Linux all groups command

How can I display all users and groups with a command?

users and groups commands display users currently logged in, and groups a user belongs to respectively.

How to display a list of all users and all groups by command-line?

2 Answers 2

You can display with the help of compgen builtin command as follows:

    To display all users run following command:

However you can also display all users by cut -d «:» -f 1 /etc/passwd .

Nice! it might be preferable to use getent passwd / getent group instead of cat’ing the local files ( getent should work for non-local accounts as well)

Well, on my ubuntu, I have some files created by docker mount with 999:999 as user:group , but unfortunately none of the above commands prints them.

Here we are going to use getent for the detailed the info

We can list the user with the following command:

We can list the group as follows:

To fetch detail a specific user

Replace the lalit with your user name. Lalit will not be in every system 🙂

You can read the more into about getent here

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How do I List All Groups in Linux

Linux systems may have several users that are divided into many groups. These groups are the collection of users with the same set of privileges like reading, writing, or executing permission for a particular file or resources shared among the users of that group. Linux allows you to add a new user or the existing user to the existing group for utilizing the privileges of that particular group that it will grant. We will learn about the various Linux groups and how to list all the members of the group.

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Types of Groups in Linux

Linux has two types of groups that contain several users:

  • Primary or Login Group: it is the group associated with the files created by a specific user. The name for that primary group has the same name as the user’s name that will create that specific file. Each user must belong to exactly a single group.
  • Secondary or Supplementary Group: you can use this type of group to grant privileges to a set of users that belong to that group. A user can be assigned to no or more secondary groups.

Listing Users on Linux

For listing all the users present on the Linux system, you can run the cat command on the ‘/etc/passwd” file. This command will help in returning the number of users that are present on the Linux system.

Also, use the “less” or “more” command for navigating within the user’s list.

Listing Users Using the /etc/passwd File

For listing the usernames on the Linux system, you can use the “cat” command and then pipe the output to the “cut” command to isolate the usernames available in the first column in the list. Run the below-mentioned command as shown below.

Listing Usernames Using awk

For listing the usernames on the Linux system, use the “cat” command and then pipe the output to the “awk” command that works similar to the “cat” command.

Here we are using the “awk” interpreter, as shown below.

Listing Usernames Using getent

Use the getent command along with the “passwd” argument for listing the usernames available on Linux. Also, you can mention the optional user that you want to be displayed on the screen.

The getent command retrieves the entries from the Name Service Switch databases. It is a Unix utility for retrieving entries from various data sources. Check the list of the data sources available from the nsswitch.conf, which is stored at /etc.

If you want to list all the users with the help of the getent function, you can run the following command.

Listing the Connected Users on Your Linux Host

To get the list of the users connected to the Linux system, you can use the following command.

Using this command, you will provide the connected users’ list and the shell they are using.

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Also, you can use the “users” command to get the same result as the “who” command, as shown below.

Listing Groups Using /etc/group File

Use the most commonly used “cat” command to get the list of the groups available in the “/etc/group” file. When you run the command, you will get the list of the groups.

But if you are looking for the group names that are present in the “/etc/group” file, use the cat command and then pipe the output to the “cut” command as shown below.

Also, if you want to isolate one group to check what users belong to that group, use the below command.

Listing Groups Using getent

You can use the “getent” command for listing the users on the Linux system.

If you do not provide the key, you will get the entire group file.

Listing Groups for the Current User

Using the “group” command will display a list of groups a specific user is in.

If you do not provide any argument, you will get the list of the groups for the user that runs the command.


The Linux system contains users and groups in different files. Sometimes it becomes important to get the user details and to which group they belong. Thus Linux offers some commands that will help you to achieve that. You can run some commands to get the user details and the group to which they belong. You can also get the complete list of users on the Linux system, active users, and groups names.

You can go through this article to get various commands for getting the list of all the groups in Linux and understand how they work.

About the author

Simran Kaur

Simran works as a technical writer. The graduate in MS Computer Science from the well known CS hub, aka Silicon Valley, is also an editor of the website. She enjoys writing about any tech topic, including programming, algorithms, cloud, data science, and AI. Travelling, sketching, and gardening are the hobbies that interest her.


How to List All Existing Groups in Linux System

Being able to manage users and groups in a Linux operating system environment is an important milestone in terms of Linux administration and security. Under Linux, each user account is automatically associated with a single primary group. A Linux user cannot be a member of two or more primary groups, only one.

However, when it comes to secondary groups, it’s a different case. A single Linux user account can be associated with more than one secondary group (up to 15).

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In summary, a primary group is OS-assigned to each Linux user account and is linked to user-created files whereas secondary groups can be associated with multiple Linux user accounts and are not always automatically assigned.

This article will walk us through viable approaches to listing all existing groups within a Linux operating system distribution.

1. Reading the /etc/group File

By default, all defined groups in Linux are listed inside the /etc/group file. The entries in this file are represented in the following format:


All the password entries are encrypted and GID stands for Group ID.

The entries in the /etc/group file are in plain text making it easier to output its content via a simple cat command.

We can therefore list all groups stored inside the /etc/group file in the following manner:

List Linux Groups

The above command outputs all groups present in a Linux system as the first column entry followed by the password, GID, and group_members fields if any.

What if we only wanted to output the group_name field? To achieve this objective, we will implement and use the cut command to only extract and output the group_name field from the /etc/group file entries.

List Linux Group Names

  • -d tells the cut command to use field delimiters as TABs replacement.
  • -f1 tells the cut command to print the content of the first field (field 1) inside the /etc/group file.

2. Using getent Command

As per its manual page, the getent command is effective in accessing Name Service Switch libraries’ entries. The entries in the /etc/group file are supported by databases easily read by the getent command.

The getent command’s reference syntax is as follows:

$ getent [option]. database key.

In our case, its implementation in listing all groups in Linux is straightforward and simple as depicted below:

List All Groups in Linux

The first entry in each line represents the group names.

Listing All Groups of a Specific User in Linux

We can now comfortably identify and audit the existence of all groups in our Linux OS environment. What if we wanted to list all groups associated with a particular Linux user?

For the currently logged-in user, all you need to do is execute the following single command:

List User Groups in Linux

If you want to audit the groups assigned to other Linux users on the system, reference the following syntax:

For example, we can implement the above command syntax in the following manner:

Have any other ideas on listing all groups in Linux? Feel free to leave a comment or feedback.


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