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Linux LiF:YO Dedicated Server Ubuntu 14.04 [Complete]

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Linux LiF:YO Dedicated Server Ubuntu 14.04 [Complete]

by BladeRavinger » 06 Jun 2015, 01:11

CREDIT: Thank you to Kakusha for your tutorial linux-headless-yo-dedicated-server-with-wine-t3384/ that brought me as far as it has on an ubuntu box.

First things first, im running a remote VPS on Linux Ubuntu 14.04
to recreate what i have u will need
Putty . nload.html
and FTP Client and FTP enabled on your hardware [i use WinSCP]
HeidiSQL for linuxserver and your client system [i have a windows system for client]
You also need to own a copy of Lif:YO

Stge 1; create a lif account on your server

load putty, login to your server root account

create a user — i called my user life for simplicity

add a password and push through the user setup

next to sudo the user — i advise installing nano to make text editing easier, in spoiler

Code: Select all visudo
once in the sudo temp file use the arrow keys to navigate to the user privalege spec subsection and add a new line
Code: Select all newuser ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL


use Ctrl+X to exit nano
hit ‘Y’ when it asks if you would like to save the file
then Enter/Return to confirm overriding you previous sudoer temp file.
then exit putty to disconnect
Code: Select all exit

Load Putty again, at login connect to your new user, with the password you setup.

now we must install wine a linux based windows emulator —im using wine 1.7 at the time this is made

first add the ubuntu wine repository to your system allowing you OS to search the wine database for wine installation
Code: Select all sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
then update to confirm your OS links the new repository
Code: Select all sudo apt-get update
and finally install wine
Code: Select all sudo apt-get install wine1.7

Notice: unfortunately LiF:YO loads a console interface so if your using a remote server and have no display you need to make a fake display to fool the server into loading, i installed xvfb with a full list of extra’s

Code: Select all sudo apt-get install xvfb x11-xkb-utils xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-scalable xfonts-cyrillic x11-apps

Stage 3; Install SteamCmd and LiF:YO

If you wish you can create a file to put steamcmd into but i installed it direct to user root so when i login via putty im right there, commands in spoiler.

Читайте также:  Удаление всех файлов линукс

to make a new directory for steam
Code: Select all mkdir
mkdir steam

then use cd to move into the dir
Code: Select all cd steam

next download steamcmd for windows
Code: Select all wget
unpack it
Code: Select all unzip

then to fool steam into thinking that your using a windows machine so it will download, use wine to run steamcmd
Code: Select all wine steamcmd.exe
once its running you should have the steam commandline

next to login and install Lif
Code: Select all login username password

steamguard code (first launch only)

if you get an error and failed install try using

Code: Select all @sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows
then update the app again

avoid using force_install_dir , as steam recognizes that the custom dir is not windows format and will fail.

now that steam is running and we have steam installed and Lif downloaded you can choose to leave it in «steamapps/common/Life is Feudal Your Own Dedicated Server»
i would advise remaining the file to something simple like «life»
then moving the file to user root
done like so

if you created a steam directory u can move your file there or put it in root, il show you how to move it to user root below you can amend the statement if you want to move it to steam
Code: Select all cp -rf /home/user/steamapps/common/serverdir /home/user/

Stage 4; MariaDB (the thorn in my side)

goto . tro=Ubuntu on your client machine, select your OS and Release.
select Version 5.5, then follow the instructions install mariaDB

for me as a 14.04 ‘trusty’ user i did the following

Code: Select all sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo apt-key adv —recv-keys —keyserver hkp:// 0xcbcb082a1bb943db
sudo add-apt-repository ‘deb trusty main’
Code: Select all sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mariadb-server

NOTICE: installation should ask you to setup a root password, don’t lose it, or your maria will be locked and inaccessible

start mysql (mariaDB)
Code: Select all service mysql start

MariaDB installs with various public access points for testing,
disable these access points before making your server public
secure your installation with
Code: Select all mysql_secure_installation

Create a New database (this will be populated later)
Code: Select all mysql -uroot -p
after -p leave no space and type the root password

Code: Select all MariaDB > create database lif_1;
MariaDB > grant all privileges on lif_1.* to user@localhost identified by «DBPASSWD»;
MariaDB > exit

install MariaDB on a windows system, then install the Lif server there too!
lets config the windows server to make us a database to export

im using . =316928535 to link mysql and the lif server, your welcome to follow there tutorial

first goto your windows steam root dir then-SteamApps\Common\Life Is Feudal Your Own Dedicated Server\Docs

change server from ‘’ to ‘localhost’
change the password to your windows mariaDB root password.

save the file and copy it from server/docs to server root

in server/docs open my.ini
and goto Start -> All Programs -> MariaDB and open my.ini

Читайте также:  Linux structure file system

merge the server my.ini into the maria my.ini mine looks like this

save it where it is in the MariaDB root, overwrite the old

now that maria and lif server are linked launch Life dedicated server.

u should get something like this

the server will build you a database, once its finished you can shutdown the server.

next we must open heidisql the MariaDB Gui

Start -> All Programs -> MariaDB -> Heidisql

in the GUI Create a new session

name it lif_1, set the password and in the database section be sure to input lif_1;


in the mysql session right click ‘lif_1’ click export


tick Create Tables and Databases
Select INSERT in the data drop down
and Single .sql file in the output drop down

select where you want to export the file and hit export

once its finished close heidisql

Launch WinSCP, connect to your server, logging into lif account.

and copy the new .sql database you just exported to your server

Close WinSCP and Launch Putty into life account,

then import the .sql into the lif_1 database on your server
mine looked like this
Code: Select all mysql -uroot -p lif_1 < /home/life/exportedDB.sql

Thats MariaDB setup ready to rock

finally we have made it here, before we do launch the server we need to setup the DB config and create a launch script

copy the config from docs to server root

Code: Select all cd ser010ver_dir
cp /docs/config_local.cs /server_dir/
cp /docs/config_local.cs /life/

then edit the config
Code: Select all nano config_local.cs
change the password to the MariaDB password and server to ‘loacalhost’ same as when we setup the windows server


commit the changes as before
‘Y’ to save
enter/return to confirm

then we need to create a start script
Code: Select all nano

then copy this below and right click in putty to paste the script
Code: Select all Xvfb :1 -screen 0 800x600x8 &
wine true/path/to/server/ddctd_cm_yo_server.exe «-worldID 1» &
YOU WILL need to edit the path from ‘true/path/to/server’ to the path, mine is «/home/life/life/ddctd_cm_yo_server.exe»
yours maybe different

then use chmod to make the script executable
Code: Select all sudo chmod +x

then launch the server and cross every finger and toe you can.

Thank You all, Any Questions, Post Below

Re: linux LiF:YO Dedicated server Ubuntu 14.04 [Needs Input]

by BladeRavinger » 06 Jun 2015, 10:43

I would like to thank my brain for realizing that databases cant just be moved around they must be decompiled and recompiled.

the Tutorial will be updated soon for all to use

Re: Linux LiF:YO Dedicated Server Ubuntu 14.04 [Complete]

by Shynx » 06 Jun 2015, 14:33

apart from the database mess, nice tutorial

seeing as you are aiming for a pretty exhaustive overview, i’d add
apt-get install winetricks
winetricks vcrun2013
because those dll’s are necessary.

to install wine1.7 on debian distros you have to do the following:

Code: Select all wget
dpkg -i libwine-gecko-1.4_1.4+dfsg1-3_all.deb

dpkg -i libwine-unstable_1.7.15-0.1_i386.deb

Читайте также:  Linux посмотреть версию файла

dpkg -i wine32-unstable_1.7.15-0.1_i386.deb

dpkg -i wine-unstable_1.7.15-0.1_i386.deb

apt-get -f install
apt-get install winetricks

run the following commands to install vc redstributables:
Code: Select all ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine-unstable/bin/wineserver /usr/bin/wineserver
winetricks vcrun2013

*edit: if you have a 64bit os you of course have to add i386 architecture to be able to install 32bit wine. try googling «wine 32bit on 64bit debian» or something like that as a starting point

*edit2: you also forgot the part about tweaking mariadbs config file (my.ini), see the older guide for details

Re: Linux LiF:YO Dedicated Server Ubuntu 14.04 [Complete]

by BladeRavinger » 07 Jun 2015, 01:19

it maybe possible to use the ‘new.sql & patch.sql’ in server root/sql

Re: Linux LiF:YO Dedicated Server Ubuntu 14.04 [Complete]

by Shynx » 07 Jun 2015, 19:53

it is. you first have to fix the new.sql syntax though. Nuruti was kind enough to share a python script to do just that: post36154/#p36154

Re: Linux LiF:YO Dedicated Server Ubuntu 14.04 [Complete]

by BladeRavinger » 16 Sep 2015, 07:07

hello again guys, just after this post was finished my server stopped working. so i changed hardware and will try again and update if needed

Re: Linux LiF:YO Dedicated Server Ubuntu 14.04 [Complete]

by Nadasky » 21 Jan 2016, 12:48

I have some problems setting up my server (on an Ubuntu-Linux)

Is there an actual tutorial/guide?

I have sent my database to my server and installed it.

But if I start the LIF server, I get a mysql error. Somthing wiht bad language Setting.

Re: Linux LiF:YO Dedicated Server Ubuntu 14.04 [Complete]

by Dragontander » 30 Apr 2018, 10:51

I’ve just managed setup server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Wine 3.0 (stable) and MariaDB 10.1.29 (stable too).

This manual was helpful, but for my setup these things were changed:

Creating user
You dont have create new user, sometimes you just need run command with sudo.

Installing wine
ppa for wine 3.0 changed, and now you can install right ppa like this:
Code: Select all wget
sudo apt-key add Release.key
sudo apt-add-repository ‘’

And installing wine:
Code: Select all apt install —install-recommends winehq-stable

For running any .exe with wine you will need libpng12:
Code: Select all wget -q -O /tmp/libpng12.deb && dpkg -i /tmp/libpng12.deb && rm /tmp/libpng12.deb

I used verison for linux, @sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows works just fine.

Looks like LiF server capable to populate base by own, but it demand user with mysql-root permissions. So instead
Code: Select all grant all privileges on lif_1.* to user@localhost identified by «DBPASSWD»;

Code: Select all CREATE USER user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY ‘DBPASSWD’;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO user@localhost;

But dont create database lif_1 before you merge my.ini from /docs with /etc/mysql/my.cnf (you have to use sudo nano for editing this), because it will be create on antelope file engine instead of barracuda.

In my case I created database from HeidiSQL and run new.sql from /sql . But i believe server can do it by own.

That’s all, hope this info will be helpful for anybody.


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