Linux double commander root

Double Commander

[solved] Running doublecmd as root Xubuntu 18.04

[solved] Running doublecmd as root Xubuntu 18.04

#1 Post by iainrs » Mon May 07, 2018 10:49 pm

1. running as root
Having just upgraded Xubuntu from 17.10 to 18.04 I find that ‘gksu’ is no longer available.
I was using ‘gksu doublecmd’ to run with root priviledges.
How do you recommend how to run via a launcher ?.

2. Single panel if run as ‘sudo doublecmd’
if I run ‘sudo doublecmd’ (with terminal) from a launcher I can only see one panel.
How do I get back by two panel view please.

Re: Running doublecmd as root Xubuntu 18.04

#2 Post by j2969719 » Mon May 07, 2018 11:45 pm

to get privileges via gvfs resource directly in this panel.(work only with newest gvfs-backends
the problem with this method is that when editing files with dc, the owner(for example root) will be replaced by current user, which can make your system vulnerable.

try press shift+f12 and execute cm_panelssplitterperpos

Re: Running doublecmd as root Xubuntu 18.04

#3 Post by Skif_off » Tue May 08, 2018 3:51 pm

Alexx2000 Site Admin Posts: 6493 Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2008 12:08 pm Contact:

Re: Running doublecmd as root Xubuntu 18.04

#4 Post by Alexx2000 » Tue May 08, 2018 3:59 pm


Re: Running doublecmd as root Xubuntu 18.04

#5 Post by bayarookie » Wed May 09, 2018 7:26 am

DOUBLECMD#TOOLBAR#XMLDATA    $COMMANDER_PATH/pixmaps/mainicon/dc_96.svg DC as root pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY $COMMANDER_PATH/doublecmd --config-dir /root/.config/doublecmd/ %Dl %Dr $COMMANDER_PATH   

Re: Running doublecmd as root Xubuntu 18.04

#6 Post by iainrs » Wed May 09, 2018 12:20 pm

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Alexx2000 suggested [pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY doublecmd]

This works fine from the terminal; but when it is run from the Whisker menu (or an XFCE panel) it prompts for username and then dies (with or without terminal).

[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Name=Double Commander as root Comment=failed from xfce panel Icon=/home/iain/Pictures/icons/dblecmd_root_64.png Exec=pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY doublecmd Path=/home/iain NoDisplay=false Categories=Other StartupNotify=false Terminal=false 
pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY doublecmd ImageMagick: Starting GuiMessageQueue Starting Double Commander Double Commander 0.8.2 beta Revision: 8010 Build: 2018/03/07 Lazarus: Free Pascal: 3.0.4 Platform: x86_64-Linux-gtk2 System: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Desktop Environment: Xfce Widgetset library: GTK 2.24.32 This program is free software released under terms of GNU GPL 2 (C)opyright 2006-2017 Alexander Koblov ( and contributors (see about dialog) Executable directory: /usr/lib/doublecmd/ Loading configuration from /root/.config/doublecmd/ Loading lng file: /usr/lib/doublecmd/language/doublecmd.en.po WDX: LOAD: /usr/lib/doublecmd/plugins/wdx/deb_wdx/deb_wdx.wdx WDX: LOAD: /usr/lib/doublecmd/plugins/wdx/rpm_wdx/rpm_wdx.wdx WDX: LOAD: /usr/lib/doublecmd/plugins/wdx/audioinfo/audioinfo.wdx Error loading configuration file /root/.config/doublecmd/favoritetabs.xml PollThread: Start polling PollThread: AddPoll 9 Creating PixmapManager Loading icon theme DCTheme Loading icon theme DCTheme Error: pixmap [/usr/lib/doublecmd/doublecmd] not loaded! PollThread: AddPoll 13 UDev: Begin monitoring Detecting mounts through /proc/self/mounts PollThread: AddPoll 14 TColumnsFileView.Create components Creating TFileSystemFileSource TColumnsFileView.Create components TColumnsFileView.Create components TColumnsFileView.Create components FileSystemWatcher thread starting frmMain.frmMainShow Error loading configuration file /root/.config/doublecmd/highlighters.xml UDev: Device change: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.2/1-1.2:1.0/host11/target11:0:0/11:0:0:0/block/sdi 


Double Commander

Sorry for this basic question, but I cannot find how you open a folder as «root». Where is this in Double Commander?

Re: Can’t find «open as root»

#2 Post by JunAle » Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:37 pm

I don’t know if you are a windows or linux user — but for windows is the solution here:

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1. Open your favorite texteditor
2. Copy and Paste this code

3. Save this as OpenFolderAsRoot.inf
4. Right-Click on the saved file and select install

I found this solution long ago and i still love it
(like the «Edit File as Root» for some system files)

Richard Posts: 115 Joined: Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:19 am Location: Louisiana en Venezuela

Re: Can’t find «open as root»

#3 Post by Richard » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:08 am

Linux: How to run DoubleCmd as root

Configuration >Options >Behavior: uncheck «Allow only 1 copy of DC at a time»

if command line showing
. $ gksudo doublecmd
else F9 to open a console
. $ gksudo doublecmd

and now, DC as root and DC as user.

Use your systems preferred method to start a GUI prog as root:
$ sudo doublecmd works for me, but you may need one of these:
gksu or gksudo or kdesu or kdesudo.

To build a DoubleCmd Root Button :

0. start Double Commander as root
1. Open /usr/share/applications/doublecmd.desktop
2. Save as /usr/share/applications/root-doublecmd.desktop
3. Change the contents as follows:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=DoubleCmd Root
Comment=Double Commander is a cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side.
Exec=gksudo doublecmd

This brings DoubleCmdRoot up in the menu.
Making a button varies with DE.
There are several icons in /usr/share/doublecmd/pixmaps/
Have to keep trying.

If you click on the image below, you’ll see my 2 DC buttons.
The cursor pointer is just above the DoubleCmdRoot button.

Screen shot of DC running as root. (Ctrl-Click to open in new tab)

MX-18_x64: laptop w/4.19.0-1-amd64 ;
MX18_386: netbooks w/4.19.0-1-686-pae;
Linux Counter #208633; using DC-0.9.0 [8622]

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Double Commander

[Linux, HowTo, Example] Perform file operations as root

[Linux, HowTo, Example] Perform file operations as root

#1 Post by XXXBold » Sat Jul 13, 2019 8:04 pm

If you’re using DC on Linux, you might already know the problem: As long as you perform file operations (Create, delete, . ) in permitted directories for the current user, everything is fine. But if you want to do something in another location where you need root permissions, DC can’t access these (Unless you start DC itself as root, but don’t do so).

Here I’ll share my solution, how to elevate your permissions for a specific file operation directly in DC.

I’ve made different entries on the toolbar, one for each operation. Because on Linux you might not have the «New File» or «New Folder» entry in you context menu as on Windows, I’ll also covered these as additional Functions (including non-elevated operations).

Currently, Following operations are supported:
— Create new File
— Create new Folder
— Delete Files and/or folder

I’ve also made different icons to differ the normal operations from elevated ones. You can find them here: . s.txz.html
Extract them & place the «custom» folder in «$COMMANDER_PATH/pixmaps/dctheme/32×32/». It will look like this:

Here the toolbar .xml, I don’t know if you can import it directly, but you can use the commands / parameters, for commands starting with «cm_» select «Internal command», others are «External command»

   $COMMANDER_PATH/pixmaps/dctheme/32x32/custom/cm_newfile.png Create new File touch %Ds/%[Prompt user for param;New_File]  $COMMANDER_PATH/pixmaps/dctheme/32x32/custom/cm_makedir.png Create new Folder cm_MakeDir  $COMMANDER_PATH/pixmaps/dctheme/32x32/custom/cm_delete.png Delete selected files cm_Delete   $COMMANDER_PATH/pixmaps/dctheme/32x32/custom/cm_newfile_as_root.png Create new File (as Root) pkexec touch %Ds/%[Prompt user for param;New_File]  $COMMANDER_PATH/pixmaps/dctheme/32x32/custom/cm_makedir_as_root.png Create new Folder (as Root) pkexec mkdir %Ds/%[Prompt user for param;New_folder]  $COMMANDER_PATH/pixmaps/dctheme/32x32/custom/cm_delete_as_root.png Delete selected files (as Root) pkexec rm -r %p   


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