Laptop wireless wifi antenna

Внутренние антенны WiFi для Ноутбуков

Беспроводной сетевой адаптер или Wi-Fi модуль давно входит в число обязательных комплектующих современного ноутбука. Ни одна модель портативного ПК не обходится без устройства, поддерживающего обмен данными посредством беспроводных сетей.

Сам модуль обычно представляет собой небольшую печатную плату со стандартным разъемом для установки в специальных слот, а в особо компактных портативных ПК wi-fi адаптер может быть распаян непосредственно на материнской плате. Для приема и передачи радиосигнала с данными к модулю в обязательно порядке подключается антенна вай фай, которая размещается внутри ноутбука.

Конструктивно wifi антенна ноутбука внутренняя представляет собой специально спроектированный модуль, который размещается в верхней крышке ноутбука, рядом с экраном и соединен с Wi-Fi адаптером проводами, которые оканчиваются стандартными разъемами.

В зависимости от типа беспроводного адаптера, поддерживаемых стандартов Wi-Fi и скоростей обмена данными количество антенн может варьироваться от одной до трех.

Замена вай фай антенны в ноутбуке

Основной причиной выхода из строя внутренней антенны Wi-Fi является ее физическое повреждение вследствие следующих причин:

  • неаккуратная разборка ноутбука для чистки или ремонта
  • повреждение верхней крышки ноутбука, в которой размещается антенна
  • перетирание провода в месте соединения крышки и корпуса портативного ПК

Все эти повреждения ведут к необходимости замены антенны, потерявшей работоспособность. Для осуществления замены потребуется полная разборка ноутбука, поэтому если вы не обладаете достаточным опытом в этой области, лучше доверить работу квалифицированному специалисту. В этом случае потребуется только купить антенну wifi для ноутбука определенной модели.

Длина соединительных проводов и форма антенны проектируется исходя их размеров корпуса ноутбука, диагонали дисплея, способа прокладки проводов в портативном ПК. На практике это означает, что замена wifi антенны ноутбука требует внимательного подбора аналогичной или совместимой модели.

Если приобретение антенны, предназначенной для конкретной модели портативного устройства, невозможно, то подбор нужно осуществлять по количеству соединительных проводов (числу антенн), длине проводов, физическим размерам модуля, который будет размещаться возле матрицы экрана.


Our List of Best WiFi Antenna Boosters for Laptops

Review Panda Wireless PAU09 N600 Dual Band WiFi Dongle Latptop

If your laptop has a weak built-in WiFi card, a WiFi antenna booster can help it get better reception.

They can also upgrade a laptop’s WiFi protocols that have been introduced in recent years.

There are many USB WiFi antenna boosters available in all shapes and sizes, with the best long-range units having a larger antenna.

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Below are our picks of the best USB WiFi adapters that can boost a WiFi signal for a laptop, along with reviews, speed tests, and compatibility.

As always, be sure to read the reviews on Amazon, here, or on forums to be sure a unit is a right fit for you.

*This post contains affiliate links.
Our Picks for Best WiFi Antenna Boosters for Laptops

This wireless USB adapter from D-Link has the new WiFi-6 802.11ax WiFi protocols.

It is dual-band 2.4GHz and 5GHz unit with a rated top speed of 1200Mbps.

While testing, the unit was very impressive, with a wireless speed of 454Mbps, which was the fastest USB WiFi adapter we have tested.

It also uses a USB 3.0 for faster transfer speeds.

Like all WiFi-6 devices, it can use the new WPA3 security, which is a big improvement over the older WPA2 wireless security protocol.

The BrosTrend AC3 is a USB WiFi adapter with two 5dBi antennas to help get a better wireless signal.

The adapter uses the 802.11AC (WiFi 5) protocols and is dual-band 2.4GHz/5GHz adapter.

It will work with almost any device, old or new, and has a good range.

During testing in the 5GHz band, it gave some excellent speed results of 225Mbps Download and 20Mbps Upload.

The EDUP AC600 is a Dual Band 802.11ac WiFi adapter that works in both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequencies.

802.11AC (WiFi 5) is a fast WiFi protocol and works in the 5GHz band.

The 2.4GHz band is for legacy devices and works mainly with the older Wireless-N protocol.

This makes it a good wireless USB adapter that will work in almost any WiFi network.

The 2dBi antenna, while not the largest, is much better compared to a laptop’s built-in antenna.

If you need a signal from a distance, there are units with bigger dBi antennas.

Larger antennas can be bulkier but do work much better receiving a WiFi signal.

The EDUP AC600 did very well during the speed test, with the 5Ghz range giving 213Mbps Download and 21Mbps Upload.

It is a good unit that will give a laptop WiFi a boost and has broad compatibility and the newest WiFi protocols.

The Alfa AWUS036ACH is a long-range wireless USB adapter that is compatible with most operating systems, from Windows 10/11 to Linux.

It is a Dual Band 802.11ac WiFi dongle that works in both the 2.4Ghz and 5GHz ranges.

During testing, it gave some impressive WiFi speeds at 213Mbps Download and 21Mbps Upload.

Two large 5dBi antennas are attached to get a better signal from a distance.

The TP-LINK Archer T2UH is a dual-band USB adapter and uses the 802.11ac protocol.

It is backward compatible with other wireless protocols, such as N or G; this makes it fit into almost any network.

It uses an external Omni-Directional antenna to get a better range than a laptop’s built-in antenna.

The Panda PAU09 is a dual-band wireless USB adapter with wide compatibility, from Windows 10/11 to Linux.

It has two large 5dBi antennas to improve a signal while transmitting and receiving.

The one downside is it is only an 802.11n adapter, which gives it a max speed of 300Mbps.

Even though it only supports wireless-N, it still is an excellent unit to use and work with most operating systems with good range at a low cost.

Alfa makes many USB adapters and is notorious in the wireless Pen Tester/Hacker community.

The AWUS036AC is one of their adapters that is built to get a signal at a distance.

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It is dual-band and works with any WiFi protocols so that it will fit into almost any network.

Two 5dBi antennas are used to get a better signal. A USB extender cable can also be used to move it about obtaining the best possible bars.

WiFi Frequency Protocols and Laptops

The 2.4Ghz band was the original WiFi frequency and the only band used until 2013.

In late 2013 the 5GHz frequency was introduced to routers and connecting devices.

5GHz was introduced to help relieve the 2.4GHz band that has become overcrowded.

Along with a new frequency, new protocols were also introduced called WiFi-5 802.11ac and later WiFi-6 802.11ax.

The 802.11ax protocol can transfer data much quicker than the previous 802.11ac and 802.11n protocols.

802.11n, also called Wireless-N, can transfer data at 150-300 Mbps, while 802.11ac has a transfer speed of 750 Mbps.

Upgrading to a newer protocol is a good option if you need a high speed WiFi connection.

It should be noted that 5GHz frequency does not travel as far as 2.4GHz frequency waves. This is because of the physics of lower frequencies able to travel farther than higher frequencies.

So while the new 5GHz band combined with 802.11ac can move data faster for distance, using 2.4GHz is still better.

So What is the Best WiFi Antenna Boosters for Laptops

A 2.4GHz USB WiFi booster will be able to transmit and receive better with distance.

The exception to this is in a crowded WiFi environment where many WiFi signals are transmitting.

When two signals collide, a router must resend the data, which slows down the entire network.

A 5GHz booster may be better in a crowded WiFi environment, even if a signal cannot travel as far.

The best scenario is to get a USB booster that can do both, using either 2.4GHz or the new 5GHz frequencies.

When a booster can transmit on both frequencies, each band can be tested to see which one sends the best signal.

10 thoughts on “ Our List of Best WiFi Antenna Boosters for Laptops ”

  1. w11sucks June 10, 2023 Windows 11 has become a real pain in the neck, can’t even find an antenna booster that works with it
  1. Jack June 9, 2023 No, they’re just bigger antennas. What they give off is no different to what’s given off by radio transmitters of any other other kind, including CB radios and the like.
  1. Michael June 3, 2023 Are you attempting to pick up a free public Wi-Fi signal from a long distance or are you trying to boost the signal coming from your private router?


Best Wireless Antenna For Laptop

If you are looking for the best wireless antenna for laptop, you may feel overwhelmed with all the different options. But don’t worry, we’re here to help! In this review, we’ll take a look at some of the best kw on the market, so you can make an informed decision about which ones are right for you.

There are so many wireless antenna for laptop brands on the market like Nineplus, Tenmory, TP-Link, Techkey, UJTKFIRS, TREADALT-TEC, EDUP, BrosTrend, it can be tough to know which one will be the best. No worries, we’ve got you covered.

Wireless USB WiFi Adapter for PC – Nineplus 1

IPEX MHF4 Antenna 2.4GHz 5GHz 3dBi Internal L

Techkey Wireless USB WiFi Adapter, 1200Mbps D

USB WiFi Adapter for PC: Wireless Network Ada

Bluetooth MHF4 IPEX 2.4Ghz 5Ghz 5.8G WLAN Net

EDUP AC600M USB WiFi Adapter for PC, Wireless

BrosTrend 1200Mbps Long Range USB WiFi Adapte

EDUP USB WiFi Adapter for PC, Wireless Networ

Wireless USB WiFi Adapter for Desktop – 1300M

Best wireless antenna for laptop Buying guide

When considering purchasing a product, it is important to consider what you need and want the product to do for you. There are many factors that can influence your decision when it comes to choosing a product, such as price, quality, features, and more. It is important to compare products before making a final decision to ensure that you are getting the best possible value for your money. Here are the few things that you need to look at before purchasing a product:

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1. What you will use the product for?

Another factor to consider before purchasing a product is what you will use it for. If you are only going to use it occasionally, there is no need to spend a lot of money on a high-end model. However, if you plan to use it regularly, it is worth investing in a quality product.

2. Price:

The product’s price is one of the most important factors to consider. You need to find a balance between quality and price. It is important to remember that cheaper does not always mean better. Sometimes, it is worth spending a little extra money on a high-quality product.

3. Brand name:

One final factor to keep in mind is brand name recognition. In general, more well-known brands tend to charge more for their products. However, they also tend to be more reliable and offer better customer service.

4. Quality of the product:

Your first priority should always be the quality of the product. It is advisable to read online reviews or ask friends and family for recommendations.

5. The guarantees and warranties offered:

Most products come with some kind of guarantee or warranty. Make sure to read the fine print before making a purchase.

6. The return policy:

All reputable companies should have a return policy in case you are not satisfied with your purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions about Wireless antenna for laptop

Where Can I Buy This Product?

wireless antenna for laptop can be purchased online or at a store near your home or work. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages. You might need to wait longer for your item to arrive at your home if you choose an online store. Due to the fact that the cashier already assembled everything, the order is ready to ship out immediately after payment is received.

How much money do I need to spend?

Purchase the product that fits your budget if you can’t afford a high-quality product. The best quality wireless antenna for laptop, however, will cost more than what you originally planned to spend if you want it.

When making a purchase, is after-sales service important?

When looking for a reliable wireless antenna for laptop company, make sure they offer excellent after-sales service.

The company may need to be reconsidered if any complaints have been filed against it.

Also, be sure to ask about the return policy of a company, as some do not allow returns and/or require receipts.

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