Linux app store apps

The IoT App Store

Create, publish and distribute software on one platform, with reliable over-the-air updates to only your devices in a secure and validated way. We provide the infrastructure for secure management and maintenance of your Linux platform ecosystem or fleet of devices. Whether you need a private app store for your device or an efficient IoT package management system, we have a solution for you.


Read about the companies using app stores for IoT

Large-scale commercial IoT deployments are not one size fits all. They require infrastructure that is open, scalable, and secure, with software that can evolve to meet the changing needs of the customer. Ubuntu Core brings a powerful and open architecture to IoT gateways, ensuring they’re an enabler of business success for customers, now and in the future.

Ben Corrado, Co-founder, Rigado

Enabling IoT ecosystems


Build new business models around your devices. Seize the opportunity to create platform business models based on software-defined devices.

Software vendors

Create a store to publish your software or re-sell software from other vendors. New distribution channels and brand visibility.

System integrators

Create a store to market your IoT solutions to clients anywhere in the world. Access new markets at minimal cost.

Securely manage your IoT fleet

Onboard new devices

New devices are securely authenticated and added to your managed IoT fleet. Devices are connected to your enterprise app store, with cryptographic protection built into the operating system and the store. Access to applications and data for each device is in your control.

Usage analytics

Track the use of your devices over a dashboard. The IoT app store utilises the APIs provided by Ubuntu Core to extract usage metrics and present them through a user-friendly interface.

Reliable over-the-air (OTA) updates

All updates are delivered as deltas to minimise bandwidth consumption and the associated costs. Over-the-air updates are automatic and transactional, so devices rollback to a stable state if a failure occurs. Learn more ›

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Tamper-proof fleet management

Device policies and configuration are defined and controlled by documents stored on the device, and signed by OEMs with strong cryptography. Manufacturers have full control over usage of their devices.

What are the use cases?

Our app stores handle a wide range of business scenarios, from simple software distribution to complex IoT ecosystem development.


App stores can power fleets of software-defined appliances. Devices upgrades can be offered as snaps. An admin interface is delivered out of the box with basic usage analytics functionalities.

Line of products

App stores can be dedicated to specific IoT device series in a model family. Each device model will have a store through which applications are published and managed.

Platform ecosystems

In this scenario, substores are created through which third party IoT applications can be distributed. Third party publishers maintain control of their content when distributed through reseller stores.


Partner OEMs can create shared app stores to complement their applications offering upstream in the value chain. This enables multi-tenancy models.

On premise and supported

Many enterprises and device manufacturers depend on Canonical’s IoT App Stores to distribute software to their devices in the field. Additionally, Canonical can provide commercial support plans for enterprises through Ubuntu Advantage. The Snap Store Proxy allows you to control, update and isolate your devices from the internet.

Commercial support

Canonical offers commercial support plans for enterprise deployments providing:

  • 24/7 phone and web support
  • Access to our world-class technical team
  • Private software repositories
  • Guaranteed levels of service
  • Own app ecosystem control and management
  • Snap Store Proxy functionality

Snap Store Proxy

The Snap Store Proxy The Snap Store Proxy is an add-on to the IoT App Store, with a number of applications to meet your project requirements.

  • Pin to a specific version of software on your devices
  • Use airgap mode for devices disconnected from the internet
  • Determine which devices connect to your Store Proxy
  • Maximise bandwidth and speed by caching downloads and snap traffic

Global Snap Store

Showcase your applications on the IoT marketplace for Linux.

The Snap Store is the global marketplace for applications on Linux, used by millions of people around the world. Discover snaps, a unique packaging format, optimised for OTA updates and security, perfect for IoT, desktop and cloud. With a huge range of applications available and free to use, find the software you need for your use case. Showcase your applications and boost your user base.

Ready to innovate?

Whether you are a startup bringing your concept to market or already established, we have considerable expertise and infrastructure to launch and support your product journey. Tell us your story and let’s work together.

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Want to learn more about developing with Ubuntu Core?

Learn how to build or port apps for the next generation of Ubuntu.


Новый веб-сайт Linux App Store позволяет находить любые приложения простым способом

приложения для linux

Новый веб-сайт облегчает поиск приложений для Linux независимо от формата упаковки или хоста магазина приложений (веб сервера). Громко названый «Магазин приложений Linux» — это бесплатный онлайн-концентратор, в котором вы можете искать приложения по имени, проверить, доступны ли они в Магазине Snapcraft, на веб-сайте Flathub или в каталоге AppImage.

Потому-что поиск по всем трём магазинам по отдельности — это довольно хлопотно! Ubuntu, например, показывает только приложения из репозиториев и снимки экрана программного обеспечения Ubuntu, так как они выглядят на рабочем столе. Тогда как приложение GNOME Software в Fedora показывает только приложения из репозиториев и результаты Flathub.

Данный сервер показывает все приложения из любого источника.

приложения для linux

Все эти разнообразия дистрибутивов создали новомодные, иногда универсальные программные пакеты различных форматов. Всё это привело к головокружительным проблемам для пользователей и трудным решениям для разработчиков приложений. Некоторые известные приложения доступны как Snap, но не Flatpak или AppImage, некоторые только как Flatpak и Snap, другие упакованы исключительно в AppImage. А VS Code, «официально» поддерживаются в одном магазине, но не в другом.

Веб-сайт «Linux App Store» позволяет меньше заботиться о способе распространения и больше о том, что любое приложение просто доступно там где оно существует. Это позволяет быстрее вам находить приложение.

Использование стиля Google «Material Design» дает Linux App Store привычный, хотя и неоригинальный вид. Возможно, официальные веб-интерфейсы для Flathub и Snapcraft Store более привлекательны, особенно из-за их правильного расположения.

На сайте вы можете искать приложения по названию, фильтровать результаты по формату упаковки, просматривать выборку недавно обновленных приложений или открывать новые приложения в избранном разделе. Результаты поиска отмечены значком соответствующего магазина приложений.

приложения для linux

Это облегчает вам знание, что приложение доступно в соответствующем магазине приложений. При нажатии на любой результат вы будете перенаправлены на страницу приложения в соответствующем магазине. Например, щелкнув приведенный выше результат VLC Snappy, мы попадаем на эту страницу в магазине Snapcraft.

Исходный код сайта магазина приложений доступен бесплатно на Github. Там люди могут сообщать о проблемах или вносить свои идеи и предложения.


New ‘Linux App Store’ Website Lets You Find Apps, Wherever (Updated)

The website

The broadly named “Linux App Store” — update: formerly at, but no longer online — is a free, online hub where you can search for applications by name to check whether they’re available on the Snapcraft Store, the Flathub website, or the AppImage directory.

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Because searching all three stores separately is a heck of a hassle! Ubuntu, for instance, only shows repo apps and snaps in Ubuntu Software on the desktop, whereas the GNOME Software app on Fedora only shows repo apps and Flathub results.

This online store cuts through that to show all apps, from any source.

Linux App Store Website

Everyone and their pet budgie could’ve predicted that that the competition between these new-fangled, catch-all “distro agnostic” app package n’ distribution formats would result in head-scratching for users, and tough decisions for app maintainers. search results

Clicking on any result will redirect you to the application’s listing on its respective store. For example, clicking the VLC Snappy result above takes me to this page on the Snapcraft store, while the VLC AppImage result points here.

The source code for the app store website is freely available on Github. There, folks can report issues or chip in with ideas and suggestions.

To check the app store out for yourself just hit the button below.

Home / News / New ‘Linux App Store’ Website Lets You Find Apps, Wherever (Updated)


New ‘Linux App Store’ Website Lets You Find Apps, Wherever (Updated)

The website

The broadly named “Linux App Store” — update: formerly at, but no longer online — is a free, online hub where you can search for applications by name to check whether they’re available on the Snapcraft Store, the Flathub website, or the AppImage directory.

Because searching all three stores separately is a heck of a hassle! Ubuntu, for instance, only shows repo apps and snaps in Ubuntu Software on the desktop, whereas the GNOME Software app on Fedora only shows repo apps and Flathub results.

This online store cuts through that to show all apps, from any source.

Linux App Store Website

Everyone and their pet budgie could’ve predicted that that the competition between these new-fangled, catch-all “distro agnostic” app package n’ distribution formats would result in head-scratching for users, and tough decisions for app maintainers. search results

Clicking on any result will redirect you to the application’s listing on its respective store. For example, clicking the VLC Snappy result above takes me to this page on the Snapcraft store, while the VLC AppImage result points here.

The source code for the app store website is freely available on Github. There, folks can report issues or chip in with ideas and suggestions.

To check the app store out for yourself just hit the button below.

Home / News / New ‘Linux App Store’ Website Lets You Find Apps, Wherever (Updated)


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