Linux console test internet speed

How to Test Internet Speed from the Command Line on Linux

But there are other ways to test your network data speed on Linux, including using the command line.

Perhaps you want to check that your network speeds match up to what you pay your ISP for, or see if a connection issue currently bugging you is real or imagined. Whichever; being able to run an internet speed test from the command line is handy, and easy to do.

In this tutorial I show you how to run a network speed test right from the Terminal using an app available in the repositories of most major Linux distributions. It’s not the the only tool for the job (and some might argue not the best) but is one that’s simple to use.

Using ‘speedtest-cli’ on Linux

Now, to set your expectations, I must mention that running an internet speed test from the command line isn’t as exciting as other methods. You won’t get to see a flashy speedometer ticking vicariously, nor colorful bar charts undulating wave-like before your eyes.

But you get what you need: data — and fast.

I use a Python tool called speedtest-cli to test internet speeds on Linux. This uses the website mentioned at the start of this post. Using this you can test your internet upload and downloads speeds, and measure ping.

I will add that some websites/servers/ISPs are savvy to traffic from this site, so take the results with a small thimble of NaCl.

First things first: install the speedtest-cli tool on your Linux system. The exact way to do this will vary based on your OS but the package is in the repos of every major Linux distro meaning you can run sudo apt install speedtest-cli (or your distro’s equivalent) to get it.

1) Open a new terminal window (on most Linux distributions you can do this quickly by pressing the ctrl + alt + t keys)

2) In the terminal window, type this command:

3) Press the Enter key on your keyboard

The app will take 30 seconds or so to measure your upload and download speeds so be patient. Once complete you get to see a concise report that looks like this:

a screenshot of the speedtest-cli tool running on Ubuntu

If you want to see more information about your network during and after the test (such as IP address, test location, etc) you can run speedtest-cli without the —simple flag. This delivers more verbose output, like so:

To see the full range of options available with the tool —there are lots— run the speedtest-cli -h command to crib the man page.

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So that’s it; you now know how to run a network speed test on any Linux distro from whatever terminal emulator or CLI environment is provided

How do you prefer to do network speed tests? Does being able to do it from the command line instead of a dedicated network test website appeal? Share your thoughts on this tutorial down in the comments section!

Home > How To > How to Test Internet Speed from the Command Line on Linux

Joey Sneddon

Joey Sneddon is a purveyor of puns and arbitrator of alliteration. Or at least, that’s what he says. When he’s not blogging about Ubuntu on omg! ubuntu! he’s collecting toys, feeding cats, and trying to master his Arch install…

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    Как проверить скорость интернета из консоли Debian Linux

    Если сайты открываются плохо или медленно что-то скачивается первым делом проверяют скорость работы интернета. Проще всего это сделать прямо в браузере на популярных ресурсах,, или

    Как проверить скорость интернета из консоли Debian Linux

    Но если у вас сервер с операционной системой Linux без графического окружения, то воспользоваться браузером вы не сможете. К счастью на выручку к нам придут консольные утилиты.

    Проверка скорости интернета из консоли Debian

    Приведу пример как проверить скорость в Линукс на примере Debian и сторонней утилиты speedtest-cli, которая для тестирование использует популярный сервис Повторюсь, что это не официальное приложение с сайта

    Установить консольную утилиту speedtest-cli просто, благо она есть в репозитооиях Debian 11:

    Затем запустим ее, например так:

    # speedtest-cli --secure --share

    И получим следующий результат:

    Retrieving configuration. Testing from Rostelecom ( Retrieving server list. Selecting best server based on ping. Hosted by PJSC MTS (Volgograd) [25.13 km]: 40.312 ms Testing download speed. Download: 172.67 Mbit/s Testing upload speed. Upload: 113.36 Mbit/s Share results:

    Параметр —share подготовит ссылку на графическое изображение (картинку) с результатами тестирования скорости интернета.

    Как проверить скорость интернета из консоли Debian Linux

    Как видите проверить скорость интернета из консоли Линукс не так уж и сложно.


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    How to Test Network Speed in Linux via CLI

    With the increase in people staying at home and spending more time on the Internet, ISPs have seen traffic loads higher than ever. If you noticed your network speed was slower at times, this global overload is the reason.

    There are many online tools to test internet speed. However, Linux users can do this from the command prompt window. Some of the utilities for testing both local and internet speed we will cover are:

    • Speedtest
    • Fast
    • Color Bandwidth Meter (CBM)
    • iPerf
    • nload
    • Tcptrack
    • Iftop
    • Wget
    • youtube-dl

    Follow the instructions in this article to learn how to test network connection speed on Linux using the terminal. The steps work in both normal and headless mode.

    How to test network speed on Linux.

    • A machine running Linux
    • sudo / root permissions
    • Access to a terminal / command-prompt window

    Test Network Speed on Linux Via Command Line

    The tools in this guide help you check the Internet and LAN speed on a Linux machine. The article uses Ubuntu 20.04 for instructions, but the utilities work for any Linux distribution.

    Note: Use the appropriate package manager for your Linux distribution, for example, yum for RHEL / CentOS, to install the apps.

    Using speedtest-cli to Test Internet Speed

    One of the most famous online internet connection test apps is To install Speedtest on Linux via the terminal, use a package manager for your distro.

    sudo apt install speedtest-cli

    Install speedtest-cli on Ubuntu.

    Optionally, use pip to install speedtest-cli in Python:

    sudo pip install speedtest-cli

    Run speedtest on Linux.

    The standard speedtest-cli output shows all steps, including selecting a server. To display a shorter output, enter:

    The test is simple to use and provides multiple options. To view all of them, pass the -h flag to display the speedtest-cli help file.

    Using fast-cli to Test Internet Speed

    Fast is a lightweight CLI utility based on the web speed test The test uses Netflix servers to provide results.

    Fast-cli is simple to use, but you need the node package manager (NPM) on your machine. The package comes with Nodejs.

    For example, to install Node.js version 15, enter these commands:

    curl -sL | sudo -E bash -

    Then, run the install command:

    sudo apt install -y nodejs

    If needed, run the npm init command and then install Fast:

    npm install --global fast-cli

    Install Fast-cli on Linux.

    To test the download speed, enter:

    To show both the download and upload speed, add the -u option:

    Use the fast-cli test to show the download and upload speed.

    This internet speed test aims to provide only the information about your connection speed, without any bells and whistles.

    Note: Since NPM is a requirement, it can be a hassle to install fast-cli. If you need more help with NPM installation, see our guides How To Install Node.Js And NPM On CentOS or How To Install Node.Js & NPM On Ubuntu.

    Using CMB to Show Network Speed

    The Color Bandwidth Meter (CMB) is a Linux tool that displays activity on all network interfaces. After the installation, run the tool to see network speeds in color-coded columns.

    To install CBM, run this command:

    install CBM on Linux.

    When the process finishes, run the tool:

    The output displays the transmit, receive, and total speed. Use the arrows to switch between the interfaces.

    Displays activity on all network interfaces with CBM test.

    Using iperf to Measure Network Speed Between Two Devices

    The iPerf tool provides many options for testing connection speed between a server and a client. Hence, to perform a test, you need to install the utility on both machines:

    Install iPerf tool on Linux.

    Make sure the client can reach the server. For quick confirmation, run a ping test.

    If port 5001 is open, the connection works. So, on the server machine, enter:

    The device starts listening for a connection request.

    Use iPerf to run a ping test.

    On the other machine, enter:

    The output shows the transfer and bandwidth information:

    Show the transfer and bandwidth information with iperf command.

    Using nload to View Incoming and Outgoing Network Traffic

    Nload is a tool that monitors incoming and outgoing activity on a network interface you specify. The application splits the traffic into two sections for easier data analysis.

    To install the tool, enter:

    Install Nload on Linux.

    To run the application, specify the network interface:

    If there is activity on the selected interface, nload displays network speed details.

    Displays network speed details with Nload.

    Using tcptrack to Test Network Activity

    TCPtrack shows the connection status for a network interface. When your machine’s network is active, run this tool to view and monitor bandwidth speed and usage.

    To install tcptrack on Linux Ubuntu, enter:

    sudo apt install tcptrack

    Install TCPtrack on Linux.

    To view network activity with TCPtrack, specify the network interface. To find the device name, use the ifconfig tool.

    In our case, it is enp0s3

    The terminal displays the network activity on the selected interface. The total network speed is at the bottom of the terminal:

    Displays the network activity with TCPtrack test.

    Note: Make sure you run tcptrack with sudo . Otherwise, this error pops up: pcap_open_live: enp0s3: You don’t have permission to capture on that device (socket: Operation not permitted)

    TCPtrack is customizable and offers options to narrow down the test to specific ports, for example.

    To do so, pass the port option and the port number:

    sudo tcptrack -i enp0s3 port 443

    If there is no activity on the port, the output is blank.

    Using iftop to Test Speed on a Network Interface

    Iftop lets you view network speed for a defined interface. The tool shows a similar output to what tcptrack provides.

    To install iftop, run this command:

    Install Iftop on Linux.

    To launch the utility, use the -i flag and specify your network interface.
    In our case:

    The output shows the activity for the device. The bottom of the screen provides a traffic summary.

    Show network activity for device with Iftop test.

    If you do not specify a network interface, iftop selects the first available. Make sure you run the command with sudo to avoid any errors.

    Using wget to Test Download Speed

    Wget is a CLI tool for downloading content from web servers. Since the tool does not upload files, you can only test the download speed.

    If you do not have wget on your Ubuntu machine, enter this command to install it:

    Now, choose a reliable server to download a file and test your internet speed. For example, use phoenixNAP’s 1GB test file from the list.

    This example uses a server located in Phoenix:

    wget -O /dev/null -q --show-progress

    Test the download speed with wget command.

    Using youtube-dl to Test Internet Speed

    An unconventional way to test your download speed is to use the youtube-dl CLI utility. The tool allows you to download YouTube videos and view the download speed.

    To install youtube-dl, enter:

    sudo apt install youtube-dl

    The application takes around 268MB of space. While the installation is in progress, choose a video you want to download and save the URL.

    When the process finishes, use this command but replace the URL with the one you selected:

    youtube-dl -f best --no-part --no-cache-dir -o /dev/null --newline

    The terminal shows the download progress, file size, download speed, and ETA.

    Use youtube-dl to test internet speed.

    The command above does not save the file to any filesystem, hence the /dev/null part.

    This example used a short phoenixNAP BMC demo video of around 19MB. Choose a longer video for more precise results.

    The article showed you nine ways to test network speed in Linux via CLI. Choose the tool depending on whether you want to test local network speed, internet speed, etc.

    The tools work for all Linux distributions, so make sure you use the right package manager.


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