Linux amazon s3 client

Linux Package Repositories

Note: the following LINUX repositories are NOT up to date.
Download the latest version of S3cmd from SourceForge or GitHub or get the s3cmd package from your Linux distribution’s own repositories.

S3cmd 1.5.0 pre-release packages in Fedora, RHEL, CentOS, Debian

In an effort to get additional users testing the 1.5.0 codebase, in preparation for a final 1.5.0 release, new packages have been published for Fedora, RHEL, CentOS, and Debian. You may wish to use these, rather than each distribution’s primary release repositories.

In Fedora, you can find a release slightly newer than 1.5.0-beta1 in the updates-testing repository for Fedora 18, 19, 20, and rawhide.

$ sudo yum —enablerepo updates-testing install s3cmd

In EPEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux RHEL, CentOS, etc) you can find a release slightly newer than 1.5.0-beta1 in the updates-testing repository for EPEL 6 and beta/7. Please note that EPEL must be installed for this to work.

$ sudo yum —enablerepo epel-testing install s3cmd

In Debian, you can find a release slightly newer than 1.5.0-beta1 in the Experimental repository

S3cmd 1.0.0 packages in CentOS, RHEL, Fedora, SLES, Debian, Ubuntu

Some Linux distributions now provide s3cmd package in their base or add-ons package repositories. Unfortunately these repositories are very often “frozen” in the sense that package versions are never upgraded. From some points of view this is an understandable policy, however it also means that you will never automatically get any new features of future s3cmd releases.

For example – Fedora 8 (FC8) has been released with s3cmd and even if security issues may get fixed in their updates repository it is unlikely that the users of FC8 will ever get any new features from s3cmd 1.0.0, for instance.

Therefore we decided to provide package repositories / RPM repositories / DEB repositories for some of the most popular distributions with the always most recent s3cmd package ready for installation.

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Here is a list of currently supported distributions:

Repository .repo file
RHEL 5 & CentOS 5 s3tools.repo
RHEL 6 & CentOS 6 s3tools.repo Use also for Amazon Linux AMI and Fedora
SLES 11 s3tools.repo
Debian & Ubuntu

We can’t provide packages for discontinued RPM based distributions like openSUSE 10.3 or Fedora 10 and older. However you can grab the .src.rpm file from one of the repositories above and rebuild it for your system, that should work just fine.

How to add s3cmd 1.0.0 repository to RedHat, CentOS and Fedora

  1. As a superuser (root) go to
  2. Download s3tools.repo file for your distribution. Links to these .repo files are in the table above. For instance if you’re on CentOS 6.x
  3. Run if you don’t have s3cmd rpm package installed yet, or if you already have s3cmd rpm installed and long for a newer version.
  4. You will be asked to accept a new GPG key – answer yes (perhaps twice).
  5. That’s it. Next time you run you’ll automatically get the very latest s3cmd for your system.

How to add s3cmd 1.0.0 repository to SLES 11

There are two ways to do it. The one described below uses command line package management tool called zypper, the other way is using YaST.

  1. Become a superuser (root)
  2. Find the s3tools.repo URL in the table above and run for instance: if you’re on OpenSUSE 11.0
  3. Install s3cmd with:
  4. You will be asked whether you want to trust a new GPG key. Answer yes two times.
  5. That’s it. The s3cmd package will now be kept up to date together with all your other installed packages.

Debian & Ubuntu

Our DEB repository has been carefully created in the most compatible way – it should work for Debian 5 (Lenny), Debian 6 (Squeeze), Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) and for all newer and possibly for some older Ubuntu releases. Follow these steps from the command line:

  1. Import S3tools signing key: wget -O- -q | sudo apt-key add —
  2. Add the repo to sources.list: sudo wget -O/etc/apt/sources.list.d/s3tools.list
  3. Refresh package cache and install the newest s3cmd: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install s3cmd
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What is a good Amazon S3 client?

I’ve been using the Amazon S3 Management console to browse my S3 files. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be able to sort files (in a given bucket) by anything other than whatever its default is (which seems to be by name). I’d like a nice GUI client for seeing these files which will let me sort them by date, so the newest will appear on top. UPDATE: I’d also like it if the client could do a text search within a bucket . but I suspect that this is wishful thinking.

I just gave a try and it worked like a champ. I was able to sort files by date and drag/drop download multiple files.

8 Answers 8

enter image description here

DragonDisk is a decent Amazon S3 GUI client.( They have debian packages for ubuntu.

Maybe you can provide more information about Dragondisk, why is it decent (in your opinion) also how does its functionality answer the Ops specific requirements.

Hmm. Seems like it still works, but it seems like AWS does not like to work with it anymore . InvalidRequest The authorization mechanism you have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256.

Can’t comment on the dragon disk answer due to rep but it looks like the developer is planning on releasing a new version that will support AWS V4 authentication.

Not a GUI but I went with s3cmd :

 sudo apt-get -qq install s3cmd 

On its first run it asks for your credentials, i.e:

and creates a ~/.s3cfg where it stores all the things.

 s3cmd get s3://bucket-name/filename.txt 
 s3cmd put LOCAL_FILE s3://BUCKET[/PREFIX] 

For further information of the command look into:

what is the point of using this if its not a GUI, You could simply use aws cli if we want a command line interface: $ aws s3 ls

You have s3fs-c . It’s a FUSE interface to S3. It’ll take a little bit of work getting it up and running, but unlike the other two suggestions, it’ll be transparent and act like any other kind of drive. You can save files right to S3. You’ll be able to open up an S3 bucket and browse the files in any Linux Utility (ex. Gimp, Libre Office, etc).

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In order to use s3fs-c , you’ll have to compile it, and the configure it. You can find the instructions in the INSTALL file.

You’ll need to install build-essentials , libcurl4-openssl-dev , automake , pkg-config , libxml2-dev and libfuse-dev to build it.

sudo apt-get install build-essentials libcurl4-openssl-dev pkg-config libxml2-dev libfuse-dev automake 

then a simple ./configure , make and sudo make install should get the build/install job done.

Note that by now (Dec 2014) s3fs-c is significantly behind s3fs (from which it was forked). s3fs-c does not support uid or gid, so I went with s3fs 1.74.

Free version of CrossFTP has S3 support and seems to do the job: Screenshot is from their website. The free version looks the same.


It works for me, but the free version doesn’t allow you to set permissions for files you’ve uploaded.

@DaveKincaid — it requires Java to be installed (it doesn’t come with Java bundled and uses Recommends in the deb package to require Java, which might not get it installed — depending on what you use to install it), but if you have that, it works fine on my 20.10 installation.

Incredibly (given it’s Java, linux, and a GUI tool) it works for me on VERSION=»22.04.2 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)» .

You can also try minio client aka mc. mc is written in Golang and released under Apache license v2.

mc implements following commands

 ls List files and folders. mb Make a bucket or folder. cat Display contents of a file. pipe Write contents of stdin to one or more targets. When no target is specified, it writes to stdout. share Generate URL for sharing. cp Copy one or more objects to a target. mirror Mirror folders recursively from a single source to many destinations. diff Compute differences between two folders. rm Remove file or bucket [WARNING: Use with care]. access Manage bucket access permissions. session Manage saved sessions of cp and mirror operations. config Manage configuration file. update Check for a new software update. version Print version. 

Each command is self documented with examples, you just have to type


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