Linux devices and drivers

Linux devices and drivers

Just as network interface cards provide the network subsystem with hardware-related functionality, so a SCSI controller provides the SCSI subsystem with access to the actual interface cable. SCSI is a communication protocol between the computer and peripheral devices, and every SCSI device responds to the same protocol, independently of what controller board is plugged into the computer. The Linux kernel therefore embeds a SCSI implementation (i.e., the mapping of file operations to the SCSI communication protocol). The driver writer has to implement the mapping between the SCSI abstraction and the physical cable. This mapping depends on the SCSI controller and is independent of the devices attached to the SCSI cable.

Security Issues

Security has two faces, which can be called deliberate and incidental. One security problem is the damage a user can cause through the misuse of existing programs, or by incidentally exploiting bugs; a different issue is what kind of (mis)functionality a programmer can deliberately implement. The programmer has, obviously, much more power than a plain user. In other words, it’s as dangerous to run a program you got from somebody else from the root account as it is to give him or her a root shell now and then. Although having access to a compiler is not a security hole per se, the hole can appear when compiled code is actually executed; everyone should be careful with modules, because a kernel module can do anything. A module is just as powerful as a superuser shell.

When possible, driver writers should avoid encoding security policy in their code. Security is a policy issue that is often best handled at higher levels within the kernel, under the control of the system administrator. There are always exceptions, however. As a device driver writer, you should be aware of situations in which some types of device access could adversely affect the system as a whole, and should provide adequate controls. For example, device operations that affect global resources (such as setting an interrupt line) or that could affect other users (such as setting a default block size on a tape drive) are usually only available to sufficiently privileged users, and this check must be made in the driver itself.

Driver writers must also be careful, of course, to avoid introducing security bugs. The C programming language makes it easy to make several types of errors. Many current security problems are created, for example, by buffer overrun errors, in which the programmer forgets to check how much data is written to a buffer, and data ends up written beyond the end of the buffer, thus overwriting unrelated data. Such errors can compromise the entire system and must be avoided. Fortunately, avoiding these errors is usually relatively easy in the device driver context, in which the interface to the user is narrowly defined and highly controlled.

Some other general security ideas are worth keeping in mind. Any input received from user processes should be treated with great suspicion; never trust it unless you can verify it. Be careful with uninitialized memory; any memory obtained from the kernel should be zeroed or otherwise initialized before being made available to a user process or device. Otherwise, information leakage could result. If your device interprets data sent to it, be sure the user cannot send anything that could compromise the system. Finally, think about the possible effect of device operations; if there are specific operations (e.g., reloading the firmware on an adapter board, formatting a disk) that could affect the system, those operations should probably be restricted to privileged users.

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Be careful, also, when receiving software from third parties, especially when the kernel is concerned: because everybody has access to the source code, everybody can break and recompile things. Although you can usually trust precompiled kernels found in your distribution, you should avoid running kernels compiled by an untrusted friend — if you wouldn’t run a precompiled binary as root, then you’d better not run a precompiled kernel. For example, a maliciously modified kernel could allow anyone to load a module, thus opening an unexpected back door via create_module.

Note that the Linux kernel can be compiled to have no module support whatsoever, thus closing any related security holes. In this case, of course, all needed drivers must be built directly into the kernel itself. It is also possible, with 2.2 and later kernels, to disable the loading of kernel modules after system boot, via the capability mechanism.

Version Numbering

To run the examples we introduce during the discussion, you won’t need particular versions of any tool but the kernel; any recent Linux distribution can be used to run our examples. We won’t detail specific requirements, because the file Documentation/Changes in your kernel sources is the best source of such information if you experience any problem.

This book covers versions 2.0 through 2.4 of the kernel. Our focus has been to show all the features available to device driver writers in 2.4, the current version at the time we are writing. We also try to cover 2.2 thoroughly, in those areas where the features differ between 2.2 and 2.4. We also note features that are not available in 2.0, and offer workarounds where space permits. In general, the code we show is designed to compile and run on a wide range of kernel versions; in particular, it has all been tested with version 2.4.4, and, where applicable, with 2.2.18 and 2.0.38 as well.

This text doesn’t talk specifically about odd-numbered kernel versions. General users will never have a reason to run development kernels. Developers experimenting with new features, however, will want to be running the latest development release. They will usually keep upgrading to the most recent version to pick up bug fixes and new implementations of features. Note, however, that there’s no guarantee on experimental kernels,[3] and nobody will help you if you have problems due to a bug in a noncurrent odd-numbered kernel. Those who run odd-numbered versions of the kernel are usually skilled enough to dig in the code without the need for a textbook, which is another reason why we don’t talk about development kernels here.

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License Terms

The main goal of such a license is to allow the growth of knowledge by permitting everybody to modify programs at will; at the same time, people selling software to the public can still do their job. Despite this simple objective, there’s a never-ending discussion about the GPL and its use. If you want to read the license, you can find it in several places in your system, including the directory /usr/src/linux, as a file called COPYING.

Third-party and custom modules are not part of the Linux kernel, and thus you’re not forced to license them under the GPL. A module uses the kernel through a well-defined interface, but is not part of it, similar to the way user programs use the kernel through system calls. Note that the exemption to GPL licensing applies only to modules that use only the published module interface. Modules that dig deeper into the kernel must adhere to the «derived work» terms of the GPL.

In brief, if your code goes in the kernel, you must use the GPL as soon as you release the code. Although personal use of your changes doesn’t force the GPL on you, if you distribute your code you must include the source code in the distribution — people acquiring your package must be allowed to rebuild the binary at will. If you write a module, on the other hand, you are allowed to distribute it in binary form. However, this is not always practical, as modules should in general be recompiled for each kernel version that they will be linked with (as explained in Chapter 2, «Building and Running Modules», in the section «Version Dependency», and Chapter 11, «kmod and Advanced Modularization», in the section «Version Control in Modules»). New kernel releases — even minor stable releases — often break compiled modules, requiring a recompile. Linus Torvalds has stated publicly that he has no problem with this behavior, and that binary modules should be expected to work only with the kernel under which they were compiled. As a module writer, you will generally serve your users better by making source available.

When sample programs include parts of the kernel code, the GPL applies: the comments accompanying source code are very clear about that. This only happens for a pair of source files that are very minor to the topic of this book.

Joining the Kernel Development Community

The central gathering point for Linux kernel developers is the linux-kernel mailing list. All major kernel developers, from Linus Torvalds on down, subscribe to this list. Please note that the list is not for the faint of heart: traffic as of this writing can run up to 200 messages per day or more. Nonetheless, following this list is essential for those who are interested in kernel development; it also can be a top-quality resource for those in need of kernel development help.

To join the linux-kernel list, follow the instructions found in the linux-kernel mailing list FAQ: Please read the rest of the FAQ while you are at it; there is a great deal of useful information there. Linux kernel developers are busy people, and they are much more inclined to help people who have clearly done their homework first.

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Overview of the Book

From here on, we enter the world of kernel programming. Chapter 2, «Building and Running Modules» introduces modularization, explaining the secrets of the art and showing the code for running modules. Chapter 3, «Char Drivers» talks about char drivers and shows the complete code for a memory-based device driver that can be read and written for fun. Using memory as the hardware base for the device allows anyone to run the sample code without the need to acquire special hardware.

Debugging techniques are vital tools for the programmer and are introduced in Chapter 4, «Debugging Techniques». Then, with our new debugging skills, we move to advanced features of char drivers, such as blocking operations, the use of select, and the important ioctl call; these topics are the subject of Chapter 5, «Enhanced Char Driver Operations».

Before dealing with hardware management, we dissect a few more of the kernel’s software interfaces: Chapter 6, «Flow of Time» shows how time is managed in the kernel, and Chapter 7, «Getting Hold of Memory» explains memory allocation.

Next we focus on hardware. Chapter 8, «Hardware Management» describes the management of I/O ports and memory buffers that live on the device; after that comes interrupt handling, in Chapter 9, «Interrupt Handling». Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to run the sample code for these chapters, because some hardware support isactually needed to test the software interface to interrupts. We’ve tried our best to keep required hardware support to a minimum, but you still need to put your hands on the soldering iron to build your hardware «device.» The device is a single jumper wire that plugs into the parallel port, so we hope this is not a problem.

Chapter 10, «Judicious Use of Data Types» offers some additional suggestions about writing kernel software and about portability issues.

In the second part of this book, we get more ambitious; thus, Chapter 11, «kmod and Advanced Modularization» starts over with modularization issues, going deeper into the topic.

Chapter 12, «Loading Block Drivers» then describes how block drivers are implemented, outlining the aspects that differentiate them from char drivers. Following that, Chapter 13, «mmap and DMA» explains what we left out from the previous treatment of memory management: mmap and direct memory access (DMA). At this point, everything about char and block drivers has been introduced.

The third main class of drivers is introduced next. Chapter 14, «Network Drivers» talks in some detail about network interfaces and dissects the code of the sample network driver.

A few features of device drivers depend directly on the interface bus where the peripheral fits, so Chapter 15, «Overview of Peripheral Buses» provides an overview of the main features of the bus implementations most frequently found nowadays, with a special focus on PCI and USB support offered in the kernel.

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