Контрольная сумма файла линукс

Generate md5 checksum for all files in a directory

I would like to create a md5 checksum list for all files in a directory. I want to cat filename | md5sum > ouptput.txt . I want to do this in 1 step for all files in my directory. Any assistance would be great.

In case one wants to include subdirectories but do separate checksum files inside each subdir, this answer might be helpful: stackoverflow.com/a/71286224/111036

7 Answers 7

You can pass md5sum multiple filenames or bash expansions:

$ md5sum * > checklist.chk # generates a list of checksums for any file that matches * $ md5sum -c checklist.chk # runs through the list to check them cron: OK database.sqlite3: OK fabfile.py: OK fabfile.pyc: OK manage.py: OK nginx.conf: OK uwsgi.ini: OK 

If you want to get fancy you can use things like find to drill down and filter the files, as well as working recursively:

find -type f -exec md5sum "<>" + > checklist.chk 

♦ how to use the above for getting md5sum of the files inside sub directories, the above md5sum * emitting going into subdirectory level by saying . is a directory

Sorry for asking by running find -type f -exec md5sum ‘<>‘ + and `find -type f -exec md5sum ‘<>‘ ` I was able to get it. Thanks 🙂

If you’re using a shell that’s happy to evaluate ** recursively (such as zsh), it’s even simpler: md5sum **/* 2>/dev/null

if the process will take a while, you can run it through pv to track progress. use it in line mode w/ pv -l : find . -type f -exec md5sum ‘<>‘ \; | pv -l -s $(find . -type f | wc -l) > ~/md5sum.txt . just make sure both of your find filters match: the main one and the one in the pv subshell

A great checksum creation/verification program is rhash .

  • It can create SFV compatible files, and check them too.
  • It supports md4, md5, sha1, sha512, crc32 and many many other.
  • It can do recursive creation ( -r option) like md5deep or sha1deep .
  • Last but not least, you can format the output of the checksum file. For example:
rhash --md5 -p '%h,%p\n' -r /home/ > checklist.csv 

I also find the -e option to rename files by inserting crc32 sum into the name extremely useful.

Note that you can also change md5sum with rhash in the PhoenixNL72 examples.

I think it’s an error, it certainly errors for me. The -p is the format for the output. I’ll correct it.

Here are two more extensive examples:

    Create an md5 file in each directory which doesn’t already have one, with absolute paths:

find "$PWD" -type d | sort | while read dir; do [ ! -f "$"/@md5Sum.md5 ] && echo "Processing " "$" || echo "Skipped " "$" " @md5Sum.md5 already present" ; [ ! -f "$"/@md5Sum.md5 ] && md5sum "$"/* > "$"/@md5Sum.md5 ; chmod a=r "$"/@md5Sum.md5;done 
find "$PWD" -type d | sort | while read dir; do cd "$"; [ ! -f @md5Sum.md5 ] && echo "Processing " "$" || echo "Skipped " "$" " @md5Sum.md5 allready present" ; [ ! -f @md5Sum.md5 ] && md5sum * > @md5Sum.md5 ; chmod a=r "$"/@md5Sum.md5 ;done 

What differs between 1 and 2 is the way the files are presented in the resulting md5 file.

The commands do the following:

  1. Build a list of directory names for the current folder. (Tree)
  2. Sort the folder list.
  3. Check in each directory if the file @md5sum.md5 exists. Output Skipped if it exists, output Processing if it doesn’t exist.
  4. If the @md5Sum.md5 file doesn’t exist, md5Sum will generate one with the checksums of all the files in the folder. 5) Set the generated @md5Sum.md5 file to read only.

The output of this entire script can be redirected to a file (. ;done > test.log) or piped to another program (like grep). The output will only tell you which directories where skipped and which have been processed.

After a successful run, you will end up with an @md5Sum.md5 file in each subdirectory of your current directory

I named the file @md5Sum.md5 so it’ll get listed at the top of the directory in a samba share.

Verifying all @md5Sum.md5 files can be done by the next commands:

find "$PWD" -name @md5Sum.md5 | sort | while read file; do cd "$"; md5sum -c @md5Sum.md5; done > checklog.txt 

Afterwards you can grep the checklog.txt using grep -v OK to get a list of all files that differ.

To regenerate an @md5Sum.md5 in a specific directory, when you changed or added files for instance, either delete the @md5Sum.md5 file or rename it and run the generate command again.


How to Use the md5sum Command in Linux

When you download a file from the internet, it is a good safety practice to check whether you received the original version. Comparing checksums you received from the file creator with the ones you obtain by checking the file yourself is a reliable way to confirm your download’s integrity.

The md5sum command in Linux helps create, read, and check file checksums.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the md5sum command to validate the files you receive.

How to Use the md5sum Command in Linux

The md5sum Command with Examples

When used on a file without any options, the md5sum command displays the file’s hash value alongside the filename. The syntax is:

Checking the hash value of a file

After obtaining the hash value, compare it with the MD5 value provided by the file creator.

Note: While md5sum is a reliable method for testing whether the file you received has been compromised, it is useful only if you know that the website you downloaded it from is secure. If hackers gain access to the website, they can change both the file and its checksum, making it appear as if the file you are downloading is safe.

Read in Binary Mode

To read the file in binary mode, use the -b option ( —binary ):

Using the -b option to read checksum in binary mode

The * character before the file name means that md5sum read it in binary mode.

Read in Text Mode

Use the -t option ( —text ) to read the file in text mode:

Using the -t option to read checksum in text mode

Text mode is the default mode for reading files with md5sum .

Create a BSD-Style Checksum

Using the —tag option outputs the hash value in the BSD-style format:

Using the --tag option to output checksum in a BSD format

Validate md5 Checksum with a File

To check a file by comparing its hash value with the value provided in a hash file, use the -c option.

1. As an example, create a hash file containing the md5sum output:

md5sum [filename] > [file-containing-hashes]

2. Use the following syntax to compare the hash value from the file you created against the current hash value of the .txt file:

md5sum -c [file-containing-hashes]

Validating a file using a file containing its hash value, no failures detected

3. If you change the contents of the file and repeat the check, a warning message is displayed:

Validating a file using a file containing its hash value, failure detected

Validate Multiple Files

Use the same md5sum -c procedure to check the integrity of multiple files:

md5sum [filename1] [filename2] [filename3] > [file-containing-hashes]

In the following example, the contents of example2.txt have changed, resulting in a warning message from md5sum :

Validating multiple files using a file containing their hash value, failure detected

Display Only Modified Files

The —quiet option displays only the files whose hash value has changed. It skips the output of validated files.

md5sum --quiet -c [file-containing-hashes]

Validating multiple files using a file containing their hash value, skipping the output of the validated files

Generate Status Only

The md5sum command with the —status option does not produce any output but returns 0 if there are no changes and 1 if it detects changes. This argument is useful for scripting, where there is no need for standard output.

The example script below illustrates the use of the —status option:

#!/bin/bash md5sum --status -c hashfile Status=$? echo "File check status is: $Status" exit $Status

When the script executes, it shows status 1 , meaning that md5sum detected the change made earlier in example2.txt .

Executing a script illustrating md5sum

Check Improperly Formatted Checksum Lines

Add the —strict option to exit non-zero for improperly formatted hash values:

md5sum --strict -c [file-containing-hashes]

The example shows the output of md5sum —strict when you put invalid characters in the first line of the file containing hashes:

Using the --strict option to exit non-zero for improperly formatted hash values

To display which line has an invalid hash, use -w ( —warn ):

md5sum -w -c [file-containing-hashes]

Using the -w option to display which line has an invalid hash

The example above shows the -w option displaying that the improperly formatted MD5 checksum line is line 1 of the file.

Skip Reporting Status for Missing Files

By default, md5sum shows warnings about the files it cannot find on the system. To override this behavior, use the —ignore-missing option:

md5sum --ignore-missing -c [file-containing-hashes]

In the example below, example1.txt was deleted before running the md5sum command. The output ignores the deleted file:

Using the --ignore-missing option to ignore files that are missing from the system

Show Help and Version Information

To get the official help for the md5sum command, type:

To check md5sum version, type:

Note: You should also check out our overview of the diff command to learn how to compare two files line by line.

After completing this tutorial, you should know how to properly use the md5sum command to create, print, or check MD5 checksums.

Marko Aleksić is a Technical Writer at phoenixNAP. His innate curiosity regarding all things IT, combined with over a decade long background in writing, teaching and working in IT-related fields, led him to technical writing, where he has an opportunity to employ his skills and make technology less daunting to everyone.

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Проверка целостности скачанного файла

В Ubuntu и других дистрибутивах Linux также можно воспользоваться графической программой Gtkhash, установить ее можно командой:

sudo apt-get install gtkhash

В Windows используйте программу HashCalc. Ее можно скачать с официального сайта: slavasoft.com

В результате программа должна показать контрольную сумму (набор букв и цифр), примерно в таком виде:


Ее нужно сверить с контрольной суммой, указанной на официальном сайте.

Если контрольная сумма совпала, значит можно использовать файл, а если не совпала — скачать файл заново.

Когда скачиваете образ системы, то проверять контрольную сумму нужно обязательно. В остальных случаях, например при скачивании видео и музыки — на ваше усмотрение.

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Как подсчитать контрольные суммы файлов в Linux

Контрольная сумма, это последовательность букв и цифр для проверки целостности файлов. При скачивании файлов, может возникнуть ошибка, по этому, важно проверять контрольную сумму что бы убедиться, что файл был скачан целиком, без ошибок. Для примера возьмем iso образ дистрибутива Linux. На нем и будем проводить подсчет контрольной суммы.

В случае iso образа, ошибка при скачивании может привести к неработоспособности дистрибутива. И лучше это выяснить перед установкой, чем во время нее. Для проверки контрольной суммы используются команды: cksum, md5sum, sha1sum, sha256sum, sha512sum.

Принцип проверки контрольной суммы довольно простой, указываете команду, к примеру sha512sum, а затем название файла.

Подсчет контрольной суммы файлов

Итак, для примера был взят образ дистрибутива Debian. На странице скачивания iso образа пользователю предлагается контрольная сумма:

Важно, что бы эти контрольные суммы совпадали. Для проверки контрольной суммы открываем терминал, вводим команду sha512sum и название файла, после чего высветится его контрольная сумма. Останется ее только сравнить, и в случае, если она совпадает, значит файл был скачан без ошибок:


Как видите, подсчет контрольной суммы производится довольно легко. Сравнить последовательность цифр и букв контрольной суммы могут помочь онлайн-сервисы. Рекламировать какой-то конкретный не стану. Но, если не прибегать к онлайн-сервисам, достаточно сравнить начало и конец контрольной суммы, чаще всего этого бывает достаточно.

Также обратите внимания на то, что копировать команды с сайтов, а затем вставлять их в терминал, может быть весьма опасно, о чем вы можете прочесть перейдя по этой ссылке .

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