Installing Lazarus 1.8 on Linux Mint 18.3
Yesterday I come across my old 32-bit Celeron laptop with 2Gb memory and broken battery and decided to install Linux on it. First I tried Centos 7.5, then Ubuntu 16.04, and finally settled down on Mint 18.3 Cinnamon which I liked most. After playing a little with the OS I decided to install the brand new Lazarus 1.8. I spent a couple of hours searching for a clear installation guide in Internet; I scanned tons of outdated nonsense before I finally found what I was looking for.
My Linux Mint installation was fresh, and I need not purge it from previous fpc/lazarus installations. So I started from downloading three 32-bit .deb packages from sourceforge.
After downloading my Downloads folder looked so:
The next recommended step is to check hashes of the files. I launched Terminal and changed to Downloads directory:
Now time to install the packages. As recommended in the linked guide, I typed in Terminal
sudo apt install ./fpc_3.0.4-1_i386.deb
sudo apt install ./fpc-src_3.0.4-1_i386.deb
sudo apt install ./lazarus-project_1.8.0.0_i386.deb
sudo apt-mark hold fpc fpc-src lazarus lazarus-project
And that is all! After opening the Cinnamon menu I’ve found this:
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4 thoughts on “ Installing Lazarus 1.8 on Linux Mint 18.3 ”
A few weeks ago I also have installed Linux Mint 18.3 (for install Lazarus via fpcupdeluxe, of course), but I have chosen the xfce edtion because it’s known to be fast (yes, it is), and haven’t tried the Cinnamon edtion.
I have also got Lazarus 1.8 working nicely on Linux Mint, in my case the 64 bit version of both OS and Lazarus. Brilliant. Try also the anchored docking desktop (see details below) which sets the Lazarus IDE to be just like the Delphi GUI. Even better still. Lazarus is a credible alternative to in Delphi now,
M Download the StudioPlusComplete.xml file from . It comes with other desktop xml files but use the StudioPlusComplete.xml file.
You just:-
Menu: Packages|Install/Uninstall Packages
1. Install the AnchorDockingDesgn IDE package and recompile the Lazarus IDE
2. Install the sparta_DockedFormEditor package and recompile the Lazarus IDE
Menu: Tools|Desktops
3. Unclick Autosave Active Desktop
4. Import the StudioPlusComplete.xml file
5. Restart Lazarus (may need to rebuild the IDE again too (use Menu | Tools| Rebuild IDE)
6. Enjoy.
More details in the file in the download from Github.
I have been trying to replace Lazarus 1.6 with Lazarus 1.8 on my Ubuntu 16.04 i386 (very) legacy laptop for weeks, and could not do it until I followed the instructions you provided. THANK YOU!
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