Linux ati driver open


This guide shows you how to use the open source Radeon driver for some ATI/AMD graphics cards and APUs, which is part of the xserver-xorg-video-ati package.
This driver provides 2D and 3D acceleration in your video hardware. For the most recent releases of Ubuntu (and its flavours) this driver is usually as fast as the closed-source, proprietary fglrx driver (called AMD Catalyst) from AMD Inc. Furthermore the Radeon driver supports some older chipsets that fglrx does not.

The Radeon driver is already pre-installed in Ubuntu.

Identifying your graphics card or APU

First, check your graphic card name and chipset:

sudo update-pciids #optional command, requires internet
lspci -nn | grep -E 'VGA|Display'

It should report something like this for your graphics card and/or APU:

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV710 [Radeon HD 4550]

If the report shows two different hardware devices, then you probably have a «hybrid graphics» system, with an iGP (integrated graphics processor inside the CPU) and a dedicated GPU.

Unsupported chips

  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and newer: for some most recent graphics cards (R9 285, R9 380/380X, R9 M395X, R9 Nano/Fury/FuryX, RX 460/470/480, RX 550/560/570/580. ) and APUs (Carrizo, Stoney), the open-source AMDGPU driver is enabled by default. For Ubuntu 16.04 LTS AMDGPU-Pro hybrid driver is also available to download here (please read the release notes for known problems and limitations).
  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS: if you have Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with Linux kernel 4.4.0 (HWE stack Xenial), you can’t install the proprietary fglrx/Catalyst driver. However the open source AMDGPU driver is available to install through the xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu package.
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Supported, but hardware is too old for Unity

These cards will not run Ubuntu’s Unity desktop with 3D acceleration. They will still run Unity, but the CPU will be used for basic drawing and performance may suffer. If you have one of these cards, a lighter desktop (such as XFCE or LXDE, found in Xubuntu and Lubuntu respectively) is recommended.


Step-by-step – AMD Open Source Drivers Manjaro Installation

GNU/Linux Manjaro Installing AMD Open Source Drivers Guide

You Are Welcome! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install AMD Radeon and ATI Open Source Graphics Drivers in Manjaro GNU/Linux.

And Open Source AMDGPU Graphics Drivers for Linux Manjaro includes Updated Free Graphics Drivers for AMD/ATI Graphics Cards.

AMD Open Source Drivers Manjaro Installation Guide - Featured

1. Launching Terminal


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