Linux debian install rpm

RPM Package Manager

The RPM was developed at RedHat for keeping track of the files each program or package installed as well as noting what other packages it depended on or depended on it, some information about the source of the package and a brief synopsis.

One should avoid using .rpm package on a Debian system.

There are some good (and more not so good) write-ups comparing the two package management systems. A search for rpm vs deb or rpm vs dpkg will turn them up. todo add some url's for some good ones

Why would anyone want to use the RPM within Debian?

If the package only comes in binary .rpm format, you can use alien to convert it. Source Package

In order to extract sources from an rpm archive, it may be necessary to use the rpm tool.
A developer may want to extract package source code that is only available within an rpm archive.

rpm to dpkg/apt command reference

This guide may help people switching to a dpkg based distribution like Debian from an RPM based one like RedHat.

A quick comparison of rpm and apt/dpkg command-line arguments

List all installed packages:

List information about an installed package:

rpm -qi pkgname dpkg --status pkgname (prints a bunch of extra info too)

List files in an installed package

rpm -ql pkgname dpkg --listfiles pkgname

List information about a package on the local hard drive

rpm -qpi file.rpm dpkg --info file.deb

List files in a package on the local hard drive

rpm -qpl file.rpm dpkg --contents file.deb

    (Open it in Midnight Commander (mc) and then enter CONTENTS.cpio(1))

dpkg-deb --extract file.deb dir-to-extract-to

Install a package from a local file

rpm -i file.rpm dpkg --install file.deb

Remove a package from the system

rpm -e pkgname (saves copies of modified config files) dpkg --purge pkgname (removes everything) dpkg --remove pkgname (leaves config files behind)

Identify the package that owns a file

rpm -qf full-path-to file rpm -qf name-of-file-in-local-dir dpkg --search any-portion-of-file's-path (2)

Get information about a remote package

rpm -qpi apt-cache show package
(browse or your other site) apt-cache dumpavail

(1) thanks to Adriaan Penning

(2) i.e. «dpkg —search /etc» will display all packages that have files in etc.

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Redhat Package Manager (RPM)

RPM was originally designed to be a standalone binary installer for Redhat based GNU/Linux distros (Like Fedora, Mandrake and SUSE). RPM has since been ported to other operating systems such as IBM’s AIX and Novell Netware.

Install a .RPM in Debian

To install a .rpm file in a Debian based system you’ll need the program Alien. Note that Alien can’t work 100% of the time, because rpm and apt are very different.

See also


How to Install RPM Packages on Debian 12/11/10


Debian Linux is a popular and widely used distribution that uses Debian packages (.deb) as its primary package format. However, in certain situations, a Debian user may need to install RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) packages on their system. This guide will provide a detailed introduction to installing RPM packages on Debian Linux and explore the reasons why you might need to do so.

There are a few reasons why a Debian user may need to install RPM packages:

  1. Software availability: Some software is only available as RPM packages, especially those developed for Red Hat-based distributions like Fedora, CentOS, or RHEL. In such cases, Debian users may need to install RPM packages to access specific software not available in Debian repositories.
  2. Software version: There might be situations where the latest version of a software package is only available as an RPM. Debian users who require the latest features or bug fixes may need to install the RPM package to benefit from those updates.
  3. Cross-distribution compatibility: Developers and system administrators working with multiple Linux distributions might need to install RPM packages on Debian systems for testing or compatibility purposes. This ensures that software runs smoothly across different distributions.
  4. Customization: In some cases, Debian users may want to customize or modify an RPM package before installing it on their system. Installing RPM packages on Debian allows users to leverage the Alien package to convert and install RPMs, providing an opportunity to customize the software before installation.

Please note that installing RPM packages on Debian systems might introduce compatibility issues or conflicts with the existing Debian packages. It’s essential to exercise caution and thoroughly test the RPM packages before deploying them on a production system.

The following guide will demonstrate how to install RPM packages on Debian 12 Bookworm, Debian 11 Bullseye, or Debian 10 Buster using the command line terminal and some basic tips on installing RPM packages on your Debian system.

Section 1: Install RPM Support on Debian

Step 1: Update Debian

Before we start, it’s essential to update your Debian system to ensure all existing packages are up-to-date. This helps prevent any conflicts or issues arising from outdated software. To update your system, run the following command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

This command fetches the latest package information from the repositories and upgrades installed packages to their latest versions.

Step 2: Install RPM Support “Alien” Package

By default, Debian does not support RPM packages. However, you can install a package named “Alien” to add RPM support to your Debian system. The Alien package is available in Debian’s repository.

To install the Alien package, execute the following command:

Step 3: Confirm Installation

After installing the Alien package, confirming its installation and verifying the version installed on your system is essential. This ensures that the Alien package is properly installed and ready for use.

To check the installed version of Alien, run the following command:

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The command outputs the installed version of Alien, which should look like this:

Now, your Debian system has RPM support, and you can use the Alien package to convert and install RPM packages.

Section 2: Install RPM Packages on Debian

This section will demonstrate how to install RPM files on Debian using the Alien package. We will cover multiple scenarios to give you a better understanding of how to work with RPM packages in different situations.

Step 1: Obtain the RPM Package

Before installing an RPM package, you need to obtain the RPM file. You can download the required RPM file from the software vendor’s website or a trusted repository. Ensure you download the appropriate version for your system architecture (32-bit or 64-bit).

Step 2: Convert the RPM Package to DEB Format

Once you have the RPM package, you can use the Alien package to convert it to a DEB package, the native format for Debian systems. To do this, follow the steps below.

2.1. Navigate to the Directory Containing the RPM Package

Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where the RPM package is saved. For example, if the RPM package is located in the ~/Downloads directory, you can change to that directory using the following command:

2.2. Convert the RPM Package to DEB Format

Use the Alien package to convert the RPM package to DEB format. Replace your-package.rpm with the actual RPM file name:

sudo alien -d your-package.rpm

This command converts the RPM package to a DEB package and saves it in the current directory. The generated DEB package will have the same name as the RPM package but with a .deb extension.

Step 3: Install the Converted DEB Package

Now that you have converted the RPM package to DEB format, you can install it on your Debian system.

3.1. Install the DEB Package

To install the converted DEB package, use the following command. Replace your-package.deb with the actual DEB file name:

sudo dpkg -i your-package.deb

3.2. Resolve Dependencies

If the package installation encounters any dependency issues, you can resolve them by running the following:

sudo apt --fix-broken install

This command installs any missing dependencies required by the DEB package.

Step 4: Verify the Installation

After installing the converted DEB package, you should verify that the software was successfully installed on your Debian system.

4.1. Check the Installed Package

To check the installed package, use the following command:

Replace package-name with the actual name of the software package. This command lists the installed package and its version.

4.2. Run the Installed Software

To ensure that the installed software works correctly, run it by executing its binary file or using the appropriate command.

Conclusion: Installing RPM Packages on Debian

In conclusion, installing RPM packages on Debian Linux can be useful in specific situations where software is only available in RPM format or when working with multiple Linux distributions. However, caution is crucial when using RPM packages on Debian systems, as they may introduce compatibility issues or conflicts.


How To Install rpm on Debian 10

In this tutorial we learn how to install rpm on Debian 10.

What is rpm

The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a command-line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating computer software packages. . On Debian and derived systems it is recommended to use “alien” to convert RPM packages into .deb format instead of bypassing the Debian package management system by installing them directly with rpm.

There are three ways to install rpm on Debian 10. We can use apt-get , apt and aptitude . In the following sections we will describe each method. You can choose one of them.

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Install rpm Using apt-get

Update apt database with apt-get using the following command.

After updating apt database, We can install rpm using apt-get by running the following command:

sudo apt-get -y install rpm 

Install rpm Using apt

Update apt database with apt using the following command.

After updating apt database, We can install rpm using apt by running the following command:

Install rpm Using aptitude

If you want to follow this method, you might need to install aptitude first since aptitude is usually not installed by default on Debian. Update apt database with aptitude using the following command.

After updating apt database, We can install rpm using aptitude by running the following command:

sudo aptitude -y install rpm 

How To Uninstall rpm on Debian 10

To uninstall only the rpm package we can use the following command:

Uninstall rpm And Its Dependencies

To uninstall rpm and its dependencies that are no longer needed by Debian 10, we can use the command below:

sudo apt-get -y autoremove rpm 

Remove rpm Configurations and Data

To remove rpm configuration and data from Debian 10 we can use the following command:

Remove rpm configuration, data, and all of its dependencies

We can use the following command to remove rpm configurations, data and all of its dependencies, we can use the following command:

sudo apt-get -y autoremove --purge rpm 



In this tutorial we learn how to install rpm on Debian 10 using different package management tools like apt, apt-get and aptitude.


Как установить rpm пакет на Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint

Как установить rpm пакет на Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint

Не можете найти нужный пакет на Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint, а на RedHat, CentOS или Fedora он имеется в виде rpm пакета, не беда, можно его пересобрать в deb. В данной теме «Как установить rpm пакет на Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint» расскажу как я это делал, все очень просто и легко.

Первое что нужно сделать, — это установить:

# apt-get install cmake libc6-dev libc6-dev* g++-multilib

Устанавливаем нужный софт:

# sudo apt-get install alien dpkg-dev debhelper build-essential

И так, приступим. Допустим у нас есть какой то пакет который можно установить в CentOS или RedHat в виде rpm пакета, мы сейчас его пересоберем в deb пакет и установим его на Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint.

1. Конвертируем пакет c .rpm в .deb, для этого выполним:

# alien имя_вашего_пакета.rpm

После выполнение этой команды пройдет некоторое время и пакет пересобирется в deb.

# dpkg -i имя_вашего_пакета.deb

Все очень просто, не так ли? На этом я завершу статью «Как установить rpm пакет на Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint». Спасибо за посещение моего блога

8 thoughts on “ Как установить rpm пакет на Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint ”

alien имя_вашего_пакета.rpm
File «viber.rpm» not found.
Везде на всех сайтах одно и тоже под копирку и ничего толкового, копипастеры

Я перед тем как что-то публиковать — обязательно проверяю на работоспособность! Если не работает, — может что-то не так делаешь

у тебя наверняка файл скачан в cd /home или cd /root.
Таким образом переходишь в корневой каталог с файлом который нужно распоковать и установить:
1. cd /home/Downloads/
2. alien alien имя_вашего_пакета.rpm
3. dpkg -i имя_вашего_пакета.rpm


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