Linux amd gpu install

BinaryDriverHowto / AMD

Neither the fglrx driver nor any version of Ubuntu that would use it are supported by their respective purveyors. This entire article is obsolete.

  2. Introduction
  3. Before you get started
  4. Installation via the Ubuntu repositories
    1. Installing via the command line
    1. Manually installing Catalyst 13.4
    2. Manually installing Catalyst 13.4, special case for Intel/AMD hybrid graphics
    1. MESA «error»
    2. HDTV underscan
    3. Catalyst Control Center does not open from the panel icon
    1. Known issues
    2. New issues
    1. Technical Support


    2. Introduction

    By default Ubuntu uses the open source Radeon driver for cards manufactured by AMD. However, the proprietary fglrx driver (known as AMD Catalyst or AMD Radeon Software) is made available for those who would like to use it. The instructions on this page advise on how to install and use fglrx.

    If you encounter a bug with these closed-source drivers, you are welcome to file a report via Launchpad. However, if the bug is determined to be with fglrx, this may only be fixed by AMD, as they are the only ones with access to the source code.

    3. Before you get started

    1. Go to the AMD website.
    2. Enter your graphic card details. You may check this at the terminal:

    NOTE: If you are switching from another OEM’s hardware, NVIDIA for instance, you must uninstall the driver for that hardware before installing the AMD driver.

    4. Installation via the Ubuntu repositories

    The easiest way to install binary drivers is to use the built in Additional Drivers manager in Ubuntu.

    After the fglrx driver is installed, reboot your system and login. To check whether the fglrx driver is working, open a terminal and type:

    If fglrx is installed and working well you should see an output similar to:

    fglrxinfo display: :0 screen: 0 OpenGL vendor string: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series OpenGL version string: 3.3.11399 Compatibility Profile Context

    4.1. Installing via the command line

    For users who find that the Additional Drivers method does not work, please file a bug report on Launchpad about this.

    Once done, the driver may also be installed from the Ubuntu repositories using the terminal.

      Save a backup copy of xorg.conf in case this doesn’t work.

    sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.BAK
    sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic
    sudo apt-get install fglrx fglrx-amdcccle
    sudo apt-get install fglrx-updates fglrx-amdcccle-updates

    From 14.04 forward, fglrx-amdcccle is included when you install fglrx, so the following will suffice:

    sudo apt-get install fglrx
    sudo apt-get install fglrx-updates
    sudo apt-get install fglrx xvba-va-driver libva-glx1 libva-egl1 vainfo
    sudo apt-get install fglrx-updates xvba-va-driver libva-glx1 libva-egl1 vainfo
    sudo amdconfig --adapter=all --initial
    fglrxinfo display: :0 screen: 0 OpenGL vendor string: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon HD 6300M Series OpenGL version string: 4.2.11733 Compatibility Profile Context

    5. Installing upstream drivers directly from AMD’s website

    5.1. Manually installing Catalyst 13.4

    These instructions apply to AMD Catalyst official software distributions, versions 11 through to 13 (e.g. 11.10, 12.104, 13.12, 13.35/»14.1 beta»). Before you go about installing the fglrx driver from the official AMD Catalyst software distribution ensure to read the release notes from the AMD website.

    In this how-to an AMD64 Catalyst 13.4 installation on an Ubuntu 13.1 system (Saucy) with an AMD Radeon HD 6300M will be chosen for illustrative purposes.

    1. Download the driver found at the AMD website. Select System — Product Family — Product — and Operating System (Linux x86/x86_64). Select a compatible driver. To avoid complications later on, save it inside an empty folder. Unzip the driver if necessary.
    2. Enable the Source Code repository in Synaptic Package Manger, then open a terminal and type:
    sh --buildpkg Ubuntu/trusty

    If it is required, a package manager window will open and install some dependencies and after a while create the following three .deb packages:

    fglrx_13.4-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb fglrx-amdcccle_13.4-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb fglrx-dev_13.4-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb
      For reference, the AMD driver installer can also be executed using its built-in graphical user interface, which provides options to manually generate the fglrx driver.

      sudo ./

      After this command, reboot your system. If all is right, the fglrx driver that corresponds to AMD Catalyst 13.4 will be installed and working on your system. To confirm the drivers are working open a terminal and type:

      fglrxinfo display: :0 screen: 0 OpenGL vendor string: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon HD 6300M Series OpenGL version string: 4.2.11733 Compatibility Profile Context

      5.2. Manually installing Catalyst 13.4, special case for Intel/AMD hybrid graphics

      WARNING: This method does not appear to work with Catalyst 12.8. More information will follow as available.

      WARNING: Using a method other than described in the manual instructions section above by creating a .deb file can lead to extreme difficulties. Be sure to take note of the instructions for uninstalling the driver at the end of this section, since the driver must be uninstalled using the amdconfig utility.

      This method is NOT RECOMMENDED in general, but has been found by some users with Intel/AMD hybrid graphics to work.

        Save backup copy of xorg.conf in case this doesn’t work.

      sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.BAK
      sudo apt-get purge fglrx fglrx-amdcccle

      For some users, the fglrx-updates and fglrx-amdcccle-updates packages do not work. If you attempted to install them, also do:

      sudo apt-get purge fglrx-updates fglrx-amdcccle-updates
      sudo chmod +x
      sudo ./
      fglrxinfo display: :0 screen: 0 OpenGL vendor string: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon HD 6300M Series OpenGL version string: 4.2.11733 Compatibility Profile Context

      6. Enabling Video Hardware Acceleration

      Video hardware acceleration with the Linux AMD driver is not as full featured as other OEMs, but there is some that can be enabled. To get video hardware acceleration (tested on all currently supported releases at the time of writing), you need to add four packages after installing the driver.

      sudo apt-get install xvba-va-driver libva-glx1 libva-egl1 vainfo

      You can test to see if you have installed them correctly thus:

      When installed correctly, you should get the following:

      libva: VA-API version 0.32.0 Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0". libva: va_getDriverName() returns 0 libva: Trying to open /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ libva: va_openDriver() returns 0 vainfo: VA-API version: 0.32 (libva 1.0.15) vainfo: Driver version: Splitted-Desktop Systems XvBA backend for VA-API - 0.7.8 vainfo: Supported profile and entrypoints VAProfileH264High : VAEntrypointVLD VAProfileVC1Advanced : VAEntrypointVLD

      From time to time a required symlink is not properly created. This will result in a shorter message than the above indicating that the driver could not be found.

      The following may correct the problem.

      sudo ln -s /usr/lib/va/drivers/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
      sudo ln -s /usr/lib/va/drivers/ /usr/lib/dri/

      7. Troubleshooting

      You may see a message like this:

      Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0

      This message does not necessarily indicate a problem. It can be fixed however.

      Open /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add the following line to Section "Module":

      7.1. MESA «error»

      If fglrxinfo gives you the following output, your installation is not completed correctly:

      $ fglrxinfo display: :0.0 screen: 0 OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect OpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.4.1)

        Make sure that the restricted-modules package installed correspond to the kernel your are running and that you can load the fglrx driver, whether by issuing the command:

      sudo ln -s /usr/lib/dri /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri

      7.2. HDTV underscan

      If you experience underscan when outputting video to an HDTV, this may resolve the issue:

      sudo amdconfig --set-pcs-val=MCIL,DigitalHDTVDefaultUnderscan,0 sudo reboot

      This sets the default underscan setting to false.

      7.3. Catalyst Control Center does not open from the panel icon

      If you cannot get the Catalyst Control Center to launch from an icon, try from the terminal:

      8. Reporting a bug when using fglrx via supported Ubuntu repository

      8.1. Known issues

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