Linux can open file to write

Shell linux can t open file for writing

Solution 1: You have to use additional argument with write permission set (default permission for you may be taking write permission off) 0666 is an octal number, i.e. every one of the 6’s corresponds to three permission bits Solution 2: You probably have a restrictive . If a write on file fails, this can be because has no write permission bits set, or because any of , , do not have execute permissions, or because there is an I/

Can I find out why I can’t write to a file in shell script?

Most programs your command is going to call catch the error, interpret the errno and print a descriptive (but not machine-readable) error message. So the formal information of errno normally is lost; all you can do is interpret the human-readable error message.

On the other hand, the actual reason for a failure of an arbitrary command is subject to an intelligence, and unless you want to program an artificial one for this, you will not succeed. If a write on file /a/b/c/d fails, this can be because d has no write permission bits set, or because any of a , b , c do not have execute permissions, or because there is an I/O Error during writing, or because the file system is mounted as read-only. And I’m sure I just forgot some more possibilities. And this was just for a very simple write on a file. If you try to pull this straight for arbitrary commands, it will be way too much.

For mere file access topics (based on permissions) you can get somewhere by using faccessat(2) (but I’m not aware of a shell-interface to that).

There’s several OS built-in functions to check special features of a file:

it exist but you can’t write/read to it — it’s 0 bytes — it’s a directory (!) — it’s a symbolic link — and some more

or have a quick check via:

In addition, you can for example check if the directory of the file itself, exists. That may be a reason why the file does not exist. You can use DIRNAME for that:

Why is fstream not working for writing files in Linux?, fstream & co. work perfectly well on Linux. The problem with your code is that you are using ~, which isn’t a «real» path as recognized by C++ fstream and in general lower level system calls, but it generally works from the command line as it is expanded by the shell.. If you want your program to perform shell-like …

Linux: E212: Cannot open file for writing. [SOLVED]

This video shows how to solve the error when configuring the SSH Keys.

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Can’t write to file with script

Because I was running the script with sudo, the script would take the relative path ~/.bashrc for the root user. The script was working fine all along, I was just looking at my user’s .bashrc and was expecting things to appear, when all along the root user’s .bashrc file was being written in.

I used sudo inside the script for all elevated commands and run the script normally without sudo and there it is, working as expected.

As I thought, this was beyond silly after all. At least I learned something today.

Thank you all for taking the time to reply and help, I really appreciate it.

Vim can’t open files for writing Code Example, vi cannot open file for writing. «sources.list» E212: Can’t open file for writing. amazon linux e212: cant open file for writing. write file vim. cannot open file for righting. sudo vim can’t open file for writing. can’t open file for writing linux. /usr/share/vim/vim 82/defaults.vim E212: Cant open file for writing.

Open file in linux. I don’t want to create a write-protected file

You have to use additional argument with write permission set (default permission for you may be taking write permission off)

 fd = open("/home/stud/txtFile", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0666);//open file 

0666 is an octal number, i.e. every one of the 6’s corresponds to three permission bits

You probably have a restrictive umask . The open call will simply attempt to create a file with mode 0666 but the user’s umask typically removes many of those permission bits.

Shell — Open and write data to text file using Bash?, You can redirect the output of a command to a file: $ cat file > copy_file. or append to it. $ cat file >> copy_file. If you want to write directly the command is echo ‘text’. $ echo ‘Hello World’ > file. Share. Improve this answer.

Why is fstream not working for writing files in Linux?

fstream & co. work perfectly well on Linux. The problem with your code is that you are using ~ , which isn’t a «real» path as recognized by C++ fstream and in general lower level system calls, but it generally works from the command line as it is expanded by the shell .

If you want your program to perform shell-like path expansion, you can call the wordexp function; mind you, in many years of working on Linux I don’t think I ever needed that, as generally paths come «from the outside» as command arguments, already expanded by the shell (and that’s the general assumption, not to be broken to avoid doubly-expanding stuff; wordexp has its typical usage when expanding paths e.g. in configuration files).

Linux — Can’t write to file with script, The script’s name is and is run from ~/ . I hope this is clear and I didn’t miss anything. #!/bin/bash echo «Script initiating» #condition for script to run after reboot, created later on if [ ! -f /var/run/bootflag ]; then echo «First run» script=»bash ~/» #this will add the script in the bash file so it will be ran on …

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Troubleshooting Error: Vim Can’t Open File for Writing

Vim is a text editor used in Linux operating systems that help create and update different text files with different extensions. Sometimes, when you try to create files with the Vim utility, you got an error: “Vim can’t open file for writing”. Reasons for this error could be more than one.


You must have Linux distribution installed and configured on your machine. In our case, we have Ubuntu 20.04 Linux distribution. On the other hand, you must have sudo rights to use the Linux system and Vim utility.

Vim Installation:

At the very start, you have to make sure that you have a Vim utility installed on your Linux distribution. For this, we will check it first in our system. Therefore, you have to open the command-line terminal from the Activity bar of your Linux desktop. Afterward, execute the below Vim command to get information regarding Vim. As shown in the image, there is no Vim utility installed on our Ubuntu 20.04. It also suggests some instruction commands to install Vim on the system. Use one of them to install Vim.

Now, it’s our turn to install Vim on our Linux system. So, we have to use the sudo apt command to do so. Try the below command to install it on your system. It will need your root account passcode to initialize the process of installation. Enter your sudo password and hit the “Enter” button to continue. You will see that it will start installing and downloading Vim utility along with other bundles.

During the installation process, it will pause, and a question will pop out. The system will intimate a question to affirm your installation action, which says: “Do you want to continue? [Y/n] “. If you want to pursue the Vim installation process then you have to tap “y” and hit Enter, otherwise press “n” and tap the “Enter” button. So, we tapped “Y” and pressed the Enter key to proceed with the installation of the Vim editor in Ubuntu 20.04.

It will start the proper installation of the Vim editor. You have to wait for some time until it completes its process.

After the installation of Vim, you can check its information by using the same command as below.

If your Linux system successfully opens the below window as shown in the snapshot attached, then you are good to use the Vim editor.

Get an Error:

Now, we will create a file using the Vim command in the command shell. We will create this file in any of the directories. So, try the below Vim command to make a file “smtpd.conf” in the directory path given below.

$ vim /usr/lib64/sas12/smtpd.conf

The below-shown window will be opened, having the path and file name listed at the below side of the lower header. It’s time to write the contents of this file in the given path.

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To write the contents of a file and quit the Vim editor, try the below “wq” command along with the colon “:” sign, then press the Enter button to run this command.

Right after you tap the “Enter” button, you will get an error: “E212: Can’t open file for writing” as shown in the below output image. Press the “Enter” button to continue.

To check the reason for this error, we have to write another instruction in the Vim editor. Try the below sudo command in the Vim editor, starting with the keyword “:w”, ending with the keyword “tee” and percentage sign. Hit the “Enter” key to see the cause of an error.

It requires your sudo account password to write the file contents and save the file in the mentioned path. Enter your root passcode and hit the “Enter” button. The output shows that there is no such file or directory available in your Linux system. This means that we provide the reason for this error. Press again the “Enter” key to continue with Vim.

Write the below quit command and hit the key “Enter” to come back in the terminal shell.

We learned about the reason for the error, which is because the path provided was not actually created. You can also check the path in the command line shell using the “ls” command. The output shows that such a directory is not created.

$ ls /usr/lib64/sas12

Resolve Error:

Firstly, we have to create a path or a directory in the command-line shell. To create a directory mentioned in the path provided above, we have to use the “mkdir” command along with the “-p” flag. If you use the “mkdir” without the keyword “sudo” it may through an exception “Permission denied”.

Let’s try this command with the “sudo” keyword and you will see that it works fine.

Again write the Vim command followed by the path of a file to check the changes. It will open the Vim editor.

When you write the below sudo command, it may require your sudo account password to continue. After writing the passcode and hitting the “Enter” button, you can see it will generate a warning. You have to press the “L” key followed by the “Enter” button to load this file in a provided folder.

It will load the file and give it read-only rights. Hit the Enter key.

Now, when you enter the “wq” command, it will work fine.


We have done the solution of the error: “Vim can’t open file for writing”, in a blink of an eye. I hope you can solve this error conveniently.

About the author

Aqsa Yasin

I am a self-motivated information technology professional with a passion for writing. I am a technical writer and love to write for all Linux flavors and Windows.


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