Linux configure no such file or directory

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./configure results in: ‘No such file or directory’. Advice?

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./configure results in: ‘No such file or directory’. Advice?

Post by Edward2 » Sat Apr 15, 2017 5:04 pm

I’m trying to build and install wxSQLite3 on Mint 18.2, but can’t seem to get past the ./configure step.

Entering ./configure at the terminal prompt gives:
‘bash: ./configure: No such file or directory’

There is definitely a file in the directory.

Using ./ results in: ‘bash: ./ Permission denied’

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ./configure results in: ‘No such file or directory’. Advice?

Post by pdc_2 » Sat Apr 15, 2017 5:45 pm

are you sure you are «in» the correct directory?

I thought one either used the bash command . or the ./ prefix . but not both as in

Re: ./configure results in: ‘No such file or directory’. Advice?

Post by Edward2 » Sat Apr 15, 2017 5:55 pm

99% sure I’m in the correct directory;

OptiPlex780-1 wxsqlite3-3.5.3 # dir
admin include LICENCE.txt premake sqlite3
build docs lib premake5.lua samples src

I use only the ./ before the command. Bash is in the error report.

Flemur Level 20
Posts: 10097 Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:41 pm Location: Potemkin Village

Re: ./configure results in: ‘No such file or directory’. Advice?

Post by Flemur » Sat Apr 15, 2017 5:59 pm

Edward2 wrote: I’m trying to build and install wxSQLite3 on Mint 18.2, but can’t seem to get past the ./configure step.

Entering ./configure at the terminal prompt gives:
‘bash: ./configure: No such file or directory’

There is definitely a file in the directory.

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Here’s the file list (same as you have?)
Yes, there is no ‘configure’ file — look at the «» file**:

wxGTK When building on an autoconf-based system (like Linux/GNU-based systems), the first setp is to recreate the configure script doing: autoreconf . 

Please edit your original post title to include [SOLVED] if/when it is solved!
Your data and OS are backed up. right?

Re: ./configure results in: ‘No such file or directory’. Advice?

Post by Mute Ant » Sat Apr 15, 2017 6:04 pm

To create a configure script with Autoconf, you need to write an Autoconf input file (or and run autoconf on it.

So I guess you would need to enter commands.
bash configure
sudo checkinstall

Re: ./configure results in: ‘No such file or directory’. Advice?

Post by Edward2 » Sat Apr 15, 2017 6:52 pm

  • OptiPlex780-1 wxsqlite3-3.5.3 # autoreconf
    Can’t exec «aclocal»: No such file or directory at /usr/share/autoconf/Autom4te/ line 326.
    autoreconf: failed to run aclocal: No such file or directory

So I guess you would need to enter commands.
bash configure
sudo checkinstall

After running ‘autoconf’ (which ended with a few errors),
I ran bash configure:
OptiPlex780-1 wxsqlite3-3.5.3 # bash configure
bash: configure: No such file or directory.

I still cannot get a response from ‘./configure —help’
bash: ../configure: No such file or directory

Re: ./configure results in: ‘No such file or directory’. Advice?

Post by pdc_2 » Sat Apr 15, 2017 6:58 pm

, we were lacking automake and installing it worked . for us .

Re: ./configure results in: ‘No such file or directory’. Advice?

Post by Edward2 » Sat Apr 15, 2017 7:24 pm

I’m getting the same results after:
sudo apt-get install automake

So I have a question, not explained in any of the install steps.
The instructions state:

Thereafter you should create a build directory
mkdir build-gtk [or any other suitable name]
cd build-gtk
../configure [here you should use the same flags you used to configure wxWidgets]

1. Is this (build-gtk) an Empty directory, or with wxsqlite3-3.5.3 files? (reads as empty)
2. change dir to build-gtk.
3. make

How does ‘make’ know to build the wxsqlite3-3.5.3 files (located in a directory in Downloads let’s say), to an empty build-gtk directory?

Re: ./configure results in: ‘No such file or directory’. Advice?

Post by Edward2 » Sat Apr 15, 2017 10:44 pm

So, after much research it looks like the needed ‘configuration’ could possibly be borrowed from sqlite3.18.

Otherwise, If I cannot create the file using Flemur’s suggestion i’m sunk.

Re: ./configure results in: ‘No such file or directory’. Advice?

Post by Edward2 » Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:09 am

I succeeded in creating a ‘configure’ file using ‘autoreconf’, then make generated the following result.
Does this look correct?
OptiPlex780-1 wxsqlite3-3.5.3 # make
CC sqlite3/secure/src/sqlite3secure.lo
CXX src/wxsqlite3.lo
ar: `u’ modifier ignored since `D’ is the default (see `U’)
CXX samples/minimal.o
CXXLD samples/minimal
CXX samples/treeview/foldertree.o
CXX samples/treeview/projectlist.o
CXX samples/treeview/treeviewapp.o
CXX samples/treeview/treeviewsample.o
CXXLD samples/treeview/treeview

Looks very different from other builds I have seen displayed.

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Flemur Level 20
Posts: 10097 Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:41 pm Location: Potemkin Village

Re: ./configure results in: ‘No such file or directory’. Advice?

Post by Flemur » Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:44 am

Please edit your original post title to include [SOLVED] if/when it is solved!
Your data and OS are backed up. right?

Flemur Level 20
Posts: 10097 Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:41 pm Location: Potemkin Village

Re: ./configure results in: ‘No such file or directory’. Advice?

Post by Flemur » Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:45 am

It does look, er, different, but if the process said «make install succeeded» . have you tried using it?

Please edit your original post title to include [SOLVED] if/when it is solved!
Your data and OS are backed up. right?

Re: ./configure results in: ‘No such file or directory’. Advice?

Post by Edward2 » Sat Jun 10, 2017 3:07 pm


Can not run configure command: «No such file or directory»

I’m trying to install a Debian package from source (via git). I downloaded the package, changed to the package’s directory and ran ./configure command but it returned bash: ./configure: No such file or directory . What can be the problem? A file is located in the program folder.

./configure make sudo make install 

See Install Binwalk Without Graphing. Of course if you need the graphing dont skip make deps . If it helps, just upvote me, and I’ll know it was you 🙂

2 Answers 2

If the file is called,

If you’re not sure what to do,

They must mean that you use «autoconf» to generate an executable «configure» file.

$> autoconf $> ./configure $> make $> make install 

It’s autoconf, then ./configure, then make, then make install. Doesn’t your package have a READ-ME? It’s $> autoconf $> ./configure $> automake. I think that’s how it goes. It’s been a while since I’ve installed an autoconf package.

Interesting. Manual says installation «follows the typical configure/make process» I’ve specified above. Autoconf is not not mentioned.

The failsafe for generating a configure script is autoreconf -i , which not only takes care of calling autoconf itself, but also a host of other tools that may be needed.

@user3338098 If you’ve installed your distro’s «all important build tools» package (Debian/Ubuntu apt-get install build-essential ), it should include that already I think?

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./configure: No such file or diectory

I downloaded a wicd-1.7.4.tar.gz file and I changed directory cd Downloads to the .tar.gz file and extracted it using tar xvzf wicd-1.7.4.tar.gz . Thereafter, I changed directory to cd wicd-1.7.4 which is the extracted files directory. Suprisingly, when I used the command, ./configure inside the same directory, the error I got was, bash: ./configure: No such file or directory. Please can someone tell me what is it that I am not doing right! Thanks The output of the $ ~/Downloads/wicd-1.7.4 is

wicd-1.7.4/NEWS wicd-1.7.4/cli/ wicd-1.7.4/cli/README.cli wicd-1.7.4/cli/ wicd-1.7.4/man/ wicd-1.7.4/man/nl/ wicd-1.7.4/man/nl/wicd-client.1 wicd-1.7.4/man/wicd-client.1 wicd-1.7.4/INSTALL wicd-1.7.4/AUTHORS wicd-1.7.4/encryption/ wicd-1.7.4/encryption/templates/ wicd-1.7.4/encryption/templates/eap wicd-1.7.4/encryption/templates/wep-passphrase wicd-1.7.4/encryption/templates/psu wicd-1.7.4/encryption/templates/peap wicd-1.7.4/encryption/templates/wpa2-peap wicd-1.7.4/encryption/templates/leap wicd-1.7.4/encryption/templates/wpa-psk-hex wicd-1.7.4/encryption/templates/wep-shared wicd-1.7.4/encryption/templates/wpa-psk wicd-1.7.4/encryption/templates/wpa-peap wicd-1.7.4/encryption/templates/active wicd-1.7.4/encryption/templates/wpa wicd-1.7.4/encryption/templates/eap-tls wicd-1.7.4/encryption/templates/active_wired wicd-1.7.4/encryption/templates/wired_8021x wicd-1.7.4/encryption/templates/wpa2-leap wicd-1.7.4/encryption/templates/peap-tkip wicd-1.7.4/encryption/templates/wep-hex wicd-1.7.4/encryption/templates/ttls wicd-1.7.4/in/ wicd-1.7.4/in/``` 

The output from ll ~/Downloads/wicd-1.7.4/INSTALL might be where configure command is located. It’s certainly not in the directory listing shown.

Read the INSTALL, and see how to build it. python configure seems to be the starting point, but beware of all the dependencies (PYTHON2!!).

Beware that wicd appears unmaintained, and requires Python 2 (which is also unmaintained). Installation may be more challenging than you’d like, and there’s no security support.


bash: ./configure: No such file or directory

I’m trying to install a GUI for Dansguardian ( but when I type:
./configure && make && sudo make install I get an error message: bash: ./configure: No such file or directory I have completed all the previous steps mentioned in the manual (on the site I provided), unless I have misunderstood something.

What directory are you in when you issue the command? What are the contents of the directory (using ls )?

I’m in my home directory. Should I be in the directory where dansguardian and the other programs are installed? It’s installed to /usr/sbin. Oh and to make things clearer, I’m trying to install a GUI for Dansguardian and the other two programs.

You should be in the directory into which you cloned the git repository of the source package you are trying to build: if you cloned into your home directory that will probably be ~/webcontentcontrol-gambas3 — unless you specified an alternate directory on the git command line

1 Answer 1

You should first clone the repository (use git clone ).

After that you should change directory the repository folder using cd webcontentcontrol-gambas3 and only after that you should do ./configure && make && sudo make install .

configure is a file located in that repository and it’s written in bash . You don’t have any file named configure in your home folder so that’s why you have to cd on your repository folder.

By the way, if the command ./configure && make && sudo make install listed above doesn’t work use bash configure && make && sudo make install . But I really doubt it won’t.

Thank you, worked like a charm! Thanks for the info, now I have enough info to do some research on the subject on my own 🙂


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