Libvirt bin linux mint

Libvirt bin linux mint

Linux KVM QEMU SPICE on LInux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon really rocks.

It is quite easy to add the QEMU/KVM virtualization hypervisor to your Mint desktop. The hypervisor provides a virtualized system that you can build virtual machines in. You can perform virtualized networking and run an entire array of virtual machines within the hypervisor. In addition, if you want a virtual desktop experience that provides full acclerated 2D video at the client, then add SPICE.

You will need a multicore processor desktop or server system that includes hardware virtualization extensions (AMD or Intel). Most modern 64 bit processors include these extensions. It is possible that they may have to be enabled in the host BIOS settings as some systems have virtualization support disabled by default.

Management of the KVM hypervisor can be accomplished through a graphical managment program called virt-manager. Virt-manager is a lot like a typical virtual machine manager and supports remote connections to other hypervisors for management of those resources. In this case it can be used to manage VM and virtual network at the local host. Virt-manager also provide a very flexible virtual network management and storage facility, providing the ability to creat and manage virtual networks and specialized routing infrastructures within the hypervisor.

I started out with a Mint 17.1 Cinnamon 64 bit system, fully updated with the latest components. To this system we perform the following:

Virtualization with virt-manager:
# apt-get install qemu-system
# apt-get install qemu-utils
# apt-get install libvirt-bin
# apt-get install virt-manager

Installing SPICE for KVM remote and local access to VMs
# apt-get install python-spice-client-gtk
# apt-get install virt-viewer

Any users that want to manage VMs will need to be added to the «libvirtd» group.

Once these components and their related dependencies are installed, shut-down and restart your system. Bring the system back up and login to your desktop. Now you can run virt-manager. The virt-manager interface appears to be very simple at first glance, but dig a little deeper into it and you can see some very advanced features for virtual maching management and virtualized network management.

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Once you create your first VM you will be hooked. Virtualization totally rocks! You can’t beat Linux virtualization with KVM.

Virtual machines, by default will use VNC for viewing them. You can also use Spice for the display component of the VM.

To create a high performance virtual desktop interface (VDI), use SPICE as the display device in your VM detail «Display» settings instead of VNC. Spice can be configured to serve desktops to remote clients. Spice efficiently provides an accelerated video interface to the view client. It can be so fast that you don’t realize that you are running in a remote VM. There are Spice clients for all major operating systems. On windows systems the Spice client is called virt-viewer. On Linux systems the view client is called remote-viewer. Other spice clients are available as well.

To change your VM from default VNC to Spice; Go into the details, remove the Display device. Add a new Display device and specify Spice as the interface. Set it to listen on all public interfaces if you want to access it remotely. You can also set a password for access at this point. The port is normally assigned from a pool of values starting at 5900 automatically whenever the VM is started, but you can set it to a static value, such as 5999 using the virt-manager GUI when you are adding the Spice virtual display device.

There are other ways to manage KVM as well, such as with virsh, the virtualization management command line utility.

I have set up KVM/QEMU with Spice on many Linux systems, including high end Cisco UCS servers. I normally use it on servers in our enterprise environment.

You can use always virt-manager to access the VM and interact with the guest, BUT for full capability VDI you should use «Remote Viewer» remote-viewer on Linux or Windows desktops. Remote viewer provides full screen auto resizing capability for the guest VM connection and full accelerated 2D video to the VM running at the hypervisor.

VM guest software agents and drivers:

Most Linux distributions can simply use the spice-vdagent utilities for copy-paste from remote and auto screen resize to the client.

Windows VM guests require guest-tools for accessing the VM using spice. This is called Windows guest tools: Windows also requires the QXL video driver be installed into the guest which supports direct connection to the hypervisor Spice adapter.

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I kid you not, this stuff really works and works well. I have been using it on systems for a couple of years now. It is very stable.

— updated 2014-07-13 for setup on Linux Mint 17 64-bit

— updated 2015-02-17 for setup on Linux Mint 17.1 64-bit

I have details, with graphics, detailed at my website here:


Step-by-step – KVM Linux Mint 20 Installation Guide

If in Output > 0 then your Processor support Hardware Virtualization!
(But on a PC you may have still to enable it on BIOS…)
Now again, first Install needed Tool with:

sudo apt install cpu-checker
INFO: /dev/kvm exists KVM acceleration can be used

3. Installing KVM

sudo apt install qemu qemu-kvm libvirt-bin Linux Mint-vm-builder bridge-utils
  • libvirt-bin provides libvirtd which you need to administer qemu and kvm instances using libvirt
  • qemu & qemu-kvm (kvm in Karmic and earlier) are the backend
  • ubuntu-vm-builder powerful command line tool for building virtual machines
  • bridge-utils provides a bridge from your network to the virtual machines

4. Adding User to Group

sudo adduser `id -un` libvirtd

5. Verifing KVM Installation


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Linux Mint 19 KVM Installation Guide

Showing Ads here is the best solution I found for not embarassing somebody about participating in a #%$Foundation^.

«When the Last Tree has been cut down, the Last Fish caught, the Last River poisoned, only then will we realize that One Cannot Eat Money.»

«No usable Computer exists today with completely Open Software and Hardware (as much as some companies want to Market themselves as such).»

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Steve Jobs Last Words in the Darkness

«Being a Winner in a Free Computing OS Mission means to adopt a Commercial like Strategy. Transcending Duality in Oneness and so dispensing both Free and Non Free Software. Cause evangelizing Freedom in a Non Free World is like keeping a Trojan Horse. Hallelujah!»

«Using the Money just for buying Stuff and Not Supporting the Free Gift Philosophy is a sign of a Selfish and Narrow Mind.»

What can Save the World from a Blind and Quick Self-destruction.
The Immediate and Humble Mass Conversion to the Spiritual Way!
Because Earth & Nature has been Ravaged without Pity by the Wild and Selfish mass Competition to Win and Shown that U’re someone Better because you got a Lot of fla$hY Power$$$.

«Taking care if somebody is liking, following, or buying is just a serious hidrance on the priceless Way of Creative Freedom.»



Everlasting Glory to God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Ganesha, Shiva, Vishnu, Krisna, Laozi, Buddha, Bodhidharma, Ma Gcig, Hakuin, Ikkyu, Nagarjuna, Tilopa, Naropa, Milarepa, Suhrawardi, St Dismas, St Francesco, St Teresa, St John, St Filippo, Eckehart. All The Holy Divinities, Avatars, Saints, Mystics, and True Spiritual Masters. Because they are in the Eternal Light of Truth & Delight Enlightening a World of Darkness, Nescience, Blindness, Uneasiness and Falsehood!


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