Linux exec bin file

How to execute a .run or .bin file in CentOS 8

CemtOS Execute Files

There are some files that we are downloaded from the internet that have extensions of .bin or .run. To run such files, we have to set the permission to execute those files. A .bin or .run file is a self-extracting binary file in Linux and Unix Operating systems. For example, Java and Flash are two examples of such files. In this tutorial, we will learn how to run .bin and .run extension files. So let’s get started.

Execute .bin/.run file in CentOS 8

Firstly, set the permission of the file which you have downloaded. For this open up the terminal and type the following command:

I have downloaded a file from the internet (, to execute that file. Firstly, we need to set the permission to execute, as shown in the figure.

.run file on Linux

You can also set the executable permission, by navigating to the properties of that file, as shown in the figures:

Run with

In the properties, click on the permissions tab appear at the top and click on the checkbox (Allow executing file as program) as shown below.

Set exec permissions

To run/execute this file open up the terminal and type the following command:

Start file

The same method described above is used to execute the .bin file.


In this tutorial, we learned how to set the permissions of .bin and .run files and how to execute these files in CentOS 8. I hope this tutorial will help you to set the permission of such executable files and how to execute them.

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How to Execute Binary Files in Linux

Binary files or bin files are executable files in the operating system also known as non-text files. These files can contain anything in it like images, compiled files, metadata, chain of sequential bytes or a text file having encoded binary data.

In Linux and Unix-like operating systems, .bin files contain machine code in it and can be executed on the system. All the data encoded in binary files cannot be readable by humans. These files can store anything except text.

How to Execute Binary Files in Linux:

To execute a binary file in a system, all you need to do is work as a super user with all privileges and permissions.

To run binary files on a Linux system, we need to make it executable by accessing them using a terminal. It can be done by following 3 steps.

    1. Open the command-line prompt by pressing ctrl+alt+t.
    2. The next step is to run without giving permission.

    Now, the file is ready to run on Linux system, again open the terminal and type the command:

    In this file doesn’t open and shows permission denied message, use sudo in command and run it again:


    The .bin files are the binary files that contain information to be executed in a system. They are encoded with machine code and cannot be readable. The article has shown how we can make binary files executable by giving them permission. These files cannot be executed without permission access and sudo privileges.

    About the author

    Syeda Wardah Batool

    I am a Software Engineer Graduate and Self Motivated Linux writer. I also love to read latest Linux books. Moreover, in my free time, i love to read books on Personal development.


    How to execute .bin and .run files in Debian

    Make downloaded files executable on Debian

    Before explaining how to execute .bin and .run files on your Debian, let us first define what exactly these file extensions are:

    Bin File: A Binary or BIN file in Debian refers to installation packages that are mostly self-extracting executables for installing software on your system. Although most software can be installed through the Debian Software Manager, from .deb packages, and .tar.xz packages, there is software that is not available in these formats. These mostly include newer software and newer versions, mostly beta, of software that is not available otherwise. The bin packages can easily be executed/run using the Debian command line, the Terminal.

    Run File: These are also executable files typically used for Linux program installers. Run Files contain program data and instructions for making the installation; often used for distributing device drivers and software applications.

    In this article, we will explain how to execute/run the file with .run and .bin extensions on Debian Linux.

    We have run the commands and procedures mentioned in this article on a Debian 10 Buster system. We will be using the Debian command line, the Terminal, in explaining how to run bin and run files. You can open the Terminal application easily through the system application launcher search. Simply click the Super/Windows key and then enter Terminal in the search bar as follows:

    Linux Terminal

    Note: Please make sure your .run and .bin files come from a reliable source, as executing an insecure file can damage your system and even compromise your system security.

    Executing .bin and .run files

    The process of running both the .run and .bin files is pretty simple and straightforward in Debian.

    We are assuming that your bin/run file is already downloaded in a known location on your system.

    Open the Terminal application and move to the location where you have saved the executable file.

    For example, I would use the following command to move to my Downloads folder:

    Go to the Downloads folder

    Now use the following command to make your .bin/,run file executable:

    In this example, I will be making a sample .run file named executable.

    If your .run/.bin file does not exist in the current location, you can specify the exact file path/location in the above commands.

    Make a sample file executable

    Please enter the password for sudo if your system asks for it.

    My file will now be marked as executable. This is indicated by a change in the color of the filename when listed through the ls command:

    File with executable permissions

    Once your .bin/.run file has become executable, you can use the following command to execute it:

    You can specify the path of the executable file in the above command if it does not exist in the current folder you are in.

    Run or execute the file

    My sample file is pretty much an empty file. In case of a proper installation package, the installation process will begin after you execute the file.

    This is the power of the Debian command line. You can install rare software packages available in the .run and .bin formats easily on your system.


    About This Site aims to become a Linux compendium with lots of unique and up to date tutorials.

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    How to Execute .bin and .run Files in Ubuntu

    How to start bin and run files on Ubuntu

    How to start bin and run files on Ubuntu

    Before we explain how to run .bin and .run files on your Ubuntu system, let’s first define what exactly these file extensions are:

    Bin file: A binary or BIN file in Ubuntu refers to installation packages, which are mostly self-extracting executable files used to install software on your system. You can install most software packages through the Ubuntu Software Manager, such as .deb packages and .tar.xz packages. However, there is software that is not available in these formats. This mainly includes newer software and newer versions of software, usually beta versions, that are not otherwise available. The bin packages are simply run from the Ubuntu command line, the terminal.

    Run File: These are also executable files typically used to install Linux programs. Run Files contain program data and instructions for installation; they are often used for distributing device drivers and software applications. Run packages are easily executed from the Ubuntu command line, the terminal.

    In this article, we will explain how to run/execute the files with .run and .bin extensions on Ubuntu Linux.

    We have run the commands and procedures mentioned in this article on an Ubuntu 22.04 LTS system. We will use the Ubuntu command line, the terminal, to explain how to run bin and run files. You can open the terminal application either by searching in the system application launcher or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T.

    Note: Make sure that your .run and .bin files are from a reliable source, because running an unsafe file can damage your system and even compromise your system security.

    Executing .bin and .run files

    The process of running both the run and BIN files is pretty simple and straightforward in Ubuntu.

    We are assuming that you have already downloaded your bin/run file in a known location on your Ubuntu.

    Open the Terminal application and move to the location where you have saved the executable file.

    For example, I would use the following command to move to my Downloads folder:

    Go to the Downloads folder

    Now use the following command to make your .bin/.run file executable:

    In this example, I will be making a sample .run file named executable.

    If your .run/.bin file does not exist in the current location, you can specify the exact file path/location in the above commands.

    Make .run file executable

    My file is now marked as executable. The system indicates it by a change in color of the filename when listed through the ls command:

    Check file permissions

    Once your .bin/.run file has become executable, you can use the following command to execute/run it:

    You can specify the path of the executable file in the above command if it does not exist in the current folder you are in.

    Execute .run file

    My sample file is pretty much an empty file. In the case of a proper installation package, the installation process will begin after you execute the file.

    This is the power of the Ubuntu command line. You can install rare software packages available in the .run and .bin formats easily on your system.


    About This Site aims to become a Linux compendium with lots of unique and up to date tutorials.

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    Execute Binary Files In Linux

    Linux has many format options for running applications from deb to rpm and the new formats snap and flatpak. Binary files can be in .bin or .run formats and although this can be easy to install it can be hard to remove and need an extra trick and a little experience to complete the removal.

    Some of the .bin and .run files need root privileges to install or run the applications. For being able to install the applications you need to run it with sudo command.

    ‘sudo’ Command

    Sudo permits the user to execute a command as a superuser (with higher privileges or root permissions).​

    sudo command

    On the example below, you can notice that trying to update using the terminal without root privileges gives you a permission error message.

    Running Binary Types (.bin and .run)

    There are two ways to run binary applications, one is through the user interface and the other is going to the terminal.

    User Interface Option

    To Install using the user interface, first, you need to make the file executable. To make the file executable first, right-click on the binary file and then properties and go to permissions. On Permissions thick the checkbox with the option allows executing the file as program close the program and double click on the binary. If the file doesn’t run, just right-click on it and select run on the terminal to execute it.

    Sometimes when you run the binary it takes a while to execute it if the file size is big. So be patient and wait for it. If it doesn’t try running it from terminal.

    Terminal Option

    To run it through terminal it’s not a hard task either. For being able to run it just make the file executable using chmod +x app-name.bin command and then execute it with ./app-name.bin.

    Note that if the application doesn’t run with an error message permission denied with normal privileges you may need to use sudo ./app-name.bin​

    execute binary files from terminal


    Linux has many options for running or installing applications which is one of the good things of Open Source, binary files are just one out there. There are snap packages, Flatpak, deb and many more, some applications are available on these formats so it’s up to choose which one you prefer.

    So what application extension you choose?


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