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Best lightweight Linux server Distros without GUI

Most of the Linux server Distro can become an ultimate lightweight Linux server operating system if we use them in their minimal form. Although a wide range of open-source Linux distros can be used to perform server tasks by installing applications and tools needed by a server such as Apache, PHP, MySQL and more, the thing we have to make sure is the stability, Long term support and security. If you are going to opt any Linux Distro on your Server, you will never want it to be bloated or crashed oftentimes.

Lightweight Linux server Distros

If you see mainly Linux web server distros on commercial hosting providers servers or enterprises are without Graphical user interface, it is because the GUI makes Distros heavy and tend them to consume more RAM. Thus, we should avoid GUI on servers, moreover, even with GUI on Linux most of the time we work with command terminal only.

Thus, here are some popular distros with links to download their minimal ISO for lightweight without compromising the performance for home or commercial usage…

CentOS- minimal Small Distro

A lightweight server for both home and commercial users including Raspberry Pi.

If we look at the hosting service providers most of them are using CentOS as their Linux web server distro. The first reason is, it is a fork of most popular RedHat enterprise Linux, uses open-source code of the same; along with similar stability, Long Term support and security updates. One can install its minimal ISO image on their server hardware as a lightweight server OS for home as well as enterprise utilization.

Easily can be converted into Apache web server, Database server, Conatainred Docker and more…

The online world is full of tutorials on CentOS that means if you stuck somewhere, hundreds of howtos and forums will help you to cut the problem off.

If you are using Raspberry pi where one cannot install a heavy server operating systems, the small CentOS is available for that in the size of but around 220MB.

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The Minimal ISO image of CentOS server is of around 900MB while full distro with GUI comes in the size of 4 GB.

Download CentOS Minimal ISO image

Ubuntu Server- Lightweight Minimal ISO

Another one of the most popular Linux distros amid both Desktop and Server users is Ubuntu, minimal ISO without GUI for lightweight installation.

It is available to install on a home machine with Graphical user interface and other tools to make the life easier of laypersons. Along with that Sever version in minimal form and as full-blown distros can be downloaded from the official website.

The best part of using Ubuntu is its extensive documentation support officially and from vast majority blogs and community; those have covered almost every issue of Ubuntu. Just like CentOS, one can use it as webserver distro, for Database, firewall, media server, email server or game server and more. The possibilities of usage are numerous. It is one of the most user-friendly Linux systems.

Compatible with most of the public clouds. Thus whether it is Google Cloud, DigitalOCean, Amazon Web server etc, you will find Ubuntu lightweight server distro next to CentOS.

Available for 64-bit PC (amd64, x86_64), 32-bit PC (i386, x86), 64-bit PowerPC (ppc64), and 32-bit PowerPC (ppc) systems.

Download Ubuntu minimal ISO. Also know: how to install Ubuntu minimal ISO.

Fedora Server

Fedora is another great server operating system built on Linux and Patreon by RedHat itself.

It is community-based and is rapidly adopting technical innovations. Tested and proven functions are then taken over in RedHat, which is offered to companies.

It is available as “Fedora Workstation” for Desktop and “Fedora Server” for Server hardware. To install it as a lightweight server a user either can go for NetInstall ISO image or while installing it as regular OS, server option for software or environment can be selected to reduce its size and resource consumptions.


The software and functions are mostly up-to-date, so they can run smoothly without any quirks.

Debian Stable Server

Install minimal installation with command-line UI using lightweight Debian Linux server distro’s netinst CD image which is of 300 MB only.

Although we already have covered the Ubuntu server which is based on Debian, it is worth to mention the upstream source of the same i.e Debian. Debian has been used by lots of different Linux distros as a base OS, thus it is cynosure whenever we have a talk on lightweight server distros. Just like Centos and Ubuntu, you can find it on almost every Cloud service provider as server Linux distro.

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It is very stable and can be customized greatly as per server needs. One of the biggest advantages is the versatile package system Dpkg (apt-get, gnome-apt), through which you can install countless programs and functions.

Debian can be installed and set up as both a desktop and server operating system. Install the command line and minimal installation using netinst CD image which is of 300 MB only and require an internet connection to download rest of the important packages.

Download Debian netinst CD image

OpenSUSE Server

OpenSUSE, an open-source arm of SUSE enterprise Linux distribution. We can install its light and small Linux version by simply selecting the minimal server installation option.

Like most of the Linux operating systems, the OpenSUSE also comes with lots of possibilities, it can be used as a home server operating system for Workstation, Desktops and Laptops or rather install its Server version with the text-based interface and minimum supported packages for commercial usage; the choice is all yours.


It is available in two forms OpenSUSE TumbleWeed and OpenSUSE Leap. One has Long Term support and others for those need frequent updates and most recent software versions.

So, these were some best Linux Distros those can be used as LightWeight OS for Server hardware. Apart from them, as I said you can use any Linux Distro for server tools installation, thus if you want an OS for home usage then you can see:

Apart from other servers, one more OS here, extremely small. Once can try it for home or office server usage to test thing on very old hardware server machines:

4MLinux Server: A small size Linux OS to create Miniserver as DNS, FTP, HTTP, MySQL, NFS, Proxy, SMTP, SSH, and Telnet. A proxy server (Polipo with optional Tor support) is also included. Only needs 128 MB of RAM. Website.


Дистрибутивы / Для сервера

Дистрибутивы Linux, которые подойдут для установки на сервер. Они содержат (позволяют установить) программное обеспечение, которое требуется для функционирования серверов любой сложности. Данные дистрибутивы отличает высокая надежность и стабильность. Еще одно требование предъявляемое к серверным Linux дистрибутивам это поддержка серверного оборудования.

FreeBSD — стабильный, монолитный наследник UNIX

FreeBSD — свободная операционная система семейства UNIX. Отличается высокой стабильностью. Используется на серверах, персональных ПК и встроенных платформах.

AlmaLinux — альтернатива CentOS


AlmaLinux — дистрибутив, продолжающий развитие CentOS (альтернатива CentOS). Разрабатывается компанией CloudLinux при поддержке сообщества. Распространяется свободно.

Rocky Linux — альтернатива CentOS

Rocky Linux

Rocky Linux — дистрибутив на базе RedHat Enterprise Linux. Является альтернативой CentOS. Распространяется свободно. Поддерживается сообществом.

Devuan — Debian без systemd

4MLinux — миниатюрный дистрибутив +видео


4MLinux — легковесный дистрибутив Linux. Может использоваться в качестве небольшого LAMP-сервера. Не основан на других дистрибутивах.

TrueOS — основана на FreeBSD


TrueOS (прежнее название PC-BSD) — операционная система, основанная на FreeBSD и предназначенная для настольных компьютеров и рабочих станций.

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Russian Fedora Remix — Fedora с рядом дополнений

RFRemix (ранее Tedora) — это не отдельный дистрибутив, а оригинальная Fedora с рядом дополнений. Рассчитан на то, чтобы пользователи получили полностью готовую к работе систему, сразу после установки (например, добавлена поддержка мультимедиа форматов (mp3, DivX)).

Calculate Linux — быстрый и основан на Gentoo

Calculate Linux

Calculate Linux — дистрибутив Linux, основанный на системе Gentoo. Поставляется с утилитами, которые значительно упрощают установку системы (в отличии от Gentoo). Calculate стабильный и быстрый дистрибутив, пригодный для использования на персональных компьютерах и на серверах.

CentOS — на основе Red Hat +видео


CentOS — дистрибутив, основанный на платном дистрибутиве Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) и полностью совместим с ним. Стабильный дистрибутив, содержащий все необходимое ПО для работы. Может использоваться и на персональных компьютерах и на серверах.

Slackware — старейший дистрибутив


Slackware — один из первых дистрибутивов Linux (первая версия вышла в 1993 году). Дистрибутив предназначен для опытных пользователей. Систему можно гибко настраивать и проектировать под себя.

Debian — стабильный дистрибутив

Debian — стабильный, популярный дистрибутив Linux. В основном используется на персональных ПК, так и на серверах. Debian лежит в основе многих дистрибутивов, включая Ubuntu.


Mandriva (старое название Mandrake Linux) — дистрибутив Linux для персональных компьютеров и серверов. Включает полный набор стабильного ПО для повседневной работы.


Get Ubuntu Server

The latest version of Ubuntu Server, including nine months of security and maintenance updates, until January 2024.

Alternative downloads


BitTorrent sometimes enables higher download speeds and more reliable downloads of large files.

Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS

The previous long-term support version of Ubuntu Server, including support guaranteed until April 2025.

Other versions

Other versions of Ubuntu Server including torrents, the network installer, a list of local mirrors and past releases.

Alternative architectures

Ubuntu Server for ARM

Optimised for hyperscale deployments and certified on ARM chipsets — Ubuntu Server for ARM includes the 64-bit ARMv7 and ARMv8 platforms.

Ubuntu for POWER

Ubuntu is available on the IBM POWER platform, bringing the entire Ubuntu ecosystem to IBM POWER.

Ubuntu for IBM Z (s390x)

IBM Z and LinuxONE leverage open technology solutions to meet the demands of the new application economy. Ubuntu is now available on those platforms with Multipass, MicroK8s and more.

Ubuntu for RISC-V

Ubuntu — now available for multiple RISC-V platforms to accelerate innovation.

Installation guides

If you need some help installing Ubuntu, please check out our step-by-step guides.

Ubuntu Server guide

Read the official Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS documentation.

Helping hands

If you get stuck, help is always at hand.

© 2023 Canonical Ltd. Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd.


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