Linux domain name ip address

How to get a hostname/domain name from an IP address in Linux

One of the questions that many Linux users ask is how they can retrieve a system’s hostname using its IP address. It may seem an uphill task, but in the real sense, it’s quite easy. Essentially, this is known as the reverse DNS lookup. Reverse DNS lookup queries an IP address to retrieve the hostname or domain of the server. The exact opposite is the Forward DNS lookup which maps the domain name to the IP address.

In this short guide, we have explored a few ways to performs Reverse DNS lookup and get a domain name from an IP address. For demonstration purposes, I have used Ubuntu 20.04.


Before you roll up your sleeves, ensure that your remote host has an A record which is a DNS entry that points or maps a domain name to an IP address

Perform DNS Reverse lookup using dig command

Dig command is a flexible and powerful tool that is used for querying or probing DNS records. It’s an acronym for domain information groper and allows you to retrieve a wide array of DNS information such as A, CNAME, MX, and SOA records.

Perform DNS Reverse lookup using nslookup command

A nslookup command is a troubleshooting tool that features highly in a sysadmin’s armory. It’s a versatile tool that performs all DNS record querying such as CNAME, A, MX, and reverses or PTR records.

To retrieve a domain name from an IP address, use the command syntax:

Perform DNS Reverse lookup using the host command

Similarly, you can use the host command to obtain a hostname or domain name from an IP address using the syntax as shown.

For example, to check the domain name for the IP, execute the command:

Just like the Nslookup command, you can also use the host command with hostnames or IP addresses.


The few examples that we have just elaborated are a sure way of helping you obtain the domain name from an IP address. Usually, the reverse DNS lookup is trivial and not as crucial as the forward lookup, which maps domain names to IP addresses. Your feedback or contribution will be highly welcomed.

About the author

Karim Buzdar

Karim Buzdar holds a degree in telecommunication engineering and holds several sysadmin certifications. As an IT engineer and technical author, he writes for various web sites. He blogs at LinuxWays.


Use linux Dig command to find the full ip address range of a domain?

and gives me the following data. First, what does this mean. I have all of google IP addresses by the way. But not sure about I also thing the IP addresses is giving me is very limited.

"v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: -all" 

Instead of relying to domain name system which is not meant to be nothing but a phone book translating IP addresses to human readable names, you should be looking at various WHOIS databases of various IP service providers.

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2 Answers 2

Short answer: You can’t do what it sounds like you want.

Longer answer: Getting all IP addresses for a certain website is simply a question of issuing an A and an AAAA DNS query for its name. That will give you all the published addresses for that site. But, and I’m guessing here, it sounds like that’s not what you want. If what you want is to find out which IP ranges are assigned to Netflix the corporation, you can find that by looking it up in the various RIR databases (easiest via whois, as Sami says in a comment up there). Most of those addresses probably aren’t being used for their web servers (but for mail, VPN, internal communications and such). Also, it’s likely that a lot of their web presence aren’t on those IP addresses, but on addresses belonging to some CDN.

You need to ask a better question if you want to get a useful answer.

That big string is Netflix’ SPF record. It’s an email thing and tells the world what servers it should expect email from.

Finding all of a website’s IP addresses can be a pretty tough thing in the general case. One answer that’s often enough is to just trust whatever the DNS server is giving you as the A record for that domain at the time:

% dig 74 IN A 

Some websites will have several records, and will let you know those up front:

% dig 205 IN A 205 IN A 205 IN A 205 IN A 205 IN A 205 IN A 205 IN A 205 IN A 205 IN A 205 IN A 205 IN A 

Depending on the site, things can get tricky in a hurry. Many sites, especially larger ones, will give you a different set of records at different times (or for each time you ask):

% dig 19 IN A % dig 30 IN A 

And some will give you a different address depending on which part of the world you’re in. Like from India:

Seattle WA, United States:, Montreal QC, Canada:, Paris, France:, St. Petersburg, Russia:, Beijing, China:, Mumbai, India: 

Some sites will even mix and match those types of responses.

IPv6 throws a wrench into this, as does HTTP redirection.

Probably the thing to start with when considering which answer is best for you: what are you trying to accomplish with this information?

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How to set a domain to ip address?

You can reach this IP address (if my computer is online). I want to assign a domain to it so I wonder how is that possible when I have no DNS? I do own my domain which is «.com». My IP is static. Thanks

There are a lot of free DNS providers. If you don’t want to use them, you’ll need to edit the /etc/hosts file on each computer that uses the IP address.

It looks like you using Apache/2.4.7. So in short: 1st you have to acquire FQDN from some DNS provider. 2nd: you must setup a ServerName directive into your /etc/apache2/sites-available/your-virtualhost.conf file.

If this is just for your use, I highly recommend You can either use a custom domain that you get elsewhere, or you can take a subdomain of any of their thousands. The guy who runs it is also very friendly and has helped me with some of my DNS problems.

2 Answers 2

1. You need to acquire a domain name (or maybe just FQDN) from some DNS provider.

2. Once you have registered the domain name, you will gain access to an administrative panel (like this one shown below), where you will be able (via A records), to redirect the domain name (and all *. or certain sub domains / FQDNs) to your server’s IP address.

enter image description here

  • Please note that the provider’s administrative panel shall looks different, and the provider will give you exact instructions how to use it.
  • Sometimes the redirection can take up-to 24 hours. You can check if it’s successful by the command whois .
  • If the server is behind NAT, you must setup port forwarding.

3. Edit your Virtual Host configuration file and add relevant ServerName and maybe ServerAlias directives. Let’s assume the configuration file is 000-default.conf that should look as this:

 ServerName ServerAlias localhost ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot /var/www/html # etc . ErrorLog $/error.log CustomLog $/access.log combined 
  • This step can be omitted, but it is absolutely necessary when you have more than one Virtual Hosts.
  • Don’t forgot to:
sudo a2ensite 000-default.conf sudo systemctl reload apache2.service 

4. In addition for local needs:

    You can bind a FQDN to the loopback interface of the server. For this purpose, edit the file /etc/hosts in a way like this: localhost 


How to Get a Hostname/Domain Name From an IP Address in Linux?

The hostname is the unique name assigned to a system or device on a network, while it is also called the “domain” name. It is beneficial to connect many systems to the network compared to the IP address as it is difficult for users to remember the IP address of each system. If the user knows the IP address of a system, then it can easily get its host/domain name associated with it.

This post offers multiple ways to get the hostname/domain name from an IP address in Linux. The outcomes of this post are listed below:

Let’s start with the first method.

Method 1: Using the “nslookup” Command

The “nslookup” stands for (Network Server Lookup). It is a network command line tool to query the DNS(Domain name Server), and obtain the domain name, IP address, or any other DNS record.

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In this method, the “nslookup” command is utilized to get the hostname/domain name from the particular address. To perform this task, type the “nslookup” command in the terminal with the specific IP address:

In the above output, “ubuntu” is the hostname, whereas the “.local” is the network (or the domain name) through which the “ubuntu” is available and can be accessed by other users on the local network.

Note: The IP address used in this post is “1922.168.59.132”.

Method 2: Using the “host” Command

This is another command line utility helpful for DNS server lookup. It is generally used to find the DNS server information, such as the domain name from its associated IP address or the IP address from the domain name.

In this scenario, the desired system IP address is mentioned with the “host” command to get the associated hostname/domain name:

The “host” command output displays the hostname “ubuntu” and the domain name “ubuntu.local” associated with the IP address “

Method 3: Using the “dig” Command

The “dig” command is the network tool with a basic command line interface. This command line utility is used for making different DNS queries. The “dig” is beneficial for diagnosing the server names, checking all available DNS records, and much more.

Here in this method, it is used with its various flags to get the hostname/domain name from an IP address.

To Get the Detailed Information

The “-x” flag of the “dig” command specifies the hostname/domain name in the query “ANSWER SECTION” associated with the given IP address:

The current Linux distro hostname is “ubuntu”, and domain name is “ubuntu.local” from the “” Ip address.

To Get the Short Information

Apart from that, use the “+short” flag with the “dig” command to get only the hostname from the IP address in the following way:

The “+short” displays the hostname “ubuntu” and the “ubuntu.local” domain name without the “IP” address.

To Get The Specific Section From the Output

The “dig” command also provides the “+noall” option to exclude all the results except the one mentioned in the command. In this case, the “+noall” disables all the sections except the “answer” section:

The hostname “ubuntu” and the domain name “ubuntu.local” is successfully displayed in the output.

It’s all about getting the hostname/domain name from the particular IP address in Linux.


Linux offers the well-reputed “nslookup” and “host” command line utilities to get the hostname or domain name from the specified IP address. In addition, the “dig” command is also beneficial for performing this task. This post has briefly illustrated all the possible ways to get the hostname/domain name from the IP address.


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