Linux disk quota exceeded

Cannot mkdir: Disk quota exceeded, but iNodes and space are far from exceeding

[xxxxx@lo-login-02 ~]$ tar -xvf ontonotes-release-5.0_LDC2013T19.tgz . (omitted lines) tar: ontonotes-release-5.0/tools/ontonotes-db-tool-v0.999b/src/on/ Cannot open: No such file or directory ontonotes-release-5.0/tools/ontonotes-db-tool-v0.999b/LICENSE tar: ontonotes-release-5.0/tools: Cannot mkdir: Disk quota exceeded tar: ontonotes-release-5.0/tools/ontonotes-db-tool-v0.999b/LICENSE: Cannot open: No such file or directory ontonotes-release-5.0/tools/ontonotes-db-tool-v0.999b/INSTALL tar: ontonotes-release-5.0/tools: Cannot mkdir: Disk quota exceeded tar: ontonotes-release-5.0/tools/ontonotes-db-tool-v0.999b/INSTALL: Cannot open: No such file or directory ontonotes-release-5.0/tools/ontonotes-db-tool-v0.999b/ tar: ontonotes-release-5.0/tools: Cannot mkdir: Disk quota exceeded tar: ontonotes-release-5.0/tools/ontonotes-db-tool-v0.999b/ Cannot open: No such file or directory ontonotes-release-5.0/index.html tar: ontonotes-release-5.0/index.html: Cannot open: Disk quota exceeded tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors 
[xxxxx@lo-login-02 ~]$ quota Disk quotas for user xxxxx (uid 198587): Filesystem blocks quota limit grace files quota limit grace lo-ne-home3:/home3 9005516 16777216 20971520 100000* 80000 100000 [xxxxx@lo-login-02 ~]$ df -i Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on lo-ne-home3:/home3/xxxxx 21251126 122640 21128486 1% /cluster/home/xxxxx [xxxxx@lo-login-02 ~]$ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on lo-ne-home3:/home3/xxxxx 1.0T 8.5G 1016G 1% /cluster/home/xxxxx 


Why do I get fsync() failed: Disk quota exceeded on my linux machine?

I get fsync() failed: Disk quota exceeded , but when I use df -h and df -i there is enough space? Any suggestions?

2 Answers 2

The disk quota is a limit on the disk space that a user can occupy. It has nothing to do with free space on disk. Look at the manual page for quota(1). So when trying to sync (write out data held in memory destined to files on disk) it finds that you aren’t allowed to write that much data.

And BTW, there is no «space in folders» in Unix/Linux. A directory is just an association between names and inodes, and an inode represents a file/directory (with its owner/group, permissions, and contained data). An inode can very well be listed in more than one directory, or even several times under different names in the same directory.

The problem was that the ~ (HOME) directory exceeded its quota and some scripts use this directory.

Try to clean up ~ a bit, it worked for me.

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How to Fix Disk Quota Exceeded in Linux?

The quota is the amount of space used to keep the files/data with a limit where the error “Disk Quota Exceeded” pops up. This error prevents the users from adding new files. The system administrator requires this to check on the users exceeding the allocated disk space, which helps save the disk space. When the users exceed the quota, the system prevents them from saving the data.

This guide will explain why this error comes up and what are the fixes of it.

What is the Reason for the Error “Disk Quota Exceeded” on Linux?

The error “disk quota exceeded” comes up when the user exceeds the allocated disk space. Beyond this point, no writing operations can be done on the disk. This may also result in data loss.

Solution 1: Vacate Some Disk Space on Linux

Here are a few steps to vacate disk space on a Linux system:

Step 1: View Total Space Used by the File Systems

There are multiple reasons for the error “Quota Exceeded.” The same is valid with solutions, but first, execute this command to know which file system is running out of space:

The output in the above image displays the list of disks and their details, such as file system used and free space, etc.

Step 2: Clear Disk Space on Linux

To keep unnecessary files on the disk takes up space that can be used for several other purposes, and keeping a check on them is highly recommended. For that, identify the files that are not required and occupy the disk using this command:

All the files within the current directory (use the cd command to navigate between the directories). The large files can be identified and deleted (1.deb in this case) using the “rm” command:

The same procedure is followed for all the files you can delete (learn about Linux permissions here).

Step 3: Clear Temporary Files on Linux

The temporary files on Linux are created by programs to access the data quickly the next time they are used. Although they are present briefly, they can still occupy the space. Clear them using this command:

Removing the temporary files can clear a lot of space on the system, giving you some extra disk space.

Solution 2: Increase Quota Limit on Linux

If the server has more disk space, then more quota can be requested. It is helpful in cases where you do not want to delete the files on the system.


The system administrator can increase the quota limit using this command:

Let’s add more quota for the user “tom”:

In the above image, two things are worth noting.

  • Soft is the limit reaching where the user is warned that the quota’s limit is reaching the end.
  • Hard is the limit beyond which nothing will be saved on the disk, where the quota is assigned to the users (in bytes). There is no limit to the disk quota, and it is based entirely on the user’s requirements.

The hard part is when the system administrator sets the quota, which is the limit for the user “tom” to use. While soft is a warning sent to the user telling them that the limit is ending.

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Quota exceeded is one of the common issues because of the large space that software uses and lots of unnecessary files on the system. Exceeding the specified quota often results in data loss, as when the error “Disk Quota Exceeded” comes up, no write operations can be done on the disk. To eliminate this, clear the space on your system. Also, you can request the system administrator for more quota. This guide has presented the reasons, and the solutions to the error and disk quota exceeded in Linux.


How to fix Disk Quota Exceeded error in Linux servers

Disk Quota Exceeded is a common error in Linux web hosting servers. Website owners see this error when they try to upload a file, send a mail or update a database.

Every month, our engineers resolve hundreds of “Disk Quota Exceeded” errors in our role as website support for web hosting companies. We’ve seen these 2 causes for the error:

  1. Users exceeding their mail or web space quota
  2. Corrupted disk quota table
  3. File limit (inode) exhaustion

Today, we’ll take a look at how to troubleshoot, fix and prevent quota exceeded errors.

Fixing mail/web space overage

About 80% of disk quota exceeded errors occur due to users uploading files beyond their subscription limit.

In many cases, we’ve found large files (such as backup, videos, DB dumps, etc.) in the user’s home directory itself. But there are other locations that are not so obvious:

  1. Trash or Spam mail folders
  2. Catch-all mail accounts
  3. Web app log files (eg. WordPress error log)
  4. Old log files (eg. access_log.bak)
  5. Old uncompressed backups (from a previous site restore for eg.)
  6. Un-used web applications

It’s not easy to find these space files if you look at a web panel report. That is why we use Linux command line tools (such as du) to list all directories in a user’s account, and sort them as per size.

Once we’ve found the top directories, we drill down until we locate all non-essential files.

disk space listing - disk quota exceeded

[ Never let disk quota errors affect your website functioning. Get our professional help to fix your website errors at affordable pricing. ]

Special case – User’s files located outside home directory

In self-managed VPS servers, we’ve found user files stored outside the user’s home directory. This could be from past troubleshooting steps, incomplete site restore, etc.

We’ve found such files in /usr, /var, / or in some cases even in /root directory.

We resolve this issue by searching the whole file system with the username, deleting them, and then updating the quota table.

Pro Tip : All this detective work takes time. Business mails coming in during this period will bounce. So, if you’re a shared web host, increase the quota by 100 MB temporarily so that services to the user is immediately restored.

Fixing cPanel disk quota cache error

In cPanel servers, even after a disk quota exceeded error is resolved, the web panel shows the old disk space info. That is, even if a 1 GB file is deleted, the space usage doesn’t show any difference.

It is caused by a cPanel feature called “disk quota cache”. cPanel stores disk usage info for 15-30 mins, to reduce disk access, and thereby keep down server load.

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To fix this, our tech support team uses two approaches:

  1. In powerful servers, we disable this cache (choose off), as server load isn’t affected.
  2. In heavily loaded or less powerful servers, we educate the users via custom tool tips in the panel that the correct value will be reflected in 15 mins.

Disable disk cache in cPanel - disk quota exceeded

How to prevent space overage

Disk space overage results in customers losing their business mails, or websites being down. We’ve been able to reduce the incidence of such downtime in web hosting companies by sending “Disk Quota Warning” emails with specific steps on what to check, and how to delete excess files.

How to fix incorrect quota table

Linux servers store quota information in files such as aquota.user,, .quota.user, etc.

In some situations, such as a server crash or hard disk errors, these files could get corrupted, leading to many users getting quota related errors.

When we see a sudden surge in mail or web quota errors for many users at once, we immediately check the quota table. In general, we follow these steps:

  1. Disable quota for the affected partition (usually /home in web hosting servers)
  2. Stop services such as mail, web and FTP that can write new files
  3. Recreate the quota table using the “quotacheck” command (or fixquota in cPanel servers)
  4. Re-enable quota for the affected partition

Pro Tip : A damaged quota table indicates a more serious underlying problem such as a failing hard disk. When such situations, we scan the server for health or security issues. In many cases, we’ve prevented major downtimes by finding and correcting serious server errors.

Resolving file limit (inode) exhaustion

Our engineers provide tech support for several VPS hosting providers. In these companies, the majority of disk quota exceeded errors caused by VPSs hitting file number limit.

Linux servers use something called inodes to keep track of each file. The trouble is, each server (or VPS) has only a limited number of inodes. So, when all inodes are used up by a malicious activity (eg. a spam attack), new files cannot be created.

Here are a few common causes for iNode exhaustion:

  1. Thousands of un-delivered spam mails filling up the mail queue.
  2. Several versions of un-compressed backups
  3. Catch-all mail boxes that accumulated years worth of mails
  4. Old cache files of some programs such as “eAccelerator”
  5. PHP session files that are not automatically deleted

Since VPS users have administrator (root) access, these files could be anywhere. So, we use a top-down scan to find out which folders have the max number of files.

For eg. If /home partition is 100% full, we’d start the scan at /home – like this:

inode usage listing - disk quota exceeded

Then the scan is repeated on the top directory, and the process repeated until we find and delete the junk files.

Pro Tip : At 100% inode usage, all services would be virtually stuck. So, as soon as you login, move a few non-critical folders (like old log files) to another partition to immediately restore services. This will prevent mails bouncing, site errors, etc.

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