Linux display my group

How can I display all users and groups with a command?

users and groups commands display users currently logged in, and groups a user belongs to respectively.

How to display a list of all users and all groups by command-line?

2 Answers 2

You can display with the help of compgen builtin command as follows:

    To display all users run following command:

However you can also display all users by cut -d «:» -f 1 /etc/passwd .

Nice! it might be preferable to use getent passwd / getent group instead of cat’ing the local files ( getent should work for non-local accounts as well)

Well, on my ubuntu, I have some files created by docker mount with 999:999 as user:group , but unfortunately none of the above commands prints them.

Here we are going to use getent for the detailed the info

We can list the user with the following command:

We can list the group as follows:

To fetch detail a specific user

Replace the lalit with your user name. Lalit will not be in every system 🙂

You can read the more into about getent here

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How to find out what group a given user has?

This appears to be pretty useful as well. It has more verbose output than the ‘groups’ command, so if you need the group id/user id use this!

On Linux/OS X/Unix to display the groups to which you (or the optionally specified user) belong, use:

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which is equivalent to groups [user] utility which has been obsoleted on Unix.

On OS X/Unix, the command id -p [user] is suggested for normal interactive.

Explanation on the parameters:

-G , —groups — print all group IDs

-n , —name — print a name instead of a number, for -ugG

-p — Make the output human-readable.

or just study /etc/groups (ok this does probably not work if it uses pam with ldap)

Below is the script which is integrated into ansible and generating dashboard in CSV format.

sh #!/bin/bash HOSTNAME=`hostname -s` for i in `cat /etc/passwd| grep -vE "nologin|shutd|hal|sync|root|false"|awk -F':' '' | sed 's/[[:space:]]/,/g'`; do groups $i; done|sed s/\:/\,/g|tr -d ' '|sed -e "s/^/$HOSTNAME,/"> /tmp/"$HOSTNAME"_inventory.txt sudo cat /etc/sudoers| grep -v "^#"|awk ''|grep -v Defaults|sed '/^$/d;s/[[:blank:]]//g'>/tmp/"$HOSTNAME"_sudo.txt paste -d , /tmp/"$HOSTNAME"_inventory.txt /tmp/"$HOSTNAME"_sudo.txt|sed 's/,[[:blank:]]*$//g' >/tmp/"$HOSTNAME"_inventory_users.txt 

My output stored in below text files.

cat /tmp/ANSIBLENODE_sudo.txt cat /tmp/ANSIBLENODE_inventory.txt cat /tmp/ANSIBLENODE_inventory_users.txt 


Discover How to Display User Groups in Linux Shell and Manage Permissions Effectively

Learn about the different commands and files you can use to display user groups in Linux, including syntax, examples, and best practices for managing permissions.

  • Linux command-line options for displaying user groups
  • Importance of understanding Linux groups and user permissions
  • Using the “groups” command to display user groups
  • Using the “lid” command to display group information
  • Using the “/etc/group” file and the “getent” command to get all group details
  • Understanding primary and supplementary groups
  • Adding a user to a group in Linux
  • Other code snippets for displaying user groups in Linux shell
  • Conclusion
  • How do I show groups in Linux?
  • What command displays the group memberships for a user?
  • What command displays the group memberships for a user in Linux?
  • How do you check what groups a user is in Unix?

As a Linux user, you might encounter situations where you need to manage user groups and their permissions. In Linux, groups are collections of users that share common permissions to access files, directories, and other system resources. By understanding Linux groups and user permissions, you can effectively manage access to system resources and ensure the security of your system. In this article, we’ll explore different command-line options for displaying user groups in Linux and managing permissions effectively.

Linux command-line options for displaying user groups

Linux provides several command-line options for displaying user groups. These options allow you to view the groups a user is in, the users in a group, and the permissions associated with these groups. Understanding these command-line options is essential for effective management of user groups and permissions.

Importance of understanding Linux groups and user permissions

Before we dive into the specific command-line options for displaying user groups, it’s crucial to understand the importance of Linux groups and user permissions. In Linux, each file and directory is associated with a set of permissions that determine who can access it and what actions they can perform. These permissions are defined for three types of users: the owner, the group, and everyone else. By understanding how these permissions work, you can control access to system resources and ensure the security of your system.

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Using the “groups” command to display user groups

The “groups” command is one of the most straightforward command-line options for displaying user groups in Linux. It allows you to view the groups that a user is a member of on the system. Here’s the syntax of the “groups” command:

To display the groups for a specific user, replace “username” with the name of the user. Here’s an example of how to display the groups for the user “john»:

This command will output a list of groups that the user “john” belongs to. You can also use the “groups” command to display the groups for other users by specifying their usernames.

Using the “lid” command to display group information

The “lid” command is another command-line option for displaying group information in Linux. It allows you to view information about the groups containing a specific user. Here’s the syntax of the “lid” command:

To display information about the groups containing a specific user, replace “username” with the name of the user. Here’s an example of how to display information about the groups containing the user “john»:

This command will output detailed information about the groups containing the user “john”. You can also use the “lid” command with sudo privileges to view information about all groups on the system.

Using the “/etc/group” file and the “getent” command to get all group details

The “/etc/group” file is a system file that contains a list of all groups on the system. You can use the “getent” command to view the contents of this file and get all group details. Here’s the syntax of the “getent” command:

This command will output a list of all groups on the system with their respective group IDs and members. You can also use the “getent” command with other options to get more specific information about groups on the system.

Understanding primary and supplementary groups

In Linux, each user is associated with a primary group and one or more supplementary groups. The primary group is defined in the “/etc/passwd” file, while the supplementary groups are defined in the “/etc/group” file. Understanding the difference between these two types of groups is essential for effective management of user groups and permissions.

Adding a user to a group in Linux

adding a user to a group in linux is a straightforward process that can be done using the “useradd” command or by editing the “/etc/group” file. Here’s how to add a user to a group using the “useradd” command:

$ sudo useradd -G [groupname] [username] 

To add a user to a group, replace “groupname” with the name of the group and “username” with the name of the user. Here’s an example of how to add the user “john” to the group “developers»:

$ sudo useradd -G developers john 

You can also edit the “/etc/group” file manually to add a user to a group. However, it’s recommended to use the “useradd” command to avoid errors and ensure the security of your system.

Other code snippets for displaying user groups in Linux shell

In Shell , for instance, linux show groups code sample

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In Shell , linux show groups code sample

cat /etc/groupcat /etc/groups | grep # Example: cat /etc/groups | grep sudo # Output sudo:x:27:, , . # sudo : group name # x : password (encrypted for security reasons) # 27 : could be another number, represents group ID # list of users in group

In Shell , see what groups a user is in linux code example

# this will display what groups the active user is in groups

In Shell as proof, linux show groups code sample

In Shell , for instance, linux user groups code example


In this article, we’ve explored different command-line options for displaying user groups in Linux and managing permissions effectively. By understanding Linux groups and user permissions, you can control access to system resources and ensure the security of your system. We’ve covered how to use the “groups” command, the “lid” command, the “/etc/group” file, and the “getent” command to view group information in Linux. We’ve also discussed the difference between primary and supplementary groups and how to add a user to a group in Linux. By following these best practices for managing user groups in linux , you can ensure the security and stability of your system.

Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs

What are Linux user groups and why are they important?

Linux user groups are collections of users that share similar permissions to access files, directories, and other resources on a Linux system. Understanding how to manage user groups is crucial for maintaining security and controlling access to sensitive information.

How can I display all groups on my Linux system?

You can use the «getent group» command to list all groups on your Linux system. This will display the group name, group ID, and a list of users who are members of the group.

How do I add a user to a group in Linux?

There are two main ways to add a user to a group in Linux: using the «useradd» command or manually editing the «/etc/group» file. It’s important to follow best practices and only grant access to necessary groups to maintain security.

What is the difference between primary and supplementary groups in Linux?

A user’s primary group is the default group assigned to them at account creation, while supplementary groups are additional groups that a user can belong to. Understanding the difference between these types of groups is important for managing permissions and access to resources.

Can I display group information for a specific user in Linux?

Yes, you can use the «groups» command followed by the username to display group information for a specific user. You can also use the «lid» command to display information about groups containing a specific user.

What are some best practices for managing user groups in Linux?

It’s important to follow the principle of least privilege and only grant access to necessary groups. You should also regularly review and update group memberships to ensure that users only have access to the resources they need. Additionally, using sudo privileges and auditing user activity can help maintain security.


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