Linux check opencv version

How to determine OpenCV version

How to determine which version of OpenCV I have installed? I am most interested in knowing a way of doing it programatically (and cross-platform), but I can’t even find a way to determine the installed version from outside the code. I’m working with C++03, on Fedora.

9 Answers 9

You can check the CV_VERSION macro.

If you also want to get build information, you can use this code:

 printf("OpenCV: %s", cv::getBuildInformation().c_str()); 

You can check the following macro variables:


The version string is located in:

Top of version.hpp, below the BSD license: #define CV_VERSION_MAJOR 3 #define CV_VERSION_MINOR 2 #define CV_VERSION_REVISION 0 

I would like to enhance one of the answers using version.hpp defines.

Please notice the potential problem with that solution:


As a result, CV_VERSION_MAJOR are not comparable. Much safer solution is to parse CV_VERSION and use the first value before a dot.


Найти версию OpenCV, установленную в Ubuntu

Я хотел бы узнать, какая версия OpenCV установлена ​​на моем компьютере (я запускаю Ubuntu 10.04). Есть ли простой способ проверить это, если? Если нет, то могу ли я узнать каталоги, где установлены файлы (образцы и т.д.)? Я пытаюсь запустить некоторый код, который я уже тестировал на другом компьютере с установленным OpenCV 2.3, и я получаю много ошибок.

5 ответов

Вы можете посмотреть установленные заголовки или библиотеки. pkg-config может сообщить вам, где они находятся:

pkg-config --cflags opencv pkg-config --libs opencv 

В качестве альтернативы вы можете написать простую программу и напечатать следующие параметры:


Аналогичный вопрос также задан здесь:

Если у вас не установлены пакеты разработки, у вас не будет файлов .pc и вы получите сообщение об ошибке, например, что Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path , по умолчанию это /usr/lib/pkgconfig/ The Аргумент —modversion также более полезен для этого конкретного вопроса, как я отмечу ниже.

Ссылка, которую вы разместили, теперь имеет гораздо лучший ответ: «pkg-config —modversion opencv». Спасибо за публикацию

У меня это работало так в C ++: cout

Другие методы здесь не сработали для меня, поэтому вот что работает в Ubuntu 12.04 «точный».

На платформах Ubuntu и других Debian, dpkg — это типичный способ получить версии программного пакета. Для более поздних версий, чем тот, на который ссылается @Tio, используйте

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Если у вас установлены пакеты разработки, например libopencv-core-dev , у вас, вероятно, есть файлы .pc и вы можете использовать pkg-config :

 pkg-config --modversion opencv 

1) Прямой ответ: Попробуйте следующее:

 sudo updatedb locate OpenCVConfig.cmake 

Чтобы увидеть версию, вы можете попробовать:

 cat /home/pkarasev3/source/opencv/build/OpenCVConfig.cmake 

«sudo make install» — ваш враг, не делайте этого, когда вам нужно часто компилировать/обновлять библиотеку и, возможно, отлаживать ее внутренние функции. Обратите внимание, как мой файл конфигурации находится в локальном каталоге сборки, а не в /usr/something. Вы избежите этой путаницы в будущем и можете поддерживать несколько разных версий (отладка и выпуск, например).

Изменить: причина, по которой этот вопрос часто возникает для OpenCV, в отличие от других библиотек, заключается в том, что он изменяется довольно резко и быстро между версиями, и многие из операций не так четко определены/так что вы не можете просто полагаться на него как на черный ящик, как вы делаете что-то вроде libpng или libjpeg. Таким образом, лучше не устанавливать его вообще, а просто компилировать и ссылаться на папку сборки.


How to Check OpenCV Version in Linux Using Python: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn various methods to check the OpenCV version in Linux using Python. Ensure compatibility with other software and tools. Get real-life examples and case studies.

  • Check OpenCV version using Python interpreter
  • Check OpenCV version using command line
  • How to Check Version Of OpenCV
  • Check OpenCV version using pip
  • Installation methods for OpenCV on Linux
  • Importance of checking OpenCV version
  • Other helpful code examples for checking OpenCV version in Linux using Python
  • Conclusion
  • How do I check OpenCV version in Python?
  • What is my OpenCV version?
  • How to install OpenCV in Python on Linux?
  • Where is OpenCV located in Linux?

If you are working with computer vision and image processing, OpenCV is a must-have library. OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open-source library that is widely used in various fields such as robotics, medical image analysis, and augmented reality. It is written in C++, but has bindings for Python, Java, and MATLAB. Checking the OpenCV version is important for compatibility with other software and tools. In this article, we will provide various methods to check the OpenCV version installed on your Linux system using Python.

Check OpenCV version using Python interpreter

The easiest way to check the OpenCV version is by using the Python interpreter. To get started, open your terminal and type python to start the Python interpreter. Then, type the following commands:

import cv2 print(cv2.__version__) 

The cv2.__version__ variable contains the version of OpenCV installed on your system. This method is useful when you want to quickly check the version of OpenCV without writing a script.

Check OpenCV version using command line

Another way to check the OpenCV version is by using the command line. Open your terminal and type the following command:

python -c "import cv2; print(cv2.__version__)" 

This command will execute the Python code to import the cv2 module and print the version of OpenCV. The output will be the same as the previous method.

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How to Check Version Of OpenCV

Check OpenCV version using pip

If you installed OpenCV using pip, you can check the version using Python. First, you need to upgrade pip to the minimum supported version by OpenCV. To do that, type the following command:

Then, you can install OpenCV and its dependencies using pip:

After installation, you can import the cv2 module and print the version:

import cv2 print(cv2.__version__) 

Installation methods for OpenCV on Linux

Before checking the OpenCV version, you need to install it on your Linux system. There are two ways to install OpenCV on Linux: prebuilt binaries and building from source.

Prebuilt binaries are provided by the OpenCV team and can be downloaded from their website. Prebuilt binaries are easy to install, but they may not be compatible with all systems. Building from source requires more effort, but it provides better compatibility and customization options.

To install OpenCV from prebuilt binaries, follow these steps:

  1. Download the prebuilt binaries from the OpenCV website.
  2. Extract the downloaded file using a file archiver tool.
  3. Navigate to the extracted folder and run the following command to install OpenCV:

To install OpenCV from source, follow these steps:

sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake git libgtk2.0-dev pkg-config libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev 
git clone 
cd opencv mkdir build cd build 

Importance of checking OpenCV version

Checking the OpenCV version is important for ensuring compatibility with other software and tools. For example, if you are working on a project that uses a specific version of OpenCV, you need to check the version installed on your system to ensure compatibility. Additionally, OpenCV is a popular library that is widely used in various applications such as object detection, face recognition, and image segmentation. By checking the OpenCV version, you can stay up-to-date with the latest features and improvements.

Other helpful code examples for checking OpenCV version in Linux using Python

In python, how to Check OpenCV version using python code example

$ python # "python3"- if you are using another version of python >>>import cv2 >>>cv2.__version__


In this article, we provided various methods to check the OpenCV version installed on your Linux system using Python. You can check the OpenCV version using Python interpreter, command line, or pip. We also discussed the installation methods for OpenCV on Linux, including prebuilt binaries and building from source. Checking the OpenCV version is important for ensuring compatibility with other software and tools. OpenCV is a powerful library used for computer vision and image processing, and it has multiple applications. By checking the OpenCV version, you can stay up-to-date with the latest features and improvements.


How to find OpenCV version in Python and C++ ?

OpenCV 3.0 was released recently, and you might be thinking of upgrading your code base. OpenCV 2 code will most likely not compile with OpenCV 3 because the new version is not backwardly compatible. So you need a mechanism to make sure your code is compatible with both OpenCV 3 and OpenCV 2. This post explains how to detect the version of OpenCV inside your code. Example C++ and Python code is shown below.

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How to Detect OpenCV Version in Python

Everything is easy in Python. cv2.__version__ gives you the version string. You can extract major and minor version from it as shown in the example below.

import cv2 # Print version string print "OpenCV version : ".format(cv2.__version__) # Extract major, minor, and subminor version numbers (major_ver, minor_ver, subminor_ver) = (cv2.__version__).split('.') print "Major version : ".format(major_ver) print "Minor version : ".format(minor_ver) print "Submior version : ".format(subminor_ver) if int(major_ver) < 3 : ''' Old OpenCV 2 code goes here ''' else : ''' New OpenCV 3 code goes here '''

How to Detect OpenCV Version in C++

In C++ several macros are defined to easily detect the version — CV_VERSION, CV_MAJOR_VERSION, CV_MINOR_VERSION, CV_SUBMINOR_VERSION. See the sample code below as an example.

#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp" using namespace cv; using namespace std; int main( int argc, char** argv ) < cout else < // New OpenCV 3 code goes here. >>

You can see another example at my post about Blob Detector.

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How to check for openCV on Ubuntu 9.10

I just installed 2.4.3 but still this command states opencv 2.0 any idea why? Do i need to restart or something?

this command returns 2.x.x but I have neither the include files, nor the files mentioned by Sunny under /usr/local/lib . So this might not be the correct answer

Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'opencv' found , Ubuntu 16

With OpenCV 2.4.x:

You can use "CV_VERSION" or "CV_MAJOR_VERSION", "CV_MINOR_VERSION", "CV_SUBMINOR_VERSION" from a C/C++ simple program.

#include #include int main(void)

Here is the compilation line:

g++ `pkg-config --cflags opencv` main.c `pkg-config --libs opencv` -o main 

Here's an easy way to check. Assuming you installed using the default configuration.

In /usr/local/lib you should have the following libraries -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 

And in /usr/local/include/opencv you should have the following header files.

cvaux.h, cvcompat.h, cv.hpp, cvver.h, cvwimage.h, cxcore.hpp, cxflann.h, cxmisc.h, cxtypes.h, highgui.hpp, cvaux.hpp, cv.h, cvtypes.h, cvvidsurv.hpp, cxcore.h, cxerror.h, cxmat.hpp, cxoperations.hpp, highgui.h, ml.h 

I'm assuming that you using the latest version which is 2.0.


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