Linux check hardware errors

Linux check hardware errors

Дабы всё узнать о своём железе

так как для амд их (эксепшоны) отключают при загрузке

И чё самое интересное, MCE появилось на Pentium PRO, Pentium II и AMD K6. и это совсем не фишка x86_64

Каждый логический процессор в системе, имеет директорию

(где N — номер процессора)

Эти директории содержат файлы для динамической конфигурации, а именно:

Содержит 64-х битную маску, включающая или отключающая определенные сообщения,
об исключениях, для текущего ЦПУ. Если все биты маски равны нулю, тогда никакие
сообщения не выдаются.

Остальные файлы конфигурации, хотя и находятся в каждой папке sysfs, но изменения
в любом из них влияют на все процессоры. (думается тяжело было бы реализовывать
различные степени толерантности для разных ядер на одном CPU)

Интервал опроса процессора, в минутах, по умолчанию 5 минут.

* tolerant
Уровни толерантности:

0: Всегда генерировать panic на неисправимых ошибках или записывать в лог исправленные.
1: Генерировать panic или ошибку шины (SIGBUS) на неисправимых ошибках или записывать
в лог исправленные.
2: Генерировать ошибку шины (SIGBUS) на неисправимых ошибках или записывать в лог исправленные.
3: НИКОГДА не генерировать panic или ошибку шины (SIGBUS), а только записывать лог
(использовать только для тестирования)

И самое интересный конфиг MCE это

Программа которая будет запущена, когда в sysfs появляется какое-либо событие от MCE.

Читайте также:  Включить nat в linux

Например запуск вывода на консоль, экран, или отправка почты

# echo ‘mail -t root -s «MCE EVENT: ‘date «+%m.%d.%Y — %H:%M:%S»‘»‘ > \

Именно использование trigger удобнее, так как не надо дёргать крон каждые 5 минут.

Так, выше кем-то скопипастенные команды, запишем в триггер, дабы освободить крон

Может, может.
Память тоже разогнал?

Вот тут утиль,
Парсит на человеческий язык логи МСЕ

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How to detect a possible hardware error?

I’m running Debian Wheezy on a HP Pavilion dv7 laptop and it freezes every now and then, requiring a reboot. One time it didn’t even load the operating system, but it wasn’t I who was using it so I can’t tell what error was displayed. On a previous Windows 7 install it constantly failed to load Windows, throwing the user at the «attempting repairs» screen, which would do something for a few minutes and then say Windows couldn’t fix the problem. This leads me to think that there is a hardware problem, and I was wondering if there’s anything at /var/log or somewhere else that could provide some info on what’s going on, or if there’s any test I could run, and what I should be looking for. I issued

The full output is here. The only line I could understand and that I think might have something to do with the problem was

/var/log/dmesg.0:[ 11.632723] [drm:radeon_pci_probe] *ERROR* radeon kernel modesetting for R600 or later requires firmware-linux-nonfree. 
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09) 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Whistler XT [AMD Radeon HD 6700M Series] 

And System > System Settings > Details > Graphics shows Intel(R) Sandybridge Mobile is being used. So I guess the error was «solved» by using the onboard graphics card? There was also

/var/log/syslog.1:Apr 19 20:14:09 magui kernel: [ 1.087417] pci0000:00: ACPI _OSC request failed (AE_ERROR), returned control mask: 0x1d /var/log/syslog.1:Apr 19 20:14:09 magui kernel: [ 8.510757] ata1.00: irq_stat 0x08000000, interface fatal error /var/log/syslog.1:Apr 19 20:14:09 magui kernel: [ 8.510810] ata1: SError: < UnrecovData 10B8B BadCRC >/var/log/syslog.1:Apr 19 20:14:09 magui kernel: [ 8.510914] res 40/00:08:00:76:14/00:00:00:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error) /var/log/syslog.1:Apr 19 20:14:09 magui kernel: [ 8.511121] res 40/00:08:00:76:14/00:00:00:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error) 


How to check for hardware errors in Linux?

Linux logs can be viewed with the cd /var/log command, then typing the ls command to see the logs stored under that directory. One of the most important logs to view is the syslog, which records everything except authentication-related messages.

How to find system information in Linux?

To display your network hostname, use the ‘-n’ switch with the uname command as shown. To get kernel version information, use the ‘-v’ switch. To get your kernel version information, use the ‘-r’ switch. All this information can be printed at once by running the ‘uname -a’ command as shown below.

How to find hardware details in Ubuntu?

How do I know if my power supply is down in Linux?

Finding Power Information with Linux

How can I find the server log?

Checking Windows Event Logs

Where are system logs stored in Linux?

Most Linux log files are stored in a plain ASCII text file and are located in the /var/log directory and subdirectory. Logs are generated by the Linux system daemon log, syslogd or rsyslogd.

How do I check my system specs?

How to find your computer’s system specifications

How to find RAM in Linux?

Linux check ram speed and type commands

How to check RAM in Linux?

What is the Info command in Linux?

Info is a software utility that forms a multi-page hypertext documentation and help viewer running on a command-line interface. Info reads info files generated by the texinfo program and presents the documentation as a tree with simple commands to navigate the tree and follow cross-references.

How do I find my device name in Linux?

The procedure to find the computer name in Linux:

Is there a device manager in Ubuntu?

If you need to know the details of your PC’s hardware, there is a simple graphical application called GNOME Device Manager in Ubuntu 10.04 that lets you view the technical details of your computer’s hardware. … right-click gnome-device-manager and select Mark for Installation from the context menu.

What is the Dmidecode command in Linux?

The dmidecode command is used when the user wants to retrieve system hardware information such as CPU, RAM (DIMM), BIOS details, memory, serial numbers, etc. of the Linux system in a readable format.

How to check your PC’s power supply?

How do I know the power of my power supply?

The easiest way to check the wattage of the PSU is to look at the PSU box that came with the PSU when purchased from a store. See the power supply specifications section. You will notice the maximum wattage of the power supply.


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