Linux c32 boot aborted майнинг

Arch Linux

I have recently downloaded the latest 201311 arch linux images from and have written the iso to a USB drive (preformatted with fdisk as FAT32) via the dd command:

dd if= of=/dev/sdc bs=4M && sync

This live USB booted ok on a new desktop PC that I was debugging but, having come to boot it on my poxy old Toshiba laptop, I am having issues.

The syslinux graphical bot menu loads ok, and but whether I select Arch 32 or 64, I get the 2 «loading. » lines and then get dumped to a black screen. Pressing escape displays the syslinux boot> prompt.

I’ve spent hours trying to figure out what the problem is from here, and have discovered:

boot: linux boot/x86_64/vmlinux initrd=boot/x86_64/archiso.img archisobasedir=arch archisolabel=ARCH_201311 Loading boot/x86_64/vmlinux. ok Loading boot/x86_64/archiso.img. ok syslinux_boot_linux() failed: Error 22 linux.c32: Boot aborted!

. dunno if that helps much though!

I’m at a loss, can’t find any instructions for troubleshooting/analysis syslinux boot issues or much in the way of similar experiences.

Given that the live USB booted on a PC, I assume this is a hardware problem and perhaps there will be a kernal argument I can use, but can anyone point me in the direction of some fault-finding steps?

EDIT: I should point out that I previously had an Arch linux distro on this laptop, so it’s not that old. I bought it about 2 years ago with Vista 7 64bit.

Last edited by jm82 (2013-11-20 21:32:26)

#2 2013-11-20 21:43:36

Re: Arch 201311 Live USB Boot Problem

#3 2013-11-20 22:18:35

Re: Arch 201311 Live USB Boot Problem

what bootloader did you install your old install and what bootloader did you use?

I think the arch isos were moved to syslinux 6 recently, which might be the source of your problem. To test this hypotheses you could use an old arch iso (2013.09.xx maybe) or try to start the arch live image with another bootloader.

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i’m sorry for my poor english wirting skills…

#4 2013-11-20 23:03:14

djgera Developer From: Buenos Aires — Argentina Registered: 2008-12-24 Posts: 723 Website

Re: Arch 201311 Live USB Boot Problem

Please report to upstream[#1]. Thanks.

Please test using non isohybrid-mbr method (what do you do using dd command). Just use syslinux [#2] to see what happens.

#5 2013-11-27 22:13:47

Re: Arch 201311 Live USB Boot Problem

Please test using non isohybrid-mbr method (what do you do using dd command). Just use syslinux [#2] to see what happens.

[#2] … ansfer#n62

That’s done it. So writing the USB with dd (isohybrid-mbr method) failed. I tried a number of workarounds to see if there was a quick fix, but couldn’t find one. Bootloaders are something of a mystery to me!

However, I had problems following the instructions at … ansfer#n62 as my local system’s syslinux was at v4.05. Therefore, to solve this I:

1. Reformat the USB as FAT32, single partition, set bootable flag

# fdisk /dev/sdc Command (m for help): d Partition number (1-4): 1 Warning: partition 1 has empty type Command (m for help): d Selected partition 2 Command (m for help): n Partition type: p primary (0 primary, 0 extended, 4 free) e extended Select (default p): Using default response p Partition number (1-4, default 1): Using default value 1 First sector (2048-7579007, default 2048): Using default value 2048 Last sector, +sectors or +size (2048-7579007, default 7579007): Using default value 7579007 Command (m for help): a Partition number (1-4): 1 Command (m for help): t Selected partition 1 Hex code (type L to list codes): b Changed system type of partition 1 to b (W95 FAT32) Command (m for help): p Disk /dev/sdc: 3880 MB, 3880452096 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 471 cylinders, total 7579008 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk identifier: 0x0d738582 Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/sdc1 * 2048 7579007 3788480 b W95 FAT32 Command (m for help): w The partition table has been altered! Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table. WARNING: If you have created or modified any DOS 6.x partitions, please see the fdisk manual page for additional information. Syncing disks.

2. Format the new filesystem

3. Mount the Arch Linux ISO

# mount -o loop ./archlinux-2013.11.01-dual.iso mntCDROM/

4. Mount the new USB disk

5. Copy the arch folder from the iso

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6. Install syslinux v4

# cp /usr/lib/syslinux/*.c32 mntUSB/arch/boot/syslinux/ # sed -i "s|../../|/arch|" mntUSB/arch/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg # sync # umount /dev/sdc1 # syslinux -i -d /arch/boot/syslinux /dev/sdc1 # dd bs=440 conv=notrunc if=/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin of=/dev/sdc

Last edited by jm82 (2013-11-27 23:34:46)

#6 2013-11-28 06:17:14

djgera Developer From: Buenos Aires — Argentina Registered: 2008-12-24 Posts: 723 Website

Re: Arch 201311 Live USB Boot Problem

Good, but can be really great if you can report this to upstream, so this can be fixed

#7 2013-11-28 22:32:37

Re: Arch 201311 Live USB Boot Problem

As requested

Let me know if anything needs correcting/adding.

Last edited by jm82 (2013-11-28 22:33:04)

#8 2013-11-28 22:55:52

djgera Developer From: Buenos Aires — Argentina Registered: 2008-12-24 Posts: 723 Website

Re: Arch 201311 Live USB Boot Problem

Thanks, Yes your hardware specs (Motherboard model, firmware version), since this works as expected

Last edited by djgera (2013-11-28 22:56:49)


Загрузка с WinPE через PXE с системой UEFI

Я использую wimboot (из проекта iPXE), и он хорошо работает с компьютерами legacy-bios (я могу использовать свой WinPE без каких-либо проблем). Я следовал этой документации по iPXE wimboot и адаптировал ее к pxelinux.

Когда дело доходит до компьютера UEFI, он больше не работает. Он загружает все и на последнем шаге, кажется, сбой:

Loading wimboot. ok Encapsulating http://pxe/winpe/bcd. ok Encapsulating http://pxe/winpe/boot.sdi. ok Encapsulating http://pxe/winpe/boot.wim. ok Failed to exit boot services: 0x8000000000000002 syslinux_boot_linux() failed: Error 0 linux.c32: Boot aborted! 

Все мои другие записи в pxelinux.cfg/default работают.

Что я могу сделать для загрузки WinPE, когда я нахожусь на компьютере UEFI?

1 ответ

Сегодня вы не сможете загрузиться в режиме UEFI с помощью Syslinux/winboot. Syslinux 6.03 поддерживает режимы BIOS и UEFI, но не все инструменты экосистемы Syslinux на данный момент перенесены в UEFI.

т. е. если раньше вы загружали pxelinux.0 (BIOS), теперь вам нужно загрузить syslinux.efi (UEFI). linux.c32 — это инструмент только для BIOS, который еще не был перенесен в UEFI (я имею в виду, что он не может загрузить образ efi). То же самое с chainload, pxechn, wimboot и т. Д. В проекте iPXE есть похожие проблемы, он не полностью перенесен в UEFI, тогда у вас есть функции, которые работают только в BIOS.

Для загрузки UEFI winPE сегодня наилучшим вариантом является определение bootmgrfw.efi в качестве NBP (программы сетевой загрузки), даже если это заставит вас выделить BCD по заранее определенному пути или использовать соответствующую опцию DHCP.


Linux c32 boot aborted майнинг

I have a desktop computer with Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit and Ubuntu 12.10 64 bit.

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My motherboard is Asrock 970 Extreme 4 which is a UEFI motherboard but I have my hard disk partitioned as MBR not GPT.

My hard disk is 1 TB and Linux and Windows partitions get half space each.

Last night on Windows I was downloading a torrent with uTorrent and before going to bed I set uTorrent to shut down the computer when the download completes.

Today after I woke up the computer is off so that must mean the download completed.

I booted the computer but instead of getting the GRUB menu I got an error
out of memory
Aborted. Press any key to exit.

I guessed that the torrent download filled up my hard drive so I booted from a Parted Magic CD to delete any unneeded files on my hard drive and get my computer to boot again.

I have previously successfully used Parted Magic’s included Clonezilla to create images of my Windows C and Linux root partitions.

When I booted Parted Magic I got this error
syslinux_boot_linux() failed: Error 0
linux.c32: Boot aborted!

Please help me get my computer booting correctly again.

Be sure to boot any repair flash drives or DVDs in BIOS mode, or else you may get efi changes which will further corrupt system. Since MBR you have to boot with BIOS.
Windows only boots from UEFI with gpt partitioning, but Ubuntu will boot gpt in BIOS mode also.

Post the link to the BootInfo report that this creates. Is part of Boot-Repair:
Boot Repair -Also handles LVM, GPT, separate /boot and UEFI dual boot.:
You can repair many boot issues with this or ‘Create BootInfo’ report (Other Options) & post the link it creates, so we can see your exact configuration and diagnose advanced problems.
Install in Ubuntu liveCD or USB or Full RepairCD with Boot-Repair (for newer computers)

I booted from my Ubuntu 12.10 DVD and I did Memtest.

At Pass 45% it showed more than 300000 errors

Test #7 Random number sequence

Testing 196K — 2048M 3378M

My computer has a single stick of 8GB RAM.

This is a new computer and its been working fine for two weeks so I don’t know why there’s a problem in the RAM now.

Is there a way to fix this other than replacing the RAM?


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