Linux change mouse speed

How to change mouse speed/sensitivity?

I am on an Asus Zenbook UX32VD in Ubuntu 12.10. Both in 12.04 and 12.10 I haven’t been able to change the mouse speed (i.e. the «sensitivity» in the mouse/touchpad dialog). I can change the slider, but nothing changes. This is a big problem for me, since the mouse speed is somewhat slow. Any suggestions? The problem is both for the touchpad and mouse.

I dont have this laptop — so hence this comment. Maybe this Q&A can help —… . If you type synclient you have some parameters such as MinSpeed , MaxSpeed & AccelFactor that you can play with. Good luck.

13 Answers 13

First we need to identify the input device ID to change the speed/sensitivity. Open a terminal and run this command:

abcd@abcd-abcde:~$ xinput --list --short Virtual core pointer ↳ SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad [slave pointer (2)] ↳ Logitech USB RECEIVER [slave pointer (2)] 

My pointing devices are a Logitech USB RECEIVER and a Synaptics TouchPad . To list out device properties:

xinput --list-props "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" 

Another option: xinput —list-props 11 as 11 is the number that is shown above in its parent property (SynPS/2 Synaptic TouchPad).

Now reduce it’s property values to suit your need:

Device Accel Constant Deceleration (267): 2.500000 
xinput --set-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Device Accel Constant Deceleration" 1.5 

Another option: xinput —set-prop 11 267 1.5 where 11 is the device, just like from above, 267 is the id of the device property (Device Accel Constant Decleration) as you can see when device 11 is being listed all of properties being attached, and finally 1.5 is your desired speed.

You may have to play around with this number a bit to set it exactly as you need.

If you need to set this value automatically every time Ubuntu starts then:

#!/bin/sh xinput --set-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Device Accel Constant Deceleration" 1.5 

change the file to executable :

and Put this in the start-up applications list.

I now have the same problem for my wireless logitech mouse with unified reciever. I can change the speed in the same way, but max speed (1) is way too slow! Any suggestions?

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Try increasing the acceleration property. <"Device Accel Velocity Scaling" 5>. I also have a Logitech wireless mouse and i can’t see any direct speed property. all i got is acceleration and deceleration. Please tell what speed property your device is showing and also try to increase the value of speed beyond 1 and see if that works..

Linux mint 18, Logitech 510, xinput says «property ‘Device Accel Constant Deceleration’ doesn’t exist, you need to specify its type and format»

Ubuntu 12.10 64-bit, Logitech cordless TrackMan

xinput did nothing for me.

This sets the acceleration to 3 and the threshold to zero. Not great settings but better than before.

If you want to use fractional value, you can enter fraction (i.e. 3/2) instead of floating point number.

The man page says the settings will be lost on logout/reboot.

If you want to use fractional value, you can enter fraction (i.e. 3/2) instead of floating point number. It’s weird, but it works.

The above mentioned «Device Accel . » options do not exist on my machine. Lenovo T440s running Ubuntu 18.04

Instead, I have success using these:

xinput --set-prop "TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint" "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" 0.5 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 1 

The original «Coordinate Transformation Matrix was 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 and I have now half the speed, which is slow enough for me.

With this syntax, we can adjust horizontal and vertical speed separately.

Thanks for this. I have successfully used this to speed up my Logitech K520 mouse, so I wanted to mention that it appears to work for Logitech mice too. Oddly, the right-most number seems to slow down vertical scrolling at higher numbers, and speed up at lower ones.

This approach worked well with a Microsoft Microsoft Wireless Optical Mouse, where the mouse was too sensitive to use while walking on a treadmill.

My Microsoft Classic Intellimouse pointer was too slow on Ubuntu 20.04. The Acceleration and Sensitivity settings in the Mouse and Touchpad GUI were maxed out. xset did not have any effect. libinput Accel Speed was at it’s maximum value of 1. I fixed it with xinput —set-prop 12 149 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 , where 149 is Coordinate Transformation Matrix.

You can use these scripts to set the touchpad and mouse speed each systemstart:

#!/bin/sh TP=$(xinput --list --short|grep -i touchpad|cut -f 1 | cut -d" " -f 5-|sed 's/\s\+$//g') xinput --set-prop "$TP" "Device Accel Constant Deceleration" 1.5 xinput --set-prop "$TP" "Device Accel Velocity Scaling" 10 

For me, I think 1.5 and 10 are suitable values for the touchpad.

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I use a Logitech usb mouse too.
So for a Logitech mouse use this script:

#!/bin/sh MOUSE=$(xinput --list --short|grep -i Logitech| cut -f 1|cut -d" " -f 5-|sed 's/\s\+$//g') xinput --set-prop "$MOUSE" "Device Accel Constant Deceleration" 1.2 xinput --set-prop "$MOUSE" "Device Accel Velocity Scaling" 10 

For me, I think 1.2 and 10 are suitable values for the mouse.

Running sudo xset m 1 1 worked for me. My mouse speed now behaves in a normal behaviour like in Windows platform.

I’ve fine-tuned deceleration by closing my eyes, before moving pointer to a certain place on the screen. After 5 adjustments, now my mouse moves that much as I’m expecting.

That’s the line I’m using right now:

xinput —set-prop «Bluetooth Mouse M557» «Device Accel Constant Deceleration» 2.3

I used the ‘simple’ profile to increase the mouse resolution without acceleration.

#!/bin/bash device="Dell Dell USB Optical Mouse" resolution_percent="241" # Greater than 100, use constant deceleration otherwise with profile -1. xinput set-prop "$device" "Device Accel Profile" 4 # Simple profile with threshold 0 allows constant scaling up xinput set-ptr-feedback "$device" 0 "$resolution_percent" 100 # Set threshold to 0 and acceleration to $resolution_percent/100 

You’ll have to modify the script by using your particular device name. You can look that up by running xinput without arguments. Also the script has to be run each time the mouse is connected or when you start the system.


HOWTO change the mouse speed in X

There’s the universal way to change the mouse speed of any mouse in X on Linux and there’s specific ways depending on which desktop you happen to be using. Here’s a quick run-down.


Changing mouse speed using xset in a terminal [ edit ]

xset [1] is a handy tool for changing a variety of things in X. You can use the m ouse option with acceleration threshold as options to change the mouse speed:

Shell command(s):
xset m 5 1

The first argument, «acceleration», is a multiplier number that defines how many times faster than the standard speed the cursor will move. Try numbers between 2 and 5, setting a high multiplier like 9 makes the mouse movements very jumpy. It does not need to be a whole number, you can use 1/2 to get half the standard speed or 5/2 (=2.5) if 2 is too slow and 3 is too fast.

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The second argument, threshold, defines how many pixels the mouse must move in a short period of time before the acceleration setting is used. Using a threshold of 1, as in xset m 5 1, disables this and gives you the same mouse speed at all the time. Setting xset m 5 10 requires the mouse the move to move 10 pixels before the pointer is accelerated.

Changing the mouse speed in Xfce4 [ edit ]

Mouse speed can be configured using the program xfce4-mouse-settings which you can start by ALT+F2 and typing that or by going to the menu and selecting Settings then Mouse and Touchpad

Changing the mouse speed in KDE [ edit ]

Start systemsettings, either from the menu or by running systemsettings5 . Scroll down the area on the left until you see Hardware and Input devices in that section. Click Input devices . You will find a slider for «Pointer speed» in that section.

Footnotes [ edit ]


Настройка скорости мыши и сенсорной панели

Если при перемещении мыши или использовании сенсорной панели указатель перемещается слишком быстро или медленно, можно настроить скорость указателя для этих устройств.

  1. Откройте Обзор и начните вводить: Мышь и сенсорная панель .
  2. Нажмите на Мышь и сенсорная панель , чтобы открыть этот раздел настроек.
  3. Отрегулируйте ползунок Скорость указателя мыши или Скорость указателя сенсорной панели , пока движение указателя не станет для вас удобным. Иногда самые удобные настройки для одного типа устройств не подходят для другого.

Раздел Сенсорная панель появится только если в вашей системе есть сенсорная панель. Раздел Мышь виден, только если ваша мышь подключена.

Дополнительная информация

  • Мышь, сенсорная панель и сенсорный экран — Корректировка поведения координатных устройств в соответствии с личными предпочтениями.
  • Ограничения подвижности

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