Lenovo g500 and linux

wifi doesn’t work on lenovo G500 with ubuntu 13.10

I have been using ubuntu for more than 10 years but this is first time I could not get around an issue with a solution. Any help would be great as I have tried everything available that I found on the internet. I have a QCA8172 atheros ethernet adapter on a lenovo G500. It works when a cable is attached but there is no wifi at all. I tried to post a image, but it didn’t let me add a pic. I tried with backports and with also compact drivers but still have the same issue.

Please edit your question to add details of your wireless card from the terminal: lspci -nn | grep 0280

The trailing — is not part of the command. The forum adds that between the comment and the poster’s name. Pleas try again: lspci -nn | grep 0280 with no trailing dash.

lspci -nn | grep 0280 02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM43142 802.11b/g/n [14e4:4365] (rev 01)

2 Answers 2

Your 14e4:4365 device works with the Broadcom STA driver in Ubuntu 13.10. Please get a temporary wired ethernet connection and open a terminal and do:

sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source sudo modprobe wl 

Do you now have a wireless interface, ideally eth1?

Does it scan and see networks?

If there are errors, post them here.

If you previously attempted the compat-wireless package, you will need to uninstall it so as to resolve a probable conflict:

cd ~/Desktop/compat-wireless-whichever 

Or compat-drivers or whichever you attempted to install.

Reboot. Please get a temporary wired ethernet connection and open a terminal and do:

sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic sudo apt-get install --reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source sudo modprobe wl 

ERROR: could not insert ‘wl’: Invalid argument update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated) Setting up fakeroot (1.20-1) . update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/fakeroot-sysv to provide /usr/bin/fakeroot (fakeroot) in auto mode Processing triggers for initramfs-tools . update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.11.0-17-generic G500:~$ sudo modprobe wl ERROR: could not insert ‘wl’: Invalid argument Lenovo-G500:~$ iwconfig eth0 no wireless extensions. lo no wireless extensions. eth1 Interface doesn’t support scanning.

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Установка Ubuntu 12.04 на Lenovo G500

Недавно я купил Lenovo G500, и у меня было довольно занимательное время, когда я пытался установить Ubuntu. Так как он шел с установленной Windows 8, это оказалось неожиданным испытанием. Любой, у кого есть продукт Lenovo, может столкнуться с той же проблемой, по сути, он отказался даже увидеть новый SSD-накопитель, который я перенес с другого компьютера.

Так началось мое маленькое путешествие. Машины с Windows 8 используют UEFI вместо BIOS, и главное, что вы можете добраться до него, только пройдя через Windows. Это можно сделать, перейдя в правый нижний угол и нажав Настройки. Затем измените настройки, а затем Общие. Прокрутите вниз до Advanced Options, зайдите в него и выберите UEFI Settings.

Ваша машина загрузится в UEFI / BIOS. Вам нужно сначала включить legacy, сначала установить legacy, убедиться, что загрузка с USB включена, и включить BIOS. На этом этапе Ubuntu 12.04 должен быть установлен нормально, однако экран будет на самом низком уровне или, возможно, черный. Нажмите функциональную клавишу регулировки яркости, и она должна стать видимой.

Теперь о моих двух вопросах:

  1. У управления яркостью есть две настройки: яркость, близкая к максимальной, и яркость, близкая к черному, между которыми ничего нет, есть ли обходной путь, позволяющий добиться лучшего регулировка? Любую информацию, которую мне нужно будет предоставить, чтобы получить ответ, пожалуйста, дайте мне знать и дайте мне знать, как получить. Я всего лишь ученик, когда дело доходит до использования Linux.
  2. Сенсорная панель не выключается, даже если я настроил ее на выключение в настройках, какую команду терминала мне нужно добавить, чтобы отключить ее?


Thread: Drivers for Lenovo G500 with i3-3110M CPU

michaelbr is offlineA Carafe of Ubuntu

Drivers for Lenovo G500 with i3-3110M CPU

I’m thinking in buying a Lenovo G500 with i3 3110M CPU, I asked Lenovo and they said they don’t have drivers for Linux yet and seems G500 is not a certified hardware yet. But I’m pretty sure that there are lot of G500 owners who has already installed successfully Ubuntu 12.04.3 64bits, which drivers you used to install Ubuntu?

fantab is offlineUbuntu addict and loving it

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Join Date Apr 2011 Location 3rd Rock from the Sun Beans 3,235 —> Beans Hidden! Distro Ubuntu Development Release

Re: Drivers for Lenovo G500 with i3-3110M CPU

One of my friend has it, but she uses Win7 on it. If I’m not mistaken it has Intel Integrated Graphics. Intel has very good support for Linux. 98% of time Intel Graphics work out of the box with Linux. Search the forum with the model to see if any issues have been reported. WWW seach is also a good place to find some answers.

xmxx is offlineFirst Cup of Ubuntu

Re: Drivers for Lenovo G500 with i3-3110M CPU

hi i got this laptop with i5 and amd 8750m

it has 2 issues with 12.04 LST
when booted backlight go off (easy to fix it. the hardest think was find out that display and ubunutu is working )
I didnt find any working driver for graphic card, yet

tested: sound, wifi, lan, bluetoth, special keys.
not tested: card reader, dvd, video outputs

michaelbr is offlineA Carafe of Ubuntu

Re: Drivers for Lenovo G500 with i3-3110M CPU

QuoteOriginally Posted by xmxx View Post

hi i got this laptop with i5 and amd 8750m

it has 2 issues with 12.04 LST
when booted backlight go off (easy to fix it. the hardest think was find out that display and ubunutu is working )
I didnt find any working driver for graphic card, yet

tested: sound, wifi, lan, bluetoth, special keys.
not tested: card reader, dvd, video outputs

Thanks so much for your reply, one question out of this topic. How do you like Lenovo laptop? I searched net and it said that Lenovo’s laptop has problem with battery life, it’s just few hours, but other than that, it has pretty good quality. I’d like to know its quality before buying, I’m using currently Asus and it broke down in 6 months, and in 2 years that was under warranty, it broke down at least 3 times, they had to replace the motherboard at one time.

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michaelbr is offlineA Carafe of Ubuntu

Re: Drivers for Lenovo G500 with i3-3110M CPU

QuoteOriginally Posted by fantab View Post

One of my friend has it, but she uses Win7 on it. If I’m not mistaken it has Intel Integrated Graphics. Intel has very good support for Linux. 98% of time Intel Graphics work out of the box with Linux. Search the forum with the model to see if any issues have been reported. WWW seach is also a good place to find some answers.

Sorry, forgot to quote. Thanks for your reply, I’ll search the net as suggested. Do you know if your friend liked her Lenovo? Did she have any hardware problem with Lenovo?

xmxx is offlineFirst Cup of Ubuntu

Re: Drivers for Lenovo G500 with i3-3110M CPU

QuoteOriginally Posted by michaelbr View Post

Thanks so much for your reply, one question out of this topic. How do you like Lenovo laptop? I searched net and it said that Lenovo’s laptop has problem with battery life, it’s just few hours, but other than that, it has pretty good quality. I’d like to know its quality before buying, I’m using currently Asus and it broke down in 6 months, and in 2 years that was under warranty, it broke down at least 3 times, they had to replace the motherboard at one time.

Its my second lenovo ideapad laptop.
First one was G550 i worked fine 4 years (and it still working) — I replaced battery after 2 years (25$ from ebay), a power supply (my mistake 15$ aftermarket). Battery life of this was 3.5hours of working (internet and openoffice) .
The new one can last 3,5hours too(with no drive to GPU issue). It isnt that much as ultrabooks, but its cheap laptop and for me its long enouth.


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