Linux cron every 10 minutes

How to Run Cron Jobs Every 10, 20, or 30 Minutes?

The cron job is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like operating systems for maintaining the software environments to run periodically at fixed times, days, dates, or intervals. The Cron jobs can be easily scheduled in the time sequence followed by minute, hour, day, or month format.

This guide provides a deep insight into the possible ways to run cron jobs every 10, 20, or 30 minutes interval. The outcomes of this guide are written below:

  • Prerequisites: Access the Crontab File
  • How to Run CronJobs Every 10 Minutes?
  • How to Run CronJobs Every 20 Minutes?
  • How to Run CronJobs Every 30 Minutes?

Let’s start with accessing the crontab file.

Prerequisites: Access the Crontab File

The objective of the “Crontab” file is to schedule the defined commands for execution periodically. Before scheduling the cron job, first, create the crontab file, as it is not available by default. For this purpose, use the following “crontab” command:

If the user is creating it for the first time, then it will ask to select the text editor. In this case, the first “/bin/nano” default editor is selected by passing the “1” integer in the terminal.

The new crontab file “/tmp/crontab.6xeBOB/crontab * ” is created, as shown in the above image.

Crontab Syntax

The generalized syntax to run the cron job crontab is written below:

The syntax specifies “five-asterisks” that display the time and then the desired command that needs to be executed. However, the time is further divided into five sections:

  • The first asterisk* identifies “minutes(0-59)”
  • The second asterisk* denotes “hours(0-23)”
  • The third asterisk* specifies the “day of the month(1-31)”
  • The fourth asterisk* shows the “month(1-12)”
  • The fifth asterisk* leads to the “day of the week(0-7)”
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How to Run CronJobs Every 10 Minutes?

Type the following line at the end of the above “/tmp/crontab.6xeBOB/crontab * ” crontab file to run the particular “echo” command as a cron job every 10 minutes:

*/10 * * * * echo "Welcome to Linux at $(date)" >> $HOME/Message.txt

How to Run CronJobs Every 20 Minutes?

Same as the above section, add the below-mentioned line into the crontab file that will execute the “” after every 20 minutes:

*/20 * * * * /home/itslinuxfoss/

How to Run CronJobs Every 30 Minutes?

Simply add the below-written line into the above crontab file for the execution of the “” script after every 30 minutes:

*/30 * * * * /home/itslinuxfoss/test/

Alternative method: Using the Comma(,) Operator

The user can also run the above-specified cron jobs every 10,20 and 30 minutes by utilizing the “comma” operator followed by the below-mentioned series of minutes:

For 10 Minutes:

For 20 Minutes:

0,20,40,60,80,100,120 * * * * command

For 30 Minutes:

0,30,60,90,120,150,180 * * * * command

It is recommended to use the “sash(/)” operator as it is quite a bit convenient as compared to typing a large number of series.


The cronjob can be run every 10, 20, or 30 minutes by utilizing the “slash(/)” and the “comma(,)” operators in Linux. To create a cron job, access the “crontab” file and add the specified commands. The crontab file can be created or opened through the “crontab -e” command. This guide has briefly described the possible aspects of scheduling the cron job every 10, 20, or 30 minutes.


How to run Cron jobs every 10, 20, or 30 minutes

Cron is a software utility or Linux command also recognized as a Cron job used to schedule tasks or jobs to be executed after a fixed interval of time in the future. The Cron jobs are mostly used for scheduling tasks on the server for automating the administration and system maintenance tasks. The Cron jobs can be scheduled to run every minute, hour, day, or month and we will learn how to run a Cron job after every 10, 20, or 30 minutes in this post. Let’s start.

Creation of a Crontab file

Crontab shortened for Cron table file is used to run the Cron jobs. The user first must create a crontab file because it is not available by default on the system. The crontab file can be created on any Linux-based Operating system using the command given below:

If you are running the above-given command for the first time, it will first ask you to choose the text editor. Select the easiest one, “Nano Editor,” as shown in the screenshot by typing the index number of your desired editor and after selecting the editor, hit Enter:

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The new crontab file will be created. Now, in this file, you can write all the Cron jobs of your choice.


The syntax for running cronjob is that we first have to mention the time and then specify the command that we want to execute. The syntax for mentioning time is further divided into five fields.

  • The first field describes the minute.
  • The second field describes the hour.
  • The third field describes the day of the Month.
  • The fourth field describes the month.
  • The fifth field describes the day of the Week.

Alright, once you have understood the right position for describing the time for running the cronjob, there are several ways as well for mentioning time.

➔ The asterisk ‘*’ operator, a.k.a wildcard, is described as all allowed values. For example, 0 0 1 * * will run the command at midnight on the first day of every month.

➔ A comma-separated list of values describes the list of values for repetition. For example, 10,20,30

➔ The dash ‘-’ operator describes the range of values. For example, 5-10.

➔ The slash ‘/’ operator helps in making the conjunction with ranges. For example, */2 * * * * will run the Cron job after every interval of 2 minutes.

Now, you have got enough theoretical knowledge about Cron jobs, let’s perform some practical stuff and see how to run Cron jobs every 10, 20, or 30 minutes.

Run a Cron Job after every 10 minutes

There can be two ways to run a Cron job after a specific interval of time, like after every 10 minutes.

The first way is to use a comma-separated list of minutes; for example, if we want to run a script after every 10 minutes, the syntax for writing such a Cron job is given below:

But isn’t it looking too tedious task to write the whole list of minutes? The slash operator helps in writing the easy syntax for running a Cron job after every 10 minutes.

In this command, */10 will create a list of minutes after every 10 minutes.

Run a Cron Job after every 20 minutes

Just like we wrote the Cron job for running the script after every 10 minutes, we can do the same for running the script after every 20 minutes:

Run a Cron Job after every 30 minutes

Similarly, the syntax for running a Cron job after every 30 minutes will be like:


Cron jobs are used to run the commands after a specific interval of time to manage the system updates or backing up the system’s data and we have learned how to run Cron jobs every 10, 20, or 30 minutes post. We hope this post helps in understanding and running Cron jobs.

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About the author

Shehroz Azam

A Javascript Developer & Linux enthusiast with 4 years of industrial experience and proven know-how to combine creative and usability viewpoints resulting in world-class web applications. I have experience working with Vue, React & Node.js & currently working on article writing and video creation.


Cron every 10 minutes

The cron is a time-based function used for scheduling jobs. In this short article, we are going to present how to create a cron expression that will be used to run tasks every 10 minutes.

2. Cron expression every 10 minutes for crontab

A crontab is a special file in unix system with instructions for cron jobs. Each line in the crontab file contains six fields separated by a space followed by the command to be run. The cron expression for crontab daemons that execute task every 10 minutes looks like the following:

  1. */10 — means every 10 minutes,
  2. * — every hour,
  3. * — every day of the month,
  4. * — every month,
  5. * — every day of the week.

Example crontabs:

Run PHP script every 10 minutes:
*/10 * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/username/public_html/cron.php >/dev/null 2>&1

Create MySQL dump every 10 minutes:
*/10 * * * * mysqldump -u root -pPASSWORD database > /root/db.sql >/dev/null 2>&1

Run bash script every 10 minutes:
*/10 * * * * /bin/bash /home/username/ >/dev/null 2>&1

3. Cron expression every 10 minutes for Spring Scheduler

In Spring scheduler a cron expression contains six sequential fields: second, minute, hour, day of the month, month, day(s) of the week. In Spring cron expression use to run tasks in 10-minute intervals looks like the following:

  1. 0 — at second :00,
  2. 0/10 — every 10 minutes starting at minute :00,
  3. * — every hour,
  4. * — every day,
  5. * — every month,
  6. ? — any day of the week.
import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component public class MyScheduler < @Scheduled(cron = "0 0/10 * * * *") public void doSomething() < // this code will be executed every 10 minutes >>

4. Cron expression every 10 minutes for Quartz

The Quartz project is an open-source task scheduling library that can be integrated with any Java application. Quartz in comparison to Spring scheduler has the additional 7th parameter in cron expression that stands for the year.

The following snippet creates a simple cron scheduler using Quartz library:

JobDetail job = newJob(SimpleJob.class) .withIdentity("job1", "group1") .build(); CronTrigger trigger = newTrigger() .withIdentity("trigger1", "group1") .withSchedule(cronSchedule("0 0/10 0 ? * * *")) .build(); sched.scheduleJob(job, trigger);

5. Conclusion

In this article we presented quick tip for creating cron expression that executes specific task every 10 minute. We created ready to copy/paste snippets for Spring applications, Quartz library, and linux crontab.


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