Linux both nvidia and amd

Linux both nvidia and amd

Couple of days ago, I posted a question about running both AMD and Nvidia GPU in the same machine. For more details please refer to my original post .

Yesterday, I received my AMD card and started testing immediately. Now, I think that I have achieved a quit satisfying setup.

TLDR: Nvidia Card in slot 2 with proprietary driver (v. 440xx) + AMD card in slot 1 open source driver (mesa v20.1), no configuration needed, just prime-run what you need to run with Nvidia card as the back-end renderer. Enjoy the smooth desktop and Nvidia/proprietary bond applications 🙂

More detailed report: (All with Nvidia proprietary driver and AMD opensource driver)

Setup 1: Nvidia card in slot 1 and AMD card in slot 2. (first run)

Result: Ports on both cards works. However, still using Nvidia card as default OpenGl renderer. If piping display to AMD card, usage on Nvidia card is abnormally high. AMD card runs fairly cool. Everything works just as if only using a Nvidia card.

Setup 2: AMD card only in slot 1.

Result: All ports working and KDE FPS is dead stable. However, Davinci Resolve won’t start (as expected) , since it only works on proprietary driver. And running OBS lowered the desktop FPS by about 40%. Still trying to troubleshot. Also tested Wayland in this setup. Desktop runs fine. But tons of glitches here and there. Not ready as a daily driver.

Setup 3: AMD card in slot 1 and Nvidia card in slot 2. (first run)

Result: Only ports on AMD card works. xrandr says Nvidia card has no output. The rest runs just as if using only AMD card (like in setup 2). Tensorflow however can use the Nvidia card for computing.

Setup 1: Nvidia card in slot 1 and AMD card in slot 2. (second run)

Note: Did this again because I really wanted to use the x16 PCIe slot for the more powerful Nvidia card. End up discovering the AMD card was configured with PRIME. That prompt me researching PRIME for a bit. I have used Intel/Nvidia hybird in my laptop, so initially I thought PRIME is only a Nvidia thing. Tried to change the default renderer to AMD card and hoping to run certain apps with Nvidia card with prime-run. Unsuccessful. Then I read the wikis again and noticed that Intel/AMD hybrid also uses PRIME. THAT CHANGE THE GAME ENTIRELY. So I thought «Would prime-run work with AMD card as the primary GPU?» Quickly back to Setup 3.

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Setup 3: AMD card in slot 1 and Nvidia card in slot 2. (second run)

Result: First checked desktop performance. Butter smooth like before. Then checked Nvidia usage. Says 0% in nvidia-smi. Then check the default renderer. AMD it is. Now comes the exciting part. When I run

prime-run glxinfo | grep «OpenGL renderer»

OpenGL renderer string: GeForce GTX 1070 Ti/PCIe/SSE2

SWEET BABY JESUS! I have to manage my expectation. So more test. Launched Davinci Resolve with prime-run. And it runs! With nvidia-smi showing appropriate usage. Timeline scrubbing was a little choppy. Then I manually set the GPU option in settings. And now I don’t notice any problem. Rendering using Nvidia codec works and pushes Nvidia GPU usage to 80%. I also tested a casual game from steam. Works and also using the Nvidia card. Then I tested OBS with prime-run. Works but still having similar negative impact on desktop FPS.

So that concludes my little experiment with the AMD and Nvidia GPU combo. Maybe there are issues that I haven’t noticed. The solution is a simple prime-run command. No messy xorg config files. In fact no manual configuration at all.

If you want to try this combo in the same fashion. Please remember our systems might be different. There is no guarantee that it will work on you machine.


Installing both NVidia GTX and AMD Radeon on Linux for OpenCL

Want to have both your GTX and Radeon working as OpenCL-devices under Linux? The bad news is that attempts to get Radeon as a compute device and the GTX as primary all failed. The good news is that the other way around works pretty easy (with some luck). You need to install both drivers and watch out that isn’t overwritten by NVidia’s driver as we won’t use that GPU for graphics – this is also the reason why it is impossible to use the second GPU for OpenGL.

Be aware: these steps can possibly not work for you! Be patient and take your time for these steps, as they will probably not work for you without some magic. Also problems could occur each time there is a kernel-update.

Step 1: Radeon in slot 1

Though AMD’s drivers support headless compute now, I haven’t succeeded to have the Nvidia GTX as my primary GPU. So the first step is to put the AMD in slot 1. As they don’t sell computers with this configuration, I assume you know how to switch GPUs.

Step 2: Download the drivers

First you need to check which version is available in the repository for “nvidia-current”. If you install the ubuntu-x-swat PPA, you might get more recent versions. You need to download the manual installer from the Nvidia driver-site with exact that version.

From AMD you can just choose the latest version .

Read “Failed” below, so you can think of other preparations.

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Step 3: Uninstall all graphics drivers

If you have installed the drivers manually, use the –uninstall switches to uninstall them

sudo ./ --uninstall=force
sudo ./ --uninstall

Uninstall ‘fglrx’ and ‘nvidia-current’ using your favourite package manager

Step 4: Install nvidia-current

Using your favourite package manager, install ‘nvidia-current’. For me this was the only easy fix to avoid an error “nvidia-current.ko not found” when modprobing nvidia. I haven’t found a better way, but this step will break each time the driver is updated – so make sure you enforce the version in the package manager.

I found out that it is possible to skip this step and install it after step 7 when X is working. Then all works

Step 5: Go out of X

Stopping X equals stopping KDM, GDM or LightDM. First you need to type ‘ctrl-alt-F1’ to get to a screen that doesn’t rely on X. Then you can stop the GUI. For example with Ubuntu 12.04 you use:

sudo service stop lightdm

Replace with gdm or kdm to stop the X you are using. Alternatively you can use:

Step 6: Manually install Nvidia-drivers

You have downloaded the drivers already, so go to the download-location and run it. For example:

sudo ./

Don’t let the installer change xorg.conf or install anything OpenGL-like (if asked) – so go for the minimum. Say yes to register with dkms.

If you get a lot of errors, don;t panic and run the installer again.

Step 7: Make sure NVIDIA has no OpenGL-drivers taken over

NVIDIA installs an extra module which overrules the normal xorg-extension. I noticed this since 304. This module needs to be removed:

rm /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xorg/extra-modules/*

This should fix the problem the computer hangs during boot. check /var/log/Xorg.0.log if no reference to nvidia is made. In case it’s not there, recursively search the file in its subdirecties!

The old trick (pre 304.x) is getting the default GLX-drivers back:

apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri \ libxcb-glx0 xserver-xorg-core

Step 8: Manually install AMD-drivers

Just as you did with with the Nvidia-drivers, install the Radeon-drivers. It needs to be done after the Nvidia-drivers are installed, because the OpenGL-drivers need to be overwritten. As the installer sees the OpenGL-drivers, it complaints about a previous installation, so you need to force it to continue. For example:

sudo ./ –force

Just press enter all the time: defaults are ok.

Just as with Nvidia’s installer, running the AMD installer twice has some advantages for some unknown reason.

Now you can try – you should get a graphical interface running using your Radeon.

Failed to get a desktop running?

Each time you fail, just start from step 3. When starting in safe mode, be sure you don’t mount drives read-only. Here is the reason why you needed step 2 before everything else: without GUI one can feel quite helpless.

  • If you get a black screen and no X, check if the GLX-drivers are loaded for Nvidia instead of Radeon. Here is where the magic comes: you know why there is an order, so experiment. Check xorg-logs in /var/log to find out.
  • If you get ‘FATAL: Error inserting nvidia_current (/lib/modules/2.6.38-13-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia-current.ko): No such device‘ then the nouveau-drivers might be loaded – do a ‘tail /var/log/kern.log‘ to find out and follow-up with removing the conflicting drivers, blacklist it and reboot.
  • There are many drivers not updated for CUDA 4.0 and CUDA 4.1, so you might end up with ‘Runtime API error : CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version‘ even with very recent versions. You can check /usr/include/nvidia-current/cuda/cuda.h for CUDA_VERSION.
  • Get errors around libOpenCL.1.0 by Nvidia? You can just delete the file and then run the installer again.
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Step 9: Enabling compute on Nvidia

When rebooting, the fglrx-driver gets loaded, but the nvidia-driver doesn’t. Below is a script that needs to be run (as root) to get nvidia loaded (check if the directory of lspci is correct when not on Ubuntu). First try if ‘modprobe nvidia‘ actually works for you, and then run clinfo from AMD’s SDK and see if NVidia pops up. If ‘modprobe nvidia‘ doesn’t work, the installation of the driver was not successful.

#!/bin/bash if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This script must be run as root" exit 1 fi modprobe nvidia if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then # Count the number of NVIDIA controllers found. N3D=`/usr/bin/lspci | grep -i NVIDIA | grep "3D controller" | wc -l` NVGA=`/usr/bin/lspci | grep -i NVIDIA | grep "VGA compatible controller" | wc -l` N=`expr $N3D + $NVGA - 1` for i in `seq 0 $N`; do mknod -m 666 /dev/nvidia$i c 195 $i; done mknod -m 666 /dev/nvidiactl c 195 255 else exit 1 fi

If you want this under init.d , then check out this post (check if the directory of lspci is correct, when not on Red Hat). Above script was taken from this blog post by ‘mfatica’ of NVidia. Above found working with NVidia drivers 280 till 304 and AMD drivers 8.892 till 9.002.

Found the magical solution?

I have rewritten (parts of) this post several times. Each time things worked just a little different with new drivers, or I found out new solutions. All was tested with AMD APP 2.6, and CUDA 5.0.

Let me know if it worked for you, or if you needed to do something extra/different.

AMD gDEBugger 6.2 for Linux

. for instance) and make sure there were no errors when installing the drivers. The new type xorg.conf is quite empty, as much .

Mr. Vincent Hindriksen M.Sc is the founder of Stream HPC, a collective of performance engineering experts.

Do you need expertise in performance engineering? We have several experts available (HPC, GPGPU, OpenCL, HSA, CUDA, MPI, OpenMP) and solve any kind of performance problem. Contact me directly to discuss further: +31 854865760, or Skype


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