right arrowFollow hyperlink d, ESC RETSave link to file uPeek link URL iPeek image URL IView inline image ESC ISave inline image to file :Mark URL-like strings as anchors ESC :Mark Message-ID-like strings as news anchors cPeek current URL =Display information about current document C-hView history of URL FRender frame MBrowse current document using external browser (use 2M and 3M to invoke second and third browser) ESC MBrowse link using external browser (use 2ESC M and 3ESC M to invoke second and third browser)

File/Stream operation

Buffer operation

B, C-b, Left arrowBack to the previous buffer \View HTML source s, C-hSelect buffer EEdit buffer source C-l, C-wRedraw screen R, C-rReload buffer S, pSave buffer ESC sSave source ESC eEdit buffer image

Buffer selection mode

k, C-pSelect previous buffer j, C-nSelect next buffer DDelect current buffer RETGo to the selected buffer

Bookmark operation


Mark operation


!Execute shell command H, ?Help (load this file) oSet option C-kShow cookie jar C-cStop C-zSuspend qQuit (with confirmation, if you like) QQuit without confirmation

Line-edit mode

C-fMove cursor forward C-bMove cursor backward C-hDelete previous character C-dDelete current character C-kKill everything after cursor C-uKill everything before cursor C-aMove to the top of line C-eMove to the bottom of line C-pFetch the previous string from the history list C-nFetch the next string from the history list TAB,SPCComplete filename RETURNAccept

Mouse operation

If w3m is compiled with mouse option and you are using xterm/kterm/rxvt (in this case, you have to set the TERM environment variable to `xterm’ or `kterm’.) or GPM environment, you can use mouse for the navigation.

Key customization

You can customize the key binding (except line-editing keymap) by describing ~/.w3m/keymap. For example,

binds `NEXT_PAGE’ function (normally bound to SPC and C-v) to control-o. See README.func for list of available functions. Original and Lynx-like keymap definitions are provided (keymap.default and keymap.lynx) as examples.

Local CGI

You can run CGI scripts using w3m, without any HTTP server. It means that w3m behaves like an HTTP server and activates CGI script, then w3m reads the output of the script and display it. The bookmark registration and helper-app editor are realized as local CGI scripts. Using local CGI, w3m can be used as a general purpose form interface.

  • The directory where w3m-related files are stored (typically /usr/local/lib/w3m). This directory can be referred as $LIB.
  • /cgi-bin/ directory. You can map /cgi-bin/ to any directory you like with option setting panel («Directory corresponds to /cgi-bin» field). You can specify multiple paths separated by `:’, like /usr/local/cgi-bin:/home/aito/cgi-bin. It is not recommended to include current directory to this path.

The CGI script can use special header `w3m-control:’ to control w3m. This field can take any function (see README.func), and the specified function is invoked after the document is displayed. For example, The CGI output

Content-Type: text/plain W3m-control: BACK

will display blank page and delete that buffer immediately. This is useful when you don’t want to display any page after the script is invoked. The next example

Content-Type: text/plain W3m-control: DELETE_PREVBUF contents.

One w3m-control: header have to contain only one function, but you can include more than one w3m-control: lines in the HTTP header. In addition, you can specify an argument to GOTO function:

Content-Type: text/plain W3m-control: GOTO http://www.yahoo.com/
Content-Type: text/plain Location: http://www.yahoo.com/


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