Linux copy with permissions and owner

Linux:Copy, change permissions and ownership of a file in a command

Today I came across a requirement to copy couple of files and change permissions to execute those files when writing some ansible playbooks. We can do this by using cp, chmod, chowncommand as shown below. Ownership is changed from root user to normal user surendra.

-rw-r–r– 1 root root 0 Jun 10 21:22

cp /tmp/ 
chmod 755 /tmp/
chown surendra.surendra /tmp/

ls -l /tmp/

-rwxr-xr-x 1 surendra surendra 0 Jun 10 21:23 /tmp/

I can execute these commands with out any problem, but if you want to do same activity on a regular basis then it is time consuming task and more over keeping these commands in ansible play-book is not a great option. How about if we have a command in Linux which do all these stuff in one shot? Yes, we have a command called “install” which do this all in one command. The equivalent install command of above three commands is below.

install -v -g surendra -o surendra -m a+x /tmp/

To understand above command we should know couple of options for install command. Below examples will help you to understand install command with ease.

Example: Just copy a file from one location to other and do not bother about permissions and ownership.

Example: Copy a file with different permissions, for example every user in my machine should have execute permission on the file

install -m a+x /tmp/

Note: -m option arguments will be similar to chmod arguments.

Example: Copy a file with different permissions, for example full permissions for a file for all the users.

install -m 777 /tmp/

Example: Copy a file with different owner name

install -m 755 -o surendra /tmp/

Example: Copy a file with different group owner


Transferring File Ownership and Permissions to a Different File in Linux: A Step-by-Step Guide

Generating permissions and assigning ownership to multiple files through manual entry of commands can lead to mistakes. The ownership and group of both the folder and individual files could potentially pose issues.

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How to Copy File Permissions and Ownership to Another File in Linux?

When we transfer data or configure software, it is often necessary to maintain the same ownership and permissions of the files. However, manually creating permissions and granting ownership for each individual file can be prone to errors. To avoid this, we can utilize certain arguments in conjunction with the chown and chmod commands function.


To clone ownership from the source file to the target file, we specify the ownership using the -reference switch in the chown function.

chown --reference=source_reference_file target_file

Below is an example where the ownership of the source file is copied to the target file upon execution of the command. The ownership details are displayed before and after the command is applied.

# Before cloning the ownership $ ls –lt # Applying the ownership $sudo chown --reference=ref_file.txt all_rivers.txt # After Applying the ownership $ls -lt

Executing the aforementioned code produces the ensuing outcome.

# Before applying ownership -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19 Jan 1 08:40 all_rivers.txt -rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 2925 Jan 1 08:39 ref_file.txt # After applying ownership -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 19 Jan 1 08:40 all_rivers.txt -rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 2925 Jan 1 08:39 ref_file.txt

File Permission

The file permissions can be transferred between files using a syntax that involves chmod, much like the process described previously.

# Before cloning the permission $ ls –lt # Applying the permission $sudo chmod --reference=ref_file.txt all_rivers.txt # After Applying the permission $ls -lt

Upon executing the aforementioned code, the outcome obtained is as follows —

# Before Cloning permission -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 19 Jan 1 08:40 all_rivers.txt -rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 2925 Jan 1 08:39 ref_file.txt # After cloning permission -rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 19 Jan 1 08:40 all_rivers.txt -rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 2925 Jan 1 08:39 ref_file.txt

How can I recursively copy a directory into another and replace only, Preserve the permissions/users/groups of the file if it is overwritten (the export version replacing the live version) *NOTE I would like the

Linux copy recursive permissions

chmod -R u=rwx,go=rx /tofile_path

SetUID, SetGID, and Sticky Bits in Linux File Permissions, As we can observe, the ‘x’ is replaced by an ‘s’ in the user section of the file permissions. To set the setuid bit, use the following command.

Typo3temp directory with 02775 premission blocks css-files

The permissions on my typo3temp/ directory are 02775 , which appear to be preventing the browser from loading CSS files. Could you explain the significance of «02» in «02775» and suggest a method for changing it to «775»?

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It’s unlikely that the permissions are causing the issue. It’s possible that the owner and group of the folder and files are the source of the problem. Typically, when accessing files through ssh, your user and the apache user are not the same but have the same primary group, making group access crucial. However, this assumption can sometimes be incorrect, and if your ssh-user and the apache user are not in the same group, the rights 0775 (or 02775) may not suffice, and you may need to use 0777 (or 02777) instead. Alternatively, you can modify the group of the folder/files using the following command: chgrp .

To access additional files and folders, consider switching your primary group to that of the apache user by using the command mentioned in usermod .

The number «2» in the directory «2775» signifies that any newly created file or directory within it will inherit the group of the parent directory, which overrides the creating user’s primary group.

Chown command in Linux with Examples, Read: This permission allows the user to read files and in directories, it lets the user read directories and subdirectories stores in it. Write

How can I recursively copy files by file extension, preserving directory structure?

I want to transfer a huge number of .txt files located in a directory and its subdirectories to another directory using the Linux command line.

My priority is to preserve the integrity of directory structure while disregarding any files that do not conclude with .txt .

To accomplish this task, the utilization of both find and cpio can be employed.

cd /top/level/to/copy find . -name '*.txt' | cpio -pdm /path/to/destdir (-updm for overwrite destination content.) 
cd /source/path find -type f -name \*.txt -exec install -D <> /dest/path/<> \; 

Easiest way that worked for me:

cp --parents -R jobs/**/*.xml ./backup/ 

To ensure that the parent path is accurate, it is necessary to first access the «desired» directory.

Additionally, ensure that you have permitted recursive globs in Bash.

find . -name ‘*.txt’ -exec rsync -R <> path/to/dext \;

How to give permission to folder in linux recursively Code Example, R, —recursive chmod -R 755 /path/to/directory.

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How to copy files and give them permission of destination directory

I am copying files from source to location. The source is not owned by me and the permission for files at source is —-rwx—. The permission of files coped to destination directory which is owned by me is —-r-x—. The permission of destination directory is drwxrwsrwx. How do I have the files with same permission of destination directory. I tried «cp —no-preserve=all» but it did not work (still the same permission).

2 Answers 2

cp --no-preserve=mode,ownership $backupfile $destination 

This does not set the destination directory’s permissions on newly copied files. Instead, it sets permissions of the user under which copy operation is done. For example, if you copy under root, copied files permissions will be root:root .

Let me rephrase that to «How to preserve permissions of destination directory on copy?»
I can’t take credit for the answer since I just combined a couple of answers I found on the wild. So here it comes.

Permissions are generally not propagated by the directory that files are being copied into, rather new permissions are controlled by the user’s umask. However when you copy a file from one location to another it’s a bit of a special case where the user’s umask is essentially ignored and the existing permissions on the file are preserved.

Which explains why you can’t directly propagate the permissions of the src to the dst directory.

However, there is two-step workaround to this.

  1. cp-metadata: Copy the attributes and only the attributes you want to preserve back to the source directory. Here is a quick script that can do this:
#!/bin/bash # Filename: cp-metadata myecho=echo src_path="$1" dst_path="$2" find "$src_path" | while read src_file; do dst_file="$dst_path$" $myecho chmod --reference="$src_file" "$dst_file" $myecho chown --reference="$src_file" "$dst_file" $myecho touch --reference="$src_file" "$dst_file" done 

You can leave out the touch command if you don’t want keep the timestamp. Replace myecho=echo with myecho= to actually perform the commands.
Mind that this script should be run in sudo mode in order to be able to run chown and chmod effectively

    cp —preserve : After you have successfully run the first command now it’s time to copy the contents along with the attributes to the dst directory.

preserve the specified attributes (default: mode,ownership,timestamps), if possible additional attributes: context, links, xattr, all


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