Linux create directory in root

Create and Save New Folders/Files in Root directory

In the Root folder/directory, Shall we allowed to create some New folders which can have files like Videos, Doc, Software packages, etc? During installation ubuntu has created many folders with Root. Will it have any side effects if we create some additional folders? (In Windows C drive, i had this kind of file management. Since i am just beginner to Ubuntu, i want to check any concerns available with linux environment)

On my own system, I have some network shares off / as I’m too lazy to use the default /mnt/ (where most of my files actually are) which is fine for most programs and is my preference (I save typing «/mnt» or 4 characters each time). Some programs (esp. snap packaged programs) have issues with it, so I have a second mount point in /mnt/ for those programs) so you can have whatever you want.. but there are pros & cons to any choice. Havig directories in / may have issues long term come upgrade time (/home is treated differently by some programs, like /media, /mnt for snaps)

«Shall we allowed to create some New folders which can have files like Videos, Doc, Software packages, etc?» —why—? There is no reason to do this and there are better locations for anything you want to do in / . 1 thing: if you take your windows ideas to linux you are not going to like linux. Please approach Linux as what it is: a MULTI-USER operating system. Keep user related files in a user related directory. If you want multi-user directories you put those in a mountpoint.

«there are better locations for anything you want to do in /» — Can you please tell those locations/folders which can be used in root?

2 Answers 2

In principle, you can have folders in the root file system ( / ) for data without affecting or damaging system operation (apart from the fact that you risk damaging the file system if you commit an error while attempting to create folders). However, it is not elegant practice.

There is an agreed-upon file hierarchy standard in linux. /mnt traditionally is just a quick mount point for a temporary file system. /media is where removable media are mounted. Except for /home , all other folders essentially host system files. How /home is implemented is, however, not defined by this agreement. So that would lead me to conclude that any user data that is not on separate partitions belongs somewhere under /home .

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User data in first instance resides under the user’s home folder, which commonly is /home/ . Thus, if you are the only user of that system, store «Videos», «Doc» etc under your home folder, preferably even in the folders that in an Ubuntu install are foreseen for that purpose.

If there is data you want to share with multiple users, I would recommend creating a folder /home/data , and then put your folders «Videos», «Doc» etc there. You can use symbolic links to create very convenient access to these folders for each user that needs it. Symbolic links act and feel like real folders, and allow you to create a folder in the home directory of the user that seamlessly brings the user to another part of the file system hierarchy. Of course, you may need to adjust permissions and groups of these folders to grant the users .

With respect to «Applications», stick to the maximum extent to software provided through the APT software management system of the distribution, or alternatively, to software from snap (available by default in Ubuntu), or flatpak or appimage. Other ways to get software may incur a risk to break the system, entail technical knowledge, or increase the risk to be exposed to malware.


Как создавать каталоги в Linux (команда mkdir)

В системах Linux вы можете создавать новые каталоги либо из командной строки, либо с помощью файлового менеджера вашего рабочего стола. Команда, позволяющая создавать каталоги (также известные как папки), — это mkdir .

В этом руководстве рассматриваются основы использования команды mkdir , включая повседневные примеры.

Синтаксис команды Linux mkdir

Синтаксис команды mkdir следующий:

Команда принимает в качестве аргументов одно или несколько имен каталогов.

Как создать новый каталог

Чтобы создать каталог в Linux, передайте имя каталога в качестве аргумента команды mkdir . Например, чтобы создать новый каталог newdir вы должны выполнить следующую команду:

Вы можете убедиться, что каталог был создан, перечислив его содержимое с помощью команды ls :

drwxrwxr-x 2 username username 4096 Jan 20 03:39 newdir 

При указании только имени каталога без полного пути он создается в текущем рабочем каталоге.

Текущий рабочий каталог — это каталог, из которого вы запускаете команды. Чтобы изменить текущий рабочий каталог, используйте команду cd .

Чтобы создать каталог в другом месте, вам необходимо указать абсолютный или относительный путь к файлу родительского каталога. Например, чтобы создать новый каталог в каталоге /tmp вы должны ввести:

Если вы попытаетесь создать каталог в родительском каталоге, в котором у пользователя недостаточно прав, вы получите сообщение об ошибке Permission denied :

mkdir: cannot create directory '/root/newdir': Permission denied 

Параметр -v ( —verbose ) указывает mkdir печатать сообщение для каждого созданного каталога.

Как создать родительские каталоги

Родительский каталог — это каталог, который находится над другим каталогом в дереве каталогов. Чтобы создать родительские каталоги, используйте параметр -p .

Допустим, вы хотите создать каталог /home/linuxize/Music/Rock/Gothic :

mkdir /home/linuxize/Music/Rock/Gothic

Если какой-либо из родительских каталогов не существует, вы получите сообщение об ошибке, как показано ниже:

mkdir: cannot create directory '/home/linuxize/Music/Rock/Gothic': No such file or directory 

Вместо того, чтобы создавать недостающие родительские каталоги один за другим, вызовите команду mkdir с параметром -p :

mkdir -p /home/linuxize/Music/Rock/Gothic

Когда используется опция -p , команда создает каталог, только если он не существует.

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Если вы попытаетесь создать каталог, который уже существует, а параметр -p не mkdir , mkdir выведет сообщение об ошибке File exists :

mkdir: cannot create directory 'newdir': File exists 

Как установить разрешения при создании каталога

Чтобы создать каталог с определенными разрешениями, используйте параметр -m ( -mode ). Синтаксис для назначения разрешений такой же, как и для команды chmod .

В следующем примере мы создаем новый каталог с разрешениями 700 , что означает, что только пользователь, создавший каталог, сможет получить к нему доступ:

Когда опция -m не используется, вновь созданные каталоги обычно имеют права доступа 775 или 755 , в зависимости от значения umask .

Как создать несколько каталогов

Чтобы создать несколько каталогов, укажите имена каталогов в качестве аргументов команды, разделенные пробелом:

Команда mkdir также позволяет создать сложное дерево каталогов с помощью одной команды:

mkdir -p Music/,Classical/Baroque/Early>

Приведенная выше команда создает следующее дерево каталогов :

Music/ |-- Classical | `-- Baroque | `-- Early |-- Disco |-- Folk |-- Jazz | `-- Blues `-- Rock |-- Gothic |-- Progressive `-- Punk 


Команда mkdir в Linux используется для создания новых каталогов.

Для получения дополнительной информации о mkdir посетите страницу руководства mkdir .

Если у вас есть вопросы, не стесняйтесь оставлять комментарии ниже.


mkdir Command : How to Create a Directory in Linux

mkdir Command

Today we will learn how to create a directory in Linux operating system using mkdir command.

In my previous articles, I had explained following commands and I would request you to read that guides.

The mkdir command is derived from an ordinary word and that is Make Directory.

What we call a folder in Microsoft Windows is called a directory in Linux.

Features of mkdir Command

  • Make new Directories
  • Create Parent Directories
  • Set permissions for a new Directory
  • Display Output Message

First of all, let’s focus on some of the most important options that we can use with the mkdir .

Options Explanation
-m, —mode=MODE Set file mode (as in chmod)
-p, —parents Make parent directories as needed
-v, —verbose Print a message for each created directory
—help Display this help and exit
—version Version Information


You must follow the syntax given below to use the mkdir command.

1. Create a New Directory

To create new directory type the following command.

2. Create Multiple Directories

To create multiple directories, pass the names of the directories to mkdir command.

In this example, I am creating three directories named data, data1, and data2.

There are other methods by which we can create multiple directories.

You can specify the names of directories inside a curly bracket. Make sure that the directory names should be separated by commas.

You can also use the following method to create multiple directories.

~$ ls data1 data2 data3 data4 data5

3. Display Output Message for each created Directory

To display the output message for each created directory pass the -v option to mkdir .

Task #1 Create a directory named data.

~$ mkdir -v data mkdir: created directory 'data'

Output Message

Task #2 Create multiple directories named data1, data2, and data3.

~$ mkdir -v data1 data2 data3 mkdir: created directory 'data1' mkdir: created directory 'data2' mkdir: created directory 'data3'

You can also use the long option —verbose .

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4. Create parent directories using mkdir Command

To create parent directories pass the -p option to mkdir command.

Now you must be wondering what is Parent Directory. Let me explain you with an example:

I want to create a directory named data3 inside data1/data2/.

So data1 and data2 are parent directories of data3.

Parent Directories

Assuming the parent directories are not available.

So to create the entire directory path i.e. data1/data2/data3 type the following command.

~$ ls -R .: data1 ./data1: data2 ./data1/data2: data3 ./data1/data2/data3:

If you run the above command without -p , Following error will come.

~$ mkdir data1/data2/data3 mkdir: cannot create directory ‘data1/data2/data3’: No such file or directory

To get the output message for each created directory type the following command.

~$ mkdir -pv data1/data2/data3 mkdir: created directory 'data1' mkdir: created directory 'data1/data2' mkdir: created directory 'data1/data2/data3'

You can also use the long option —parents .

~$ mkdir --parents data1/data2/data3

5. Set Permissions to Directories

By default, mkdir command assigns 755 permissions to a new directory.

Refer to the sample output below.

  • 7 : Owner is allowed to Read, Write, and Execute.
  • 5 : Group is allowed to Read & Execute.
  • 5 : Others are also allowed to Read & Execute.
~/data$ ls -ld data/ drwxr-xr-x 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Jun 25 01:30 data/

But you can use the mkdir command to set the desired permission for the new directory.

To do so pass the -m option to mkdir .

Here I am assigning Full Permissions to the directory named newdir.

Note: 777 – Owner, Group & Others are allowed to Read, Write, and Execute.

~$ ls -ld newdir/ drwxrwxrwx 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Jun 25 01:31 newdir/

OR you can assign permissions using alphabetical way.

You can also use the Long Option —mode

6. Solution : cannot create directory : Permission denied

The Linux operating system has some file systems in which you need root access to create a file /directory.

For example, when I was creating a directory inside the /var file system as a normal user, I received the following error.

~$ cd /var/ /var$ mkdir test mkdir: cannot create directory ‘test’: Permission denied

To overcome this problem you have to run the command using sudo .

/var$ sudo mkdir -v test [sudo] password for ubuntu: mkdir: created directory 'test'

7. Help/Manual page access

Use the following commands to access the Manual Page/Help Page of mkdir command.

8. Check the version of mkdir command

Check the mkdir command version using the following command.


Refer to this Infographic for complete mkdir command options.

mkdir command

You can visit at following websites to get more information on mkdir command.


I hope you have learned something from this article.

I have tried my best to include all the features of mkdir command in this guide.

Now I’d like to hear your thoughts.

Was this guide useful to you?

Or maybe you have some queries.

Have I not included any command in this guide?


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