Linux command show file

Terminal Basics #5: View the File Contents in Linux

In this chapter of the Terminal Basics series, you’ll learn about viewing the contents of files in the Linux command line.

You learned to create new files in the previous chapter of the Terminal Basics series. In this chapter, you’ll learn to read the files. I’ll be discussing the most common Linux commands to display the contents of a text file. Before you do that, let’s create our ‘playground’ with sample files. Let’s create a directory first and switch to it.

mkdir display_files && cd display_files

And then, create a new file named columbo.txt with the following text (use the cat command with >> as discussed in the previous chapter):

Prescription: Murder Ransom for a Dead Man Murder by the Book Death Lends a Hand Dead Weight Suitable for Framing Lady in Waiting Short Fuse Blueprint for Murder

You don’t have to type it all by yourself. You can copy-paste in the terminal using Ctrl+Shift+V. Most terminals support this shortcut. With things set, let’s see various ways of viewing files in the Linux terminal.

Use cat command to display file content

The cat command is the most popular method to view files in Linux. It is dead simple to use. Just give it the file name and it displays the file content on the screen. Things cannot go simpler than this.

Using the cat command to view files in Linux

This is the output it shows:

Optional challenge: Use the cat or echo command with >> redirection to add a new line with «Etude in Black» text to the columbo.txt file. Refer to the previous chapter if you need help.

Using the less command to read large text files

The cat command is so simple. In fact, it is too simple. And simple doesn’t work in complicated scenarios. Try using the cat command to view the content of the services file.

This services is a huge file with hundreds of lines. When you use cat, it floods the entire screen with the entire text. This is not ideal. Can you read the first line of the file? Yes, you can but you have to scroll all the way up. If the file has thousands of lines, you won’t even be able to scroll back to the first few lines. This is where the less command comes into the picture. It lets you read the contents of a file in a page-by-page manner. You exit the viewing mode and your terminal screen is clean as ever. Use the less command to read the services file:

Now you are in a different viewing mode. You can use the arrow keys to move line by line. You can also use the Page Up and Page Down keys to move up and down by pages. You can even search for certain text using /search_term. When you are done reading the file, press Q key to exit the less view and go back to the normal terminal viewing. This table will help you use less:

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Keys Action
Up arrow Move one line up
Down arrow Move one line down
Space or PgDn Move one page down
b or PgUp Move one page up
g Move to the beginning of the file
G Move to the end of the file
ng Move to the nth line
/pattern Search for pattern and use n to move to next match
q Exit less

From viewing files in real time to bookmarking text, less can do a lot more. Read this to learn more about it.

Head and tail to show part of text files

If you only want to see certain parts of the text file in cat-styled display, use the head and tail commands. By default, the head command displays the first 10 lines of a file.

Practice examples

#create or clear the content of the file echo -n > sample #put content to the file for i in do echo "This is the line $i" >> sample done

Create a new file named and copy-paste the above script content into it. Now run the script like this to generate your sample file:

Now, you have got a file named sample that contains lines like «This is the line number N» for every 70 lines.

Let’s take it to the next level. You can combine them both to show specific lines of a file. For example, to show lines from 35 to 40, use it like this:

head -n 40 filename | tail -n +35

Show a range of lines in Linux


  • head -n 40 filename will display the first 40 lines of the file.
  • tail -n +35 will display the lines from the 35th line to the end of the output from the head command. Yeah! Mind the + sign that changes the normal behavior of the tail command.

You can also combine them to show only a particular line. Let’s say you want to display the 55th line; combine head and tail like this.

head -n 55 filename | tail -n 1

Show only a particular line in Linux command line

  • head -n 55 filename will display the first 55 lines of the file.
  • tail -n 1 will display the last line of the output from the head command, which will be the 55th line of the file.

Test your knowledge

Time for you to exercise your grey cells and practice what you learned in this chapter.

  • Use the same sample file and display lines from 63 and 68.
  • Now display the lines from 67 to 70.
  • How about displaying the first line only?
  • What do you see in the /etc/passwd file? Display its content.

That’s it for this chapter. Next, you’ll learn about removing files and folders in the command line. Stay tuned.


How to View Files in Linux Using cat, more, or less Commands

Linux has numerous file viewing tools at its disposal and these tools give Linux users the flexibility of scanning or going through already existing files with the objective of fact-checking or simply retrieving specific information. Three in-built file viewing commands are availed in Linux, namely, cat, more, and less commands.

These three commands will comfortably let you view targeted files under the Linux operating system environment. Despite this shared commonality between the three commands, the functional originality defined for each of them is different.

Viewing Files with cat Command

The cat command concatenates provided input file and prints the content of that file as standard output.

View File Contents in Linux

With the cat command, you don’t need to press [Enter] to scroll through the open file. You can use the scroll on the right-side of the command-line window as depicted in the above screen capture.

To show all the content of a file, execute the cat command with the command option -A .

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View Whole File Contents in Linux

The symbol $ will appear as the last entry in the file to symbolize the end-of-file. Also, the same symbol appears after each line entry to symbolize the end-of-line.

If you want to number the line entries in the targeted file, use the command option -n .

View File Contents with Line Numbers

Using the command option -E will also show end-of-line and end-of-file through the $ symbol. Another useful command option to consider is -T which is used when displaying tab characters.

Based on the above demonstration, it is recommended to use the cat command when dealing with small files that do not require too much scrolling. Reason? Using the cat command zooms to the last line of the file making it tiresome to get back to the top/beginning of a file, especially when dealing with large files.

Viewing Files with more Command

The more command is a file perusal filter tool. When the file is too large, this command-line tool will page through it one screenful at a time.

View File Contents Using More Commands

As per the above screenshot, more command shows the percentage (87%) content of the file which is viewable implying that pressing [Enter] on your keyboard should reveal the rest of the file content.

The more command is also effective when a user wants to view multiple files.

$ more sample_file.txt new.txt

This command will take us through the first file in the order in which they were presented and then introduce the next file in the queue.

View Multiple Files Contents in Linux

Let’s assume we want to view 7 file lines at a time, we will implement the command:

If the file is numbered and you want to specify the line number from which the more command should display the file, e.g line number 20, we will execute:

Viewing Files with less Command in Linux

The less command is an extension of the more command’s capability. It achieves the same functionality as more but with additional features which make it a superior option.

For instance, while more command reads an entire input file before executing its file-viewing functionality, less command does not need an entire file’s input before launching.

Therefore, less command tends to be faster in its execution.

View File Contents Using Less Command

Pressing [Enter] on your keyboard should enable you to scroll to end-of-file.

We can also use less command to show line numbers on a file:

View File with Line Numbers

For an already open file, the less command lets us search for a specific string pattern when we key in [/] and search for the intended phrase.

Search String in Opened File

If your file has multiple blank lines, the -s command option will squeeze them out.

The less command can also open multiple files.

$ less sample_file.txt new.txt

Open Multiple Files Contents in Linux

Pressing :n should take you to the next file and :p to the previous file.

The less command also supports real-time monitoring, especially for files that are frequently edited.

Let us know of another unique cat, more, or less command tricks that might be useful.


5 Commands to View the Content of a File in Linux Command Line

Here are five commands that let you view the content of a file in Linux terminal.

If you are new to Linux and you are confined to a terminal, you might wonder how to view a file in the command line.

Reading a file in Linux terminal is not the same as opening file in Notepad. Since you are in the command line mode, you should use commands to read file in Linux.

Don’t worry. It’s not at all complicated to display a file in Linux. It’s easy as well essential that you learn how to read files in the line.

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Here are five commands that let you view the content of a file in Linux terminal.

5 commands to view files in Linux

Before you how to view a file in Unix like systems, let me clarify that when I am referring to text files here. There are different tools and commands if you want to read binary files.

cat command example

Cat becomes a powerful command when used with its options. I recommend reading this detailed tutorial on using cat command.

The problem with cat command is that it displays the text on the screen. Imagine if you use cat command with a file that has 2000 lines. Your entire screen will be flooded with the 200 lines and that’s not the ideal situation.

So, what do you do in such a case? Use less command in Linux (explained later).

2. nl

The nl command is almost like the cat command. The only difference is that it prepends line numbers while displaying the text in the terminal.

nl command example

There are a few options with nl command that allows you to control the numbering. You can check its man page for more details.

3. Less

Less command views the file one page at a time. The best thing is that you exit less (by pressing q), there are no lines displayed on the screen. Your terminal remains clean and pristine.

less command example

I strongly recommend learning a few options of the Less command so that you can use it more effectively.

There is also more command which was used in olden days but less command has more friendly features. This is why you might come across the humorous term ‘less is more’.

4. Head

Head command is another way of viewing text file but with a slight difference. The head command displays the first 10 lines of a text file by default.

Head command example

You can change this behavior by using options with head command but the fundamental principle remains the same: head command starts operating from the head (beginning) of the file.

5. Tail

Tail command in Linux is similar and yet opposite to the head command. While head command displays file from the beginning, the tail command displays file from the end.

By default, tail command displays the last 10 lines of a file.

Tail command in Linux

Head and Tail commands can be combined to display selected lines from a file. You can also use tail command to see the changes made to a file in real time.

Bonus: Strings command

Okay! I promised to show only the commands for viewing text files. And this one deals with both text and binary files.

The Strings command displays the readable text from a binary file.

No, it doesn’t convert binary files into text files. If the binary file consists of actual readable text, the strings command displays those text on your screen. You can use the file command to find the type of a file in Linux.


Some Linux users use Vim to view the text file. Of course, you can easily move from the beginning to the end of the lines and edit the file but it’s overkill for just reading a file. My favorite command to open a file in Linux is the less command. It leaves the screen clear and has several options that makes viewing text file a lot easier.

Since you now know ways to view files, maybe you would be interested in knowing how to edit text files in Linux. Cut and Paste are two such commands that you can use for editing text in Linux terminal. You may also read about creating files in Linux command line.

Which command do you prefer?


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