- Леново g560 драйвера вай фай
- 1 изображение
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- Download Wireless Driver For Windows,Mac,Linux
- Lenovo G560E Notebook Drivers
- Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Audio Drivers
- Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Bluetooth and Modem Drivers
- Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Camera and Card Reader Drivers
- Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Diagnostic Drivers
- Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Graphics Processing Units (GPU) and Server-AI Accelerators Drivers
- Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Motherboard Devices (core chipset, onboard video, PCIe switches) Drivers
- Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Mouse, Pen and Keyboard Drivers
- Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Networking: LAN (Ethernet) Drivers
- Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Networking: Wireless LAN Drivers
- Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Power Management Drivers
- Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Recovery Drivers
- Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Software and Utilities Drivers
- Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Storage Drivers
- Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK ThinkVantage Technology Drivers
Леново g560 драйвера вай фай
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- Каталог страниц загрузки драйверов для ноутбуков/ультрабуков/нетбуков
- Если некоторые слова в данной статье вам непонятны, но очень хочется узнать их значения, рекомендуем ознакомится с темой: Глоссарий терминов по оборудованию ПК (драйвер, чипсет, дискретная видеокарта) .
- Зачастую встречаются несколько модификаций ноутбуков с одинаковым названием модели, и есть вероятность, что в вашем ноутбуке может быть платформа не Intel, а AMD, другой Ethernet-контроллер или Видеокарта. В этом случае найти верные драйверы вам поможет тема: Как найти драйвер на оборудование ПК по идентификаторам VEN(VID) и DEV(PID) .
Ссылки на информацию по данной модели
Устанавливаются в предоставленном порядке
Чипсет. Intel Chipset driver for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit) — Lenovo G560. IN1CHP12WW5.exe . (2.28MB)
- NVIDIA Display Driver for Windows 7 (64-bit) — Lenovo G560 IN3VDO13WW6.exe (97.2MB)
- Intel Onboard Graphics Driver for Windows 7 (64-bit) — Lenovo G560 IN2VDO50WW5.exe (32.0MB)
- Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit) — Lenovo G560 IN1IPS01WW5.exe ( 3.00MB)
Накопители. Intel Matrix Storage Manager Driver for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit) — Lenovo G560 IN1SRM31WW5.exe (10.2MB)
Кардридер. Realtek USB 2.0 Card Reader Driver for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit) — Lenovo G560 IN4CAR12WW5.exe (7,52MB)
Устройства ввода. TouchPad Driver for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit) — Lenovo G560 IN2THP39WW1.exe (73.4MB)
Realtek Ethernet Driver for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit) — Lenovo G560 IN3ETN26WW5.exe (5.46MB)
Intel EchoPeak WiMAX Driver для 32- и 64-разрядной версии Windows 7 — Lenovo G560 IN1WLN71WW1.exe (58.9MB)
Intel Wireless WiFi Link Driver для 32- и 64-разрядной версии Windows 7 — Lenovo G560 IN1WLN70WW1.exe (12.0MB)
Wireless Lan Driver для 32- и 64-разрядной версии Windows 7 — Lenovo G560 IN2WLN47WW5.exe (113.0MB)
Wireless LAN Driver для 32- и 64-разрядной версии Windows 7 — Lenovo G560 IN2WLN48WW5.exe (27.8MB)
Broadcom Bluetooth Driver for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit) — Lenovo G560 IN3BTH39WW5.exe (57.9MB)
Звук. Аудиодрайвер Conexant для 32- и 64-разрядной версии Windows 7 — Lenovo G560 IN2AUD37WW5.exe (284.0MB)
- Драйвер для камеры для 32- и 64-разрядной версии Windows 7 — Lenovo G560 IN1CAM23WW5.exe (34.9MB)
- YouCam Web Camera for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit) — Lenovo G560 IN12STW08WW5.exe (119.0MB)
Полезные программы.
Lenovo Energy Management for Windows 7 (64-bit) — Lenovo G560 IN1EGC15WW6.exe (7.91MB)
Intel Management Engine Interface for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit) — Lenovo G560 IN01MEI01WW5.exe (5.33MB)
Download Wireless Driver For Windows,Mac,Linux
Download Lenovo G560 Wifi Drivers For Windows 10, 8.1, & Windows 7. You can download Lenovo G560 Wifi Drivers for free from this website. The Lenovo G560 notebook is an affordable notebook that doesn’t compromise on the basics. It delivers outstanding performance for everyday tasks. It offers 4GB of memory and a spacious storage for images, music and videos.
Stay in touch with friends, families or colleagues with Lenovo G560.You can download and install Lenovo G560 software here comfortably.
- Manufacture : Epson
- Hardware : Lenovo G560
- Download Intel EchoPeak WiMAX Driver for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit)
- DownloadWireless LAN Driver for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit)
- Manufacture : Epson
- Hardware : Lenovo G560
- DownloadBroadcom Wireless LAN Driver for Windows Vista (32-bit, 64-bit)
- DownloadIntel EchoPeak WiMAX Driver for Windows Vista (32-bit, 64-bit)
- DownloadIntel Wireless WiFi Link Driver for Windows Vista (32-bit)
- DownloadIntel Wireless WiFi Link Driver for Windows Vista (64-bit
- DownloadWireless LAN Driver for Windows Vista (32-bit, 64-bit)
- Manufacture : Epson
- Hardware : Lenovo G560
- DownloadBroadcom Wireless LAN Driver for Windows XP
- DownloadIntel EchoPeak WiMAX Driver for Windows XP
- DownloadIntel Wireless WiFi Link Driver for Windows XP
- DownloadLenovo mobile Wide Wireless Lan Driver for Windows XP
- DownloadQuadcomm Wide Wireless Lan Driver for Windows XP
- DownloadTengChuang Wide Wireless Lan Driver for Windows XP
- DownloadWireless LAN Driver (Compal, Gemtek, Cybertan, Liteon) for Microsoft Windows XP (32-bit)
- DownloadZTE Wide Wireless Lan Driver for Windows XP
Lenovo G560E Notebook Drivers
Click the panel on the right. you can download Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Drivers easily.
Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Audio Drivers
Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Bluetooth and Modem Drivers
Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Camera and Card Reader Drivers
- YOUCAM V.3.1.3603 for Windows 7 (32-bit) Windows 7 (64-bit)
- Realtek USB 2.0 Reader Driver V.6.1.7600.10008 for Windows 7 (32-bit) Windows 7 (64-bit)
- Camera driver V.6.96.2018.21/1.10.415.01/ for Windows XP (32-bit)
- Realtek USB 2.0 Reader Driver V.6.1.7600.10005 for Windows XP (32-bit)
Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Diagnostic Drivers
- Lenovo Diagnostics for Windows 64-bit V.4.41.0 for Windows 10 (64-bit) Windows 11 (64-bit)
- Lenovo Diagnostics User Guide V.4.41.0 for Windows 10 (64-bit) Windows 11 (64-bit)
Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Graphics Processing Units (GPU) and Server-AI Accelerators Drivers
- AMD Graphics Driver V. for Windows 7 (64-bit)
- AMD Graphics Driver V. for Windows 7 (32-bit)
- Intel Onboard Graphics Driver V. for Windows XP (32-bit)
Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Motherboard Devices (core chipset, onboard video, PCIe switches) Drivers
Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Mouse, Pen and Keyboard Drivers
Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Networking: LAN (Ethernet) Drivers
Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Networking: Wireless LAN Drivers
- Atheros Wireless LAN Driver V. for Windows 7 (32-bit) Windows 7 (64-bit)
- Broadcom Wireless LAN Driver V. for Windows 7 (32-bit) Windows 7 (64-bit)
- Wireless Lan Driver V. for Windows XP (32-bit)
Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Power Management Drivers
- Lenovo Energy Management Software V. for Windows 7 (64-bit)
- Lenovo Energy Management Software V. for Windows XP (32-bit)
- Lenovo Energy Management Software V. for Windows 7 (32-bit)
Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Recovery Drivers
Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Software and Utilities Drivers
- Lenovo Migration Assistant V. for Windows 10 (32-bit) Windows 10 (64-bit) Windows 7 (32-bit) Windows 7 (64-bit)
- McAfee V.10.0.570 for Windows 7 (32-bit) Windows 7 (64-bit)
- BingBar V.6.0.2282.0 for Windows 7 (32-bit) Windows 7 (64-bit)
- ReadyComm V. for Windows 7 (32-bit) Windows 7 (64-bit)
- McAfee Patch V.R9/R10 for Windows 7 (32-bit) Windows 7 (64-bit)
- Lenovo EE Boot Optimizer V. for Windows 7 (32-bit) Windows 7 (64-bit)
- Smart Display V. for Windows 10 (32-bit) Windows 10 (64-bit)
Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK Storage Drivers
Lenovo LENOVO G560E NOTEBOOK ThinkVantage Technology Drivers
- Lenovo System Update V.5.07.0131 for Windows 10 (32-bit) Windows 10 (64-bit) Windows 11 (32-bit) Windows 11 (64-bit) Windows 7 (32-bit) Windows 7 (64-bit)