Linux bundle что это

What is a .bundle file and how do I run it?

.bundle is also used by Git. If you have a Git bundle, use Git to checkout from the bundle. It is basically just a remote repository residing on your filesystem.

FWIW: Here’s the Git documentation on bundle with examples And the all important: git clone -b master /home/me/tmp/file.bundle

VMWare Workstation for Linux is delivered as a .bundle file. It begins with a shell script, and can be run with

You can use more to see the shell script at the beginning of the file.

I was lead to this question because I was trying to install VMWare on Linux. Is there any advantage to this format over a more standard Linux type of installation method?

Also, I was also looking for how to run the VMware installer file which is a .bundle . So thanks for the nice answer. 😀

The .bundle file extension references:

The BUNDLE file type is primarily associated with ‘OS X’ by Apple Inc.. Used for various plug-in and add-on features for OS X. BUNDLE files sometimes contain .PLUGIN files in Mac OS X. Other applications associated with file type BUNDLE:
iMovie 3 (Plug-in Bundle) by Apple Inc.

  • At FileInfo — Mac OS X Application Plug-in
  • You could also get a Linux installable for VMWare as a .bundle file.
    Ubuntu forum reference to work with that.

File Type: Mac OS X Application Plug-in

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Bundle file or plug-in that adds extra features to the operating system or an application in Mac OS X; examples include support for audio and video cards, custom printer filters, extensions for Dreamweaver, and additional effects in iMovie.

Most bundle files can be found within the /System/Library directory; others are stored in application or applications support folders.

NOTE: Bundle files are referenced by the programs below and should not be opened manually.

Program(s) that open bundle files:

Mac OS Mac OS Apple Mac OS X (operating system)

Adobe CS3 programs

Microsoft Office programs

Perl engine


Application Bundles — новый путь для дистрибьюции программного обеспечения в Linux

Application Bundles — это новый способ, не зависимый от дистрибутива, распространять программы для Linux. Bundle — это просто папка, которая содержит программу со всеми ее зависимостями. Bundles могут находиться где угодно (home, usb-брелок), это не влияет на работоспособность приложения, на ряду с этим инсталляция программ не требуется. С Application Bundles вы можете:

  • запустить скачанную программу всего лишь в несколько кликов или с помощью drag’n’drop;
  • устанавливать программы без административных привилегий;
  • знать точно, где какая программа находится и удалить ее и все ее ресурсы, просто перетащив папку Bundle в корзину;
  • устанавливать скачанные новые версии программ без боязни конфликтов с предыдущими установленными версиями;
  • перемещать приложения, куда вы желаете, и переименовывать их так, как вы пожелаете;
  • запускать приложения с USB брелка или c других примонтированных томов;
  • быть уверенными в том, что ни один Bundle не сможет модифицировать ключевые библиотеки дистрибутива, пока вы сами не предоставите ему доступ для этого, с помощью пароля;
  • запускать программы без установки, в привычном понимании этого слова: нет необходимости в паролях и нет нужды в сторонних скирптах, которые могут взять под контроль вашу машину;
  • очень легко делиться программами с другими пользователями.
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Bundler manages an application’s dependencies through its entire life across many machines systematically and repeatably.

See the bundler website for information on getting started, and Gemfile(5) for more information on the Gemfile format.


Print all output without color

Specify the number of times you wish to attempt network commands

Print out additional logging information


We divide bundle subcommands into primary commands and utilities:


bundle install(1) bundle-install.1.html

Install the gems specified by the Gemfile or Gemfile.lock

bundle update(1) bundle-update.1.html

Update dependencies to their latest versions

bundle package(1) bundle-package.1.html

Package the .gem files required by your application into the vendor/cache directory

bundle exec(1) bundle-exec.1.html

Execute a script in the current bundle

bundle config(1) bundle-config.1.html

Specify and read configuration options for Bundler

Display detailed help for each subcommand


bundle add(1) bundle-add.1.html

Add the named gem to the Gemfile and run bundle install

bundle binstubs(1) bundle-binstubs.1.html

Generate binstubs for executables in a gem

bundle check(1) bundle-check.1.html

Determine whether the requirements for your application are installed and available to Bundler

bundle show(1) bundle-show.1.html

Show the source location of a particular gem in the bundle

bundle outdated(1) bundle-outdated.1.html

Show all of the outdated gems in the current bundle

Start an IRB session in the current bundle

bundle open(1) bundle-open.1.html

Open an installed gem in the editor

bundle lock(1) bundle-lock.1.html

Generate a lockfile for your dependencies

bundle viz(1) bundle-viz.1.html

Generate a visual representation of your dependencies

bundle init(1) bundle-init.1.html

Generate a simple Gemfile, placed in the current directory

bundle gem(1) bundle-gem.1.html

Create a simple gem, suitable for development with Bundler

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bundle platform(1) bundle-platform.1.html

Display platform compatibility information

bundle clean(1) bundle-clean.1.html

Clean up unused gems in your Bundler directory

bundle doctor(1) bundle-doctor.1.html

Display warnings about common problems

bundle remove(1) bundle-remove.1.html

Removes gems from the Gemfile


When running a command that isn’t listed in PRIMARY COMMANDS or UTILITIES, Bundler will try to find an executable on your path named bundler- and execute it, passing down any extra arguments to it.


These commands are obsolete and should no longer be used:


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